Inspiration was not simple.
Cider Rainbow knew this, lived it, had basically used it as his mantra during his school days. When it came to art, he'd had all the technical abilities in the world... and nothing he could do with them that satisfied him. Even his magic, crafted according to his ideal of beauty, took on the simple forms of rose petals because he simply couldn't envision the shape they were meant to take.
Eight hundred years later, and he still hadn't figured that part out. Perhaps roses had just become an integral part of his magic, dyed in such a spectrum of colors that his spellwork earned him just as many prizes as his art did.
But he wasn't satisfied with his magic... and it wasn't until he was into his eight-hundreds that he found a way to be satisfied with his art.
Her name was Souffle, and she was his adorable baby sister. His parents- who had always been more proud of him than he thought was justified, when he still couldn't create his perfect work of art- had asked him to try and paint a picture of her, which was, in hindsight, probably because they knew he'd be willing to do it for free.
That had also been the first time he met her, because he had been busy trying to... he couldn't remember what it was he had been doing, but it had involved some of the ruins the twins had convinced their class to excavate, once upon a time.
They'd skipped class to do so, and ended up with a week's worth of detention for it, but they'd come back with a number of treasure and new friends. Cider still wasn't sure if it had been worth the trouble or not, but they'd made headlines once again, and by that point they'd all been more or less numb to danger.
They had to be, in order to survive.
And that might have been the feeling he was trying to capture. He didn't actually know, and he hadn't yet gotten the chance to go back and try again. He wasn't even sure he would, if he had no idea what he was even trying to do.
That had been a common problem for him. He had the ability to put anything he wanted to canvas or paper, he just couldn't see what he wanted to do with it, and so could never be fully satisfied. Even the things he deemed good enough to sell- that he had to sell, because he wasn't going to be able to make rent otherwise- just weren't good enough. Because he just couldn't see the point to it.
With Souffle, however... the realization was immediate. Meeting her for the first time, their mother passing her to him to hold... Cider knew, for once, exactly what he wanted to do.
And it was perfect. Not the technical perfection that those who hung his art in museums were used to, but something subtler, that stirred his heart in a way that nothing had before.
It was the first piece he made that he was ever truly happy with, and it was one that would never, ever appear in any sort of museum.
It got easier, after that. Cider stopped trying to force inspiration upon himself, decided to simply enjoy the world, and sometimes something happened that he could make use of. There were still paintings sold just to pay the bills, still those that failed to live up to his exacting standards, but he was occasionally creating something that he couldn't find any obvious fault with.
They weren't his most popular pieces. He didn't often employ incredibly advanced techniques, and the subject material wasn't always all that special. But they were his favorites, all the same, because they were the ones he felt he could call a success.
Souffle loved all of his pieces. "Ci-dah! Ci-dah!" She'd cheer when he visited "Mo' paint!" She couldn't see the spirits infused into them, but that was fine, the Rainbow family had never had any consistent source of magic. Unlike the Nighthawks, who he was sure were going to cover Kovomaka in users of dark magic eventually. Well... maybe not Vanilla. And almost definitely not Ganache. But they had cousins, so it was still a possibility.
And it wasn't just paintings he showed her, either. Sculptures, poetry... he took her to one of Arancia's concerts once, because she kept randomly sending out free tickets to former classmates and Chocolat had the musical appreciation ability of a brick. Possibly even less.
"So, this is your sister?" The woman asked, afterward, standing up so that Souffle couldn't pull on her long black ringlets. "You never told me about her."
Of course not. He'd barely spoken to her since they broke up. Not because he was mad or anything- he could tell now that they were going to crash and burn if they had stayed together, maybe even literally, he saw what she did to Kirche- but because he knew exactly how Ketchup would have chosen to interpret the situation... and, worse than her, the paparazzi. As annoying as it was to have a friend on the same wavelength as the press, it could certainly be useful when it came to judging people's reactions.
"Well, she's still pretty young," He said instead, because Arancia probably didn't need the reminder that her life past Will-O-Wisp was just one failed relationship after another. "We think she might be a wizard of some kind, but we can't tell yet." Her babbling to things everyone else couldn't see was either spirits or an imaginary friend, and Cider wasn't sure he wanted to know just yet.
"I see." His friend gained an evil grin, the kind he would have thought he'd be more likely to see on Mustard or Ganache. "Well, I'm sure we could find out. Souffle? Could you tell me when you see little floaty things hanging around?"
And Cider's sweet little sister looked up at the living orchestra to cheerfully chirp out, "Night!"
...Of course.
Ordinarily, Cider would have gone to Ganache for advice. He came from a family blessed by the Dark Spirits, was probably the most stereotypical user of dark magic the user of beauty magic had ever met that wasn't actually evil, and would probably have some idea how to keep Souffle from offending anything important.
Sadly, Ganache was not on the planet at the moment. He'd left a bit over a decade ago to look for something in the wider solar system, and they were lucky if he got into contact more than once a month.
But he did keep contact, and Candy had had a tag on him from the very beginning, and Candy's tags were probably the most reliable way of finding someone there was, so Cider wasn't too worried about him.
It just made things a bit awkward, because the other user of dark magic he knew that was his age was Vanilla. Ganache's sister. When Cider first met her, he'd had to help her brother knock her out because she was being a danger to herself and others, and he'd never had much of an opportunity to get to know her since.
But the sooner he could convince his parents that the stereotypes surrounding wizards who were able to talk to Dark Spirits were just that, the better, and Souffle deserved better.
She deserved the best he could give her, and if that meant taking her with him because their father had offended an Enigma before Cider had been born, then that was what he was going to do.
The second part, however, was pure spite. "I can't help but think there were better ways to go about this," The pink-haired woman stated, her eyes narrowed at Cider over the dinner menu.
Cider shrugged. "I mean, neither of us expect this to go anywhere, but the instant my parents see the headlines..." They didn't like the Dark Spirits? Fine. He'd just go out on a not-date with a Nighthawk while Chocolat babysat. See how they liked that.
(The answer, as it turned out, was 'not much.')
Vanilla was unimpressed. And conflicted. "I'd tell you not to get me involved in your family drama, but you were sort of pulled into mine..." He wondered if she remembered he'd been the one to knock her out. With flower petals. That tended to leave a nice bit of bruising on anyone's ego.
"That... was a long time ago." Sort of. It was a time only wizards could be alive from. But that was what happened, when you lived almost a hundred times as long as the magicless... well, aside from the dwarves, anyway, but they didn't count. He was still positive that they were all secret machinery mages. Or something. "And... we were probably going to be dragged into things either way." Biscotti had chosen so many of them to be his students, it was a temptation that would be impossible to resist.
She leaned back in her seat, looking like she could have done without the reminder. "I... suppose so. But I don't imagine Ganache would have made it any easier."
Actually, he'd been a surprisingly good leader, even if he never actually told anyone anything. "Honestly, Candy was more of a problem about it than he was." And given the consequences that she'd faced for it, he'd eventually had to accept that there wasn't any point in staying mad at her. Even if it had forced them into combat with an Equillekrew. Odds were they would have had to fight it either way.
They ended up talking a lot about Cider's school days, and less about Souffle's magic, but he still managed to get Kovomaka's second- or third-most-powerful wizard to agree to tutoring sessions, and that was the most important part of it.
Cider was not famous on Puffoon. The inner solar system as a whole was not entirely certain that the Magic Planet Kovomaka existed, and there was just about nobody who could talk to spirits. This made it, in a sense, the ideal vacation spot.
...Aside from everything being overpriced, that is. But he supposed he had been warned... "No, Souffle, we can't get you a bracelet."
"But it's pretty!" She insisted, and that much was true, to the point where there was a minor Beauty Spirit hanging around it, chattering with his fellow accessories.
"I know, we just don't have the money." He had a few projects that were all coming along well... but he'd left them on his home planet, because he didn't have the resources needed to properly prepare them for spaceflight.
Monster fighting was an option, but... he'd had enough of that for a lifetime. "Come on, we're meeting my friend Ganache for lunch. He's Vanilla's brother. You remember Vanilla, right?" He'd hope so, they'd known each other for about a year.
Souffle nodded. "Uh-huh! She's really pretty, and strong, too!" Which one of them was the beauty mage, again? Not that he disagreed on Vanilla's relative physical attractiveness, but Souffle was four. Was this sort of thing normal for four-year-olds?
Well. It didn't matter.
On the way out, they were stopped by a woman whose fashions were vaguely reminiscent of those of the Envoys of Love, if the Envoys of Love were entirely colorblind. "Excuse me, would the two of you happen to be magicians?"
That was this planet's word for wizards, right? "Why do you need to know?" He asked, already on his guard. Souffle looked at the two of them in confusion, but didn't say anything.
"Oh, call it simple curiosity." He didn't believe her.
Souffle, meanwhile, was confused. "What's a ma-jee-sheen?"
"Someone who can use magic," The woman replied. "...You aren't from this planet, are you?"
"Nuh-uh. We're from Ko-vo-ma-ka." Which probably didn't mean anything to the woman. The Magic Planet had been left to its own devices for so long just about nobody had heard of it, even in fairy tales. The fact that the ones who ventured into the inner solar system were the likes of Ganache probably didn't help with that.
But apparently it meant something to the woman, who looked at him with more scrutiny than ever before, before her lips twisted into an evil grin. "I see... Cider Rainbow, is it? From Madeleine's class of XOXEO? One of the children from Valencia Beach who battled the Enigmas?"
Cider wondered if, if the sun had gone dark, the Starsign of Night would have blazed bright upon this woman's body. Her actions certainly weren't all that different from an Enigma's. "How do you know about that?" Sure, only Mokka had an actual gag order, but between Vanilla's career, Candy's reputation, and everyone's trauma, nobody ever really mentioned it to anyone.
"Let's just say... a little locust told me." An insect mage? There weren't a lot of those around here, were there?
"Leave us alone!" Well, if the woman had been affiliated with the Enigmas, either they didn't care much about their allies or one of them hadn't gotten the message, because the Pooka that appeared from nothing over Souffle's head had no qualms about striking her down.
And then it turned against the two of them. Because of course it did.
Of course, it was also challenging a master of beauty magic right outside an accessory shop. Poor thing never stood a chance.
They returned to Kovomaka almost immediately after that, because this was the sort of thing that definitely needed a professional opinion. "She did what!?" And a calm head, but apparently that wasn't going to be Vanilla at the moment.
Cider should have dragged Ganache back with him, he realized that now. "I don't know what happened, really. I don't even think she meant to do it. It's just... one moment she was getting upset, and the next..." At least it had been the weakest kind of Enigma. He didn't fancy a round two with Equillekrew when it was just him.
"And the next, there was an Enigma in Puffoon's capital city. I don't think I have to explain why this is a bad thing." Of course not. Near-death experiences were not easily forgotten. "Have you taken her to Candy yet?"
He shook his head. "I haven't had the chance. And I don't know if she's old enough to not let people know Candy still has her magic even if the application's changed a bit. It's the sort of thing best kept secret, right?"
"Normally, I'd agree with you..." The leader of the Elite Mage Force sighed. "But your sister has just become a target for any and all Enigma sympathizers still extant. Here and in the wider Baklava system. Are you sure you should have left her at home?"
"Kale's watching her, it'll be fine."
Except it wasn't. Because he'd known that fifth of the Will-O-Wisp graduates from previous classes couldn't necessarily be trusted. He'd known that, as beings of pure darkness, new Enigmas could come into existence at any time, and that they wouldn't necessarily be kinder than the last set. He knew that even members of his own class had been tempted, back then, even if they'd all eventually gone on to fight.
But it had never, ever occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, he couldn't trust Kale.