Yer a Wizard, SV (Or, First Time QM and the poorly done economic system)

[ ] Register Yourself: You're an Animagus and, in England, that's something of a big deal. You'll need to get registered if you don't want to risk legal issues. Still, you have trouble understanding why there's a different form for all the different transformations? And why the hell are they asking for the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  • [ ] Wolf Animagus
  • [ ] Cat Animagus
  • [ ] Squirrel Animagus
  • [ ] Hawk Animagus
  • [ ] Snake Animagus
  • [ ] Write in(Subject to Veto, nothing larger than a horse, and nothing too magical like a phoenix.)
I thought we didn't choose Animagus as one of our traits so why do we get to be one?
[X] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals

I'm fine with things being balanced out, we were essentially getting an extra trait for free so it's only fair that we actually pay for it instead of not saying anything.

Edit: Changed my vote to make life easier
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Ha, I'd prefer not to be an animagus, regardless of it being balanced against another drawback or not. It's used so often, and get's kind of irritating, I feel - either it's one of the power-gaming things to do, or not really useful at all. So, yeah...

Anyway, got a plan of my own:

I don't see a reason to contact back home right now. For anything else we should be able to use school owls.
Concerning we didn't actually want to be an animagus, I'll opt for not registering immediately - with knowing that we are supposed to do it, we can avoid using it. Nobody should know about it, and we can register later.
Better to get to know the broader situation and get a solid base for our job.

[X] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals
-[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
-[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
-[X] Expelliarmus?: Your wandwork sucks. You'll admit it. Still, there's a few manuals about proper dueling technique in the library. Why not read a few in your free time? DC(40/60/80/100)
-[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
-[X] Getting To 'Know' Them: The mistake most people make is assuming that Divination is just for making half baked and unreliable portents of the future. Sure, it can do that, but what it can also do is reveal highly reliable information on anything from a fruit tree to, say, your coworkers. Some may call it an invasion of privacy. You're not sure you disagree. Cost=50 Galleons, DC (35)
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Arithmancy): Your use of Arithmancy has been more casual than not in the past few years, and you've started developing some bad habits. However, with your new profession, maybe it's time to correct those habits? Arithmancy is a form of Divination, even if only technically. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
-[X] Sacrifice Some Time: You need to focus your attention elsewhere. Be it on a task you don't have the dice for otherwise, or to double or even triple down on an important roll.
--[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
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[X] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals

If another plan wins, like this one, are we going to NOT be an Animagus? I think I'd prefer that to being nerfed.

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[X] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals

If another plan wins, like this one, are we going to NOT be an Animagus? I think I'd prefer that to being nerfed.


I can remove it, and I definitely want to, if no one objects. My putting it in there was a product of no coffee/a desire to meet the unofficial deadline.

So, yeah, honestly the only balances I can think of would be painful to inflict on a fresh quest, so if nobody minds, I think I'll remove it.

@cedeelbe, @gale, and anyone else who posted plans, sorry to do this, but could you modify them? The QM is an idiot.
... Well.... Crap. Seems i've made an error.

I'll... Balance things out. Somehow. You guys may not like me all that much when I do.

Dang I wanted to be a tortoise so we could make jokes about being very slow and stuff. The only real benefit of being a tortoise animagus would have either been the lifespan (doubtful lifespan of animagus effects wizard), is maybe the connection to wisdom. Plus being a tortoise would be cool.
Oh huh. Do we get to pick a new perk then? Because we did buy that animagus trait.
Oh huh. Do we get to pick a new perk then? Because we did buy that animagus trait.
No, winning plan is listed as:
-[] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

Which is 4 points spent
[X]Plan getting ready
-[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
-[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
[X] Heavy Ordinance: During WWII, your master developed a deep fascination for hand grenades which to him, at the time, seemed like nothing more than fancy, exploding rocks. He decided to see what he could make rocks, do with a rune or two. Why don't you? DC(???)
-[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
-[X] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs.
-[X] Acquiring Competency(Charms): You can use cast charms at an academic level. If you squint. A lot. DC(40/60/80/100)
-[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
-[X] Sacrifice Some Time: You need to focus your attention elsewhere. Be it on a task you don't have the dice for otherwise, or to double or even triple down on an important roll.
--[X] Tinker, Thomas, Seer, Sly: You were thinking about runes today, as you often do, and then the greatest idea hit you! Oh, you can't waste any time explaining what it is, but it'll be great! DC(???)

About divination and arithmancy, while its important to be ready for lessons, we will only teach one of those at the time( I picked divination, could be arithmancy just as well), so its better to cover important things we are weak at. Charms are also great with heavy ordinance(make some exploding rocks, toss them at the enemy with magic-who needs expelliarmus??)
and the mystery box could be very well worth it, and probably wont show up again
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[X]Help me Divination!
-[X] Getting To Know Them: "Well met, I know we will become well acquaintance with each other. My fortune stick pointed at you!"
-[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: "Today's class lesson is to help your professor divine the best way to teach you kids for the year. How well you perform will affect your grade for the rest of the year!"
-[X] Duels In Duds: "This Stone of Foresight indicates that I should put this under my shirt... slightly lean to the right at 12 degree angle."
-[X] Make A House A Fortress: Focus on maximizing the Feng Shui.
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): I am betting everything on you, don't fail me!
-[X] Tinker, Thomas, Seer, Sly: My fortune senses is tingling!
-[X] Sacrifice Some Time: Triple down on all DIVINATION!
[X] Plan: One Turn at a Time
-[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
-[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
-[X] Duels In Duds: You don't claim to be the best fighter out there. Hell, you don't even claim to be a fighter. But what you do claim to be is a Runes Master, an enchanter of the highest order. So what if you can't fight, so long as the other guys' spells can't get through your undershirt? DC(???)
-[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
-[X] Getting To 'Know' Them: The mistake most people make is assuming that Divination is just for making half baked and unreliable portents of the future. Sure, it can do that, but what it can also do is reveal highly reliable information on anything from a fruit tree to, say, your coworkers. Some may call it an invasion of privacy. You're not sure you disagree. Cost=50 Galleons, DC (35)
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Arithmancy): Your use of Arithmancy has been more casual than not in the past few years, and you've started developing some bad habits. However, with your new profession, maybe it's time to correct those habits? Arithmancy is a form of Divination, even if only technically. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[X] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.
-[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)

So, as you may have inferred from the title, this plan is all about knocking things off the list. This is represented in all of the categories, though Martial is more uncertain.

First, getting to know as much as possible about our coworkers. This is done by pursuing both the Diplomacy action, and the Intrigue one. Next is trying to be the best teacher possible. That has two sides. The lesson plan side, as well as ensuring we actually know what we're doing. That's four total actions. Diplomacy and Stewardship actions for the lesson plan. Whereas both Learning actions are spent shoring up our competence in the subjects we'll be using to teach. Getting an owl, and opening the rumor mill is simple in comparison. While this will almost assuredly open up more options, it is better to have access than not. Lastly is our Martial. Our stat is only at 12. So I imagine that it'll be a multi turn process to reach 20, and gain an extra point. While that's a good goal to have, I still prefer to leveraging our abilities with Runes more immediately. As for Heavy Ordinance, it's definitely the least priority for me. I just don't see us needing grenades any time soon, not even magical grenades.

For the next few turns we can focus on the next step. Securing our room, perhaps reaching out to family, and maybe increasing our income with rune work. Doing some Martial training, and maybe pursuing competence in other subjects. As well as doing some stuff with the Restricted Section. Voldemort was defeated recently, and we're a half-blood Divination profession. So, barring any extreme events, we probably won't be seeing a lot of danger for quite a few turns.

I'm uncertain about throwing another plan out there. So if this doesn't take off, I'll switch my vote to once of these. There are some differences, but it seems like they share a similar sentiment to my own plan.

[ ] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals
[] Plan: Foundation is key
[] Plan: One Turn at a Time

changing my vote to this

will change to this if the above doesn't get more votes.

[] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals
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if you ever find out, tell me, cause I think I did the same thing.

Maybe it's something like "There's an 'A', 'i', 'm' and 'a', in that order" thing...
I'm glad that we don't have the do deal with it. And if people really really want it, it is something that is achievable through hard work.

And let's have a look, how the votes stand right now, 'cause some people seem to want to change theirs, depending on how it goes...
Adhoc vote count started by Nando on Jul 31, 2020 at 8:49 AM, finished with 44 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Solid Foundation
    -[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
    -[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
    -[X] Expelliarmus?: You're wandwork sucks. You'll admit it. Still, there's a few manuals about proper dueling technique in the library. Why not read a few in your free time? DC(40/60/80/100)
    -[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
    -[X] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
    -[X] Acquiring Competency(Charms): You can use cast charms at an academic level. If you squint. A lot. DC(40/60/80/100)
    -[X] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.
    -[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
    [X] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals
    -[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
    -[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
    -[X] Expelliarmus?: Your wandwork sucks. You'll admit it. Still, there's a few manuals about proper dueling technique in the library. Why not read a few in your free time? DC(40/60/80/100)
    -[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
    -[X] Getting To 'Know' Them: The mistake most people make is assuming that Divination is just for making half baked and unreliable portents of the future. Sure, it can do that, but what it can also do is reveal highly reliable information on anything from a fruit tree to, say, your coworkers. Some may call it an invasion of privacy. You're not sure you disagree. Cost=50 Galleons, DC (35)
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Arithmancy): Your use of Arithmancy has been more casual than not in the past few years, and you've started developing some bad habits. However, with your new profession, maybe it's time to correct those habits? Arithmancy is a form of Divination, even if only technically. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
    -[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
    -[X] Sacrifice Some Time: You need to focus your attention elsewhere. Be it on a task you don't have the dice for otherwise, or to double or even triple down on an important roll.
    --[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
    [X]Plan getting ready
    -[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
    -[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
    [X] Plan: One Turn at a Time
    -[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
    -[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
    -[X] Duels In Duds: You don't claim to be the best fighter out there. Hell, you don't even claim to be a fighter. But what you do claim to be is a Runes Master, an enchanter of the highest order. So what if you can't fight, so long as the other guys' spells can't get through your undershirt? DC(???)
    -[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
    -[X] Getting To 'Know' Them: The mistake most people make is assuming that Divination is just for making half baked and unreliable portents of the future. Sure, it can do that, but what it can also do is reveal highly reliable information on anything from a fruit tree to, say, your coworkers. Some may call it an invasion of privacy. You're not sure you disagree. Cost=50 Galleons, DC (35)
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Arithmancy): Your use of Arithmancy has been more casual than not in the past few years, and you've started developing some bad habits. However, with your new profession, maybe it's time to correct those habits? Arithmancy is a form of Divination, even if only technically. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
    -[X] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.
    -[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
    -[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
    [X] Plan: Good Foundation with Changes
    [X] Heavy Ordinance: During WWII, your master developed a deep fascination for hand grenades which to him, at the time, seemed like nothing more than fancy, exploding rocks. He decided to see what he could make rocks, do with a rune or two. Why don't you? DC(???)
    -[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
    -[X] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs.
    -[X] Acquiring Competency(Charms): You can use cast charms at an academic level. If you squint. A lot. DC(40/60/80/100)
    -[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
    -[X] Sacrifice Some Time: You need to focus your attention elsewhere. Be it on a task you don't have the dice for otherwise, or to double or even triple down on an important roll.
    --[X] Tinker, Thomas, Seer, Sly: You were thinking about runes today, as you often do, and then the greatest idea hit you! Oh, you can't waste any time explaining what it is, but it'll be great! DC(???)
    [X]Help me Divination!
    -[X] Getting To Know Them: "Well met, I know we will become well acquaintance with each other. My fortune stick pointed at you!"
    -[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: "Today's class lesson is to help your professor divine the best way to teach you kids for the year. How well you perform will affect your grade for the rest of the year!"
    -[X] Duels In Duds: "This Stone of Foresight indicates that I should put this under my shirt... slightly lean to the right at 12 degree angle."
    -[X] Make A House A Fortress: Focus on maximizing the Feng Shui.
    -[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): I am betting everything on you, don't fail me!
    -[X] Tinker, Thomas, Seer, Sly: My fortune senses is tingling!
    -[X] Sacrifice Some Time: Triple down on all DIVINATION!
Hm, with the approaching deadline in mind, and a look at the current vote count, I don't think some people might want to change from their one-vote-plan to a different one? :D

Also, @Gabrian: Maybe we can have a moratorium after the chapter? Right now we have the very often occurring situation of the first plan that was posted winning (even though we had a change in circumstances), and not that much discussion (I'm still wondering what we need to contact back home for right now...).