Yer a Wizard, SV (Or, First Time QM and the poorly done economic system)

Alright, calling the vote!
Now, I had been hoping I would be able to avoid a situation like this for a while, but fate, it seems, is not so kind. We have a tie.

[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Trdition: Six Votes

[X] Plan King Nerd: Six Votes (@dbRevned, I'm assuming the second half of your post was your actual plan.)

So, to resolve this, I did a coin flip.

It seems Trelawney got pink-slipped this year, because you are the new Divination professor! Congrats! And to everyone who wanted to start a magic item shop, don't worry, crafting/enchanting/being a capitalist dog is still very much an option, you'll just be doing it in your free time for the most part.

Should have Turn 1 written up in a few hours, so stay tuned.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by dbRevned on Jul 28, 2020 at 5:55 PM, finished with 24 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan King Nerd
    -[X] Harold Baxter
    -[X] Start up your own business
    --[X] Enchanted Items Shop
    -[X] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
    -[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Option A: Learning>Diplomacy>Stewardship>Intrigue>Martial
    [X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.
    -[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
    --[X] Divination Vacancy
    -[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.
    [X] Thomas Baffler
    [X] Plan: Snape But Better In Every Way
    -[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
    --[X] Potions Vacancy
    -[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Strong: You pick things up and put them down. (+2 Martial, +1 Health, +5 Personal Combat) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Potions Aptitude: It's like cooking, just with more explosions. (Reduced DC when training Potions Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Animagus: Yes, you can turn into a dog. No, your attention span isn't— SQUIRREL!! (If chosen, specific animal form can be voted on in the next stage) [-1 Trait Points]
    -[X] Option A: Learning>Diplomacy>Stewardship>Intrigue>Martial
    [X]Plan the great wizard of london
    [X] the mental genius
    -[X] Start up your own business
    —[X]Enchanted Items Shop
    -[X] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
    -[X] Mentalist: Too bad the show doesn't exist yet. (Reduced DC when training Occlumency and Legilimency Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
    -[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.
    [X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.
    [X] Plan No Mindrape, please
    -[X] Thomas Baffler
    -[X] Start up your own business
    --[X] Enchanted Items Shop
    -[X] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
    -[X] Hard Headed: Falling off dad's broom as a baby is finally paying off! (-1 Learning, most mind altering magics are less effective, obliviations no longer permanent) [-1 Trait Points]
    -[X] Option C
    [X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Trdition: Six Votes
    [X] Plan King Nerd: Six Votes (@dbRevned, I'm assuming the second half of your post was your actual plan.)
Plan King Nerd has 7 votes
and Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition. has 6
so plan king nerd should have won.
and ya the second half of my post was my own plan however I was going for the king nerd vote since I didn't think my plan would gain traction
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... alright, here's how we're going to do this.

First, this goes for everyone, next time pick a vote and stick to it. If you change your vote later, that's fine, but it invalidates the first vote. No double votes, doing that negates both votes.

Second, I will allow this to be the first and only exception. For the next 4 hours I will have a vote of either yay or nay.

[] Yay: there was no tie, plan king nerd won.

[] Nay: the coin is king, you are now a professor
[X] Nay: the coin is king, you are now a professor

Edit: on the up side, I found how to count from post position. I put in 54 in the 'start counting from post' field and it worked. Should be useful for my own Quests, too.
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[X] Nay: the coin is king, you are now a professor

ngl, getting the divination position via coin flip feels super appropriate
Please God, don't let there be another tie.

Also, @cedeelbe, how did you get your picture to work? I had to finagle it with a link to Pinterest, and it just looks a bit off.

Edit: I'm turning in for the night, and I've got something big going on tomorrow, so don't expect turn 1 till tomorrow night
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Nay: the coin is king, you are now a professor - 6 people have voted

Yay: there was no tie, plan king nerd won. -4 people have voted

Nay is currently winning
you can tell by doing the tally and poting in your post number which was 54
[X] Nay: the coin is king, you are now a professor

TBH, while I would have liked the genius perk, divination sounds cool.
[X] Yay: there was no tie, plan king nerd won.

Good Divination is hard to write. At least, Good Prophecy is hard to write.