[x] Stay with Nami and the ships!
[x] keep doing pushups
[x] Explore! With bugs!
[x] Go hunting for lunch and supplies! With bugs! make crabs and lobsters bring foodstuffs and themselves on the boats as food supply
[x] curse Contessa under your breath when your hand start to be in dire pain. again.
Taylor HebertNamiRoranoa ZoroMonkey D. Luffy
Devil FruitDevil FruitDevil FruitDevil Fruit
N/AN/AN/AGum Gum (Rubber)C
Queen Administrator's Best BuddySSSNavigationANavigationZCharismatic DunderheadA
Close Quarters CombatCClose Quarters Combat (Staff Specialty)FSwordsmanshipCClose Quarters Combat (Rubber Specialty)C
Battlefield CommandCShip HandlingCShip HandlingEWill of D.B

The skill ranks above are presented as if in a vacuum.

Skill Rankings:
S - The skill of someone you don't want to mess with
A - The skill you would expect from a Marine Admiral
B - The skill you would expect from a New World Captain or Veteran of the Grand Line
C - The skill you would expect from a Marine Captain
D - The skill you would expect from a well trained civilian
E - The skill you would expect from a mook
F - The skill you would expect from an untrained civilian
G - A child could do better
H - Usopp could do better
I - The skill you would expect from someone who doesn't know what they're doing

These are, again, fast and loose. Narrative always takes precedent. Take everything with a handfull of salt.
@RavensDagger The problem with not wanting to min max Taylor is that... she kind of is already min maxed with being a cripple and all...

Honestly Tay is probably better off being a mid range support seeing as anyone not a mook will probably be better in short range just due to them being native to the world while Tay catches up. Tay losing a hand just makes that even more obvious.
Zoro shook his head. "That's too vibrant for her. She's a winter palette. Try something in a more subdued tone, maybe something like this." He reached to one of the other racks and pulled out a full shirt, this one in a pale blue that had the silhouette of a butterfly on it. Turning, he pressed it against Taylor's chest. "See?"


I can definitely buy it. Putting aside the fact that Zoro definitely has a sense of style, his issue isn't that he's unintelligent or socially unobservant, he just doesn't care about most things outside Swordsmanship. Him not valuing something doesn't mean he doesn't understand it.

Technically, she was as good or better than the boys in a scrap.

It doesn't come up much, but Zoro does actually have some unarmed martial arts training.

Although yeah, at this point Luffy has...pretty much no technical skill. Not that he needs it.
[X] Explore

Luffy should at least be H in Conqueror, its what had Shanks interest in the first place.
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It's worth noting that luffy has a skill similar to this one that chopper mentioned is similar to biofeedback, that's why he could regrow a tooth.
The short of it is this is an explentaion to how can luffy eat so much, he literally can control his body unconsciously to digest food faster.
[X] Explore!
[X] Go hunting for lunch and supplies!
Come on, Raven. She has a range that easily covers the entire island. The first option is a given the moment she sets foot on it.
Also, leave the hunting to Zoro.
Find dry wood that might double as ship repair.
Find hard wood that might double as a bokken so learning from Zoro is an option later.
Find honey and gather some for use or trade later.
Find herbs and roots.
She should be able to multi-task all search requests like this.
[X] Explore!
[X] Go hunting for lunch and supplies!
[X] Might as well restock let see if theres any new insects and crustaceans to add to her collection
So Usopp has H at least in every skill? That' s not half bad!
No, I'm betting those letters are based around 'Strength' stat only, and then everything else is sort of compared to that. Usopp has G strength, for instance. But we know for a fact his speed is super high tier, so it's not G. Rather than saying Usopp has a Rank G in Conqueror's Haki(I is the only rank in which it is unusable, G is two ranks higher than that, so that would mean he could passively knock at least some people out), it's saying that a Rank G in Conqueror's Haki is about as high on the scale of Conq as Usopp is on the Strength scale.

It's 'what does the letter mean' rather than 'what does the letter mean for this particular skill', and so I really think it should be changed because there are some Marine Captains that are surely much slower than they are strong, or vice versa. It's a placeholder, the previous less explained version was a little better but still not great. I think it should be something like 'Usopp's lowest physical stat is probably this' and 'The average civilian's lowest stat is probably this' and 'The average Marine Captain's lowest stat is probably this' etc. For Physical Stats only, and then the Skill tree is just 'about as high on this skill's scale as Usopp is on the Strength scale' etc.

Still not a good system like that, though. Might even be better without explanation, and just saying EX is the best, I is completely incapable, and everything else is in between. Because unless we find someone who is completely the same level in every possible field, for each letter rank, any comparison to anyone will always make little sense.
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Hmm... build focus could probably be something like

- Conqueror
- Observation

- Endurance
- Speed
- Maybe Agility depending on weapon.

- Battlefield Command (though I do wonder if this would accomplish much with such a small crew)
- Queen Admin (Can she make a prosthetic arm out of bugs?)
- Espionage/Weapon skill? (Can she reload firearms with her bugs?)

Also, why is espionage at G? Is it an unpowered application only, and if so does that synergize at all with her ability to info gather via insects?
@RavensDagger The problem with not wanting to min max Taylor is that... she kind of is already min maxed with being a cripple and all...
Well her CQC is Eqaul to zoros swordsmanship abilities.
Probably. He's made weapons before, I don't see why he couldn't make an arm for her.
That would probably add to a few stats what with the POWER OF TWO HANDS, and all that.

Plus The only weapon Ithink shes used is her Boxing learned from Brian or knives, and we all know how she likes knives
[X] Explore!
[X] Go hunting for lunch and supplies!
[X] Might as well restock let see if theres any new insects and crustaceans to add to her collection