Of Shanties, Plunder and a Bottle o' Rum [Pirate Quest]

[x][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.
[x][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[x][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.
[x][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)
[x][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)

We've got extra cannons, and still under the maximum carrying capacity. We could use meeting another ship.
Wouldn't risk running into a sea monster or something, so a single roll might be better.

[x][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.

[x][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[x][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.

We are a pirate, not running a charity here.
We can always recoup our losses on any ships crossing our path
By losses, do you mean losses in provisions? If that's a concern, any provisions you give to the remainder of the crew are going to come from any excess you can't fit on your ship or use up in the celebratory feast.

The salvage roll was 19 - you're good on that front.
Never mind, I'm an idiot and somehow thought that the 22 Cannons was the crew size.
Can we not assign a prize crew and sell the ship?

[X][Prisoners] Recruit. You've not lost anyone while seizing this ship, but you'd still like to recruit. One or two of them have caught your eye, but you won't begrudge any wanting to get out of the awful conditions enlisted are put under in the name of profit.
[x][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.
[x][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.
[x][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)
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Can we not assign a prize crew and sell the ship?
waves hand

She's not taking on water, but the sails are fucked and one of the masts is snapped from the chainshot you were firing at her.

You can try, but I'll add some extra encounter rolls due to how it'll slow you down and Barracuda will be under-crewed on the way back.

I thought four separate votes were quite a bit as is, but I could add a vote for it?
waves hand

She's not taking on water, but the sails are fucked and one of the masts is snapped from the chainshot you were firing at her.

You can try, but I'll add some extra encounter rolls due to how it'll slow you down and Barracuda will be under-crewed on the way back.

I thought four separate votes were quite a bit as is, but I could add a vote for it?
Yes pls, selling prizes is one of the better ways for pirate crews to get rich and the start of a flotilla if we decide to keep it which in turn will help grow our legend and infamy!

Edit: maybe add it in another threadmarked vote so that previous voters will see it?
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If other people chime in supporting selling the ship, I'll add it. I'm also a bit worried about increasing the length of the prologue more than it needs to be, but that's not super important.
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Recruit. You've not lost anyone while seizing this ship, but you'd still like to recruit. One or two of them have caught your eye, but you won't begrudge any wanting to get out of the awful conditions enlisted are put under in the name of profit.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)

Changed my mind if we can figure out who was paid we can hunt the ships down if we recruit a few of the sailors
Also yea I was talking about food and provisions QM
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
[X][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
Tallying up before I head to sleep.

A nice spread amongst some of the options, pleasingly.
Adhoc vote count started by commando2341 on Apr 28, 2020 at 8:08 PM, finished with 18 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
    [X][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.
    [X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
    [X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.
    [X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
    [X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
    [x][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)
    [X][Prisoners] Recruit. You've not lost anyone while seizing this ship, but you'd still like to recruit. One or two of them have caught your eye, but you won't begrudge any wanting to get out of the awful conditions enlisted are put under in the name of profit.
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[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
If other people chime in supporting selling the ship, I'll add it. I'm also a bit worried about increasing the length of the prologue more than it needs to be, but that's not super important.

I think being able to capture a ship after battle should always be an option after a successful battle as long as the ship isn't actively sinking.

That said i can live with out it in the prologue as long as it will normally be an option.

[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.
[X][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)

*shakes head* I realize there's all sorts of fun stuff one can do with a dagger, but I'm just not feeling it next to the sweet sabre...Keep the Crew nice and small, as opposed to having to literally share the bounty with the losers we just beat fair and square, buut be somewhat understanding of their situation. And we're off to ADVENTURE!
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Recruit. You've not lost anyone while seizing this ship, but you'd still like to recruit. One or two of them have caught your eye, but you won't begrudge any wanting to get out of the awful conditions enlisted are put under in the name of profit.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)

Think we should take it easy for our first journey, with a single encounter roll.
[X][Prisoners] Recruit. You've not lost anyone while seizing this ship, but you'd still like to recruit. One or two of them have caught your eye, but you won't begrudge any wanting to get out of the awful conditions enlisted are put under in the name of profit.
[x][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.
[x][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.
[x][Destination] Make way to Sharktooth Bay. It's further than Freewind, but better prices there as well. (1 encounter roll.)

this looks interesting
Here are the reference images I was using for the three weapons, since a visual aid could be interesting. Meant to do this yesterday but completely forgot.

Images are quite large.

Less decoration on the cross-guard and pommel.

Accurate blade, but swap the lower hilt in.

With longer blades and leather-wrapped hilts in black, and less detail in the skulls.

Also as a PSA - decided to start leaving voting open for 24 hours from time of update.
Closing and tallying.

You wield a sabre, didn't recruit, are generous to the prisoners and are heading to the furthest port.

Roll 2d20 if you like, or I shall.
Adhoc vote count started by commando2341 on Apr 29, 2020 at 2:38 PM, finished with 28 posts and 18 votes.
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