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You are not a warrior, you are an artisan, the Hands, Fate Bringer, to make is you calling not to destroy.

I'm am pro calling ourself an artisan but I also don't want to flee the city.
[X]Plan To Rule People
-[X][Cogian]A Wise Man

This plan is making Riomhaire know those people to make taking control so much easier and smoother. We are going to elevate them from crawling among muck playing with broken memories from past era into new bright present.

Also this will let us get manpower to finish repairing Fate Breaker and researching Tech Ideas. Because lets face it, Primarchs are fated to conquer their homeworlds.
[X]Plan To Rule People
-[X][Cogian]A Wise Man

This plan is making Riomhaire know those people to make taking control so much easier and smoother. We are going to elevate them from crawling among muck playing with broken memories from past era into new bright present.

Also this will let us get manpower to finish repairing Fate Breaker and researching Tech Ideas. Because lets face it, Primarchs are fated to conquer their homeworlds.

I mean you could try to be like Angron.
[X]Plan To Rule People
-[X][Cogian]A Wise Man
Angron isn't someone you want to emulate.
[X]Plan To Rule People
-[X][Cogian]A Wise Man
[X]Plan To Rule People
-[X][Cogian]A Wise Man
This was a long hiatus before restarting. I'll have to re-read everything...
You are not a warrior, you are an artisan, the Hands, Fate Bringer, to make is you calling not to destroy.
I'm am pro calling ourself an artisan but I also don't want to flee the city.

You forgot to add "x" in your votes.

I mean you could try to be like Angron.

A broken man always high on berserker drugs and doomed to die horribly one way or another?

[x][Cogian]Ignore Him

Let people believe what they want as long as they're not harmful to us.

We need some border guards now that we're interacting with locals.


Don't forget the little people! They should help us to keep our humanity, for what's worth.


We will take over yes, but before, why not explore the world?
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Inserted tally

Thanks to heavy bane for the good argument.
Adhoc vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Aug 2, 2020 at 4:36 PM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.
Homeworld 1.6
"I would like to learn more about these Gods of yours." The cogian nods his circuit tattooed body untensing with your words.

"Truly it would be an honor, we can speak more about the ancients and the gods whenever you wish to." You nod at his words while you don't assign divinity to those minds their wisdom is unparalleled, atleast on the bounds of this world.

You move gently though the tight passage your childhood was defined by this sort of work. "'Er gottan me surprised. I ain't though no god born would low 'er elf to the 'unnels." The dialect of the Crawlers is interesting it is similar to that of the highborn but more natural as if the lords speak an artificially polished version of the same tongue. Putting in your own small effort you can understand them like you can the highborn.

"I will say again I am no god born I am only a man." The pale skinned man infront of you made a small chortle as you watch him shove his hands into a pool of oil and rusting metal pulling out an old data slate the thing worn and broken but you have learned that it can be sold to the cogians for nearly half a ration bar. Another thing you found rations are treated like currency though you have yet to ask many question about the origin of the stale and dense foodstuffs.

"You gotta be the funniest man I know. Cause that there was a hell of a joke." You sigh with good humor, the legends of these people are strong but it's not your duty to root such belief out. He is one of dozens of the Crawlers you interact with deeply they are the based class of this society the soldiers and the collectors, you would say farmers but you have yet to learn of any farming on this world.

You had an idea for machines like your hands but simpler that could do much of the labor for the crawlers, though you couldn't do the same for war having no experience in true battle automata. Your words with the highborn do note that it would leave many of the Crawlers without a means to earn their food, and either the army would have to be expanded or another means would need to be acquired.

With your understanding of the machines you could limit them further to leave most scavengers with helpful tools rather then replacing them.

Princess Lefevre watched you like a hawk even as your large hands ran over the ancient silks you wer granted. "I know what you are doing. I have seen you talking with the other lords, with the Crawlers, with the Cogians, you have a plan." You look up as you finish a button feeling compressed in the foreign garb.

"We all have plans." She scoffs at your words her halberd resting in her hands even as she replaced the powered armor for a dress. "I am sure the Duke has his own too." Honestly you had though that the highborn were tyrants of a sort, but in truth many are simple men whose job is the maintenance of society. Keeping trade up so that the rations flowed, keeping alliances and armies so that others would not take there land, and taking land to be able to trade. Most were not kind, but surprisingly few are cruel.

"Yes but I know what he wants, he wants father to use more of the tanks he works so hard to recover, and for many rations to go to his town in exchange. Now why would you care to meet with him, a stranger to our lands who speaks with a god and talks with a silver tongue?" You shrug your mind not the quickest at social intricacies, you do well with the priests because they worship your friend, you do well with the Crawlers because you are intimately aware of their lot in lives having grown up like they live, the lords have been a strange bunch wishing to use you as a tool but worried that you would destroy there own positions if they push too hard.

"It can't be too silver if you don't trust me." She sighs herself and points the unpowered halberd at you. Though you all know how little that means even with you unarmed.

You will not be deposing or killing the lords.
You will be removing those that can not move the way you wish but letting them have a chance.
All but those who are at your side now will be in for a reckoning
This regime can not stand, you won't kill every lord but you will be deposing them.

"War then?" You look at the view of the lands around tower city, the smog covered sky and the shadow of the hulk in the distance.

Slowly you nod at Fate Breaker's words, your eye seeing they dancing of his inner light. "But not as a tool." You look to your first friend. "Will you join me?"

The light danced as brightly as any man's. "It would be an honor."

See if he would serve you willingly.
You will start as the lord of Tower city and grow from there.

The times change a boy becomes a man, one to be forged in fire. Seeing the world as his forces take it. A million souls rest on his actions.

[][Interlude]The Awoken Giant
[][Interlude]The Mirelings
[][Interlude]The Princess
[][Interlude]A Covent
[][Interlude]The Infestation
[][Interlude]A Growing Light
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[X][Interlude]The Princess
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"I would like to learn more about these Gids of yours." The cogian nods his circuit tattooed body untensing with your words.
Gods. You need to appease the spirit machine of your spellchecker.

r hands but simpler that could do much of the labor for the crawlers, though you couldn't do the same for war having no experience in true battle automata. Your words with the highborn do note that it would leave many of the Crawlers without a means to earn their food, and either the army would have to be expanded or another means would need to be acquired.

With your understanding of the machines you could limit them further to leave most scavengers with helpful tools rather then replacing them.

I would add the last option together, rather than having it separated like this, as it looks weird.


This should make the plebs happy.
We will be reasonable. We'll ask the other lords to join us or die three times before opening fire.

See above.

No idea here. I hope they're cool.
Homeworld 1.I
The palace was a massive ship's cavernous command deck when in service the ship had been one of the federation's largest, now having been cut up then left to rust on this world for thousands of years little of that glory remains. Scra the 12th of his name sat on the command chair watching the yellow-greenish daylight filter in through a plentitude of holes. He looked at the scribe next to him and then to the figure before him. "So Gelorn what hast you today?"

The man in question was one of the strange Cogian Priests the tattoo on his body an intricate circuit board design, and the metal mask plain. "Sir we have been able to set up a second processor. Though we can not speak to many of the purposes of the design it works with nearly the efficiency of the old one. Though Paralega, gives us cryptic warnings about the violation of the rights of copy." The man nodded slightly, taking in Gelorn's words. He knew of Paralega a god of justice left on this world by the ancients.

"Find out how to appease the rights of copy, our ability to produce rations has been one of our greatest strengths and being able to increase that twice fold would make it so that even across the mire we would have great sway." The Cogian nodded at his words then left, Scra looked at the scribe. "The deals with the mirelings may soon not be needed, it would be a shame if those filthy folk were destroyed."

The scribe looked up with shocked eyes and a devious smile. "But sir that would mean their production of rations would be stopped, however, could those in trade with them be fed?" They looked at each other then Scra laughed a little. Cogian's followed their gods' will a little to blindly and it was a mark of a good ruler like himself to be able to adjust any altruism towards the growth of his people and empire.

The crown weighs heavy after all. He thought about the on going war with the northerners. The forgemen were a hard foe as they could not be bombarded into submission without breaking Ingus and the massive refineries and forges in those lands. Combined with the support of the Skylanders they were a tough foe, hopefully the Skylanders would accept a deal with him as they had with those currently controlling the northern realms.

The winds of the world were going in his favor, the lord of this world, he smiled truly it would be his title soon enough.

Vote for the none interlude parts will continue.
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