"Didn't you say something about exploring the school?" You ask. You'd hate for them to get distracted from the topic that they were meaning to cover just because you happened to wander over.
"Oh, yeah!" Pico straightens up, as if he's making an effort to try and look impressive. "Okay, so, you see this wall?" He taps the wall that surrounds the school, before wincing and massaging his knuckles. "There's no holes in it."
"One... would assume so, yes." Sorbet doesn't appear to be very impressed. "Was this supposed to be going anywhere?"
"Right. Anyway, this wall is high enough that it blocks the view from the second story of the building. And you only really get a good view of the outside from the fourth floor or higher."
Cocoa blinks. "...Have you been climbing roofs, or something?"
"...Not recently!" This isn't particularly reassuring. "Still, the main gate is the only way to leave the school grounds unless you're all set up with Pizza, so if anything happens, it's gonna be pretty crowded around here. Watch out for that. If you want to be able to hide from trouble, you're better off somewhere inside the school."
"Is that why the lockdown at the beginning of the year happened the way it did?" You find yourself asking.
"What lockdown?"
"...Right. Soon after Biscotti brought us to the school, the faculty twins said something happened that was beyond their control, and the students' movements were restricted," Sorbet explains, leaning against the supposedly perfect wall herself. "They never did tell us why it happened..."
"I could see if Uncle Kirche knows anything about it. He's real tight with a lot of the people who work here."
"You can?" Cocoa brightens up- literally, the faint glow provided by her Starsign suddenly intensifying, before fading back to the usual dull shimmer. "Good. If there's something dangerous at this school, it'll be important to know about it."
"Can't have been that dangerous, if the place stayed open." Pico shrugs off the implications of danger completely. "Uncle Kirche will be coming by to visit in seventeen rotations. I'll see if I can remember to ask about it." You still aren't sure how the planet's rotations correspond to the way the Starsigns of Night and Day trade off, though you're sure there'll be at least one day when you have to do class while facing away from the sun, but you suppose you can look it up later.
"If you do, we should meet here in twenty rotations," Sorbet decides. Pico and Cocoa nod.
You should probably look up how long a rotation is if you want to make it to the second meeting.
Today, it becomes possible to sign up for afternoon classes, though it will be several more days before they begin. There are several of them, in many different time-slots, but it's recommended that new students take one afternoon class, in order to get properly adjusted to more strenuous magical studies.
Most afternoon classes have some number of prerequisites, though said prerequisites can apparently be tested out of. Sadly, you don't have the magical background required to understand the material on the tests, so you're stuck with the most basic of classes.
Of these, the class that appeals to you the most is...
[ ] Magical History: Historians tend to be wizards, as it is wizards who live through history. The solar system's past could reveal important information about the present... (Known Classmates: Sugar, Raspberry.)
[ ] Spiritual Studies: Dealing with spirits is how most wizards on Kovomaka increase their power. If you know more about them, you can probably figure out how to entice some of them into making Offers. (Known Classmates: Paprika, Merlot, Pico.)
[ ] Magical Healing: There are many different kinds of magic that can be used to restore the health of others, from injury or other conditions. It's something that could be helpful to learn. (Known Classmates: Chai, Cocoa.)
[ ] Water Studies: Your particular talent is for water magic, and no matter what, you will be slowly learning more of it. But this could help you pick up the pace a little. (Known Classmates: Sorbet.)
[ ] ...Actually, you don't see much need to take an afternoon class.