All right, option analysis time.
[ ] Recruit Esbern and Seija
[ ] Recruit Panoramia
[ ] Recruit Maximilian
[ ] Recruit Johann
This part of the vote is planned, not approval, so we need some coherent thought here. Obviously we want two or four, because working alone is sad, that trait to manage three per action will very likely not win, and we don't want to have the inefficiency of spending a full action slot on a single minion. But which two or four?
I'm inclined to drop Esbern and Seija right off. They have life plans that don't involve the Karak already, and while the spiders are a fun project there isn't a ton of beast-related stuff for them to do around here. We could find things for them to do- start capturing and raising monstrous mounts or helping the halflings/Ulrikadrin with herding domestic animals, for example- but I don't think those are necessary or, frankly, worth our half-action-slot.
Panoramia is in the interesting position of being someone that we don't
need to recruit because she's already going to be working here, doing exactly what she would be doing if we recruited her- optimizing farming, maybe periodically seeking out new plants to grow, and generally making the agriculture of the Karak prosper. This means that actually running her activities may end up feeling like a wasted half-action every turn because we know that we're giving her orders she doesn't even need. On the other hand, claiming her under the authority of Court Wizard now sets a firm precedent that wizards doing regular work for the Karak are under the authority of the Court Wizard, which could be useful, and it gives us an excuse to interact with her socially on a regular basis and call on her for things that aren't agriculture.
Maximilian is going to get wrapped up in his own studies and never do anything useful unless we drag him out to do it. We'd better take him on and leave him to do his own work in the action slots he doesn't need to follow orders (the orders will involve writing our papers for us).
Johann is annoying and I don't
want to take him on, because he's gone off to do his own investigations and joined the Expedition under a false rank in the first place. But a personal distaste is no excuse for not doing our job. Do we want ordering him around to be a part of our job, making it easier to keep an eye on him (and gain credit for his insights) but also taking responsibility for the results of his actions? Or do we want to cut him out of things, effectively disavowing responsibility for his deeds but letting him go on his investigations unseen? I kind of... want to just cut him loose. He's not, as far as I know, doing anything in service to the Karak and our job is about serving the Karak, not about riding herd on every last magical visitor. If he gets an official job working for the dwarves
then he'd fall under our jurisdiction.
[X] Plan 2 wizards
-[X] Recruit Panoramia
-[X] Recruit Maximilian
[X] Plan Fields of Gold
-[x] Recruit Maximilian
-[X] Recruit Johann
[x] Plan recruit everyone!
[ ] Take an active hand in the EIC
One action per turn will be spent keeping in touch with the EIC, allowing you to more directly control it and, if you wish, helping it branch out towards Karak Eight Peaks.
[ ] Leave the EIC alone
Wilhelmina's the least bad person to fill the power vacuum Roswita has left in Western Stirland.
[ ] Interfere with the EIC
As Wilhelmina herself pointed out, you own enough of it that you could easily dominate the EIC. Start bringing it down.
I don't think the EIC is a problem and
explained why before. I don't even think that Wilhelmina will do anything threatening with it. But I do think that it's in position to rampantly grow and we want to keep that eye on it- and help build the Karak Eight Peaks trade economy even though we didn't pick Steward.
[x] Take an active hand in the EIC
[ ] Infiltrator: Nobody seems to guard anything well enough to keep you out. +2 Intrigue, +10 bonus to infiltration.
[ ] Scout: Sometimes the best weapon is knowing where everything is. +2 Intrigue, +20 to infiltrating all but the highest-security areas.
[ ] Assassin: Combat is easiest when the other person doesn't realize they're in it. +2 Intrigue, +40 bonus against unaware targets.
[ ] Avatar: You're growing worryingly familiar with being used as a conduit by deities. ???
[ ] Polyglot: Your time with the Dwarves has revealed that you have an ear for languages, and learn new languages much faster.
[ ] Marksman: Blackpowder is a wonderful thing. +2 Martial, +10 to attacks with blackpowder weapons.
[ ] Collegiate: They say managing Wizards is like herding cats. Herding cats isn't actually that difficult. Can manage three other wizards per action spent.
[ ] Magical Duellist: Anyone unwise enough to try to cast spells you don't want them to will quickly regret it. +2 Learning, +10 bonus to dispelling and inducing miscasts.
[ ] Wolf Familiar > Winter Wolf Familiar: Turns out Wolf is a late bloomer. Wolf will grow large enough to ride upon.
[ ] Brave > Daredevil: Runic protection, magical protection, magical healing... why are people scared of combat again? +2 Martial, immune to fear/terror effects.
[ ] Blooded > Campaigner: You've seen more than your share of battles. +2 Martial, +10 bonus to fighting alongside others.
[ ] Bureaucrat + Practical > Warrior of Paperwork: Scholarship is just a specific form of paperwork. You can live with it. Combines the two traits, +2 Learning, remove penalty to writing papers yourself.
[ ] Practical > Collaborator: Though you still prefer fieldwork to paperwork, you've found that as long as someone else is doing the actual writing, you're capable of producing some amazing papers. +2 Learning, +20 bonus to dictating papers.
[ ] Practical > Hands On: Wait, you can just get other people to do the paperwork? Why didn't I think of this sooner? +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning, +10 bonus to insights developed 'in the field' (as opposed to careful laboratory study).
[ ] Windreader > Windsage: Your magical senses see more than your normal ones. +2 Learning, even more able to see and understand emotion and magical effects in others.
[ ] Disdain for Sigmar > Polytheist: Your bitterness towards Sigmar has softened with time and distance. You're still not thrilled with him, but as long as his followers are coexisting with those of other Gods, you can deal with it. +1 Piety, removes anti-Sigmarite penalty except when dealing with Sigmarite supremacists and monotheists.
Oh boy, lots of these traits to get through. Starting at the top...
Infiltrator and Scout are similar in effect, with Scout giving a larger but less widely applicable bonus. Mathilde rolls for infiltration a LOT, during any kind of scouting she does, so I'm inclined to say that one of these would be a solid pick. On balance I think I'd got for Infiltrator as Mathilde is a bold operator and likely to get into high-security locations whenever she gets the chance, and we don't want her traits to fail her when she does.
Assassin is exceedingly tempting. A +40 bonus is stunningly huge- nothing else on the list is even half that- and while it's narrowly applicable, assassination was one of Mathilde's most useful actions in the recent campaign, and it came up quite a few times. Choosing this trait would mean that we critically succeed on our assassination rolls more than half the time (since our stat will be added as well), which is fantastic. If we want to do any significant amount of continuing sneaky murder, this is the pick.
Avatar is cool and flashy, but also feels to me like committing us to theurgy as a path of research if we don't want to underutilize our skillset. Being used as a conduit by deities is basically what priestly spellcasters do, after all. It's a cool line of research, but I don't know that I want it to be Mathilde's primary thing, so it's not for me.
Polyglot is nice but Mathilde doesn't have much trouble learning languages as-is and most of the languages she encounters, she already knows. This is relevant when, if we're actually going to Cathay personally, or decide to go negotiate with some Tomb Kings and start off with a month of learning to speak their language? I'm not feeling it.
Marksman is solid. We do a lot of shooting things. This is a nice bonus during assassinations and on the battlefield alike. That said, I'm not sure that it's the best investment of our limited trait slots when we haven't committed to more combat and shooting is only one small part of our combat arsenal.
Collegiate makes us a manager of wizards. Which, well, we are a manager of wizards, but I want Mathilde's traits to make her shine with talents that aren't cat-wrangling. I'm tempted to pass but it IS mechanically optimal for maximizing our total number of actions in standard turns, so it gets in.
Magical Duellist is what it says on the tin. Dispelling and miscast-inducing is very important every time it comes up so it's hard to argue against this one, although it is an unfortunately reactive trait- it only lets us prevent the enemy from doing things, rather than helping us at all with striking first. So good, but not as good as it potentially could be.
Winter Wolf Familiar is super cool! But Wolf should never be in combat even if he's a giant winter wolf; the +1 Magic he grants is just too precious to risk him that way. This might help us with bonding with the Ulrikadrin if we take it, too, and give us a reason to spend all kinds of favor on runic giant wolf barding and generally ride something other than our shadowhorse. I don't know, our puppy should still not be a warrior in my eyes, and this doesn't give any stat growth at all.
Daredevil has a shiny attached. Immunity to fear and terror is BIG because even if Mathilde's Brave already there are a lot of things out there with supernatural terror effects that can punch through even a stalwart heart's determination. However, I don't know if I really approve of what this kind of personality trait choice says about her shifting mindset. Mathilde is still the person who chose not to force herself to keep casting in Karag Nar because she can do reasonable risk analysis.
Campaigner is very solid, if we expect to be doing any more pitched battles. +10 to any kind of fighting alongside others is widely applicable. But, I think of Mathilde as more of an infiltrator/assassin and counterspeller than I do a combatant, so I don't think this pick is for me.
Warrior of Paperwork is nice... if we think that we're going to be writing more papers personally. Honestly I'm more inclined to make sure that we always have at least one minion on hand, and get our Learning bonus somewhere else.
Collaborator, now, THIS is how we get our Favor-harvesting done. Look at that shiny +20 every time we want to write a paper! But... I don't actually care about writing a ton of papers to harvest Favor, personally. It's not a priority for me, and I'm not willing to burn a trait slot on it.
Hands On is nice! Raising everything except Learning is a net of +3 stat points where all the other traits available are only giving +2, so this is mechanically a very solid choice. And it means that Mathilde will get bonuses to going out and poking things, which is always more interesting than turn after turn spent in the lab. On the downside this does have a Learning penalty and we use Learning for ALL our research and magic rolls, so we really need to make up for that loss somehow if we take this. Sadly we did not get any baseline Learning from this campaign; presumably it wasn't that magically enlightening.
Windsage is great. Being able to read emotions (more clearly than we currently can at least, since Mathilde can do that a little right now) is a huge social boon and it comes with Learning to boot. An easier time examining magical effects is also quite handy, but it's not the real treasure here.
Polytheist is a nice reduction of our negative trait and I would push for it hard... if we were still in the Empire. But we're not; we're focusing on Karak Eight Peaks for years to come. We don't have any significant number of Sigmarites around here. The EIC is run by Wilhelmina who doesn't like Sigmar either. I just don't see that this is any kind of priority, and it's only worth +1 Piety to boot- the stat we have TONS of. Not for me.
[x] Infiltrator:
Nobody seems to guard anything well enough to keep you out. +2 Intrigue, +10 bonus to infiltration.
[x] Assassin:
Combat is easiest when the other person doesn't realize they're in it. +2 Intrigue, +40 bonus against unaware targets.
[x] Collegiate:
They say managing Wizards is like herding cats. Herding cats isn't actually that difficult. Can manage three other wizards per action spent.
[x] Magical Duellist:
Anyone unwise enough to try to cast spells you don't want them to will quickly regret it. +2 Learning, +10 bonus to dispelling and inducing miscasts.
[x] Practical > Hands On:
Wait, you can just get other people to do the paperwork? Why didn't I think of this sooner? +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning, +10 bonus to insights developed 'in the field' (as opposed to careful laboratory study).
[x] Windreader > Windsage:
Your magical senses see more than your normal ones. +2 Learning, even more able to see and understand emotion and magical effects in others.
[ ] Return it with your thanks to the Bright College. +2 College Favour.
[ ] Try to sell it as you pass through Barak Varr. +??gc
[ ] Donate it to whoever ends up leading the Undumgi.
[ ] Donate it to the Winter Wolves of Ulrikadrin.
[ ] Keep it around in case you ever want to study non-Ulgu enchantments.
[ ] Keep it anyway - you might need to encourage allies at some point.
For this one, returning it for College Favor is the fast and easy way to get a solid return on it. Sale is basically a violation of the Vow of Poverty and we shouldn't do it. Keeping it for study is redundant- we can get another enchanted item for study easily enough, and make it one we'll actually use. And I don't see us using it for the morale effect.
Donation to the Undumgi or the Ulrikadrin would, I think, be a highly visible gesture of support for them politically so it is VERY worth considering. The Undumgi see us all the time so handing out a magical goodie to their leader might give a "he leads and I approve his leadership" effect. The Ulrikadrin have shown some clear concern that the Grey College is looking at them suspiciously and giving them the torc would be a "wear this to show everyone that we're friends and I'm not going to shank you" effect. I think I like the latter more.
[x] Donate it to whoever ends up leading the Undumgi.
[x] Donate it to the Winter Wolves of Ulrikadrin.