[X] She
[X] Plan Trying to Believe
-[X] Ex Divine Navy
-[X] Determined
-[X] Brittle
I very much like the defector route, someone who maybe tried to see the benefits and the bigger picture of what they were doing, but couldn't keep all the rationalizations and justifications juggled until they all came crashing down. And when they did see the truth for what it was, you can't just forget about that. It stays with you, something specific and small, that you don't let go of because of all the other things it represents.
But in a world of pirates and shady government ties, of loud boastful rhetoric and cut-throat backroom deals and an assumed 'cost of doing business', you wonder if maybe you're not just making the same mistake you were before. If what you're doing is actually right, or just a more comfortable sort of wrong.
Hence the background. What was done or seen lit a fire, echos of the old life trying to fight the good fight with pride and skill, but a bit brittle because even here, you still see things that you have to accept or avoid thinking about.