We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

Insert Tally
Adhoc vote count started by meianmaru on Jul 4, 2020 at 2:37 PM, finished with 107 posts and 41 votes.

  • [X] Plan Plowshares before Swords
    -[X] Modernize your Dogma (DC 75)
    --[X] Dana (2 actions remaining)
    --[X] Niamh (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Connection (5 Favor remaining)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (4 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Amelia (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Elliot (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Connection (4 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Dana (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Connection (3 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (3 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Dana (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Layla (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Elysium (2 Favor remaining)
    --[X] Sorcery On (Party)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 2 Manpower (1 Token remaining)
    --[X] Layla (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Elysium (1 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (0 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Amelia (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Weaving (0 Favor remaining)
    --[X] Sorcery On (NOMAD)
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Dana (2 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Niamh (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (1)
    --[X] Domains: Connection (5 Uses Left)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Amelia (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (4 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (2)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (3 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (3)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Elliot (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Layla (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x3 (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery On (4)
    --[X] Domains: Weaving, Elysium, Sorcery, Earth (1 uses left)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] Hero Units: Layla (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Units: Amelia (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery On (5)
    --[X] Domains: Weaving (0 Uses Left)
    [X] Plan Testing The Waters With A Splash!
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Dana (2 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Niamh (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (1)
    --[X] Domains: Connection (5 Uses Left)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Amelia (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Elliot (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (4 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (2)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (3 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (3)
    --[X] Domains: Connection, Elysium (3 Uses Left)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Layla (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (2 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery On (4)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] Hero Units: Layla (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Units: Amelia (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x2 (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery On (5)
    --[X] Domains: Weaving, Sorcery, Endurance (0 Uses Left)
    [X] Plan The Best Treehouse In All Of The Galaxy!
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Dana (2 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Niamh (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (1)
    --[X] Domains: Connection (5 Uses Left)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Amelia (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Elliot (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (4 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (2)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x1 (3 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery Off (3)
    --[X] Domains: Connection, Elysium (3 Uses Left)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Layla (1 Use Left)
    --[X] Manpower Token x3 (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery On (4)
    --[X] Domains: Weaving, Elysium, Sorcery
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] Hero Units: Layla (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Hero Units: Amelia (0 Uses Left)
    --[X] Sorcery On (5)
    [X] Plan Reach for the Stars
    -[X] Modernize your Dogma (DC 75)
    --[X] Dana (2 actions remaining)
    --[X] Niamh (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Connection (5 Favor remaining)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (4 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Amelia (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Elliot (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Connection (4 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Dana (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Connection (3 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (3 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Layla (1 action remaining)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (2 Token remaining)
    --[X] Layla (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Elysium (2 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] Amelia (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Weaving (1 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Stars Above and Beyond! (DC 80) (2 Manpower)
    --[X] 2 Manpower (0 Token remaining)
    --[X] Dana (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Sorcery ON
    --[X] Weaving (0 Favor remaining)
    [X] Plan Sacred Hospitality
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (1/3), Niamh (1/1)
    --[X] Connections (1/6)
    --[X] Sorcery OFF (Speak)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Amelia (1/2)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (1/5)
    --[X] Connections (2/6)
    --[X] Sorcery OFF (Census)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (2/5)
    --[X] Dana (2/3)
    --[X] Sorcery OFF (Party)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (3/3), Elliot (1/1), Layla (1/2)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (3/5)
    --[X] Elysium, Weaving, Earth (5/6)
    --[X] Sorcery OFF (Guests)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] Hero Units: Layla (2/2), Amelia (2/2)
    --[X] 2 Manpower (5/5)
    --[X] Weaving (6/6)
    --[X] Sorcery OFF (NOMAD)
    [X] Plan Only the Best for Our Guests
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (1/3)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (1/5)
    --[X] Connections (1/6)
    --[X] Sorcery OFF
    -[X] Modernize your Dogma (DC 75)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (2/3), Niamh (1/1)
    --[X] Connections (2/6)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Unit: Amelia (1/2)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (2/5)
    --[X] Connections (3/6)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] Hero Units: Dana (3/3), Elliot (1/1), Layla (1/2)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (3/5)
    --[X] Elysium, Weaving, Earth (6/6)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] Hero Units: Layla (2/2), Amelia (2/2)
    --[X] 2 Manpower (5/5)
    --[X] Sorcery ON
    [X] Plan Risky Plowshares before Swords
    -[X] Modernize your Dogma (DC 75)
    --[X] Dana (2 actions remaining)
    --[X] Niamh (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Connection (5 Favor remaining)
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (4 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Amelia (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Elliot (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Connection (4 Favor remaining)
    --[X] Sorcery ON
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Dana (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Connection (3 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (3 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Dana (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Layla (1 action remaining)
    --[X] Elysium (2 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 2 Manpower (1 Token remaining)
    --[X] Layla (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Elysium (1 Favor remaining)
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] 1 Manpower (0 tokens remaining)
    --[X] Amelia (0 actions remaining)
    --[X] Weaving (0 Favor remaining)
    [X] Plan Starless Preaching, No Sorcery
    -[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
    --[X] Dana
    --[X] Connection
    -[X] Modernize your Dogma (DC 75)
    --[X] Dana, Niamh
    -[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower, Amelia, Elliot
    -[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower, Layla
    --[X] Elysium
    -[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
    --[X] 1 Manpower, Dana, Layla
    -[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
    --[X] 2 Manpower, Amelia
    --[X] Weaving
Wait, do we a WoG that this kind of action can even cause losing a Hero? I mean, I can understand it could happen in an inherently risky action (like Sapping the Walls was), but what you are suggesting seems to have gone past mere caution and into fear-mongering.
I'm pretty sure Alectai will forgive quotes from Discord if they're about important mechanics:
Discord said:
CrimsonOddball 06/30/2020
Exactly how do the new crit fails work Alectai?

Alectai 06/30/2020
Yeah, you're not as tough as Necrodermis, because that would completely shut the door on psychic conductivity

meianmaru 06/30/2020
This knowledge fills me with fuzzies.

Alectai 06/30/2020
ANd you're leaning hard enough in psionics that this would be a liability

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020
So basically, if Wraithbone is Eldar, Earthblood is our Elves. Is what I'm getting from this.
In that it sacrifices Peak Performance for overall utility.

Alectai 06/30/2020
Crimson: If you fail an action, I roll on a separate table

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020
And not being insane.

Alectai 06/30/2020
To see what the consequences are

CrimsonOddball 06/30/2020

Alectai 06/30/2020
If you crit-fail and action
Which is to say
Fail by 40 DC or more

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020

Alectai 06/30/2020
Then I roll a seperate die that determines the backlash

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020
So now we know the crit-fail requirements.

Layton of christmas past 06/30/2020
good to know what a crit fail is

meianmaru 06/30/2020
Will Partial Success be everything over that?

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020
That means if we put enough bonuses on to be 40 away from the DC before dice roll, we'll never crit fail.

CrimsonOddball 06/30/2020
I'm scared to ask how bad the backlash consequences can get

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020

ctulhuslp 06/30/2020
fail by 40dc or more is..distressingly going to happen (edited)

EternalStruggle 06/30/2020
Failure will be -40 to -20 DC.

CrimsonOddball 06/30/2020
I think losing a hero was on the table

Alectai 06/30/2020
In short, yes, sorcery crit fails can result in a lost hero. Sorcery is dangerous - if you mess up, you can explode yourself or open up a warp rift and get sucked inside or any number of horribly lethal things.

On another note, it's probably too late to redirect the bandwagon, but I wanted to get a bit of critique in before the end:
[X] Plan Plowshares before Swords
-[X] Modernize your Dogma (DC 75)
--[X] Dana (2 actions remaining)
--[X] Niamh (0 actions remaining)
--[X] Connection (5 Favor remaining)
-[X] A Quiet Census! (DC 60) (1 Manpower)
--[X] 1 Manpower (4 tokens remaining)
--[X] Amelia (1 action remaining)
--[X] Elliot (0 actions remaining)
--[X] Connection (4 Favor remaining)
-[X] Speak to the People! (DC ??)
--[X] Dana (1 action remaining)
--[X] Connection (3 Favor remaining)
-[X] Party Time! (DC 50) (1 Manpower)
--[X] 1 Manpower (3 tokens remaining)
--[X] Dana (0 actions remaining)
--[X] Layla (1 action remaining)
--[X] Elysium (2 Favor remaining)
--[X] Sorcery On (Party)
-[X] Make a Nice Place for guests! (DC 70) (1 Manpower)
--[X] 2 Manpower (1 Token remaining)
--[X] Layla (0 actions remaining)
--[X] Elysium (1 Favor remaining)
-[X] Project: NOMAD Part One: Big Fish? Big belly! (DC 70) (Manpower cost waived by remaining Tokens)
--[X] 1 Manpower (0 tokens remaining)
--[X] Amelia (0 actions remaining)
--[X] Weaving (0 Favor remaining)
--[X] Sorcery On (NOMAD)
I think this over-invests on the Party and under-invests on the Guest Prep action. Party Time is only a 50 DC - a single hero is enough to render crit fails impossible. Meanwhile, if you want to make sure the Weavers of Life doctrine turns the Manpower invested in the DC 70 Make a Nice Place for Guests into bonuses, you should probably apply the Weaving domain to make it sufficiently biotechy. It's our big External Diplomacy project - we want this to be good, so multiple domains and +Charity heroes is a good idea.

Meanwhile, Speak to the People only has two bonuses applied against its unknown DC. I suggest not doing both it and Modernize your Dogma on the same turn - both are actions that should really have both our +Preaching heroes on them.
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The way I see it, the 'Stars Above and Beyond!' action is competing for resources with the 'Make a Nice Place for guests!' action.

We can only really stack resources on one of those.

However, both of those are directly relevant to Primary Objectives. 'Stars Above and Beyond' advances obtaining our own home-grown Voidcraft, while 'Make a Nice Place for guests!' works towards both ensuring that our incoming guests don't ruin everything and the secondary objective of obtaining at least one Ally.

Which means we want both. The only question in my mind is the order to get them in. So what do we know?

"We will have guests soon."
"What kind of guests are we talking about?" Dana asked--Niamh shook her head. "Unclear, the readings only warn of potential peril. We must make suitable preparations in the time we have remaining."

We know that there is potential danger and that they will arrive 'soon'. We also know that we need to subvert the usual expectations of the setting in order to get the best endings.

Suitable preparations for this are the 'guests' action and any kinetic action you want - the silk glove, mailed fist treatment, basically, as otherwise we've got a dangling hero somewhere.


Short Objective list this chapter. Everything seems basically straightforward, though I'm not quite sure what a basic Army List contains and how we can tell how far we are from completion.

A 'basic army list' fills all ground-based roles, which can be split up as follows:

Infantry, which take and hold ground. The 'Queen' of the Battlefield, if you aren't using Infantry (or an equivalent) you're doing something wrong. We've got the Verdant Army, which has a slew of useful special rules. The Ork Warband or Imperial Guard regiment fills the same role for those factions.

Scouts, which poke at the edges of enemy forces, usually with the Fast Attack or Fleet rule and a bunch of special rules to go with it, including the ability to rapidly reposition Infantry. It's mostly Orks that use something like this, with other factions either directly integrating transports into their infantry or relying on Aircraft to perform the same duties. As such, the role will be filled by Project NOMAD Part Two.

Armor, usually Tanks, which provide substantial force concentration. This is the 'Giant Friendly Crab' action.

Walkers, which provide substantial force concentration and serve to boost Morale or psychic resonance. Our Flower Knight Maniple covers this. Imperial Knights and Titans, Ork Dreads and Gargants, etc.

Monsters, which aren't always necessary and probably redundant with the Verdant Maiden's themes. Not everybody uses these. Monsters have varied roles, but are summed up thematically as 'commanded beasts'. Ork Squigs, Exodite Dinosaurs, etc.

Aircraft, which provide rapid aerial transport for Infantry, provide ground support/airstrikes, and can contest for Air Superiority. Project NOMAD Part Two covers this.

Artillery, which provide pinpoint bombardment of enemy positions on an on-call basis. Also known as the 'King' of the battlefield - Artillery generally fucks up Infantry, or indeed anything it can hit, but it's usually rather fragile. We don't have an option for this at the moment.

As nuChaos / a Warp Faction, we get Daemons, which can be summoned directly to the battlefield for some cost or another. We don't have research options for this, but our Daemon Varieties are something to take into consideration for future planning.

And lastly, Epics. The Special Big Boys, each faction generally does these somewhat similarly. The Imperium fill this role with their Imperator Titans, Orks with Mega-Gargants, Chaos with Megadaemons and Abominatus Titans, Necrons with Soul Rippers and Collosi, Men of Iron with Megatanks, Megabots, and Super-Titans. The Big Boys, frequently coming in at 500 meters in some dimension or another - length, height, etc - they combine an absurd amount of firepower and force concentration with incredible defenses and battle-tilting special rules.

We've got our Leviathan Landship. At 500 meters long, it's in the right size category; we'll want specialized transports to move them between worlds. But... it's kind-of a mish-mash of design principles at the moment. Is it super-artillery? A mega-transport? ???
Project NOMAD Part One covers fixing that, designating the Landship as a Carrier.

We're actually fairly close, by my read. We don't have artillery available yet, but that's not too big a problem; I'm sure it'll come up sooner or later. An action each turn should steadily fill the holes in our basic army group.

We won't have super-heavy tanks or full-size Titans by the end of this unless new research options open up, but those definitely aren't basic. Hell, the Landship isn't basic, but we've got what we've got.

E: Clarified Scouts - 'It's mostly Orks that use something like this, with other factions either directly integrating transports into their infantry or relying on Aircraft to perform the same duties.'
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On another note, it's probably too late to redirect the bandwagon, but I wanted to get a bit of critique in before the end:

I think this over-invests on the Party and under-invests on the Guest Prep action. Party Time is only a 50 DC - a single hero is enough to render crit fails impossible. Meanwhile, if you want to make sure the Weavers of Life doctrine turns the Manpower invested in the DC 70 Make a Nice Place for Guests into bonuses, you should probably apply the Weaving domain to make it sufficiently biotechy. It's our big External Diplomacy project - we want this to be good, so multiple domains and +Charity heroes is a good idea.

Meanwhile, Speak to the People only has two bonuses applied against its unknown DC. I suggest not doing both it and Modernize your Dogma on the same turn - both are actions that should really have both our +Preaching heroes on them.
Decent critique, but I have things to say about my reasons.

The lessons of Chapter 1 and how Verdant Maiden claims to be a story, makes me want to have her as a story of a Goddess whose first actions upon becoming active in peacetime are to focus on her Faithful, and have an awesome welcome back party. I am a little bit ashamed by this reasoning, but you will not convince me to not invest into Party Time.

As for Speak to the People, remember this has all the signs of being a general Cult recruitment action - and I have taken literally all the possible-synergy actions (Dogma, Census and Party) that do not require making shiny new toys. If this does not give bonuses and/or mitigate failures even further I will commit sudoku*.

* Yes, really. This is not a typo either. I am not eating any hats.

As for under-investing into guest quarters? Can't be helped, I had other priorities that ate the tokens.
There are four Terrain types in this system: Normal, Rough, Urban, and Boarding. I expect Alectai has either axed it or just declared it not yet relevant, since normally any infantry unit by default gets Boarding Effectiveness. It's not a matter of us not having the training for it either, normally Flayers would have it but they don't here.
Personally, I'm just assuming that our complete lack of Void Capability means that whilst we would be effective at boarding, we can't actually cause it to happen so it's not one of our Terrain types. With that changing once we get some void capabilities.
The idea of going for a big miracle is neat but I don't think it's super good.

I know that I am the world's most boring man, but when we've got a lot of goals and limited resources, I think it would be better to go for "solid chances of success on six things" rather than "solid chances of success on four things, plus hitting one thing out of the park."

(especially since I really think we don't want to lollygag on reviewing our dogma.)
(especially since I really think we don't want to lollygag on reviewing our dogma.)
Speak to the People and Modernize your Dogma are both actions that could really use both +Preaching heroines on them, but Niamh only has one action. I'd suggest doing the Talking action first to clear up any misconceptions people have about us as a person(-like warp thing), then revise dogma next turn.
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I honestly think putting 10 +10s on a single action is seriously overkill, but the alternative is potentially neglecting our guests, and none of the other plans have enough votes, so... Eh.

EDIT: Upon further review, it seems the winning plan isn't actually as neglectful as was implied to me, but at this point, I'm just genuinely curious as to what a guaranteed Miracle would look like.
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There was a bit of talk in the discord about theme songs/leitmotifs for the VM, and so I submit my proposal for the thread's consideration
I would suggest Answers from FF14, because it is very applicable to our part one storyline. Though I admit it would be more apt as a in-universe opera written by someone with imperfect knowledge of the VM's nature.

first part, male quoir, spoken as the people of equinox lamenting the heartlessness of the god-emperor.
I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer
Release your hands, for your will drags us under
My legs grow tired, tell us where must we wander
How can we carry on if redemption's beyond us?

Second part, female vocalist, would be VM walking on stage so to speak, seeing the plight of High Priestess Dana, between the flayers killing folks, and the incoming famine.
To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant
To all of my children to whom Death hath passed his judgement
The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter
Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after

third part, female vocalist, VM continues to sing, offering cryptic solutions and hope. Very Mysterious are the gifts of the Goddess and all that. On stage we would see the introduction of Belladonnas at this point.
Shining is the Land's light of justice
Ever flows the Land's well of purpose
Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe...
The Land is alive, so believe...

fourth part, female vocalist, VM continues to sing with characters representing Dana, Layla, and a chronologically too-soon Niamh singing the female quoir, while the action of the flayer war rages during this call and response.
Suffer (Feel) Promise (Think) Witness (Teach) Reason
(Hear) Follow (Feel) Wander (Think) Stumble (Teach) Listen
(Speak) Honor (Speak) Value (Tell) Whisper (Tell) Mention
(Hope) Ponder (Hope) Warrant (Wish) Cherish (Wish) Welcome
(Roam) Witness (Roam) Listen (Roam) Suffer (Roam) Sanction
(Sleep) Weather (Sleep) Wander (Sleep) Answer
Sleep on

fifth part, VM continues. This is directly in defiance at the cruelty of the governor, the imperium at large, and the advent of the space marines of the azure dragoon (again, chronologically too soon, in the opera the dragoons are called before the battle of graycliff, rather than directly afterwards).
Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated
Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated
Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken
Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken

Here the opera would continue as before, VM as the female lead, with "Dana, Layla, and Niamh" singing the responses. This part of the opera would take us from graycliff to the landing of the Azure Dragoons.
War born of strife, these trials persuade us not
(Feel what? Learn what?)
Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts
Mired by a plague of doubt, the Land, she mourns
(See what? Hear what?)
Judgement binds all we hold to a memory of scorn
Tell us why, given Life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries?

Nearing the end, this section of call and response would represent the Dragoons attack into the spire, and would be very tragic. Lots of audience tears would be shead as the Belladonna's bravely fight to protect the high priestess.
Witness (Feel) Suffer (Think) Borrow (Teach) Reason
(Hear) Follow (Feel) Stumble (Think) Wander (Teach) Listen
(Blink) Whisper (Blink) Shoulder (Blink) Ponder (Blink) Weather
(Hear) Answer (Look) Answer (Think) Answer together

Final verse, the VM is center stage, admonishes the space marines with her inscrutable wisdom, and they leave, thoroughly rebuked?
Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow
To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow
In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow
Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow
In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know

Consider it a slightly wrong ember island players sort of thing. But mostly, view it an an excuse to listen to Answers.

Edit: As an actual theme song for VM?
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I would suggest Answers from FF14, because it is very applicable to our part one storyline. Though I admit it would be more apt as a in-universe opera written by someone with imperfect knowledge of the VM's nature.

first part, male quoir, spoken as the people of equinox lamenting the heartlessness of the god-emperor.
I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer
Release your hands, for your will drags us under
My legs grow tired, tell us where must we wander
How can we carry on if redemption's beyond us?

Second part, female vocalist, would be VM walking on stage so to speak, seeing the plight of High Priestess Dana, between the flayers killing folks, and the incoming famine.
To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant
To all of my children to whom Death hath passed his judgement
The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter
Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after

third part, female vocalist, VM continues to sing, offering cryptic solutions and hope. Very Mysterious are the gifts of the Goddess and all that. On stage we would see the introduction of Belladonnas at this point.
Shining is the Land's light of justice
Ever flows the Land's well of purpose
Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe...
The Land is alive, so believe...

fourth part, female vocalist, VM continues to sing with characters representing Dana, Layla, and a chronologically too-soon Niamh singing the female quoir, while the action of the flayer war rages during this call and response.
Suffer (Feel) Promise (Think) Witness (Teach) Reason
(Hear) Follow (Feel) Wander (Think) Stumble (Teach) Listen
(Speak) Honor (Speak) Value (Tell) Whisper (Tell) Mention
(Hope) Ponder (Hope) Warrant (Wish) Cherish (Wish) Welcome
(Roam) Witness (Roam) Listen (Roam) Suffer (Roam) Sanction
(Sleep) Weather (Sleep) Wander (Sleep) Answer
Sleep on

fifth part, VM continues. This is directly in defiance at the cruelty of the governor, the imperium at large, and the advent of the space marines of the azure dragoon (again, chronologically too soon, in the opera the dragoons are called before the battle of graycliff, rather than directly afterwards).
Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated
Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated
Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken
Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken

Here the opera would continue as before, VM as the female lead, with "Dana, Layla, and Niamh" singing the responses. This part of the opera would take us from graycliff to the landing of the Azure Dragoons.
War born of strife, these trials persuade us not
(Feel what? Learn what?)
Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts
Mired by a plague of doubt, the Land, she mourns
(See what? Hear what?)
Judgement binds all we hold to a memory of scorn
Tell us why, given Life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries?

Nearing the end, this section of call and response would represent the Dragoons attack into the spire, and would be very tragic. Lots of audience tears would be shead as the Belladonna's bravely fight to protect the high priestess.
Witness (Feel) Suffer (Think) Borrow (Teach) Reason
(Hear) Follow (Feel) Stumble (Think) Wander (Teach) Listen
(Blink) Whisper (Blink) Shoulder (Blink) Ponder (Blink) Weather
(Hear) Answer (Look) Answer (Think) Answer together

Final verse, the VM is center stage, admonishes the space marines with her inscrutable wisdom, and they leave, thoroughly rebuked?
Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow
To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow
In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow
Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow
In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know

Consider it a slightly wrong ember island players sort of thing. But mostly, view it an an excuse to listen to Answers.

oh SHIT i love it
OK, the contact. Yes, that's new, thank you so much, Matrina. Frickin gearheads… bogey was humanoid, standing about 2 meters. Didn't have a visible weapon, or make any aggressive moves. But it just appeared out of the undergrowth, and it's skin… looked like vines and bark, honestly. If it hadn't been moving and saying something I couldn't make out over the Boss yelling his head off, I'd have thought it was a dummy made to mess with us. So… some kind of plant daemon. Which tracks with what the reports said about the daemons in charge of this place. Yes, I read the reports, Matrina. Yes, I can read! Ugh. Anyway, once the boss wakes up, we're going to make our way to a settlement that should still be near here. Figure since I'm technically a local, I can just say I'm on leave and visiting the Veteran's Hall there or something."
  • Voice recording, Evidence Exhibit C in Heresy trial In Absentia of Jerjerrod Mills. Charge: Unlicensed Literacy
I'm always a fan of the Inquisition's hilarious paranoia. I hope this gets continued.
I would want to point out some of the benefits of the Plan MAXIMUM MIRACLE TREEHOUSE has by going almost all-in into one project, which is now just two votes away from catching up on the winning vote.

We have here a chance of making something that will not only will help with any future negotiations that happen on Equinox, but also make them safer with Elysium. So I would assume the more supernatural mojo is thrown into the project, the better its wards against violence will be. This could result in hilarious and embarrassing shenanigans to anyone trying to trying to betray us (or any other parties using the guest-quarters), which in turn would make even normally risky attempts at negotiations more feasible.

Besides, it could even become something more, a symbol of our ideology that seeks peace and co-existence before war where it can. That would be something definitely unique in 40k/50k universe, at least on this scale. Which is at least I don't want to leave such project being on the level of somewhat mediocre, when we have the resources currently to do so much more with it. Lets not waste this chance we have.

Besides, if we nail that action, it should be extremely awesome and potentially hilarious with Dana having the vengeance-return of her God-related migraines. And I certainly want to read more of that.