Yer a Wizard, SV (Or, First Time QM and the poorly done economic system)

Turn 1
[X] Thomas Baffler

[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Divination Vacancy
-[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.

You take a deep, calming breath as you face the gargoyle. Uncertainty, self doubt, and resignation roiled within you. A winning combination if ever there was one. You forced yourself to calm, and addressed the gargoyle. "Chocolate Truffles."

The false wall fell away without much fanfare, by wizard terms at least. You take a brisk pace as you stride up the stairs, and in just a moment you're standing in the Headmaster's office. You goggle slightly at the phoenix which chirps at your presence. You had been told that the Supreme Mugwump had one, but you figured it would be in the same way that your own president 'has' a thunderbird; a thunderbird that tries to kill him constantly.

"Hm?" The aged wizard looks up from his paperwork, and adopts a grandfatherly smile at the sight of you. "Ah, Mr. Baffler, I presume?" You nod, and for a moment you could swear that the man's eyes are twinkling at you.

"Ah, where are my manners, please take a seat. I hope you'll forgive me for not greeting you at the gate, but recent events have left me rather taxed, as you can see." You take a seat, waving off the apology. "No worries, the walk gave me more time to gather myself."

"Well, my boy, I'm quite familiar with your resume, and I look forward to having you with us." You blink. "That's it?" Your traitorous mouth questions. His smile widens noticeably. "Yes."

"Oh, that's great! When will I be starting?" You'll need time to work out your lesson plan and polish up your Divination. You should have it all done by Christmas.

"Next week."

You freeze. "Hah?"

He nods sagely. "Yes, I'm afraid Hogwarts is in dire need of a replacement Divination Professor. Your predecessor, Professor Trelawney is, sadly, no longer among us."

Your eyes widen. "Oh. My condolences." And didn't that just turn all your earlier giddiness to guilt.

He gave a somber nod. "She will be missed. I do draw some comfort in knowing that she's in a better place." You nod. "As I do from her promises of postcards. I've never received one from the Bahamas before, you see." You nod- wait what?

"She's not dead?" Dumbledore blinks at you in surprise. "Well of course not. I doubt she'd be very interested in collecting her lottery winnings otherwise. It's unfortunate that she had to leave so suddenly, but she made it rather clear that if she didn't leave immediately that a 'greedy, pink clad demoness,' would come for her." Is it bad that you want to help the demon?

"Well, do you know where she put her class notes?"

"She took those with her. I believe she was concerned about a vengeful spirit that was difficult to understand." Well.

How does one summon demons again?


Diplomacy: You currently have {2} Diplomacy dice to use as you will.

[ ] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)

[ ] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)

[ ] Getting In Touch With Your Roots: Your mother didn't speak much with her family, but now that you're in Europe, maybe you should introduce yourself? It couldn't hurt. After all, they can't all be as bad as uncle Erebus… right? DC(???)

Martial: You currently have {1} Martial die to use as you will.

[ ] Duels In Duds: You don't claim to be the best fighter out there. Hell, you don't even claim to be a fighter. But what you do claim to be is a Runes Master, an enchanter of the highest order. So what if you can't fight, so long as the other guys' spells can't get through your undershirt? DC(???)

[ ] Heavy Ordinance: During WWII, your master developed a deep fascination for hand grenades which to him, at the time, seemed like nothing more than fancy, exploding rocks. He decided to see what he could make rocks, do with a rune or two. Why don't you? DC(???)

[ ] Expelliarmus?: Your wandwork sucks. You'll admit it. Still, there's a few manuals about proper dueling technique in the library. Why not read a few in your free time? DC(40/60/80/100)

Stewardship: You currently have {1} Stewardship die to use as you will.

[ ] Make A House A Fortress: You'd originally planned to spend the next few months living out of your briefcase, and had enchanted it accordingly. Now you've got your own room. May as well make sure it's up to snuff. Cost=100, DC(60)

[ ] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)

[ ] Capitalism Is Such A Beautiful Word, No?: You're uncle left you many things when he suddenly 'died.' Debt, mostly. Thankfully, there's a lot of work for Rune Masters, and even if it isn't full time, there's plenty of money to be made. If only finding that work was cheaper. Cost=100 Galleons, DC(???)

Intrigue: You currently have {1} Intrigue die to use as you will.

[ ] Restricted, You Say?: You had honestly been doing it for a laugh when you looked up Demon Summoning in the libraries directory. How were you supposed to know that Hogwarts hoarded more knowledge on the Dark Arts than most covens? Of course, only Heads of House and the Headmaster himself are allowed access. Heh, 'allowed,' such a funny word, that. DC(50)

[ ] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)

[ ] Getting To 'Know' Them: The mistake most people make is assuming that Divination is just for making half baked and unreliable portents of the future. Sure, it can do that, but what it can also do is reveal highly reliable information on anything from a fruit tree to, say, your coworkers. Some may call it an invasion of privacy. You're not sure you disagree. Cost=50 Galleons, DC (35)

Learning: You currently have {2} Learning dice to use as you will.

[ ] You Can Never Know Enough(Runes): You may be a Runes Master, but that doesn't mean you know everything. You probably never will, but who says you can't get close? |LOCKED: Cannot Take Until You Acquire Rare Learning Materials|

[ ] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)

[ ] Covering Your Bases(Arithmancy): Your use of Arithmancy has been more casual than not in the past few years, and you've started developing some bad habits. However, with your new profession, maybe it's time to correct those habits? Arithmancy is a form of Divination, even if only technically. DC(20/40/60/80/100)

[ ] Acquiring Competency(Charms): You can cast charms at an academic level. If you squint. A lot. DC(40/60/80/100)

[ ] Acquiring Competency(Potions): You can brew some basic tonics and tinctures well enough. Coffee counts as magic, right? DC(40/60/80/100)

[ ] Acquiring Competency(Transfiguration): You once transfigured a whole cat once… into a cat. DC(40/60/80/100)

[ ] Tinker, Thomas, Seer, Sly: You were thinking about runes today, as you often do, and then the greatest idea hit you! Oh, you can't waste any time explaining what it is, but it'll be great! DC(???)

Personal Action: You have {2} Free Dice to do with as you will.

[ ] Sacrifice Some Time: You need to focus your attention elsewhere. Be it on a task you don't have the dice for otherwise, or to double or even triple down on an important roll.

[ ] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.

[ ] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)

Current Wealth=1000 Galleons
Current Income=200 Galleons
Outstanding debts=500? Galleons


Some notes. Free dice may only show up under the Person Action tab, but they can be used under any tab you want as extra actions, you can even use them as re-rolls if a specifically targeted action fails. They are free.

Voting Closes on July 31st, at , and remember, Plan Format!

Have a good night!

edit: Forgot to add the money, a huge mistake, and various grammar mistakes
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Thomas Baffler works better as a Divination Professor's name than a Potion's, anyways. In any case, I'm glad my discount Tom Riddle name won haha

[X] Plan: Solid Foundation
-[X] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
-[X] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
-[X] Expelliarmus?: You're wandwork sucks. You'll admit it. Still, there's a few manuals about proper dueling technique in the library. Why not read a few in your free time? DC(40/60/80/100)
-[X] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
-[X] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)
-[X] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[X] Acquiring Competency(Charms): You can use cast charms at an academic level. If you squint. A lot. DC(40/60/80/100)
-[X] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.
-[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)

edit: Replaced being an owl with getting more owl friends.
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[] Plan: Good Foundation with Changes
-[] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
-[] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
-[] Duels In Duds: You don't claim to be the best fighter out there. Hell, you don't even claim to be a fighter. But what you do claim to be is a Runes Master, an enchanter of the highest order. So what if you can't fight, so long as the other guys' spells can't get through your undershirt? DC(???)
-[] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
-[] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)
-[] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[] Acquiring Competency(Charms): You can use cast charms at an academic level. If you squint. A lot. DC(40/60/80/100)
-[] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.
-[X] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)
[X] Plan Solid bases with Newspaper and no animals
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[]Plan: Foundation is key
-[] Getting To Know Them: You're new to Hogwarts, and know next to nothing about your fellow professors. Time to change that. DC(10/20/30/40/50/60/90)
-[] By The Seat of Your Pants: You have neither a lesson plan, nor any information about what your predecessor was teaching. Worse, the only people who even know which book Trelawney was using are the students. Time to improvise. DC( 25/50/75)
-[] Expelliarmus?: You're wandwork sucks. You'll admit it. Still, there's a few manuals about proper dueling technique in the library. Why not read a few in your free time? DC(40/60/80/100)
-[] A Proper Lesson Plan: You have five years worth of students to teach, and exactly zero things to teach them. You won't have it done in a week, but that doesn't mean you can put it off. DC(40)
-[] Managing Mischief: It doesn't matter what continent you're on, there will always be Wizards and Witches out to sow chaos and discord, even in a sacred heart of learning such as this. You would know, you did the same back at Ilvermorny, though never quite as blatantly as the people here seem keen on. Still, you're well aware that you're fresh meat, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy. DC(60)
-[] Covering Your Bases(Divination): It's been a few years since you last did much work with this particular field of magic. You'd planned to spend a few months reviewing, and maybe even learn something new, but that's not really an option. Time to shake a few cobwebs. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[] Covering Your Bases(Arithmancy): Your use of Arithmancy has been more casual than not in the past few years, and you've started developing some bad habits. However, with your new profession, maybe it's time to correct those habits? Arithmancy is a form of Divination, even if only technically. DC(20/40/60/80/100)
-[] Get An Owl: Your mother had a thing about owls, something about an Animagus and a mullet. Regardless, the Wizards here don't have a post office, and send nearly everything by owl. You'll have to get one if you plan to send a letter back home.
-[] The Daily Prophet: You're a little leery of the fact that England's only real newspaper is an actual department of the government, but that doesn't mean you plan to live under a rock. Not unless it's heavily enchanted, at least. (Unlocks Rumor Mill)

I want to be a tortoise animagus
@Gabrian would that be fine for the animagus pick?
Besides that I picked the options that seem the best for setting up properly.
Edit: removed tortoise anima is :(
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We should take heavy ordinance. Unlike expelliarmus, it works with our strongest abilities, and is also a unique way of fighting. And exploding rocks can be VERY effective