Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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That was one option. As I noted we could do it in 3-4 turns, though I was assuming we'd spend 3 actions on the Movement of Things spread across two turns, leaving actions to work on combos or other things as needed and finishing it on the second turn. Then start work on the Gronti's body on the second turn, the design phase, then finish it on the third turn. That's eminently possible.
That's a better action order yeah. Also I am still completely for making it 10 meters tall. I find the arguemwnt that a smaller Gronti takes less actions to equip still completely assinine.

Ok, a piece of equipment for a smaller Gronti only takes 2 Action to make. Who here is actually intending on only spending 2 actions on any of this things loadout? Genuinely? A bloodthirster sized Gronti equipment piece takes 3 actions, right? Functionally 2 actions is the same thing as 3 because of Productivity like no other. So 2 actions in either case equals one piece of equipment.

But again, who is actually intending on only spending 2 actions on any piece of this things loadout? We'll obviously be spending more than that on each piece so the idea that a smaller Gronti is easier to equip because of a smaller action cost is basically irrelevant... unless someone actually wants to just spend the absolute minimum in actions on its equipment of course.

And the only, genuine, functional problem soulcake has confirmed for us in regards to making it 10 meters tall is that it would be too heavy in the sense that it would sink into the soft ground of the surface. Something easily solved by a Talisman with the Master Rune of Passage along with another couple of movement associated Runes which would be really useful for something like Ymir anyway.
I wonder if the armor we make for the King will become Legendary or if it'll just be Epic.

Guess we'll see.
I'm putting money on Epic at the moment. It doesn't have a Combo and the runes on a Thing are very important to how powerful it is, and combos are in some contexts more powerful than something without a combo. Like, an axe that is structurally identical to Trollslayer and is trying to be burny but doesn't land on the Meteorfall combo is obviously not as good as Trollslayer ended up being.

Or to put it more clearly, Combos are Important. Effort is also really important and then materials have a lot of variance because it depends on the material but they can still be nicely helpful.
[X] Wedding Works

[X] Plan For the Dragon Hold and Armor!
I thought it had some kind of explosion aura combo? And a frost one for the heir? Or are those the wedding gifts?
I think you mean the cloaks? There are no combos on the Armors.

The Cloaks could end up Legendary (T4) because they have good Combos, and we're using T4 materials.
Nah, I thought he was talking about the future armor of the King of the Skies...and I got Epic and Legendary mixed up as a tier higher than they actually were. I should not be doing this and work at the same time.
[X] Wedding Works
[X] Plan For the Dragon Hold and Armor!

here's the two plans I'm voting! Let's hope we make some new tier 4 equipment.
[X] Wedding Works
[X] Plan For the Dragon Hold and Armor!

We are going to need a lot more defences to survive the coming storm.
[X] Plan For the Dragon Hold!
-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: [Cost: (3 -1) =2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. Due in 1 Turn. 3 Actions. Use Elder Wyrm Blood on the Hailmantle Cloak and T4 Dragonhide for both Cloaks.
-[X] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 2: [Cost: 1 action] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 actions. Use Elder Wyrm Bone and Elder Wyrm Hide.
Personally I'm more interested in the armors than the Banner right now. As it stands the banner would help our general troops more but the armor keeps Otrek and Gloin alive.

My fear is that one or both of them die and then the equipment they're carrying, Trollslayer, the cloaks, are lost to the enemy. As bad as it is to say we can replace our regular troops far more easily than we can artifacts like those.

Not to mention the blow losing our King or his Heir, or, Ancestor gods forbid, both, would have on the Holds morale which is something we desperately need to keep high in times like these.
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