While the pair of identical girls are sprawled out over the very back of the bus, there's still some space left for you to sit down. There's a window nearby, so you can see Green Tea Village out of the side of the bus, the Envoys of Love already awake and going about their days.
For a moment, all is still. And then the driver wakes up, and your peace is shattered.
"Next stop, Oturan Village!" And with that, the vehicle starts, shooting off down the road at top speed, not even bothering to take the time to accelerate. You manage to catch yourself on the seat in front of you without slamming face-first into it on the first bump, but the girl in green isn't so lucky, spilling off the seat and onto the floor.
"Ow!" She bolts awake, attempting to scramble back onto her seat as the other girl begins to stir.
"We're going already?" The girl in blue complains, not looking very impressed with the quality of your transportation. You honestly can't say you blame her. That's when she notices you, blinking at you with pale gray eyes. "...Oh, are you the one the Principal was picking up?"
"Sorbet..." The green girl grumbles, still on the floor. Unlike the other, her eyes are a deep blue-violet. "Help me..." She's given a hand, and pulled up just in time for the bus to take a sharp turn, almost throwing her off of her seat again.
You get the feeling this is going to be a bit of a trend. Probably best to just ignore the bumpiness... even if it comes from driving right up a flight of stairs. "So, um..." You begin, wondering if they even remembered you were here, "I'm Rye Seabreeze. Who are you?"
"I'm Sorbet Ronsanu," The blue girl introduces herself. "And this is my sister, Sugar."
Sugar nods along. "It's nice to meet you... I guess. What are you going to be studying?"
"Water magic. I can talk to the Water Spirits, so..." You'll also be learning anything else you can get your hands on, but maybe it's best not to mention that part yet. "What about you?"
"I have the Starsign of Cassia," Sorbet explains.
"And I talk to Wind Spirits... They don't like this drive, either." And that's about when the bus goes over a large flight of stairs. "Prodigy driver Balsamico, he called himself..." You can sort of get why she's complaining.
"Are vehicles normally like this?" You ask. Sorbet shrugs.
"We've never been on one before, either. I... don't think I'll be making a habit of it." You and Sugar both agree with her. You should have just figured out your own transportation.
Thankfully, the ride is over quickly. "We are now arriving in Oturan Village!" It stops just as suddenly as it started, almost throwing Sugar from her seat again but for the spell she manages to cast. Sorbet isn't so lucky, and now it's her turn to fall from her seat.
You can commiserate. You hit the seat directly in front of you face first this time. It's not much of a stop, either. A puppet kid just climbs on, takes a seat next to the mole creature- you really need to figure out what his race is called later- and then you're off again. Things are a bit different this time- you've always been at least a bit aware of the world outside the window, but there's a blink, and then you're somewhere else entirely.
...So that's what Warp Magic is like. You know there's a few people who can cast spells like this, but there's not many of them. Most just leave it to specially-made machines.
"It's a bit strange, huh?" Sugar comments. "It was like that when we left the Realm of Darkness, too." Ahead of your group, the puppet seems to be reacting about the same way you are, while the mole is sort of freaking out.
Given how you were just pulled onto another plane of existence through sheer force of reckless driving, you can't really blame him.
"We are now most of the way through Principal Biscotti's yearly recruitment tour," Mokka announces, loudly enough for the whole bus to hear it. You're sure that there'd be cheering if you all weren't too concerned about falling out of your seats... or terrified for your lives as the driver makes the bus jump a river.
At least you can comfort yourself with the fact that it's almost over.
By the time it's announced that the next stop is actually Will-O-Wisp Academy, you've stopped paying attention to your fellow students boarding the bus, and the sky has lit up with all sorts of colors, orange and red and even a bit of violet.
"For those who have never been on this plane of existence before," Mokka begins, "What you can see outside is the phenomenon known as 'sunset'. It only occurs on this planet, because this planet is the only one that rotates, but it can occasionally separate the times between night and day."
Night... You've never noticed any difference between the time your awake and when you're supposed to be asleep other than the fact that you'll crash if you go too long without rest, and people with Starsigns of Night or Day will trade off which ones have a slight glow to them.
Still... "Occasionally?"
"I've heard about this," Sorbet tells you. "Apparently, the sun goes out sometimes, and that makes it night for the whole planet. It's just that there's always somewhere on Kovomaka where it's night no matter if the sun's in the sky or not."
So you should probably get used to it being dark... assuming you can. You'll try to reserve judgement until it actually happens.
Which probably won't be all that long from now. And somehow, that scares you a lot more than the fact you'll be going to school in another Realm than the one you grew up in.
Still, no matter how fast Balsamico drives, you won't reach the school for another hour. You should probably find some way to keep yourself occupied until then... besides keeping yourself from falling out of your seat, anyway.
[ ] Keep talking with the Ronsanu twins.
-[ ] About spirits.
-[ ] About the Starsign of Cassia.
-[ ] They both seem to know a lot...
-[ ] Is there a story behind the outfits?
-[ ] Complain about Balsamico's driving.
[ ] Look out the window... or, well, try to.
[ ] Try and listen in on some other students' conversations.