Fusion! – A Pokémon Quest

Recent readers

You went to sleep a normal man. You woke up with a strange being inhabiting your body and altering your form. The two of you are now fused! As if turns out, you're not the only person this has happened to and your reality has been shaken to the core. Powerful forces from another world have brought their ambitions to your shores. Now, will you fight to restore the old older or will you embrace this fusion?


It's all in the cards
Zombie World

Sinnoh region, ascending Mt. Coronet...

"Is this really the place? Everyone here is so weak!"

"Patience... the real prize is still waiting for us."

"Yes, soon we'll have the power we've been looking for."

The three birds continued their ascent up the mountain, leaving a trail of knocked out and heavily wounded Pokémon behind them. They had gathered to this mountain from their home region of Galar for a specific purpose – to acquire more power and supplant the gods of this world. To do this, they had gathered three orbs of great power: Galarian Articuno held the Lustrous Orb; Galarian Zapdos held the Adamant Orb; and Galarian Moltres held the Griseous Orb. The three orbs of the creation trio.

The idea was that bringing the three orbs here would allow them to control the same powers as those three, to take them as their own. Would it work?

There was only one way to find out.

And soon, the three of them made their way to the Spear Pillar, a supposedly sacred site.

The orbs were now resonating with power, overflowing from the orbs, infusing with their beings, altering the space and time around them.

Three birds grinned at each other wickedly. Yes... this must be the place.

But before, they could celebrate their success...


...an ominous shadow arose from the ground in front of them. Red eyes, draconic wings – Giratina.

The Zapdos moved forward immediately, ready for a fight, but was held back by his two companions.

"Ah, Giratina... here to witness our moment of triumph?" asked the Moltres.


"Hmph. You'd think you'd be on our side here," commented the Articuno. "But no matter. It's too late now."

Space and time were becoming more and more distorted around them, as the barriers of reality were being chipped away by the power of the three orbs. As Giratina manifested more of itself into the 'regular' world, it knew it would have to act quickly to stem off a disaster. If these three gained access to the powers of its two companions, there was no telling the havoc they could wreak.

It knew what it had to do.

"W-what the-!?"

"What did you just-!?"

"How did you-!?"

Using its own power to warp dimensions, it brought them into its own realm – the Distortion World.


But the three birds knew a way to counter this, and sneered at Giratina. Using the combined power of the orbs, they tried to warp space-time once more – this time to escape.

However, this time...


...the walls didn't hold...

"So long, sucker!"

...and a barrier came crashing down.


You... were completely unaware of any of this. You are a normal guy, who was suddenly woken up by a massive headache coming out of nowhere. You stumbled out of bed, your entire body feeling strange for some reason. But whatever, this would pass... you hope. The sun's up, so you go to open the blinds and...


...what happened to your hands!?

As a matter of fact, what happened to the rest of your body!?


You pinch yourself. No, you're not dreaming.

You run into the bathroom, turn on the light, look into the mirror, and...


...bellow out a massive, shocked scream.

QM Note: see next post for the voting options!
[The Initial Vote]
[The Initial Vote]​

Yes, that's right. Due to forces beyond your control, you are now fused with a Pokémon. But before we can start your journey, let's settle on who you are:

[][Name] (write-in)

You have been fused with one of the following Pokémon. Make your choice:

[][Partner] Mew – the Mysterious Spirit
[][Partner] Ho-Oh – the Wrathful Flame
[][Partner] Latios – the Psychic Wonder
[][Partner] Darkrai – the Dark Dreamer
[][Partner] Kyurem – the Freezing Fear
[][Partner] Zygarde – the Land's Might

Mew (PSYCHIC/Synchronize)

Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect

Pound Might Level 1 10 +d40

Reflect Type Affection Level 1 10 Alters type to match foe

Transform Charisma Level 1 10 Gain form and attacks of opponent

Mega Punch Might Level 5 20 +d80, 85% accuracy

Metronome Spirit Level 5 ? Pulls and attempts to use a random move

Psychic Spirit Level 10 40 +d90, 10% chance to lower foe Focus

Barrier Bulk Level 10 20 Doubles Bulk until the end of battle

Ancient Power Spirit Level 15 30 +d60, 10% chance to raise all stats

Amnesia Focus Level 10 20 Doubles Focus until the end of battle

Me First Charisma Level 20 ? Copies opponents attack and hits w/ +50%

Baton Pass Affection Level 20 25 Tag out for an ally, passing them all effects

Nasty Plot Spirit Level 25 20 Doubles Spirit until the end of battle

Aura Sphere Spirit Level 30 40 +d80, cannot miss

Ho-Oh (FIRE/FLYING/Pressure)

Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect

Weather Ball Spirit Level 1 10 +d50, doubled in weather + changes type

Whirlwind Might Level 1 10 Blows weaker foes away from the battle

Gust Spirit Level 5 10 +d40, double damage on flying targets

Brave Bird Might Level 10 ??? +d120, fatigue = 1/3 of total attack value

Extrasensory Spirit Level 10 40 +d80, 10% chance to flinch

Sunny Day Charisma Level 10 10 Changes weather to sunny temporarily

Fire Blast Spirit Level 15 50 +d110, 10% chance to burn

Sacred Fire Might Level 15 75 +d100, 50% chance to burn

Punishment Might Level 20 50 +d60, adds +d20 and -10 fatigue per foe boost

Ancient Power Spirit Level 15 30 +d60, 10% chance to raise all stats

Safeguard Focus Level 20 10 Blocks the next status move used by a foe

Recover Bulk Level 20 -50 Fatigue cannot go below zero, limit = 2/battle

Future Sight Might/Spirit Level 25 100 +d120, unblockable delayed attack

Calm Mind Focus Level 25 20 +50% Spirit + Focus until the end of battle

Sky Attack Might/Sprit Level 30 200 +d140, charge ups, 1/3 chance to add Reflexes

Latios (DRAGON/PSYCHIC/Levitate)

Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect

Heal Block Charisma Level 1 10 Prevents foe from lowering their fatigue

Helping Hand Affection Level 1 10 Doubles power of an ally's next move

Psywave Spirit Level 1 20 Randomly adds (X+1),(X),(X-1) Spirit rolls

Safeguard Focus Level 5 10 Blocks the next status move used by a foe

Protect Bulk Level 5 10 Blocks the next move used by a foe

Dragon Dance Might/Agility Level 10 20 +50% Might and Agility until the end of battle

Stored Power Spirit/Reflexes Level 10 20 +d20, adds +d20 for each stat boost on self

Refresh Bulk Level 15 10 Cures paralysis, poison, burn on self

Heal Pulse Focus Level 15 -50 Fatigue cannot go below zero, limit = 2/battle

Dragon Breath Spirit Level 15 30 +d60, 30% chance to paralyze

Luster Purge Spirit Level 15 30 +d70, 50% chance to lower foe Focus

Psycho Shift Focus Level 20 20 Transfer status condition to a foe

Recover Bulk Level 20 -50 Fatigue cannot go below zero, limit = 2/battle

Telekinesis Spirit Level 25 40 Force foe into the air, making them easier to hit

Zen Headbutt Might Level 25 40 +d80, 20% chance to flinch

Power Split Charisma Level 30 10 Average Might and Spirit with target

Psychic Spirit Level 30 40 +d90, 10% chance to lower foe Focus

Dragon Pulse Spirit Level 30 40 +d85

Memento Charisma Level 30 100 Target Might and Spirit are cut in half

Note: Heal Pulse targets others, Recover targets yourself

Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect

Disable Charisma Level 1 25 Foe loses access to most recently used move

Ominous Wind Spirit Level 1 30 +d60 bonus, 10% chance to raise all stats

Quick Attack Might Level 1 20 +d40 bonus, adds a Reflexes roll to Agility roll

Hypnosis Charisma Level 5 20 Convince a foe to go to sleep

Feint Attack Might Level 10 30 +d60, cannot miss

Nightmare Spirit Level 10 20 Inflicts sleeping foe with +25 Fatigue

Double Team Reflexes Level 10 20 Foe attacks become easier to evade

Haze Focus Level 10 10 All stat changes are removed

Dark Void Spirit Level 15 75 Send all valid targets to sleep

Nasty Plot Spirit Level 20 20 Doubles Spirit until the end of battle

Dream Eater Spirit Level 25 -50 +d100, can only target sleeping foes

Dark Pulse Spirit Level 30 40 +d80, 20% chance to flinch

Kyurem (DRAGON/ICE/Pressure)

Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect

Ancient Power Spirit Level 1 30 +d60, 10% chance to raise all stats

Dragon Breath Spirit Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to paralyze

Freeze-Dry Spirit Level 5 30 +d70, 10% chance to freeze, SE on Water-types

Noble Roar Charisma Level 5 20 Lowers foe Might and Spirit

Slash Might Level 10 30 +d70, chance to add a Reflexes roll to Might roll

Endeavor Charisma Level 10 20 Set foe Fatigue to yours (cannot lower value)

Dragon Pulse Spirit Level 10 40 +d85

Ice Beam Spirit Level 15 40 +d90, 10% chance to freeze

Hyper Voice Spirit Level 15 40 +d90, targets all valid foes

Scary Face Charisma Level 15 20 Target Agility and Reflexes are cut in half

Blizzard Spirit Level 20 50 +d110, 10% freeze chance, targets all valid foes

Imprison Charisma Level 20 20 Foe cannot use moves known by the user

Outrage Might Level 25 75 +d120, multiple attacks, inflicts self-confusion

Glaciate Spirit Level 25 30 +d65, Lowers foe Agility and Reflexes

Sheer Cold Spirit Level 30 100 OHKO on weaker foes (stronger may escape)

Zygarde (DRAGON/GROUND/Aura Break)

Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect

Bite Might Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to flinch

Bulldoze Might Level 1 30 +d60, Lowers foe Agility and Reflexes

Dragon Breath Spirit Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to paralyze

Glare Charisma Level 1 20 Inflicts foe with paralysis

Safeguard Focus Level 5 10 Blocks the next status move used by a foe

Dig Might Level 5 40 +d80, goes underground and then attacks

Bind Might Level 5 10 +d15, deals 10 Fatigue per hit, traps target

Land's Wrath Might Level 10 40 +d90

Sandstorm Charisma Level 10 10 Whips up a sandstorm temporarily

Haze Resilience Level 15 10 All stat changes are removed

Crunch Might Level 20 40 +d80, 20% chance to lower foe Bulk

Earthquake Might Level 20 50 +d100, double damage to underground targets

Camouflage Affection Level 25 10 Changes type based on terrain

Dragon Pulse Spirit Level 30 40 +d85

Coil Bulk Level 30 20 +50% to Might and Bulk

Outrage Might Level 30 75 +d120, multiple attacks, inflicts self-confusion

You have a group of stats that describe your combined state. They are Might (natural strength), Spirit (supernatural prowess), Bulk (defensiveness and physical bulk), Focus (knowhow and ability to withstand the supernatural), Agility (movement speed), Reflexes (quick-wittedness and reaction time), Charisma (other's opinions of you), and Affection (your opinion of others). These stats will determine your ability to overcome challenges, make allies, and learn moves. Each level you have will give you a d10 roll, with the values being added together. Most of these stats will start at 1... but you may select two to start at 3 and three to start at 2. Which ones?

[][Level 3] ???
[][Level 3] ???

[][Level 2] ???
[][Level 2] ???
[][Level 2] ???

You also have two other stats called Sync, which is a measure of how intertwined the two of you are, and Fatigue, which is a measure of your exhaustion due to battling. Sync will start at 50 and fluctuate throughout the quest between 0 and 100. There will be times where high sync is good and times when low sync is good. Fatigue will start at 0, can be safely increased by fighting to a maximum of 100, and goes down outside of battle. Reaching 100 Fatigue will cause you to be unable to continue the battle after your attack hits, so be careful to make sure your attack will defeat your opponent!

Finally, where is your tale starting?

[][Start!] Out in the desert, in your hometown (first encounter: Maractus)
[][Start!] Within the big city, surrounded by people (first encounter: Pachirisu)
[][Start!] In the middle of a secluded forest (first encounter: Heracross)
[][Start!] By the ocean in a small town (first encounter: Luvdisc)
[][Start!] Far up and above within the mountains (first encounter: Carbink)
[][Start!] At the vast plains on your family farm (first encounter: Tauros)
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[Character Sheets]
[Character Sheets]​

Main Character's Party
Name: Ezekiel "Zeke"
Partner: Zygarde
-Might: 3
-Spirit: 6
-Bulk: 2
-Focus: 4
-Agility: 3
-Reflexes: 1
-Charisma: 3
-Affection: 2
Zygarde (DRAGON/GROUND/Aura Break)
Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect
Bite Might Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to flinch
Bulldoze Might Level 1 30 +d60, Lowers foe Agility and Reflexes
Dragon Breath Spirit Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to paralyze
Glare Charisma Level 1 20 Inflicts foe with paralysis

Safeguard Focus Level 5 10 Blocks the next status move used by a foe
Dig Might Level 5 40 +d80, goes underground and then attacks
Bind Might Level 5 10 +d15, deals 10 Fatigue per hit, traps target
Land's Wrath Might Level 10 40 +d90
Sandstorm Charisma Level 10 10 Whips up a sandstorm temporarily
Haze Resilience Level 15 10 All stat changes are removed
Crunch Might Level 20 40 +d80, 20% chance to lower foe Bulk
Earthquake Might Level 20 50 +d100, double damage to underground targets
Camouflage Affection Level 25 10 Changes type based on terrain
Dragon Pulse Spirit Level 30 40 +d85
Coil Bulk Level 30 20 +50% to Might and Bulk
Outrage Might Level 30 75 +d120, multiple attacks, inflicts self-confusion

Name: Ron
Appearance: tbd
Partner: Heracross
-Might: 3
-Spirit: 4
-Bulk: 1
-Focus: 2
-Agility: 6
-Reflexes: 1
-Charisma: 4
-Affection: 2
Heracross (BUG/FIGHTING/Guts)
Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect
Tackle Might Level 1 10 +d40
Arm Thrust Might Level 1 ??? +Xd15 (X=d4+1), 5 Fatigue per hit
Fury Attack Might Level 1 ??? +Xd15 (X=d4+1), 5 Fatigue per hit
Endure Bulk Level 1 20 1/X chance to survive a hit (X=times used)
Horn Attack Might Level 1 30 +d65
Leer Charisma Level 1 20 Lowers foe Bulk

Night Slash Might Level 5 30 +d70, chance to add a Reflexes roll to Might roll
Feint Might Level 5 10 +d30, negates Protect and Detect
Aerial Ace Might Level 10 30 +d60, cannot miss
Chip Away Might Level 10 30 +d70, ignores foe stat changes
Bullet Seed Might Level 15 ??? +Xd25 (X=d4+1), 5 Fatigue per hit
Pin Missile Might Level 15 ??? +Xd25 (X=d4+1), 5 Fatigue per hit
Counter Might Level 20 ? Gain Fatigue of foe attack w/ double Might total
Brick Break Might Level 20 30 +d70, negates Reflect and Light Screen
Take Down Might Level 25 ??? +d90, fatigue = 1/4 of total attack value
Megahorn Might Level 25 60 +d120
Close Combat Might Level 30 50 +d120, lowers Bulk and Focus on self
Reversal Might Level 30 10 +2dX (X=Fatigue), Fatigue gained after move

Name: Tabitha "Tabi"
Appearance: tbd
Partner: Zygarde
-Might: 5
-Spirit: 2
-Bulk: 2
-Focus: 2
-Agility: 4
-Reflexes: 4
-Charisma: 3
-Affection: 3
Zygarde (DRAGON/GROUND/Aura Break)
Move Stat Requirements Fatigue Battle Effect
Bite Might Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to flinch
Bulldoze Might Level 1 30 +d60, Lowers foe Agility and Reflexes
Dragon Breath Spirit Level 1 30 +d60, 30% chance to paralyze
Glare Charisma Level 1 20 Inflicts foe with paralysis

Safeguard Focus Level 5 10 Blocks the next status move used by a foe
Dig Might Level 5 40 +d80, goes underground and then attacks
Bind Might Level 5 10 +d15, deals 10 Fatigue per hit, traps target

Land's Wrath Might Level 10 40 +d90
Sandstorm Charisma Level 10 10 Whips up a sandstorm temporarily
Haze Resilience Level 15 10 All stat changes are removed
Crunch Might Level 20 40 +d80, 20% chance to lower foe Bulk
Earthquake Might Level 20 50 +d100, double damage to underground targets
Camouflage Affection Level 25 10 Changes type based on terrain
Dragon Pulse Spirit Level 30 40 +d85
Coil Bulk Level 30 20 +50% to Might and Bulk
Outrage Might Level 30 75 +d120, multiple attacks, inflicts self-confusion


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...I don't know what those birdbrains from the intro were thinking but I'm certainly willing to chase them down and turn them into feather dusters! Giratina...Well, he didn't have many good plays by the time he could do anything.
Palkia and Dialga, you useless dragons, man your post!

[X]Plan:Land's Gaurdian
-[X][Name] Ezekiel (Zeke as a nickname.)
-[X][Partner] Zygarde – the Land's Might
-[X][Level 3] Might
-[X][Level 3] Spirit
-[X][Level 2] Focus
-[X][Level 2] Bulk
-[X][Level 2] Charisma
-[X][Start!] In the middle of a secluded forest (first encounter: Heracross)

...IDK if Plan voting is a requirement or not, but it seems...Prudent, for character creation.
I don't know what a Zygarde looks like off-hand but I CAN say I like the idea of being a brawny brawler. Also it looks like type-match ups probably aren't as important as they could be...But I might be mistaken.
[x] Explore It All
-[x][Name] Darien
-[x][Appearance] https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/15/178183.jpg
-[x][Partner] Mew – the Mysterious Spirit
-[x][Level 3] Spirit
-[x][Level 3] Reflexes
-[x][Level 2] Focus
-[x][Level 2] Charisma
-[x][Level 2] Bulk
-[x][Start!] In the middle of a secluded forest (first encounter: Heracross)

Love Mew, and I would like to explore. Mew has a great moveset for party support as well. Forest is the classic start, and Heracross is a great 'mon, but I wouldn't mind a friend Tauros so we could sleep on their back and be lazy either lol.

Several of the human appearances don't work either.
...IDK if Plan voting is a requirement or not, but it seems...Prudent, for character creation.
I don't know what a Zygarde looks like off-hand but I CAN say I like the idea of being a brawny brawler. Also it looks like type-match ups probably aren't as important as they could be...But I might be mistaken.

i do appreciate plan voting

type-matchups do still matter, btw

Several of the human appearances don't work either.


drop appearance from the vote then

since the one you picked works, i'll just go with that
[X] Plan: Land's Guardian

Mew is drastically overrenpresented in pokemon fanfiction, sue me
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currently working on the next part, need a tiebreaker, thanks!
Adhoc vote count started by R2Walker on Jul 19, 2020 at 4:13 PM, finished with 12 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]Plan:Land's Gaurdian
    -[X][Name] Ezekiel (Zeke as a nickname.)
    -[X][Partner] Zygarde – the Land's Might
    -[X][Level 3] Might
    -[X][Level 3] Spirit
    -[X][Level 2] Focus
    -[X][Level 2] Bulk
    -[X][Level 2] Charisma
    -[X][Start!] In the middle of a secluded forest (first encounter: Heracross)
    [x] Explore It All
    [x] Explore It All
    -[x][Name] Darien
    -[x][Appearance] https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/15/178183.jpg
    -[x][Partner] Mew – the Mysterious Spirit
    -[X][Level 3] Spirit
    -[x][Level 3] Reflexes
    -[X][Level 2] Focus
    -[X][Level 2] Charisma
    -[X][Level 2] Bulk
    -[X][Start!] In the middle of a secluded forest (first encounter: Heracross)
    [X] Plan: Land's Guardian
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[First Day, part 1]
Winning vote:
[X]Plan:Land's Gaurdian
-[X][Name] Ezekiel (Zeke as a nickname.)
-[X][Partner] Zygarde – the Land's Might
-[X][Level 3] Might
-[X][Level 3] Spirit
-[X][Level 2] Focus
-[X][Level 2] Bulk
-[X][Level 2] Charisma
-[X][Start!] In the middle of a secluded forest (first encounter: Heracross)

Date: July 1st​, 20XX
Location: a state forest in Pennsylvania

[First Day, part 1]​

You look at your body very closely in the mirror. Your skin, normally a medium-cool shade of brown, is now jet black – with the exception of the lower half of your face, which is lime green instead. There are also white patches around your eyes and a red hexagonal marking at the base of your neck.

You poke at yourself, pinch yourself, prod your skin... nope, this isn't paint. Your actual skin has changed.

But how...?
Charisma Roll: 2d10 = 1,1 = 2 ... Failure.
Who could have done this to you? Is this some sort of curse? Some sort of demon or vengeful spirit cursing you for being here? And why? After all...

[][Forest] ...you've lived here your whole life without any issues...
[][Forest] ...you work here in order to protect and save the forest...
[][Forest] ...you're just here on a vacation and were leaving soon...

...so you have no idea why something would do this to you.
Focus Roll: 2d10 = 8,10 = 18 ... Pass!
Leaving that aside, you look back at yourself again. You wonder if whatever happened to your body affected your mind as well, so you try to calm yourself down, focus, and meditate. And when you do, you hear... barking?

You open your eyes, looking in the mirror again, and this time you don't just see yourself – you see the outline of a dog surrounding you, with the exact same color scheme.

"...Did you do this?" you ask.

The dog spirit looks at you in confusion and shakes its head. It barks and whines at you, but you have no idea what it's saying. Ah well... at least it doesn't seem hostile. You doubt this thing – whatever it is – is the cause of your problems.

You walk out of the bathroom back into your bedroom and get dressed, the spiritual presence still hanging around. It's taken its own form of a small dog and is wandering around the room, examining everything. As you're finishing up, it then perks up its head in attention, barks at you, and runs off.

"Hey, wait up!" you exclaim as you grab your phone, keys, and a small backpack. You notice that the red hexagon on its body is now glowing – maybe it can lead you to the cause of this.

As you lock up the cabin and depart, you noticed a bunch of texts from your best friend...

[][Friend] Adina
[][Friend] Elizabeth
[][Friend] Rebecca
[][Friend] Tabitha

...with a bunch of pictures showing that the same thing has happened to her. The exact same thing, as a matter of fact, her color scheme almost exactly matches yours with the exception that your red hexagon is blue on her. She also seems to have taken it far better, asking you if you had anything "cool like this" happen to you too, and it looked like she spent the morning making new outfits for herself to match her new look.

As the dog spirit leads you into the woods, you keep looking at your phone and see a bunch of messages from other people as well, along with lots of chatter on social media and frantic headlines.

[][Phone] Look at them all in detail.
[][Phone] Focus on...
-[][Phone] ...the texts from friends and family.
-[][Phone] ...the news and social media.
[][Phone] Ignore your phone for now.

The two of you keep going, and eventually you feel something... another presence... perhaps the same presence the dog spirit felt? It's up ahead, deeper into the forest, waiting for you patiently.

You think about it, and decide to approach this unknown being in the following way...

[][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.
[][Encounter] Be loud and aggressive.
[][Encounter] Try a friendly approach.
[][Encounter] (write-in)

...as you walk up to your partner spirit.

Sync: 50
Fatigue: 0
[X][Forest] ...you've lived here your whole life without any issues...

[X][Friend] Tabitha

[X][Phone] Focus on...
-[x][Phone] ...the news and social media.

[X][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.
[X][Forest] ...you've lived here your whole life without any issues...

[X][Friend] Rebecca

[X][Phone] Focus on...
-[x][Phone] ...the news and social media.

[X][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.
[X][Forest] ...you're just here on a vacation and were leaving soon...

[X][Friend] Elizabeth

[X][Phone] Focus on...
-[X][Phone] ...the texts from friends and family.

[X][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.

best err on the side of caution.
[X][Forest] ...you're just here on a vacation and were leaving soon...

[X][Friend] Tabitha

[X][Phone] Focus on...
-[X][Phone] ...the texts from friends and family.

[X][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.
[X][Forest] ...you work here in order to protect and save the forest...

[X][Friend] Rebecca

[X][Phone] Focus on...
-[X][Phone] ...the texts from friends and family.

[X][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.
[X][Forest] ...you've lived here your whole life without any issues...

[X][Friend] Tabitha

[X][Phone] Focus on...
-[X][Phone] ...the texts from friends and family.

[X][Encounter] Sneak in, stay quiet, observe.