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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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And jeez it seems our king is decked out entirely with Tier 4 and 3 gear we made for him! He is going to be an absolute terror on the battlefield!
And people were worried about the quality because of limited AP being chucked into the items. God damn, 5 items made this turn. 3 of them are Legendary rank while the reminding are Epic quality.

We did good, this has gotta be a big boost to Snorri's prestige and ability as a Rune Lord and the prestige of the Dragon Hold has gotta be boosted from the armour. Ungor would be getting a big boost as well, confiding they commissioned the Amulet and the Cloaks. If the king doesn't receive some form of 'Generous' trait for getting 2 legendary items and an epic quality item made just for marriage and to pay back a debt? I dunno what I'd think.
So for the King he can equip a talisman and the heir a talisman and weapon(s) in terms of runic equipment. Not a rush to fill that in right now but something to keep in mind. More so since those items are likely going to be moved over the generations since there is a set for the King and set for the Heir so when current heir becomes king, they take the king's set and pass on the heir set to the new heir.

Also is this new for Snerra:
Epic Deed: The Brewer's Banner
So for the King he can equip a talisman and the heir a talisman and weapon(s) in terms of runic equipment. Not a rush to fill that in right now but something to keep in mind. More so since those items are likely going to be moved over the generations since there is a set for the King and set for the Heir so when current heir becomes king, they take the king's set and pass on the heir set to the new heir.

Also is this new for Snerra:
Epic Deed: The Brewer's Banner
Not new. Snerra did that a turn or two ago.
So for the King he can equip a talisman and the heir a talisman and weapon(s) in terms of runic equipment. Not a rush to fill that in right now but something to keep in mind. More so since those items are likely going to be moved over the generations since there is a set for the King and set for the Heir so when current heir becomes king, they take the king's set and pass on the heir set to the new heir.

Also is this new for Snerra:
Epic Deed: The Brewer's Banner
No, that was from several turns ago.
I was thinking about us using Adamant, and then I wondered, does one need to know how to make Adamant in order to create something with it? It would make sense given the need to maintain the purity and strength of form, especially considering how tough it is. Otherwise you're limited to using it as a club head, if it doesn't require a unique type of knowledge to also inscribe runes into it. And even the most desperate Runesmith would never be caught dead doing such a thing with something so awesome as Adamant.

We should probably give Gloin a weapon some time in the future. A twin to Trollslayer. Not now mind you we're fuckin busy.
If it was possible to make a combo with Master Rune of Currents and Rune of Cold (and a third), and if the Frost-Wyrms Blood could be used on the Cold, we literally have everything we need to make something much higher on the T4 scale than Trollslayer. Mind, it would be cool keeping up this dichotomy of fire and ice the king and heir have going now.
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Little surprised the armor combinations didn't produce combos, but I suppose it doesn't always work. Can't wait to see the reaction to our adamant.
2. In terms of tangible properties? On its own, no more than what you'd expect. A Rune of Vitality doesnt let it regrow or become stronger, because it requires living tissue to have an effect. Stuff like that.
Now this is interesting.

@soulcake Would making a Gronti out of say silver Wutroth let it gain the ability to grow or become stronger with something like a Rune of Vitality since Wutroth is in fact made from living tissue?
Combo, Hailmantle: [Rune of Frost, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Sanctuary]
[A shield of frost and bitter winds buffets away projectiles and slows down enemies attacking the bearer. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.]
[Combo, Hailmantle +: Rune of Frost, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Sanctuary] Quenched in the blood of an Elderwyrm this cloak creates a whirling blizzard of ice around the bearer and their companions. The frozen winds it generates blow fiercely, slowing enemies and outright freezing lesser foes, all while it protects the bearer and their allies with the ferocity of a blizzard in deepest winter.
It would have been pretty embarrassing if this idea had backfired.

Man, we love the success of creation, SVers and SBers. With this, it doesn't even have to be something new to be awesome, because everything of note we make is a success story, a work of art.
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I'm genuinely happy with what we got with the commissions, even if thematically I would of preferred Otrek to get the Legendary armour and cloak. Make it so the king has the gear that's just subtly better than the heirs. Something for the heir to grow into when they inherit the hold, growing from Epic quality gear to Legendary.

But still, really enjoy the spread we got. That Hearthstone in particular. Really iconic that it came from the Dragon Hold and it really would sell the image of home for the Princess.
If it was possible to make a combo with Master Rune of Currents and Rune of Cold (and a third), and if the Frost-Wyrms Blood could be used on the Cold, we literally have everything we need to make something much higher on the T4 scale than Trollslayer. Mind, it would be cool keeping up this dichotomy of fire and ice the king and heir have going now.
Eh, to me the idea of freezing something and then cutting it, or the reverse, doesn't really seem to work to me. When you freeze something it becomes harder and thus harder to cut. I would rather make a Warhammer that freezes the target then shatters them.

Something like, Master Rune of Breaking or Smiting + Rune of Cold + Rune of Impact or Might. A weapon that shatters whatever it strikes as though it were made of brittle glass.

I would prefer using the Master Rune of Everfrost and swapping the Rune of Cold for Impact or Might but we don't know it.
Spoilers. But wood when harvested is "dead" still.
Damn, was hoping that the wood wouldn't have needed to be 'alive' for it to work that way since it was technically living. So know this is a strange question but seeing as you are the QM and would know more than the rest of the thread would it be possible to make a Gronti out of 'living' material? Like say that somehow using the Wutroth while still alive somehow to make the Gronti. Yeah I know it's strange but considering how weird Warhammer can be with all the weird stuff in it am wondering if there is such a thing that could make it work so curious about it.
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Damn, was hoping that the wood wouldn't have needed to be 'alive' for it to work that way since it was technically living. So know this is a strange question but seeing as you are the QM and would know more than the rest of the thread would it be possible to make a Gronti out of 'living' material? Like say that somehow using the Wutroth while still alive somehow to make the Gronti. Yeah I know it's strange but considering how weird Warhammer can be with all the weird stuff in it am wondering if there is such a thing that could make it work so curious about it.

Isn't putting runes on people either really hard/ a bad idea? That is what you are suggesting from what I can tell. Though carving runes on trees could be a good experiment all on its own.
Isn't putting runes on people either really hard/ a bad idea? That is what you are suggesting from what I can tell. Though carving runes on trees could be a good experiment all on its own.
I don't mean people but something that could technically count as alive. Like say somehow using a tree without killing it to shape into a Gronti. Yeah, know it's likely unlikely but considering all the weird stuff in Warhammer was curious enough to ask.
the "when Harvested" sounds like the loophole to look into. Like could we grow wood around a skeleton then put a run on when the wood is still alive?
Problem would be that what you're suggesting would be a multi-century operation at the very least. Even more so in the case of Wutroth considering how slowly it grows and the size of the golem people have been suggesting.
Beautiful. Two epic and three legendary creations. What a wonderful sight. :)
Anyway. So in that sense... I was thinking, if you're thinking of Steel and electricity then... well, that says railgun, doesn't it?

Master Rune of Steel + Rune of Lightning + Rune of Impact!
The Rune of Transference might be what you're looking for: Master Rune of Steel + Rune of Lighting + Rune of Transference. Armor becomes more resilient and steel like, and then the other two are about transferring lighting using that steel.
So I've been thinking on things a bit, and thinking about how the story so far has tried to draw on things or inspirations or events and... I think that looking to Dragon Ogres for inspiration might be a good idea. That is. Imagining Dragon Ogres in Norsca, and the interaction they have with these Griffons, and how they might interact in the story in the future. Imagine such a fight had already happened, we witnessed it, and were drawing inspiration from said fight: imagine the inspiration that the Runesmith would draw from that. Right? So...

The excel sheet is hellish to use as a reference (the limit of how much it can show, and the way that horizontal scrolling interacts with reading a thing... I'd prefer having these runes be in a threadmark rather than an excel sheet!) but I eventually saw that there's a Master Rune of Thunderbolts under weapon runes. I wondered whether there was a Rune of Thunderbolts too, but suspected it might exist only in the form of the Rune of Lightning.

Anyway. Thinking about railguns, lightning, thunder, Storm Griffons (as I'm sometimes calling them) and Dragon Ogres made me wonder. Dragon Ogres eat lightning, right. Storm Griffons generate lightning. The armor... is there any way we could make the armor redirect lightning bolts (and electricity) that would have been devoured by a Dragon Ogre? Whether it uses it to empower itself or buff its wearer is fine; the point is that it will steal lighting from Dragon Ogres that might otherwise eat it.

... Actually, that could be one potential good name for such a combo: Lightning Thief. (Storm Armor or Stormclad is another one. Though those could be the name of the armor rather than the theoretical rune combo.)

"The armor draws in lightning and empowers (itself/its bearer?/delivers an impact). It feeds from stormclouds and lightning bolts, but its wearer can also choose to feed it himself."

(I'm picturing the fluff on the rune, rune combo, or artifact, having a bit where it says something like: "Said to be inspired by the rivalry and clashes of Griffons and Dragon Ogres.")

I'm not sure yet whether the armor should use that energy to power a defense, to buff the wearer, or to be stored for a calamitous impact or what. I'm not sure how to achieve it, either. Or rather, I have too many ideas for how it might be done and am not sure what is most appropriate.

Transference + Lightning + Impact or Iron + Lightning + Impact feels like they might be something. (And also reminds me a bit of the Master Rune of Lightningbolts too!) Of course... it could have several ways it works out. Does such a combo mean that it transfers lightning into impact hits? Does it convert impact into lightning generation? Or does it just deliver impacts and lightning (like a thunderbolt) upon a charge attack?

Would using the Master Rune of Steel or Rune of Iron, for the metal's magnetism, be worth considering? Iron + Lightning + Absorption (or Impact) of some sort perhaps. (I don't quite want to use Spelleating or Spellbreaking because... because those are runes that are anti-spellcaster right? Whereas we want to absorb energy from a natural, and sometimes supernatural, phenomena; we want to catch lightning. Hence, me wondering about some kind of rune like that. And it because it feels a bit uneasy to just assume that we can use it for all "I want X to absorb energy of some sort..." catch-alls... but anyway! Nevermind.)

Have some fluff from 6th and 8th on the rune of Iron, which made me more optimistic about this idea: "When iron is saturated with magic, it is known as lodestone. This rune focuses the magnetic properties of lodestone to create magical armor."
"Runesmiths have learned to incorporate this potent rune of protection in multiples, increasing its powers like folded steel."

The 6th edition fluff sounded very promising -- and the excel sheet notes that it creates magical armor -- so...

Adding Lightning and Impact (or Transference? Impact is an armor rune, and ended up making Meteorfall, so) would probably get an effect of a "thunderbolt strike" or a "railgun strike." That'd be cool of course. But would swapping Impact for Absorption allow for the desired ability of maximum "Dragon Ogres can't have nice things"? With perhaps an ability to be charged by lightning?

Master Runes are nice, yes. But rune combos and creative utilization of what Griffons are or do or who they fight, or ways to represent Griffons or thunderbolts, seem better; it feels like a story or description, like it tells a tale... like it can be something representative of the race or events. And thus, be more likely to be a legend. And being able to turn a bad Pokémon type-matchup into a good type-matchup -- and have it serve as a rune combo that has good utility and defense even outside that specific scenario -- would be great.
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