For me, one of the big reasons I voted for the AIJ is that we've already had a story from the perspective of the Imperials. We've already dealt with the politics of Innersphere/Outersphere forced to work together against fascists, of the old order slowly buckling in the face of necessity to allow for reforms and new blood.

The AIJ was only barely touched in Petals of Titanium, and it would be fun to dig in deep into what makes them tick. To see a people desperately advancing a democracy while fighting their tyrannical overlords and extremist countrymen, planet-men, spheremen, Jovians.

Also like @The Laurent said, democracies are incredibly underappreciated in sci-fi. Lets be plucky democrat rebels!
*looks at the "all decisions are equally good" tag*

Must be some sort of a trick or a trap...
I'm usually a hardcore Monarchist but this once...

[X] The Alliance for an Independant Jupiter (AIJ)

Oh wow, both of these look awesome. On the one hand, looking forward to another view on the old characters. On the other, being in a resistance movement that has new support breathed into it could be awesome (and if they have SRI support maybe we'll hear from Amani?)

[X] The Alliance for an Independent Jupiter (AIJ)
[x] The Alliance for an Independent Jupiter (AIJ)

Do we know what we're doing? No, probably not. But we know why we're doing it, and that's good enough, for now.
[X] The Alliance for an Independent Jupiter (AIJ)
We've already been scrappy underdogs, not lets be scrappier undererdogs.
[X] The Alliance for an Independent Jupiter (AIJ)

I wouldn't worry about not seeing Mosi whatever choice ends up winning. Given the end of the last quest, she's almost certainly deep into this situation; but she's more useful as something more than just another pilot (not that we won't be seeing her do some fighting). My bet, as someone already experienced with deep infiltration missions, personal reasons to be utterly dedicated to the destruction of the Holy Solar Empire, and with intimate knowledge of its norms and culture form the inside she'll be acting as some sort of advisor/troubleshooter for the Guard's efforts to aid the various independence/resistance movements in the Jovian system.

As a member of one of those resistance groups we'll probably see her drop in to help out/pull our asses out of the fire. And as a member of the Imperial Guard we'll probably end up escorting her into dangerous situations at some point.
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