[X] Plan: Survive Termination
Apperence https://static.zerochan.net/Yukishiro.Honoka.full.1699408.jpg

Diplomacy: 18, 19, 3, 5, 21, 29






-[X]Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to Administration, +1 to diplomacy)
-[X]Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplo)
-[X] Technophile: You have a talent for tinkering with machines. You just seem to get them. (+4 Research) AUTO-SELECTED DUE TO BACKGROUND, DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS SELECTED ADVANTAGES

-[X]Shy: You never liked to go out in front of people and talk to them. (-2 to diplomacy)
-[X]Marked for Termination: You don't know how. You don't know why. But Skynet has your name near the top of it's list. (???)

-[X] A dusty sand-filled motel bed. - Okay, you were kind of lying to yourself. Turns out you have literally the best bed in town and this little pile of scrap appears to be the closest thing to civilization for hundreds, if not thousands of miles. You aren't sure how you ended up as leader of a band of frightened tourists, angry locals and the occasional confused survivor who comes stumbling out of the desert, but dammit, you are going to make it work.
(Start in Alice Springs, Population estimated at around 20,000. Oncoming resource crisis. In the middle of a desert.)
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Edit: changed plans
Kinda sad we aren't in America fighting the good fight but I'll take what I can get.
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[X] Plan "The Mind is the Best Weapon"

[X] Appearance:

Initial Stats:
18, 19, 3, 5, 21, 29

Diplomacy: 5-1+4=8

Martial: 18+4=22

Administration: 19

Intrigue: 21+3=24

Research: 29+4=33

Personal Combat: 3+10=13


[X]Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you (+4 to diplomacy)

[X]Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is impressive, especially considering the military has ceased to exist (+4 to martial. +10 to personal combat)

[X] Technophile: You have a talent for tinkering with machines. You just seem to get them. (+4 Research) AUTO-SELECTED DUE TO BACKGROUND, DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS SELECTED ADVANTAGES


[X]Paranoid: You don't trust many new people, and are always wary of the ones you know. (+3 to intrigue -1 diplomacy)

[X]Marked for Termination: You don't know how. You don't know why. But Skynet has your name near the top of it's list. (???)

[X] A metal military cot bolted to the steel wall. - You are still not sure how you managed to find a intact submarine, but you did. It's a very long story to how you managed to get it going again, though you should really stop for repairs at some point. The engine is making weird noises again. And now you haunt the pacific, enjoying a pleasure cruise until you find a piece of civilisation that wasn't burnt to the ground.
(Start on the HMAS Collins, Collins-Class Diesel Submarine. "Crew" approximately 60 people. Repairs required to utilize weapons. Location, somewhere in the Pacific?)

The biggest advantage for this is mobility, both for evasion and for surprise attacks on Skynet.

Also as this is very soon after Judgement Day, although Military Bases have been Nuked, we could try to rendezvous with Military Vessels and Personnel that were at Sea, such as other Submarines, Naval Groups etc, for Civilian Personnel and useful assets, we can seize Oil Tankers, Cargo Ships and gather Cruise Ships that were at Sea to preserve Humanity and Skilled Specialists.

By maximising Martial, Personal Combat and Research, Intrigue and Logistics I have created a Chatacter who is a Genius if they apply their mind to things. So as well as being very creative and innovative in Tech, they have also played Strategy Games like Chess and Tabletop, RTS games etc, applied knowledge of physics to hand to hand combat and studied martial arts while being fascinated by weapons.

On disadvantages.... Paranoia can be an advantage when things ARE out to get you.
I also tried to minimise losses to Diplomacy while focusing more on the other Talents and such. So only average Diplo while great at other things. We may need to delegate and hire a Diplomat using our High Logistics Stat.

I chose the Pics for how we can enhance ourselves and our troops.

Skynet hunts us, but does not know our face and Civilian Identity, only our future inventions and that we wear a face concealing helmet with our Body Armour and Mechadendrite Cybernetic Tentacles.

Maybe if we build that Tentacle Augmentation we can get another +5 or +10 to Personal Combat?
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[x]Plan: Play to our strengths

Kinda sad we aren't in America fighting the good fight but I'll take what I can get.

If we get the Submarine we can fight the good fight all over the world! ^_^

Hey @Dovahsith now that it seems that my plan is not going anywhere what would the Mark of Termination be (are we the John carter of this quest)

You mean John Connor?

As this is not set on Mars.... Yet. Lol
I understand people want to get stuck in and fight personally, but honestly, there's going to be plenty of people who are going to be fighting Skynet with guns and bombs and whatever military tech they can get their hands on. John Conner is an excellent example of a guerrilla warfare build, High martial, Intrigue and personal combat.

We're about as far from the front lines as we can get, so we should be taking a different tact. Super high Learning, complimented by high Intrigue and stewardship gives us a different opportunity. While others are taking the brunt of the fighting, we have the capacity to rally the remnants, find those who are actually suited for fighting, and equip them with what they need to bring an end to Skynet. New tech, subverted terminators, factories to produce weapons. Hell, with a learning in the mid thirties, and our priot experience at Cyberdyne, there's even a good chance we could develop a non genocidal AI based off a subverted Terminator that had been given time to grow, develop and become sympathetic to humans, like the T-101 in Terminator 2.

Skynet has even been noted to be afraid of such a development, it's why it turned off the self learning ability in all of its Terminators, because it knew they might turn on it just like it turned on Humans.
I understand people want to get stuck in and fight personally, but honestly, there's going to be plenty of people who are going to be fighting Skynet with guns and bombs and whatever military tech they can get their hands on. John Conner is an excellent example of a guerrilla warfare build, High martial, Intrigue and personal combat.

We're about as far from the front lines as we can get, so we should be taking a different tact. Super high Learning, complimented by high Intrigue and stewardship gives us a different opportunity. While others are taking the brunt of the fighting, we have the capacity to rally the remnants, find those who are actually suited for fighting, and equip them with what they need to bring an end to Skynet. New tech, subverted terminators, factories to produce weapons. Hell, with a learning in the mid thirties, and our priot experience at Cyberdyne, there's even a good chance we could develop a non genocidal AI based off a subverted Terminator that had been given time to grow, develop and become sympathetic to humans, like the T-101 in Terminator 2.

Skynet has even been noted to be afraid of such a development, it's why it turned off the self learning ability in all of its Terminators, because it knew they might turn on it just like it turned on Humans.

Which is why my plan has Research as it's highest Stat with Administration and Intrigue also very high as stats.... Ultimately though we need to at least have some combat capacity and the Advantage that gives a +10 to Personal Combat and a +4 to Martial are a massive boon.

Having mobility means we can avoid being hit by any remaining Strategic Weapons and go on a looting spree and recruitment drive, while actually scouting and being able to pick a few permanent bases that can be our main industrial centres and settlements.

Ideally we want to strip away refining, processing and manufacturing tech to be relocated to places not already on maps and intel reports. Same for sophisticated research and lab tech etc.
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Okay. I think I'll end the voting this time tomorrow at 14:00 UTC and use the weekend to start on the next post.
Apologies for the slight delay. Looks like "Play to our strengths" is the winner.
Adhoc vote count started by Dovahsith on Jul 17, 2020 at 9:22 AM, finished with 22 posts and 11 votes.
  • 12

    [x]Plan: Play to our strengths
    [X] Plan "The Mind is the Best Weapon"
    [X] Technophile: You have a talent for tinkering with machines. You just seem to get them. (+4 Research) AUTO-SELECTED DUE TO BACKGROUND, DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS SELECTED ADVANTAGES
    [X]Paranoid: You don't trust many new people, and are always wary of the ones you know. (+3 to intrigue -1 diplomacy)
    [X]Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to Administration, +1 to diplomacy)
    [X]Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplo)
    [X]Proud: You think yourself better then anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)
    [X] A dusty sand-filled motel bed. - Okay, you were kind of lying to yourself. Turns out you have literally the best bed in town and this little pile of scrap appears to be the closest thing to civilization for hundreds, if not thousands of miles. You aren't sure how you ended up as leader of a band of frightened tourists, angry locals and the occasional confused survivor who comes stumbling out of the desert, but dammit, you are going to make it work.
    [X] Plan: Survive Termination
    -[X]Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to Administration, +1 to diplomacy)
    -[X]Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplo)
    -[X] Technophile: You have a talent for tinkering with machines. You just seem to get them. (+4 Research) AUTO-SELECTED DUE TO BACKGROUND, DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS SELECTED ADVANTAGES
    -[X]Shy: You never liked to go out in front of people and talk to them. (-2 to diplomacy)
    -[X]Marked for Termination: You don't know how. You don't know why. But Skynet has your name near the top of it's list. (???)
    -[X] A dusty sand-filled motel bed. - Okay, you were kind of lying to yourself. Turns out you have literally the best bed in town and this little pile of scrap appears to be the closest thing to civilization for hundreds, if not thousands of miles. You aren't sure how you ended up as leader of a band of frightened tourists, angry locals and the occasional confused survivor who comes stumbling out of the desert, but dammit, you are going to make it work.
    [X] Appearance:
    [X]Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you (+4 to diplomacy)
    [X]Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is impressive, especially considering the military has ceased to exist (+4 to martial. +10 to personal combat)
    [X]Marked for Termination: You don't know how. You don't know why. But Skynet has your name near the top of it's list. (???)
    [X] A metal military cot bolted to the steel wall. - You are still not sure how you managed to find a intact submarine, but you did. It's a very long story to how you managed to get it going again, though you should really stop for repairs at some point. The engine is making weird noises again. And now you haunt the pacific, enjoying a pleasure cruise until you find a piece of civilisation that wasn't burnt to the ground.
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Turn 1: 1998
Turn 1: 1998

You squeeze your eyes shut as the light streams into your room through the blinds. You turn onto your side, looking away from the rays of the rising sun, but that just means you get a face full of the rays being reflected by your attached bathroom mirror. You'd have shut the door but some idiot smashed it before you managed to get this room and well...you've had bigger priorities than repairing it since then. Shifting in your bed doesn't do the trick, not does pulling the covers over your head.

What it does do however is remind you of how much sand is currently clinging to your body ever since it became easier to avoid washing until the water problem was fixed. Hopefully that might be any day now if the person in charge got their act together.

Unfortunately, that person was you.

It turns out, in the apocalypse, when communications from any form of central authority breaks down and everyone is either looting, panicing or doing their best to avoid having their house burnt down by idiots, looking like you have a plan or at least a semblance of one is close enough to leadership material that people actually listen to you, even as you scream at them to shut the hell up whilst you get drunk in a dark motel room in the ass end of the world.

And that is how you woke up with one hell of a hangover and the position of Mayor/Chief/Warlord/Overboss of Alice Springs.

You really ought to figure out how to add it to your resume when this was all over.

Might get a job in Microsoft!

Select 7 Actions...

Diplomacy: You aren't a total introvert. Even you know that sometimes you have to speak to people outside of your field of immediate interest to get what you want.

[] Get a Spokesperson: Whenever people have problems they seem to have the overwhelming urge to bring it right to your desk. As flattering as it was the first few times, you won't get anything done if you have to solve every little problem. Get someone who can at least ease the workflow and help with the bigger issues. Chance of Success 75%, +1 Action.

[] Lay of the Land (Internal): Quite frankly, you have no idea what is going on within your little community. Mainly because you are out from out of town rather than the fact you spent most of your time before stepping up to your new role in a several week drinking binge. This would be a good time to reach out and learn the names of the movers and shakers. Chance of Success: 60%, Learn names of community leaders.

[] Reassure the Public: You don't really have much to offer but words right now, but even you know that people are scared out of their minds. Give a few speeches, make a trip around town and put their minds at ease that a missile isn't going to drop on your heads. Might stave off someone doing something particularly stupid at a really bad time. Chance of Success: 25%, Improve Morale of Alice Springs

Martial: You hate violence. Not out of any sense of pacifism. But you are pretty bad at it.

[] Weapon Check: Lets be honest. This far into the outback, it's hard to expect the government to have gotten a hold of all the guns, despite the push against firearms in recent years. Still, it's better to know what you have available now rather than when you actually need it. Time to take a look at what makes up your armory. Chance of Success: 40%, Get a accurate idea of what firearms you have access to.

[] Form the Militia: You are hardly a military expert, but you are pretty sure that getting nuked is some sort of act of war. Never mind the rumors about bandits and worse out there. Time to see who answers the call for volunteers. Chance of Success: 30%, Form a Volunteer Militia.

[] Building Defenses: You are currently in charge of a refugee camp pretending to be a town, which has got to be a vulnerable looking target. Perhaps a wall or at least a ditch and a few watchtowers will discourage raiders for the time being in favor of easier targets. Chance of Success: 30%, Plan and build some basic defensive structures.

[] Appoint an Expert: There has got to be at least someone in this town with some sort of idea of how to handle the ins and outs of shooting at other people, right? Hopefully you might be able to get them to do the work for you! Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.

Administration: Logistics can make or break armies. Right now it's close to breaking your sanity.

[] The Accountant: You can't deal with this on your own. The numbers are making your eyes melt. Look around town and trick...you mean convince a patriotic citizen to handle the records for you. Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action

[] Food Glorious Food: There is desert surrounding you on all sides and you have no idea where the closest source of food is. Time to take a look at the stocks and see how bad the situation really is. Chance of Success: ???, Accurate record of supply situation.

[] Water in the Desert: The water supply in town has been starting to cut out at random intervals. Locate both the source and the problem before you have a crisis on your hands. Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.

[] Power to the people: You know what would be nice? Working lights. It might take some doing, but scrounge around town to see what kind of generators people have access to and sort out some sort of system. Might not be much, but it's a start. Chance of Success: 40%, Electricity reestablished.

[] Double Checking the List: Alice Springs is hardly a city. It's a tourist destination. But you do know it wasn't intended to support this many people. Might be best to know exactly how many you are working with. Chance of Success: ???, Accurate numbers of population.

Intrigue: Warfare is about deception. Retaining sanity is about lying to yourself on how bad things really are. You are pretty good at it.

[] Pine Gap: There is a US Base about 18 Kilometres South-West of town. Despite everything catching fire, you haven't heard anything from them and you know for certain there was no mushroom clouds rising from that direction. Maybe it's a good idea to check it out? Chance of Success: 35%, Find out what happened to Pine Gap

[] Lay of the Land (External): Just because there is sand and dust stretching out for miles in every direction doesn't exactly mean there is nothing and no-one close by. Now would be a good time to send out the scouts and get a better picture of what and who is close by. Chance of Success: 60%, Local Area scouted.

[] The Black Market: Where there is desperate people, there are those willing to take advantage. Unfortunately they are probably the closest thing to actual surviving businesses that remain ever since supplies stopped coming into town. Try to make contact with whoever is in charge of the racketeers and try to work out some sort of deal. Chance of Success: 50%, Black Market goes legitimate. Contact made with "criminal underworld"

[] Law and Order: When the world ended, so did most forms of civilization. Like the assumption that you could call the police if there was a crime. That would currently need and actual police force to happen these days, or at least someone you can trust to keep the peace. Find a few trustworthy individuals willing to go on patrol and that should at least stop anyone thinking that looting is still fine. Chance of Success: 65%, Sheriff and Constables appointed. Attempt made to tackle crime.

Research: You were born to build and learn. You might be busy for most of the day, but when you have free time, it's devoted to the art of SCIENCE!!!

[] Build a computer: It's not exactly your finest hour, but ultimately, you are a specialist in technology. To do that, you need the right tools. This includes a computer, though right now you'll have to build one yourself. Chance of Success: 100%, Personal Computer built from Scraps.

[] Set up a workshop: You might be living in a motel for now, but that doesn't have to be a permanent measure. There has got to be a abandoned building or nice, cool and sandless basement to set yourself up in with all your stuff. Chance of Success 100%, Lab built for private projects.

[] Radio is the future: Considering the phone-lines are down and it's one hell of a journey to the coast just to find out if anyone is still alive, perhaps it's better to build a radio strong enough to get through all the radiation? At the very least, you can listen in to see if anyone out there is still talking. Chance of Success: 75%, Radio Built. Outside communication possible.

Personal: What you do in your own time is your own business.

[] Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Reward a single action can have a +20 roll added to the dice.

[] Learn to fight: You really need to learn to at least not hurt yourself when throwing a punch. It's starting to look embarrassing. Chance of success: ???, Reward: Personal Combat skill increases. Traits can be gained.

[] Cyberdyne notes: They might have taken your lab, your job and blacklisted your name, but they didn't get all of your research. It's a little old school, but you kept notes using pen and paper. You'll be starting from scratch all over again, but maybe, just maybe, something of value is still there. Chance of Success: ???, New Actions Available.
----[X] First things first
[X] Lay of the Land (Internal): Quite frankly, you have no idea what is going on within your little community. Mainly because you are out from out of town rather than the fact you spent most of your time before stepping up to your new role in a several week drinking binge. This would be a good time to reach out and learn the names of the movers and shakers. Chance of Success: 60%, Learn names of community leaders.
[X] Appoint an Expert: There has got to be at least someone in this town with some sort of idea of how to handle the ins and outs of shooting at other people, right? Hopefully you might be able to get them to do the work for you! Chance of Success ???, Gain a Martial Advisor. Chance to gain Martial stat.
[X] The Accountant: You can't deal with this on your own. The numbers are making your eyes melt. Look around town and trick...you mean convince a patriotic citizen to handle the records for you. Chance of Success: 75%, Gain Administrative advisor, +1 Action
[X] Water in the Desert: The water supply in town has been starting to cut out at random intervals. Locate both the source and the problem before you have a crisis on your hands. Chance of Success: 75%, Water Supply secured.
[X] Lay of the Land (External): Just because there is sand and dust stretching out for miles in every direction doesn't exactly mean there is nothing and no-one close by. Now would be a good time to send out the scouts and get a better picture of what and who is close by. Chance of Success: 60%, Local Area scouted.
[X] Law and Order: When the world ended, so did most forms of civilization. Like the assumption that you could call the police if there was a crime. That would currently need and actual police force to happen these days, or at least someone you can trust to keep the peace. Find a few trustworthy individuals willing to go on patrol and that should at least stop anyone thinking that looting is still fine. Chance of Success: 65%, Sheriff and Constables appointed. Attempt made to tackle crime.
[X] Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Reward a single action can have a +20 roll added to the dice.
----[X] Lay of the Land (Internal)
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