I'll accept that once I have QM confirmation of it.
Mari will turn in stuff as voted in the most recent plan:
Let Asuma know we'll be contributing Jiraiya's seal notes (minus any game-changing seals) for the contest.
Note that this says "seal notes", not "seals". The carve-out doesn't make a lot of sense in that context, since it wouldn't have had you turning in any seals whatsoever. Here's the most generous interpretation that I can make; you can pay a Fate Point to make reasonable modifications:
  • You are going to turn in everything in Jiraiya's notes that Kagome has decoded by the end of the contest that:
    • ... Is theoretical work related to seals, or;
    • ... Is a seal that seems innocuous (eg the lantern seals), or;
    • ... Is a seal that isn't innocuous but also is not clearly overpowered (i.e., err on the side of turning it in)
  • ...and you will not turn in things that have not been decoded, since they might be game-changing seals.
EDIT: Obviously, you're not turning in things that you promised not to turn in, such as the stuff you gave the Da-whathisface guy.
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Note that this says "seal notes", not "seals". The carve-out doesn't make a lot of sense in that context, since it wouldn't have had you turning in any seals whatsoever. Here's the most generous interpretation that I can make; you can pay a Fate Point to make reasonable modifications:
  • You are going to turn in everything in Jiraiya's notes that Kagome has decoded by the end of the contest that:
    • ... Is theoretical work related to seals, or;
    • ... Is a seal that seems innocuous (eg the lantern seals), or;
    • ... Is a seal that isn't innocuous but also is not clearly overpowered (i.e., err on the side of turning it in)
  • ...and you will not turn in things that have not been decoded, since they might be game-changing seals.
I vote to spend that FP to add a note saying that we also don't turn in seals & seal notes that we've either turned in already (e.g., Macerators) or were promised to other people (the Daisho).
We really should just spend a fate point to turn in all the notes. If we don't we probably won't win the dog scroll plus giving up our best opportunity to get Asuma 100% behind us
Note that this says "seal notes", not "seals". The carve-out doesn't make a lot of sense in that context, since it wouldn't have had you turning in any seals whatsoever.
...I mean, in the context of past conversations on this matter in 'verse the notes, seals, etc are all supposed to be jammed together and people would usually consider both the jutsu and the notes associated with it as part of the jutsu (When we were asking about Naruto being willed J's jutsu notes with respect to us getting Jutsu notes from J). So if we go by this interpretation it clearly means we should hand over the sealing notes - including the seals themselves.

Why is it different here?

(This is also why I have a really hard time parsing what makes a good plan. I do not believe you do so intentionally at all, but you really like to poke at minor wording flaws that you, personally, also do and interpret entirely differently when you make them vs when we do. It is problematic to my understanding of how to avoid these mistakes. I notice these things because my PhD advisor does the same thing. It can be amusing to watch him rip into why the wording of something he wrote doesn't make sense a week later without realizing he wrote it.)
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Mari will turn in stuff as voted in the most recent plan:

Note that this says "seal notes", not "seals". The carve-out doesn't make a lot of sense in that context, since it wouldn't have had you turning in any seals whatsoever. Here's the most generous interpretation that I can make; you can pay a Fate Point to make reasonable modifications:
  • You are going to turn in everything in Jiraiya's notes that Kagome has decoded by the end of the contest that:
    • ... Is theoretical work related to seals, or;
    • ... Is a seal that seems innocuous (eg the lantern seals), or;
    • ... Is a seal that isn't innocuous but also is not clearly overpowered (i.e., err on the side of turning it in)
  • ...and you will not turn in things that have not been decoded, since they might be game-changing seals.
Also for reference, I thought the understanding was that we were basically turning in an IOU for all of J's seals that he left to us. The understanding being that they, henceforth, belonged to Konoha in the same way his spy notes do.

e: Excepting those promised to the Daisho, of course.
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Note: to my understanding the undecoded notes include not only seals that we may or may not want to keep, but the jutsu notes that rightfully belong to Naruto. Turning them in would be a massive breach of trust as we're essentially giving Naruto's super-top-secret jutsu to the competition for our benefit. Think the Macerator incident times a million.
Note: to my understanding the undecoded notes include not only seals that we may or may not want to keep, but the jutsu notes that rightfully belong to Naruto. Turning them in would be a massive breach of trust as we're essentially giving Naruto's super-top-secret jutsu to the competition for our benefit. Think the Macerator incident times a million.
This is why we specified Sealing notes.
How do we know which notes are sealing notes without decoding them? From what I've seen Kagome doesn't know if a given note is sealing, spy network, or Icha Icha until he reads the plaintext.
Okay, I'm going to admit I have no idea what is going on.

We said we are going to turn over the sealing notes.

This means that we will turn over the things that we know to be seals that are not OP, and are going to continue doing so until we finish going through the entire set of encoded notes we have been given.
Mari will turn in stuff as voted in the most recent plan:

Note that this says "seal notes", not "seals". The carve-out doesn't make a lot of sense in that context, since it wouldn't have had you turning in any seals whatsoever. Here's the most generous interpretation that I can make; you can pay a Fate Point to make reasonable modifications:
  • You are going to turn in everything in Jiraiya's notes that Kagome has decoded by the end of the contest that:
    • ... Is theoretical work related to seals, or;
    • ... Is a seal that seems innocuous (eg the lantern seals), or;
    • ... Is a seal that isn't innocuous but also is not clearly overpowered (i.e., err on the side of turning it in)
  • ...and you will not turn in things that have not been decoded, since they might be game-changing seals.

I would think:

1) If we're going to make a contribution to the contest with sealing notes, it will include engineering samples(if available)
2) Wouldn't include anything we haven't decoded and determine the content of yet.
Which is why we should give him everything with a note that all the jutsu belong to Naruto

He will still have no idea by the end of the two months for all the notes that stay undecoded. Which means he's going to delay announcement to assess final value.

Which, I guess, is OK for us.
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[x] Fate point: give Asuma all the notes excepting those promised to Daisho and let him know the jutsu are Naruto's
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[x] Fate point: give Asuma all the notes excepting those promised to Daisho and let him know the jutsu are Naruto's
[X] Fate point: Also, don't give Asuma notes we'd promised the Daisho.

Concern: Why does Asuma do anything besides "sorry, buddy, you gotta sort through that stuff on your own, otherwise I'm taking the lot"?
[X] Fate point: Also, don't give Asuma notes we'd promised the Daisho.

Concern: Why does Asuma do anything besides "sorry, buddy, you gotta sort through that stuff on your own, otherwise I'm taking the lot"?
Because Naruto sees him as family and Asuma probably does as well. So Asuma won't fuck over his S-ranker for no reason. Plus he has the Sarutobi blood line of common sense
[X] Fate point: Also, don't give Asuma notes we'd promised the Daisho.

Concern: Why does Asuma do anything besides "sorry, buddy, you gotta sort through that stuff on your own, otherwise I'm taking the lot"?
Well, because given the choice between sorting through it on his own and getting everything much faster, and not getting things faster and letting us do it, the choice is clear...?
[x] Fate point: give Asuma all the notes excepting those promised to Daisho and let him know the jutsu are Naruto's
[X] Action Plan: Opening Moves
[x] Fate point: give Asuma all the notes excepting those promised to Daisho and let him know the jutsu are Naruto's

Can we have a heart-to-heart with Noburi sometime in the next couple of plans? His pov chapters make it seem like he really regrets what happened with Yuno in Isan and that he wants to reconnect with her (even if it's just as friends). But his behavior outside of those chapters has been arrogant and assured about his place in Yuno's life. That's not really like him and Hazou knows Noburi well enough to see through that kind of behavior. Besides, I'd like to think that Hazou has some amount of respect/familial affection for Yuno and would be somewhat offended at her being treated like this.

Noburi's awesome and has a really good insecure-to-confident arc, but this is kinda beneath him. I think so, anyway. And yeah, he's probably just being a normal teenager and masking insecurities/nervousness with false conviction, but good friends are friends who call out each other's bullshit behavior.