Web of Life (Spider-Man AU)

[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] Robotics Club
[X] There was a neighborhood barbecue going on

Look, Flash Doesn't need to know everything. Frankly, while it will make him have more trouble with College if he did try to join it. That's a very unlikely path for him in the first place. I suspect he'll try to join the military instead. And for that he doesn't really need academic prowess. While academics can be useful for some, most people don't use most of their high-school education anyway.
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[X] [FLASH] Peter was going to teach him everything.

[X] [CLUB] Fashion Club

[X] Peter worked on planning his crime-fighting initiative.

Even when the right thing is difficult, a true hero never backs down. That and they need to look snazzy, so...
How exactly is teaching Peter everything the right thing?

Okay you obviously meant Flash, so... Ahem. In the long-term teaching Flash just to pass does him nothing, his skills would be seen as better than they really are and when he gets a job he's actually unqualified for he'll have problems.

He'll become accustomed to cheating-but-not-really, of finding some shortcut to get the problem solved without actually solving the core issue: his own inability to solve it.
[X] [FLASH] Peter was going to teach him everything.

[X] [CLUB] HEMA Club

I think Spider-Man running around with a sword and shield sounds funny. Or whatever weapon, there are plenty of HEMA-options, and this would help us train combat for crime-fighting.
[X] [FLASH] Peter was going to teach him everything.
[X] [CLUB] Peer Leaders Club
[X] Peter met with Eddie Brock and listened to his job offer.
Okay you obviously meant Flash, so... Ahem. In the long-term teaching Flash just to pass does him nothing, his skills would be seen as better than they really are and when he gets a job he's actually unqualified for he'll have problems.

He'll become accustomed to cheating-but-not-really, of finding some shortcut to get the problem solved without actually solving the core issue: his own inability to solve it.
You know what, you provided an argument. I'm not really going to push it much more then that.

The information we're teaching him isn't really a skill he'll need in his life. Having him learn enough to pass is far more important. In Fact, me trying to find anything pointing in why high-school education is important never revolves around the actual education that the schools provide. Yeah, I'd see this as a problem. S

However, Flash needs confidence, he needs to feel like he can do something. Peter, helping with that gives him the confidence and support that his own mother doesn't provide him. He is already unfriendly to us, and watching his grades be worse, even though his actual education improves is going to have far worse connotations then being able to pass a few tests, without knowing the real underlying background information from it. Flash, understands he's not very smart, if we go that route we're making him even more incentivised to ignore us, and to have a worse position in life in the long run.

That being said. How precisely is he going to get a job he's unqualified for? At Worst he'll go to college, and that's the real time to actually learn what they need, for the job they want.

Note I'm not saying High-School is worthless. I'm saying that grades are what matters in High-School, and not the education it provides. That being said, Political Knowledge, and English (other languages like French and Spanish) are more useful then the rest in daily life, and if there was a middle option i'd promote those as one's actually worth teaching in detail. Even if most of that knowledge will be eventually lost by most.
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[X] [CLUB] HEMA Club

HEMA is giving us actual martial training so that would make a difference instead of the brawling spider style to have some actual formal training. Plus it can lead to additional schools of martial arts including unarmed schools which would mean a spider-man trained in hand to hand combat. That can be scary.

[X] Peter talked with Uncle Ben after his visit to the doctor.

Follow up with our Uncle. It can be difficult for people to both start and get through the initial sessions so continuing to support our Uncle while he does so is key.
Thought I would address a few posts, stir the discussion.

still does not excuse him lashing out at others but it represents an area where he could potentially improve.
Also don't we have 2 xp? Character sheet says 0
It's not physical violence (thought I would clarify, because lashing out can mean it) but rather the fact that he can't really stand Peter. It's not hate but rather like - I don't want to be in the same room as him - kind of vibe.

Flash actually was a villain i think, then a hero and he and Peter became really good friends later in life in the comics but hes dead now
Flash was a bully, in the 1960s-70s way - making Peter trip, or hiding his stuff - but they never explicitly called him out as a villain. He was just the face of one of the factors that made his life suck. I would say that JJJ is arguably more of a villain than Flash is - he faced off Spider-man and got called out in the cover. Later on, they tied various more mundane arcs to him - shipping him off to war, making people come after his life, acting like a bully teacher again - but he wasn't a villain. He got upgraded to Anti-Venom as a way to actually give some agency to the character (and it was good), before he was killed at the end of the Dan Slott run.

and if there was a middle option
I try not to offer obvious choices - if everyone is voting in one way or another, it means I kind of messed up gauging the audience somewhere. Teaching Flash, both @Kkutlord and @Totadileplayz have made some valid points - you guys figured out the consideration behind the choice way too quickly. You're are the real geniuses here.
Flash understands he's not smart
This is true. Wherever Flash goes, he knows he's not suited for academics and will choose accordingly.
He'll become accustomed to cheating-but-not-really
Also a valid concern that Peter kind-of-not-really grasps.

There's lot of other things and approaches I could say about the topic, but I am the quest writer, so I cannot... le sigh. Some voters are staying out of it though, wonder why. @googlyeyesultra - there's also a choice for the next event, sure you don't want to vote for that?
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] Fashion Club
[X] Peter worked on planning his crime-fighting initiative.

Fashion, so he gets some skill in design and sewing.

As for Flash, he can totally learn this stuff, he'll be mad at Peter but we shouldn't let him sabotage himself.

Edit: well in that case, this looks more like a failure of public schooling then Flash's.
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@googlyeyesultra Well, I can't force you to choose. yet.
@Parzival95 No, it's not that he could totally learn if he puts his mind to it. If it were, the choice would be much easier. Flash isn't for academics, and he hasn't been paying any attention in class. Flash knows it, and Peter does it too. He can learn, but he'll never be a top scorer, and by the time he does, he might've failed his tests. The choice is about a different thing - what Peter thinks is the right thing to do.
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] Fashion Club
[X] There was a neighborhood barbecue going on

Well fashion will be different if nothing else. If that won't get him out of his comfort zone nothing will. And for Flash- you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. We won't be breaking our word to his mother about helping him at least.
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] Fashion Club
[X] There was a neighborhood barbecue going on
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] Fashion Club
[X] There was a neighborhood barbecue going on
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] Fashion Club
[X] There was a neighborhood barbecue going on

There's a lot of science that goes into fashion, especially if you're probably gonna be making a superhero costume. Different kinds of textiles, stuff like water-resistance while still maintaining breathability, self-healing fabrics, integrating electronics into clothing...I could go on.
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] HEMA Club
[X] Peter worked on planning his crime-fighting initiative.
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass
[X] [CLUB] Peer Leaders Club
[X] Peter went to school
- [X] Peter made his first visit to the club.

Any combat or science club is kinda of useless - we would need a combat style tailored to our advantages, not a general one for competitions, and high school amateur robotics hardly overlaps with crimefighting. On the other hand, the both the Peer, Fashion and World Debate clubs may help teach Peter about the most important part of a superhero's arsenal: PR.
The Flash vote, on the other hand, is fairly simple, for the simple fact that high school is 90% an hot steaming pile of garbage and the rest you can learn after.
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass
[X] [CLUB] Peer Leaders Club
[X] Peter went to school
- [X] Peter made his first visit to the club.

Any combat or science club is kinda of useless - we would need a combat style tailored to our advantages, not a general one for competitions, and high school amateur robotics hardly overlaps with crimefighting. On the other hand, the both the Peer, Fashion and World Debate clubs may help teach Peter about the most important part of a superhero's arsenal: PR.
The Flash vote, on the other hand, is fairly simple, for the simple fact that high school is 90% an hot steaming pile of garbage and the rest you can learn after.
This, is actually an intriguing thing to talk about.

Are High School Amatuer Robots really useful in crime-fighting? No, so what can they provide us? The basic knowledge we need to create simple ai, to do various things. Spider-Drones. And Robots in general. Imagine making Spider-bots that can spin webs. Flying Spider Drones that can give us aereal support, and far far more. Remember the Spider-bot from Into The Spiderverse? There's so much potential robots can offer, but like everything. The Club provides the opportunity to materials, equipment, and technical knowledge we might not have right off the bat.
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass
[X] [CLUB] Peer Leaders Club
[X] Peter met with Eddie Brock and listened to his job offer.

knowing how to take a test is useful, and Peter will still need to teach the basics so he can understand the questions
[X] [FLASH] Peter agreed to just get him to pass.
[X] [CLUB] HEMA Club
[X] Peter worked on planning his crime-fighting initiative.

The tutoring is about Flash, not Peter.
Getting him to a passing grade is what both he and his parents would want and be thankful for.