Web of Life (Spider-Man AU)

[X] No, thank you.

Not interested. And yes, I generally won't be considering the mechanics too much when making narrative choices. I can't just glance at it and remember how it fits together, but I think higher numbers are still better, but whatever.
require more time commitment than most posters are going to be giving for a quest
You're right. I guess I looked at the popular quests and got a bit carried away. Lesson learned , I suppose - will try to streamline such choices in the future.

I'm currently a bit more stressed then usual, which means that my levels are less likely to try and bunker down to get into the nitty gritty.
Hey man, listen - you've seen how much of a lazy QM I am. You don't have to vote as fast as possible | or even vote at all - take your time, and don't force anything.

I might be missing it but I did not see how much XP it costs for talents.
You were right - it was missing. I added it back in. Tiers cost 5*(Tier Rank). Tier 1 = 5xp, Tier 2 = 10xp, Tier 3 = 15xp, Tier 4 = 20xp and Tier 5 = 25xp.

Not interested. And yes, I generally won't be considering the mechanics too much when making narrative choices
I would like to hear your reason? Is it because it's too much of a canon-retread, or is it somewhat in the way it's presented? This has been the most surprising vote for me so far.

As for the mechanics vs narrative - well, I can speak a lot about the topic. My leaning is towards narrative myself - I tried to run a CK quest once and completely burned myself. That being said, I think a superhero quest needs some mechanics - if only for the reason why a bad guy beats you the first time, you train, and kick his ass the next time.
I'm trying to make sure the mechanics + narrative work together. and while it doesn't seem to work out this time, I'll streamline it further so that narrative-focused players like you don't feel left out. Maybe I'll offer a few pre-made plans and the custom option as well. That might work.

In this case, Robbie's plan is to go easy in the beginning, ask a few hard questions and will be very attentive to what you say at the end. Peter's choices are basically what to talk about - his expertise, himself, or the job - in any three-parter combinations. He also has the choice of answering/deflecting Robbie's questions, and the choice of going extra hard in one of the sections. That's about it, really.

Which is complex, maybe - but I think it does add a layer of strategy. Do you focus on putting your best foot forward, or sticking to what you know, or undermining the other guy? My mistake, I believe, is that I opened the micro-level without providing a macro-level plan as well. I will rectify that going forwards.

Also guys, there's an open discussion going on about the type of Spider-man you want to be. Let me know how you want to play/what gadgets/suits/approach you want - so I can tailor things going on forward.
[X] Plan Ask Good Questions
-[X] Yes, I would like to give it a try. (Begin Social Conflict: Vote by Plan)
--[X] [Intro] Wait - elaborate on this deal a little bit more. (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
--[X] [Body] Accept Gambit.
--[X] [Body] Breach into the topic of Daily Bugle. Peter wants to know more about their planning and ideas. (ETHOS: (Charm, Presence))
--[X] [Conclusion] WRITE-IN
---[X] [Conclusion] You want someone who can write science articles? I can understand the original stuff and then bring it to a level your readers will actually be able to understand. (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
-- [X] [Eddie's Die] Conclusion

Pretty much get Robbie talking about the Bugle (people love talking about themselves) so we can figure out if we actually want to do it and how much he wants us doing it.
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---[X] [Conclusion] Isn't journalism about asking good questions and finding things out? Getting someone talking about something you're looking to get information about? Seems like I'm doing that already. You want me working for you. The question is, how much do you want it? (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
This is too aggressive and is sort of OOC. Negotiation is about finagling the offer - making yourself seem better or zeroing in on details the offer. Peter is not a journalist - he is a teen genius. You would want to use that as leverage. Maybe state it outright, or finesse it more - that you can write science articles like no one else can, or something else. If you want to zero in on details - will they pay you more if your articles are a hit? what exactly does intern stuff mean? if he gets a press pass, does that mean he has to interview people?

Well...stuff like that. (I said too much.)

You might also want to use Eddie's Help dice somewhere - it adds a bonus dice to either Intro, Body, or Conclusion (offense/defense).
[X] Plan Ask Good Questions

I'll take it on trust that this will be improved while I sleep later :)
Work is too stressful to actually dive into the mechanics
The social thing is still only slightly easier to parse than actual social interactions. This quest mechanics system is complex enough to be a video game (and a good one!), such that I had to wait until I got to my computer, sit down, open up multiple tabs, and then decide I wanted to actually try to make sense of it and interact with it. I mean, it makes sense if you've played something like Exalted and you actually sit down and look at it, but that's...well, it's not exactly user friendly.

Maybe doing the addition (Negotiation 1 + Presence 2= +3) so it's more pick-up-and-play could help, but it feels...cumbersome.
but it feels...cumbersome
looks at the social conflict pt3 notes and cries
Just kidding. Appreciate how you blunted it with the video game praise, that was slick. I've got it loud and clear, now - I'll be providing pre-made options for narrative folks and customs for those who want to get into the particulars. And hey, at least it wasn't in actual fighting, where you really want such options, right?

Bugle opportunity will be expanded upon
well, looking at it post-facto, if you want to be fighting crime, a newspaper is not a bad place to be. on the other hand, there might be better jobs suited for Peter as a person.

I also see the votes are ahead by 1 on Joining, with the majority voting for barondoctor's approach with the write-in, and totadile with the premade. I'll be keeping it open for a few more hours, in case anyone didn't vote earlier because of the complex choices, and edit this post when done.
Welp, we're tied then. I brought this upon myself.

Edit : Had a brain fart moment - No is currently winning.
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Welp, we're tied then. I brought this upon myself.
No?. if Yes, was winning by one, and one was moved onto no. No would gain the lead of one. Which is shown in the Vote Tally
Adhoc vote count started by Totadileplayz on Jul 21, 2020 at 8:32 AM, finished with 20 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] No, thank you.
    [X] Plan Ask Good Questions
    -[X] Yes, I would like to give it a try. (Begin Social Conflict: Vote by Plan)
    --[X] [Intro] Wait - elaborate on this deal a little bit more. (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
    - [X] [Body] Accept Gambit
    - [X] [Body] Breach into the topic of Daily Bugle. Peter wants to know more about their planning and ideas. (ETHOS: (Charm, Presence))
    --[X] [Conclusion] WRITE-IN
    ---[X] [Conclusion] You want someone who can write science articles? I can understand the original stuff and then bring it to a level your readers will actually be able to understand. (LOGOS: (Negotiation (PRESENCE))
    -- [X] [Eddie's Die] Conclusion
You've confirmed other opportunities. While a newspaper might be good for classic "must fight crime so nobody else gets shot" Spider, Ben is alive (we broke canon so hard Uncle Ben survived, maybe that should be a tag) and May died... *checks* ... in "an accident".

We don't have that personal call to fight crime. We can pursue our own life, wherever it might lead. Like, say, a real Stark internship or something. I mean, it might be nice to be a science writer in spare time here and there to learn the communication skills every Spider needs (you're not a Spider if you don't quip under pressure). At the same time, the white-collar version of getting a police scanner doesn't quite fit as much. We're not the implacable "Nobody gets shot on my watch" Pathos-oozing Classic Spider.

We don't really have an identity yet. The job will come out of and probably partially inform who we are. Which is okay to not have an identity yet. We're a teenager and haven't really gone Superhero at all.
Without getting too much into it - here's where Peter's mind is at - I have been given a gift, and I am meant to use this gift in this service of others. While his logical part of the brain points out that is better to grow up and be a scientist, the humanitarian part of it says that he can make a much more immediate difference by working as a super-hero (shaped by his Aunt and helped partly by his encounter at the shop and his penchant for comics). Otherwise, he has no real outlet for the mega-brain he has. This is the reason why the crime-fighting option is there. So I would say the seeds are there - but the ideals will come forth when they are actually tested.

As for being Spider-man - well, originally, I wanted to write a story similar to Smallville but Spider-man - Spider-man before he was Spider-man. What actually makes Spider-man Spider-man? The quips, the suit, the power, the guilt? There have been so many iterations over the years, you can make a case for any of them. (But the quips sure are a strong contender). So I decided on writing the quest as an exploration of that idea.

I think the hang-up is that there is an expectation that Peter has to be reactive - that something has to happen that forces him to pick up the suit. That's not the case here - you can be proactive, and totally jump the call.

PS - for a Peter that broke reality so hard, you should check out the quest on SB where no one has died. and I also see the double quotes around accident - I like where your mind is at.
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I have been given a gift, and I am meant to use this gift in this service of others.
So many different options. ER doc. Defense Attorney. Prosecuting Attorney. Rich scientist philanthropist.

Developing the webbing and then just plain marketing it. A nonlethal conflict resolution tool would reduce violence, even if widely adopted by criminals. "Which would you rather have? Guns where people die, or webbing, where people are inconvenienced?" This is the thing I've always been super-interested in seeing happen in Spider stories but I don't know that it ever really has. Spidey can swing because of a combination of agility, strength, and danger-sense. Adding webbing to the average mortal actually reveals more about what makes Spider-Man who he is, because if you peel away a surface element, the other elements shine through a bit clearer.

Direct crime-fighting would probably be less effective than at least half of those. Effecting systemic change is where the real "making the world better" is at.
It's not exactly an either-or choice right. But the point remains that we are not entirely logical beings - if there's a villain attack, and Peter feels responsible, he's going to want to intervene directly - effective methods be damned.

As for the other idea - selling web-fluid and inventions -I don't want to get into the entire Reed Richards Is Useless trope in this quest, so we definitely might touch base on that a bit. Peter's going to want to flex his genius. But to go into it fully would be a sudden hard turn - I would do it, but only if everyone is convinced. And that's not to say that route wouldn't have hurdles of its own - you'd be running into bigger ones, actually.
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I mean being a superhero is cool, being a scientist selling shit would be boring I would prefer to be fighting villains on the frontlines.