Yer a Wizard, SV (Or, First Time QM and the poorly done economic system)

The intrigue is great, but diplomacy and martial are just as important, and +1 isn't a great difference, compared to the +2 and -2, or the affinity with magic type. Learning will also be really important here, unlike in ck2
Generally intrigue and diplomacy are as important as in ck2, maybe a little less
Learning is really important, maybe most important stat, as we're wizards in a magic school
Martial is also very important, much more than in ck2. There, low martial means you have smaller armies. Here, low martial means you will quickly die in combat.
I don't really see many uses for stewardship here, though it was really important in ck2
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Character Generation II
Right, well, I think I overshot a little on my scheduling. I hope no one minds, but I'll be calling the vote a bit early.

[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
18 Votes

[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
8 Votes

[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
11 Votes

[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
9 Votes

Now, without further ado, on with the show!

You stared at the glass in your hands, and the disgustingly sweet liquid it held, supremely confused. "This is beer?" The barkeep stares at you with just as much confusion, and a bit of annoyance to boot. "Aye, tha' there's yer butterbeer."

"Butterbeer?" You ordered beer, where did the butter come from? "Aye, butterbeer. What, you Yanks too good for a good ol' English brew, are ye?!" What?

"Oi, Jasp, stop menacing the poor boy and pour me an Ogden's already, you lazy git!" A voice from the other side of the bar. Jasp, as the barkeep is apparently named, proceeded to whirl around and start a shouting match with the patron.

"And they say New England Wizards are unfriendly…" You can't help but mutter, pushing the glass away slightly. You're a moment away from just cutting your losses and heading back up to your room when a positively ancient witch, easily well into her second century of life, takes the stool next to you.

"Hello there handsome," the witch starts in a tone you can't quite place. "You come here often?"

...wuh? "Um, no? This is my first time in England, so…" Her eyes lit up and you must have had a bad potion recently because she most certainly did not lick her lips. "Oh, you're a Yankee?" Why does everyone keep calling you that? Do they think you're from New York?

"Oh, where's my manners. I'm Magnolia, but you can call me Maggy." Why does her voice keep doing that? Does she have a breathing problem? "What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm…"

[ ] Write In
(If you could also give some descriptors and/or a picture, I would be most grateful)

She giggles again and good Christ her jowls. "That's a nice name. So, what brings you to England? Business or pleasure?" Why do you have the strangest urge to run away?

"B-business. I'm here to…

[ ] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
-[ ] Potions Vacancy
-[ ] D.A.D.A. Vacancy
-[ ] Arithmancy Vacancy
-[ ] Care for Magical Creatures Vacancy
-[ ] Divination Vacancy
-[ ] Muggle Studies Vacancy

[ ] Start up your own business
-[ ] Potions Shop
-[ ] Enchanted Items Shop
-[ ] Magical Creatures Shop
-[ ] Private Investigator
-[ ] Personal Security Agency
-[ ] Write In(Subject to QM Veto)

She gasps, and there's a decidedly uncomfortable twinkle in her eye. "But you're so young." You shift uncomfortably at her intrigued tone. "W-well, I managed to apprentice under my Runes Professor while I was at school, so it didn't take me long to get a Mastership."

And didn't that fill you with pride, a Runes Master at 20. Nowhere near the youngest to bear the title, but you were up there. "You know, I've always wanted to learn more about—." She stopped as a man in a worn out coat began making a fuss.

"Gran?! Gran, where did you go?!" You both turn to look at the rather disheveled looking man who seems to epitomize the word ginger. 'Maggy' clicks her tongue before, before pulling out a key and forcing it into your coat pocket. "I'll be in room 34, don't keep a girl waiting." She said, before beating a surprisingly hasty retreat.

You sit there for a few minutes, trying to process the entire encounter, when the man beside you pushes a glass of something that looks like whiskey in front of you. You share a profound nod, and proceed to do your level best to forget that ever happened by way of getting black out drunk.


It's two days later when you're finally sober enough to actually process anything. Which is good, because today is the day the Ministry of Magic sent their messenger owl to your room. You look at the note held within, marking you as a British Citizen, thereby tying you to this new and unfamiliar country.

You take a calming breath. You've got this. You have got this. You're going to do well, you're going to get rich, and then you'll finally be able to get those Leprechauns uncle Erebus took a loan from to get off your back. After all, you are...

You have {4} free Trait Points

[ ] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Strong: You pick things up and put them down. (+2 Martial, +1 Health, +5 Personal Combat) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Bookie: If grandpa taught you anything, it's that the House always wins, and you really like winning. (+2 Stewardship, +15 Gamblers Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Sly: Dad always had to wonder if mom had some Sidhe in the family tree. (+2 Intrigue, +10 Personal Combat) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]

[ ] Combat Aptitude: You have been accused of being a particularly violent person. You punched the man who made such disingenuous assertions. (+5 Personal Combat, reduced DC when training Combat Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Potions Aptitude: It's like cooking, just with more explosions. (Reduced DC when training Potions Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Transfiguration Aptitude: There is no spoon. (Reduced DC when training Transfiguration Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Charms Aptitude: It could be said that you're a very charming person. Eh? Ehhh? (Reduced DC when studying new Charms) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Mentalist: Too bad the show doesn't exist yet. (Reduced DC when training Occlumency and Legilimency Skills) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Aspiring Ritualist: Yes, it's 'Dark Magic,' but if your choices are cancer or a dead goat, you're killing the goat. (Reduced DC when studying rituals) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Creature Curator: Who's a good bloodthirsty animal, you aaaAHHH! (Bonus to Animal Handing rolls, reduced DC when studying Magical Creatures) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Green Thumb: Warning! Don't feed the plants! (Reduced DC when studying Magical Plants) [-1 Trait Point]

[ ] Animagus: Yes, you can turn into a dog. No, your attention span isn't— SQUIRREL!! (If chosen, specific animal form can be voted on in the next stage) [-1 Trait Points]

[ ] Hard Headed: Falling off dad's broom as a baby is finally paying off! (-1 Learning, most mind altering magics are less effective, obliviations no longer permanent) [-1 Trait Points]

[ ] Metamorphmagus: Clothes can be difficult. (They really will be) [-2 Trait Points]

[ ] Parseltongue: The universal language of serpents and snake-like creatures. (Parseltongue spells are hard to find, but can be quite versatile) [-2 Trait Points]

[ ] Seer: You can, at times, be overcome by incredibly detailed visions of future events. These visions will often occur without your knowing, so having someone to tell you about them is important. Furthermore, their meanings are not always as straightforward as they seem. (Does not affect Divination or Arithmancy.) [-2 Trait Points]

That's right. You're above and beyond the average Wizard.

They won't know what hit them.


Alright, final part of Character Generation 2, I just didn't know how to work this into the story. I'm going to roll for character base stats, and I want opinions on how to handle distribution.

[ ] Option A: You give me a gradient to work off of, and then roll 3 d6s for the various values.

For example
[ X ] Option A: Martial>Diplomacy>Stewardship>Intrigue>Learning

In this case, Martial has the highest value and Intrigue the lowest. Note: This is based entirely on what is rolled, without taking stat modifying traits into account.

[ ] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.

For example

[ X ] Option B:
(And I roll)
Martial: 22
Diplomacy: 4
Stewardship: 17
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 9

This one is the least confusing to poll, and will statistically favor higher results overall, but it also has the potential to give some whacky and nonsensical results that don't make sense given your character choices. Then again, this is Harry Potter, and if there's one thing people can agree on, Wizards don't have common sense.

Again, same as above, the rolls will not account for the stat modifications caused by other choices

[ ] Option C: A not-so-blind version of Option A

If this option has a majority vote by the halfway mark, I will cut the voting period short by two hours, release the scores, and then let you guys decide how they're sorted.

For example

First you Post:

[ X ] Option C

Then I Post: 12, 18, 7, 10, 15.

Finally, You Post:

[ X ] Martial>Diplomacy>Stewardship>Intrigue>Learning

Personally my least favorite option due to how potentially chaotic it is, but, c'est la vie. While I am the QM, this prison is ultimately run by the inmates. And dice rolls. Can't forget the ever present hand of fate.

Third times the charm, stat modifying choices will be added in after the choices will be added in after the fact. Remember this.
Voting Closes at 5:00 PM on the 28th, and remember, Plan Format!
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@Gabrian point cost for :
[ ] Mentalist: Too bad the show doesn't exist yet. (Reduced DC when training Occlumency and Legilimency Skills)

Also genius looks really nice though we can only combo with a 1 pointer.

If we go the teacher route we can combo genius with aptitude in our chosen subject.
-[ ] D.A.D.A. Vacancy
Absolutely not.

Maybe we could butterfly less potions related trauma into the next generation?

[X] Thomas Baffler

[X] Plan: Snape But Better In Every Way
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Potions Vacancy
-[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Strong: You pick things up and put them down. (+2 Martial, +1 Health, +5 Personal Combat) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Potions Aptitude: It's like cooking, just with more explosions. (Reduced DC when training Potions Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Animagus: Yes, you can turn into a dog. No, your attention span isn't— SQUIRREL!! (If chosen, specific animal form can be voted on in the next stage) [-1 Trait Points]
-[X] Option A: Learning>Diplomacy>Stewardship>Intrigue>Martial
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[X] Plan Visionary
-[X] Wendell Neuman
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Divination Vacancy
-[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Seer: You can, at times, be overcome by incredibly detailed visions of future events. These visions will often occur without your knowing, so having someone to tell you about them is important. Furthermore, their meanings are not always as straightforward as they seem. (Does not affect Divination or Arithmancy.) [-2 Trait Points]
-[X] Animagus: Yes, you can turn into a dog. No, your attention span isn't— SQUIRREL!! (If chosen, specific animal form can be voted on in the next stage) [-1 Trait Points]
-[X]Option A: Learning>Diplomacy>Intrigue>Stewardship>Martial

I don't have a strong preference for what he would look like, but my first thought was tall and waify
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[X] Thomas Baffler

[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Divination Vacancy
-[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.

Lets give the kiddies an actually useful divination class rather than one taught by a Seer with no idea what she's doing.
[X] Thomas Baffler

[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Divination Vacancy
-[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.
[X] Plan King Nerd
-[X] Harold Baxter
-[X] Start up your own business
--[X] Enchanted Items Shop
-[X] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
-[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option A: Learning>Diplomacy>Stewardship>Intrigue>Martial

Admittedly risky but by going all in on general purpose smarts we might have the greatest long term potential.
[X]Plan the great wizard of london
[X]Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
[X]Transfiguration Aptitude: There is no spoon. (Reduced DC when training Transfiguration Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Muggle Studies Vacancy

Genius is a must. It may cost like three trait, but it adds more to all five attributes than what any other traits add to a single attribute. Being counted a genius also help us in Harry Potter society.
Transfiguration aptitude help us get more options, and it is really versatile
We are half blood, which means we know a lot about Muggle and we know well about wizards, and are experienced in the differences between them.
[X] Thomas Baffler

[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Divination Vacancy
-[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.
[X] Plan King Nerd

[X] the mental genius
-[X] Start up your own business
—[X]Enchanted Items Shop
-[X] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
-[X] Mentalist: Too bad the show doesn't exist yet. (Reduced DC when training Occlumency and Legilimency Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.

I think we can do the enchanting shop our runes mastery. Going for option B for highest stat potential and shaky wizard hijinks
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[X] Plan the great wizard of london
[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.

Let's be the muggle studies professor with surprising depths. Muggle studies was a joke in the books, but it could really shine if we give it some spotlight.

I can see any of the stats being important and I'd rather just have higher everything then a particular order.
[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.
-[X] Apply to Hogwarts for the…
--[X] Divination Vacancy
-[X] Attractive: People love to compliment your eyes, which is strange, given how rarely they make eye contact. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Bookworm: Ilvermony doesn't have a restricted section, but if it did, you would have broken into it just for something new to read. (+3 Learning) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Arithmancy Aptitude: The poor man's divination. (Reduced DC when training Arithmancy Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Divination Aptitude: You're either going to get a promotion tomorrow, or have a heart attack in the next minute… Congratulations! (Reduced DC when training Divination Skills) [-1 Trait Point]
-[X] Option B: I roll for each stat independently, but do so with 4 d6s each.
[X] Plan The Casting Of Runes Is A Divination Tradition.

Would be happy if any option without "genious" won.
[X] Plan No Mindrape, please
-[X] Thomas Baffler
-[X] Start up your own business
--[X] Enchanted Items Shop
-[X] Genius: You are the smartest person in the room, and you've got the statistical data to prove it! (+4 to all Attributes, +10 Personal Combat) [-3 Trait Points]
-[X] Hard Headed: Falling off dad's broom as a baby is finally paying off! (-1 Learning, most mind altering magics are less effective, obliviations no longer permanent) [-1 Trait Points]
-[X] Option C

As the name suggests, I really think a -1 that's absorbed by our Runes proficiency is well worth not being liable to mind magics so much.
Alright, I've noticed two things, and I'm making a decision on them, because this is somewhat important.

A) I'm going to count the name as an independent vote, because several different plans are using the same name.

B) Only one person has given has given a picture/slash description for his appearance, so unless your plan has one, that there is your new face.

If anyone contests this, go ahead and reply, I'm entirely open to discussion on my decision. In other news, voting ends in 3 and a half hours, and it's neck and neck! Feel free to cast your votes!
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