[X] Plan: Out of our Depth
-[X] Get a Spokesperson: Chance of Success 75%, +1 Action.
-[X] Lay of the Land (Internal): Chance of Success: 60%, Learn names of community leaders.
-[X] Appoint an Expert: Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.
-[X] The Accountant: Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action
-[X] Water in the Desert: Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.
-[X] Double Checking the List: Chance of Success: ???, Accurate numbers of population.
-[X] Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Reward a single action can have a +20 roll added to the dice.
--[X] Appoint an Expert

This is all about laying the groundwork. If I understand the system correctly, we'd have to roll less than 21 to fail. That's for Lay of the Land(Internal). Thus, I thought it far better to use Overlook elsewhere. Double checking the list will be getting our huge Administration bonus, so Appoint an Expert is what seems best. That aside, a spokesperson and an accountant will give us 9 actions next turn. I think Lay of the Land(External), and building a Lab isn't super important right now. I think we should sort out our town first. As for the lab, I actually wanted to build the radio first. Yet it just wouldn't fit, which is the same problem I had with Law&Order. If I had to slot it in, I'd replace Double Checking the List.
[X]Maximize actions and handling the basics.
-[X] Get a Spokesperson: Whenever people have problems they seem to have the overwhelming urge to bring it right to your desk. As flattering as it was the first few times, you won't get anything done if you have to solve every little problem. Get someone who can at least ease the workflow and help with the bigger issues. Chance of Success 75%, +1 Action.
-[X] Appoint an Expert: There has got to be at least someone in this town with some sort of idea of how to handle the ins and outs of shooting at other people, right? Hopefully you might be able to get them to do the work for you! Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.
-[X] The Accountant: You can't deal with this on your own. The numbers are making your eyes melt. Look around town and trick...you mean convince a patriotic citizen to handle the records for you. Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action
-[X] Food Glorious Food: There is desert surrounding you on all sides and you have no idea where the closest source of food is. Time to take a look at the stocks and see how bad the situation really is. Chance of Success: ???, Accurate record of supply situation.
-[X] Water in the Desert: The water supply in town has been starting to cut out at random intervals. Locate both the source and the problem before you have a crisis on your hands. Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.
-[X] Power to the people: You know what would be nice? Working lights. It might take some doing, but scrounge around town to see what kind of generators people have access to and sort out some sort of system. Might not be much, but it's a start. Chance of Success: 40%, Electricity reestablished.
-[X] Form the Militia: You are hardly a military expert, but you are pretty sure that getting nuked is some sort of act of war. Never mind the rumors about bandits and worse out there. Time to see who answers the call for volunteers. Chance of Success: 30%, Form a Volunteer Militia.

The reasoning for my choices is as follows, we're going to have a ton of fires to put out, so we need as many actions as we can get, the military advisor is a necessity as well. That being said, having an idea of our resources on hand, and getting the basics of civilisation like water and electricity running is going to be vital for health and morale, especially since we'll want electricity for things like Aircon and refrigeration, Alice springs is hot as fuck.

Setting up a basic militia is something better done now than later, though we'll have to go harder in on it next turn, in terms of securing more weapons and setting up defences.
[X] Plan: Out of our Depth

Has the two +1 actions which are vital to pick up early. Also the focus on getting things stable and figuring out what we have is key.
Voting is now closed
Adhoc vote count started by Dovahsith on Jul 21, 2020 at 3:47 PM, finished with 22 posts and 16 votes.
  • 17

    [X] Plan: Out of our Depth
    -[X] Get a Spokesperson: Chance of Success 75%, +1 Action.
    -[X] Lay of the Land (Internal): Chance of Success: 60%, Learn names of community leaders.
    -[X] Appoint an Expert: Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.
    -[X] The Accountant: Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action
    -[X] Water in the Desert: Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.
    -[X] Double Checking the List: Chance of Success: ???, Accurate numbers of population.
    -[X] Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Reward a single action can have a +20 roll added to the dice.
    --[X] Appoint an Expert
    [X] First things first
    ----[X] First things first
    [X] Lay of the Land (Internal): Quite frankly, you have no idea what is going on within your little community. Mainly because you are out from out of town rather than the fact you spent most of your time before stepping up to your new role in a several week drinking binge. This would be a good time to reach out and learn the names of the movers and shakers. Chance of Success: 60%, Learn names of community leaders.
    [X] Appoint an Expert: There has got to be at least someone in this town with some sort of idea of how to handle the ins and outs of shooting at other people, right? Hopefully you might be able to get them to do the work for you! Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.
    [X] The Accountant: You can't deal with this on your own. The numbers are making your eyes melt. Look around town and trick...you mean convince a patriotic citizen to handle the records for you. Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action
    [X] Water in the Desert: The water supply in town has been starting to cut out at random intervals. Locate both the source and the problem before you have a crisis on your hands. Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.
    [X] Lay of the Land (External): Just because there is sand and dust stretching out for miles in every direction doesn't exactly mean there is nothing and no-one close by. Now would be a good time to send out the scouts and get a better picture of what and who is close by. Chance of Success: 60%, Local Area scouted.
    [X] Law and Order: When the world ended, so did most forms of civilization. Like the assumption that you could call the police if there was a crime. That would currently need and actual police force to happen these days, or at least someone you can trust to keep the peace. Find a few trustworthy individuals willing to go on patrol and that should at least stop anyone thinking that looting is still fine. Chance of Success: 65%, Sheriff and Constables appointed. Attempt made to tackle crime.
    [X] Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Reward a single action can have a +20 roll added to the dice.
    ----[X] Lay of the Land (Internal)
    [X]Maximize actions and handling the basics.
    -[X] Get a Spokesperson: Whenever people have problems they seem to have the overwhelming urge to bring it right to your desk. As flattering as it was the first few times, you won't get anything done if you have to solve every little problem. Get someone who can at least ease the workflow and help with the bigger issues. Chance of Success 75%, +1 Action.
    -[X] Appoint an Expert: There has got to be at least someone in this town with some sort of idea of how to handle the ins and outs of shooting at other people, right? Hopefully you might be able to get them to do the work for you! Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.
    -[X] The Accountant: You can't deal with this on your own. The numbers are making your eyes melt. Look around town and trick...you mean convince a patriotic citizen to handle the records for you. Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action
    -[X] Food Glorious Food: There is desert surrounding you on all sides and you have no idea where the closest source of food is. Time to take a look at the stocks and see how bad the situation really is. Chance of Success: ???, Accurate record of supply situation.
    -[X] Water in the Desert: The water supply in town has been starting to cut out at random intervals. Locate both the source and the problem before you have a crisis on your hands. Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.
    -[X] Power to the people: You know what would be nice? Working lights. It might take some doing, but scrounge around town to see what kind of generators people have access to and sort out some sort of system. Might not be much, but it's a start. Chance of Success: 40%, Electricity reestablished.
    -[X] Form the Militia: You are hardly a military expert, but you are pretty sure that getting nuked is some sort of act of war. Never mind the rumors about bandits and worse out there. Time to see who answers the call for volunteers. Chance of Success: 30%, Form a Volunteer Militia.
    [X]Maximize actions and handling the basics.
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Apologies on the delay but I'm currently unable to finish the next update for the near future. Normally this would just be a matter of getting it done when I can but it's frigging turn 1, which is a very poor showing on my part. Therefore I think it's best to state that this quest has unfortunately suffered a early demise and I hope someone will do a terminator quest justice in the future.