Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

Good news, everybody! I've finally been able to free up enough time to set up some ROLZ! The session is on for 7:00 PM EST this upcoming Wednesday, 7/24.

For those of you who either weren't around last time we had one of these, or if you've forgotten how it works, I'll remind you. At that time and date, I will be on my Discord Server (Found Here: Join the VesQuests Discord Server!). There, we're going to play out the Tommy & Hugo vs. Dukes of Blades tag team match via dice roll. I'll go over the spesifics then. But if you like this quest, and you like yelling when people generate subpar numbers, then this is the time for you!

If the session goes well, I should be able to hammer out the update in short order. Probably a few days after the Rolz.

See you all then!
Well, Rolz have come and gone. If you missed them, you missed a lot.

Here's a summary: match was okay. Turn was well-received. Tommy's getting himself an injury trait. See you soon for the update!
156. Months Eleven & Twelve: Business Picks Up
You don't think you've ever had to work less to figure out a match. The thing just flows together as you and Hugo hash your plans out, with you focusing on the overall plot and Hugo figuring out specific spots. Leah makes her voice heard as she chimes in here and there with little character details that you make note of, and when Max and Keiji show up to throw in their side, the match clicks together like a jigsaw puzzle made for four year olds.

It's a really simple story that's been told a thousand times before. Hugo will start off and do some cool stuff, then you'll tag in and do some equally cool stuff. The Dukes will get the heat on Hugo, you'll make a comeback before getting cut off, then Hugo will make a comeback of his own. And of course, at the apex of the match, Hugo will hit you with his finish instead of one of the Dukes, turning his coat and going full scumbag for his last run in 100SW.

That last part gives you pause though. "Wait, what're you hitting me with?" you ask Hugo as you tape up your wrists. "The Experiment doesn't seem like a thing you can really do as a surprise."

Hugo nods, acknowledging your point. The Final Experiment, his insane, rope-running reverse Four-Fifty, doesn't exactly lend itself to surprise hits, or opponents who aren't expecting it for that matter. "I can't," he answers. "So I was going to hit you with my old finish. I haven't broken it out in years but it feels fitting, ya know?"

You get that, but it still doesn't answer your question. You say as much, making Hugo snort. "Come on, T, you haven't gone back and watched my old shit? What's wrong with you? I thought you were a pro!" He chuckles to himself as he bounces a tennis ball off the wall, catching it with a flick of his wrist. "It's a double stomp," he finally answers. "You'll be standing, I springboard and land on your chest. You go down as I extend. Simple, clean, and so easy that Everhart can take it!"

From across the locker room, you hear a voice yell, "Ah, fuck you Hugo! You didn't tell me what it was! What was I supposed to do, guess?!"

"Yep!" Hugo calls back without missing a beat before turning his focus back on you. "How about you? Ever take that before?"

You shake your head. "I've never even been hit with one on my back before. You mind running it through with me?"

Hugo doesn't and so you make your way out to the ring along with Max and Keiji, who have a few things of their own they want to run through. Fifteen minutes later, everything's set: you can take a double stomp, Hugo still knows how to give one, and delivering a triple powerbomb is still beyond Max. The man almost tipped over when he tried to muscle you up for the second one, and that was with you helping him. He's annoyed at himself but, to his credit, he doesn't try and push it. Instead he and Keiji wander off when you head backstage again, wondering which of their spots would be a good substitute for the power move.

After that time moves quickly. The show gets started as you finish getting changed and rolls along without a hitch. Intermission is happening before you know it and the fans come fast and furious. There's a definite buzz in the air as they near where you, Hugo, and Leah have set up. Between the rumors of Hugo's departure, the uncharacteristic positioning of the tag titles in the main event, and the seeds you've sewn over the last few months, the fans know that something is up, even if they're not sure what it is.

For your part, you just do your best not to bounce up and down out of excitement as you slap hands and trade goods for money. The energy of the crowd is getting you fired up! But acting like a giddy schoolgirl is not what Tommy Corsair would do. You have to content yourself with some extra hard high fives and putting a little extra umph into the poses you do for pictures.

After intermission, you'd normally start warming up. But then again, normally you're not in the main event. It'd be a waste of time and energy to get ready before the semi-main starts; you'd just get cold again before you head out there. So you find where Omid's holding court with some higher card guys and drop down next to him. You give him a nod. "Stan tried pitching you yet?" you ask your older friend.
The Persian Punisher snorts. "He mentioned something but I didn't bite. There's no space for this place in my normal schedule anytime soon. Besides, my gimmick doesn't really mesh with the rest of the locker room here."

You look over the assorted weirdos that make up 100SW. He's not wrong. The locker room's made up of rough and gritty gimmicks that remind you of an old west barfight more than anything else. Omid's tried-and-true anti-American schtick wouldn't really pop here the way it does in other companies. Then again, the current champion is a literal cowboy. It doesn't get much more American than that.

"You'd figure something out," you say. "The mark of a good worker is the ability to change and all that. You could grunge up the Punisher if you wanted to."

Omid shrugs, acknowledging the point. "Sure, maybe. I've been relying on routine a little more than usual. I could do with some reinvention. But not here, not for a while. I wasn't kidding about my schedule. I've already got five dates a week on average. Adding another show would just be asking for trouble."

You let out a low whistle. "That many?"

"Friday, twice Saturday, Sunday, and usually an early week one from some guy who wanted to run a show but didn't want to go up against something bigger," he replies, counting off the dates on his fingers. "That's more than enough for me. And don't you have a match to get ready for? Shouldn't you be doing that instead of bugging me about my schedule?"

"It's pretty set," you answer. "I just need to warm up."

"Oh?" Omid asks. "You don't have any weird pre-match things you do yet?"

"He does," Leah chimes in as she drops onto the bench next to you. "But he can't do them right now. His besties aren't here to scream motivational things at him so he's going to have to go without."

Omid takes a moment to digest that before shrugging. "...I've heard worse," he finally allows. "But you should really get warm. The Semi's out there, and they're mostly just running an angle from what I hear. You're going to be out there before you know it."

You nod and get up, pulling Leah with you as you go. "Awesome," you say. "Enjoy the show!" Before he can reply you're gone, heading for the spot behind the curtain where Hugo's already started stretching out. You drop down next to him and start your usual pre-match pushups.

After a few sets, you find out that Omid was right. The Semi-Main, Pete Winthrop vs. The Saharan Nightmare, is cut short by a run-in from Bart Inferno, and together the two dastardly heels lay out 'Retribution' with some okay looking chair shots. You're pretty sure that the post-match, with Winthrop being carried to the back by the referees, goes longer than the actual match. You've got just enough time to feel a small burn in your muscles before Stan glances over at you from his spot behind the commentary table. "Incision, Corsair, Dukes! Thirty seconds till music! Corsair, you're on first!"

Obediently, you hop up and shrug on your jacket. Leah hands you a bottle of water you pour over yourself before shaking like a dog, sending droplets flying everywhere. Your manager takes the bottle back and drops it near her bag. "Ready to go?" she asks you.

Your baseline starts pulsing through the truck stop, and the at least two hundred strong crowd starts clapping along. You shoot Leah a grin and pop a toothpick into your mouth as you start to sink into the Corsair. "Let's do this!" The two of you trade a fistbump, and then you blow through the curtain into the midst of your adoring public.

And you mean adoring public. Your appearance is greeted by a roar of applause. Men reach out to pat you on the shoulder and ladies scream in appreciation. You have to just stop and bask in it for a minute.

For probably the first time, you feel like a goddamn star. But you only bask for a minute. You've got work to do.

As you slap hands with the crowd, Danny holds the mic up to his mouth. "It's now time for our main event of the evening!" He intones. "The following is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall, with no time limit, and it is for the 100 Strong Wrestling Tag Team Championship! Introducing first! Accompanied to the ring by LeLe Danger! Weighing in at Two Hundred and Ten Pounds! He! Is the aerial assassin..."

You roll into the ring, pop your collar, and spin to the sound of, "Tommy! COR-SAIR!"

Unlike other crowds, this one is fully onboard with your routine. There's no mixed reaction or confusion at your seeming overconfidence. There's just the roar of the crowd, a roar that only gets louder as Leah eggs it on. The reaction dies down a little as the music cuts out, but picks right back up as the speakers blare out, "Check it!". They even keep clapping, just changing the tempo to go along with the new song.

Hugo blows through the curtain, all lab coat and gold chains, airborne title belt strapped around his waist. "And his partner!" Danny continues. "Weighing in tonight at one hundred and ninety-three pounds! He is the Hundred Strong Wrestling Airborne Champion…" Pause for Hugo to hold up the belt. "He is the Sky Scientist! Hugo! IN-CISION!"

The crowd screams it's approval as Hugo vaults over the ropes. You meet him in the middle, clasping hands and pulling him into a one armed bro hug. "Good bunch tonight," you mutter in his ear.

"Let's make 'em cry," is his gleeful response as he returns the gesture.

The two of you seperate and Leah moves in, slapping you both right on the waist. "Next champs right here, baby!" she calls at the camera. "You're looking at the hottest, fastest rising, most exciting tag team in all of pro wrestling! And they're gonna get that gold!"

"And their opponents…"

Club music starts to thump through the truck stop. The crowd's cheers die instantly, turning to boos and hate before the curtain's even stirred. It only gets worse when your opponents actually show their faces. Curses rain down as Max and Keiji make their appearance known, but they barely seem to notice. Instead the two just stand in the entrance, arms folded over admittedly nice looking suits. They look like they're dressed for a rich man's party, or some high class clubbing at the very least, all rich-looking clothing and dark sunglasses. The only things that breaks the look are the ornate golden belts over each of their shoulders.

"Weighing in tonight at a combined five hundred and sixty three pounds!" Danny intones. "They are the Hundred Strong Wrestling Tag Team Champions of the World! Maximilian Dukes! Keiji Katana! The Dukes! Of! Blades!"

They make their way to the ring in a cloud of terrible body spray and highly gelled hair, sliding into the ring and rolling to their feet as one. Max goes nose to nose with you while Keiji does the same with Hugo, both holding their belts in your face. "Enjoy the look!" Max hisses. "This is the closest you're ever getting to holding our gold!" For his part, Keiji just smiles and takes off his sunglasses, revealing crazy eyes and crooked teeth.

The ref is in the middle of you in an instant, pushing you apart. "Save it for the match!" he bellows over the music. The sound cuts and he spins, gesturing both teams back to their corners. "One in! One out!" he bellows.

You and Hugo bump fists and you step onto the apron, leaving Hugo to crack his knuckles in anticipation. You pat him on the shoulders. "We got this shit on lock!" you say. "All we've got to do is wreck 'em!"

"Hear that!" He replies. "Just chill for a while. Grab a beer. This won't take long."

On the other side of the ring Max is starting out for the Dukes. The ref glances between the two men between the ropes. "Incision, ready? Dukes, ready?" He raises his arm, and drops it. "Wrestle!" The bell rings, and it's on.

Hugo and Max charge forward. They don't dance around at all, instead locking up square in the center of the ring. Hugo doesn't waste any time before transitioning to a headlock, then a hammerlock, which Max reverses with ease, which Hugo reverses just as readily.

For your part, all you can do is pace back and forth on the apron, making sure to keep the tag rope in hand. The noise from the crowd is getting to you. They may have quieted down a little since actual wrestling has broken out, but there's still a buzz and a tension from them that sinks into you and sets your blood on fire. You want in. You want to go! You want to fucking work!

The chain wrestling doesn't last long. Hugo spins out of another hammerlock and this time, takes off. He runs the ropes, leaping over Max with a style and fluidity you haven't gotten close to approaching yet. As he lands he sends Max off, whipping him into the ropes and catching him with a leg scissors on the way back. The Duke is sent tumbling into his corner, where Keiji instantly tags him in.

You stick your arm out into the ring. "Come on! Lemme in!" Hugo shrugs, but does as you ask, tagging you in.

You vault over the ropes to a small pop and rush Keiji. The two of you pick up right where Hugo and Max left off. You leapfrog and drop down with a little flair of your own, tripping Keiji when he goes to do the same and sending him splatting onto the mat. He leaps back up instantly and grabs you in a headlock. "Pick up the pace," he hisses. "Foot on the gas!" You grunt and push him off, sending him back to the ropes.

The next few moments are frenzied energy as you and Keiji compete to see who can go faster. Your heart pounds, your blood thrums energy, the crowd starts to pick up again as you move and move and move. A grin crosses your face as you're whipped back near your corner, and you barely register Hugo's hand slapping your back. You've fucking got them! The crowd is going to lose it when you hit this!

You sprint forward, skidding to a halt on one knee and burying a fist in Keiji's gut. He bends over, and you follow it up with a palm thrust straight up, which lands flush. The Duke staggers backwards, and you leap, looking for the knee-

The crowd's gone.

Well, they're still there. You're pretty sure you can see them. But you can't hear them anymore. All you can hear is a loud ringing in your ears. What- what was… huh. What were you thinking of again?

It has to have been important. You try to get back on your train of thought, but it's like your brain has been wrapped in a heavy blanket. Everything just seems to be moving so… weird.

Hugo's standing over you, horror on his face. Oh. Right. You weren't supposed to finish the move. You were going to do the thing that you and Hugo did to the ref back in your first match. What… what was it? You hit two parts of the Full House, and then Hugo would… something. He'd do something. It was a team move. A combo move to show that you were a real team, to make people buy into your team more before it dissolved.

But you didn't pull it off. You weren't supposed to finish the move, but you did. You finished the move. You weren't supposed to but you did. And so Hugo… right! His part is a roundhouse kick! Which means… wait. What does that mean? It doesn't mean anything… wait, did you finish the move? You shouldn't have finished the move. It-

Oh. You've been kicked in the back of the head. Hard too, if the pulsing pain in your skull is anything to go by.

Hugo only stands over you for a second before Keiji and Max both swarm him. He's pushed to the ground, and the two of them rain punches and kicks down. You try and stand up- wait. Why are you on the mat? Are you supposed to be on the mat? You're pretty sure you're the babyface here, so you shouldn't be just lying here as your partner gets the fuck kicked out of him.

The ref should be trying to stop them too, but he doesn't. Instead he's rolling you towards the apron. He only stops once small, familiar hands grab hold of you. "Doc!" the ref calls, voice way too loud. Doesn't he know he should be quiet? He might mess with the flow of the match! But he doesn't seem to be paying attention to that. Instead he's holding his arms up in an X, facing the back.

Wait, no, that only happens when someone's hurt. But no one's hurt yet. You go to get up, to see who's hurt, but Leah's grip is strong on your arms. She guides you down to the mat. "Tommy, talk to me," she hisses. "Are you in there?"

"Heyyyyyy," you slurr out. Slurr? But you're not drunk. That's later! "Lee Lee! I gotta- I gotta get back up there! Gotta finish!"

Leah's face is bloodless. It's not a good look on her. You should talk to her about getting a tan later. Wrestling's a cosmetic business after all, and really pale people don't show up well on camera. Unless that's part of their gimmick. Maybe Leah should go goth? That might be interesting. But then you'd have to go goth too and that wouldn't really work with your gimmick. You shouldn't go goth, and you shouldn't have finished the move. That was a mistake.

Behind you, the mat shakes as the match continues. You struggle to stand up, but Leah doesn't let you. "Don't move!" she hisses. "Don't even think about it, T. The doc's coming. Just stay there, please."

You shake your head- oh fuck that was a mistake. The ringing gets louder and you almost fall over to kiss the mat. Leah holds you steady and you meet her eyes with bleery ones. "Gotta get back in there," you mutter. "I… I gotta… I gotta get in there. Can't miss tonight! Too big a deal!"

Leah can't respond before a heavyset man in dark clothes and gloves bustles in front of her, one hand holding a bag. He doesn't waste any time before reaching out and grabbing your head, forcing your eyelids open. He stares in your left eye and pulls out a penlight. You shy away from the too-bright light and he shakes his head, then repeats the process on the other side.

"Concussion," you hear him say to Leah. "No vomit, so it could be worse. But his bell's rung good and proper in there."

You reach up and grab the doc, pulling him down to face you again. "Gotta! Gotta get back in!" You hiss in face. "Going in!"

The doctor removes his collar from your grip and glances at Leah. "I can't recommend-"

You grab him again. "You fucking talk to me," you snarl. "Not her. Me. You got that?"

Again, he pries your hands off of him. "I can't recommend you finish the match, Mr. Martin. For your own health, you should go to the back right now."

His words penetrate the fog in your mind. Don't finish the match. But then Hugo won't be able to turn on you. Which means the feud is fucked. And there won't be another chance. Hugo's leaving in a few months and he won't be able to delay too long. You need your win over him. You won't get that if he's gone before you feud really kicks into gear. And to kick it into gear he needs to turn on you. Not cut a promo. Not yell at you while you're injured. He need to physically betray you to get the effect you're after.

So you need to finish the match. You force yourself back to your feet. "Fuck that," you slurr. "It's just a hit. I've had worse."

And then you pull yourself back to the apron.

In the center of the ring, Hugo's selling like a motherfucker. Keiji is working him over like a pro, and Hugo is working overtime to sell the arm. His eyes lock onto you and he mutters something to Keiji. Hugo starts firing up, making his own comeback, before pushing Keiji off and into the ropes and dropping to the ground.

That's the closest thing to an engraved invitation you're getting! You leap, feet landing perfectly on the ropes, and push off into a springboard superman punch. Your fist collides with Keiji's jaw, sending him staggering back. The crowd roars, their noise rising over the ringing in your ears, sending electricity back into your veins.

You land in a heap next to Hugo, who takes one look at your eyes and lets out a groan. "Fuck," he spits. "Can you finish?"

"Fuck yeah I can finish!"

He flinches, but nods. "Okay, Tommy. We'll go home right now. Just stay there and we'll take care of you."

Why is he talking to you like you're a fucking invalid? You're Tommy Fucking Martin! You've got this shit! And speaking of shit, you've got to get yours in! You stand-

And the next thing you know, you're back down. Time must have passed, because no one's in the same position they were before. Hugo's standing in the ring, arms spread to accept a chorus of boos, and the Dukes are nowhere to be seen. And you… you're not in the ring anymore. You're being half carried, half dragged down the aisle by Leah, the doctor, the referee, and.. Hey! Omid!

You rub his bald head to get his attention. "Yo!" you gravel out. "Did I… did I finish?"

Omid's voice is patient and concerned. "Yeah, bro, you finished."

"Oh. Good. Did it look good?"

Leah sounds like she's close to tears as she chimes in. "Is that all he cares about right now?! It-"

"Hyperfixation isn't uncommon in situations like this," the doctor responds. "We should just be grateful that it isn't worse-"

For his part, Omid doesn't pay them any attention. He just responds in the same patient voice. "Yes, Tommy, it looked good."

"Oh. Good. Did I… did I hit the kneedrop?"

There's silence as you make it back through the curtain, but you don't really care. All that's important is your question. You're not sure why, but it's vitally important that you hit your moonsault knee drop in that match. You had been planning to hit it but you don't think you did. Which means you didn't get your key spots in. Which-

"You did, Tommy," Omid answers. "You hit the kneedrop. It looked great."

"Oh. Good," you answer. And pause. "Did I.. did we get to the finish?"

"Yes Tommy, you got to the finish. And it looked good."

The doctor is speaking to Leah, and you fight to listen to them. "Keep an eye on him," he's saying. "The only thing that'll let him recover is time and rest. Don't let him do anything strenuous for at least a week, and definitely don't let him anywhere near a ring. He should be mostly back to normal soon."

"How soon?"

"It could be a few hours, it could be days. He will recover, but symptoms have been known to linger. And if this happens again, they'll only get worse. So make sure he doesn't fall over, and he should not go to sleep."

"I'll make sure of it," Leah vows. The doctor vanishes, leaving you leaning against the lockers, people crowding around. At least, for a moment. They're dispersed quickly when Hugo blows through the curtain and makes a beeline for you. "How's he doing?" he asks Leah.

You reach up and slap him in the chest. "Yo, dude. I'm right here. And… yo. I"m sorry. I shouldn't have finished the move."

Hugo slowly shakes his head. "No, you shouldn't have, but it's alright," he answers in the same patient tone Omid had. He looks back at Leah. "Is he going to be okay?"

"The doctor said he should be, but he's probably going to need help over the next few days. I'll take care of that," Leah answers, before turning to Omid. "He can't drive like this, and I've never driven a van before. Can you…?"

Omid's already nodding. "Of course. I"ll get you guys home. Is there going to be someone there to take care of him or are you staying with him?"

"I am, but there should be. I'll take care of it," she answers. There's a rustling sound as she digs in her purse and punches in a number. "Watch him," she tells the two workers before walking a few feet away.

Not so far away that you can't hear what she's saying. "Jack? We need you at the apartment-" She breaks off. "Yeah, I know what you were doing, and it-"

She stops and snarls. "Jack Silvia! Fucking stop whining and listen to me! Tommy's messed up, and he can't be alone! So put whatever problems you've got right now wherever you store the fucks you normally give and listen to me! Tell your girlfriend that her coworker needs help and get your ass home! Please!"

There's silence, and then she nods to herself. "Good, good. I'll see you there. Thanks." She hangs up and immediately starts making a call. "Hey, Allie, it's me. I just want to let you know before the news reaches you…"

You sigh and relax. Leah's got this. You can just relax. Nothing else for you to do right now but wait for your ears to stop ringing. And you can just recover for a little while.

For a very little while. You've got like three matches next week.

We have reached Months Eleven and Twelve (which are being merged so we can switch to quarterly planning upon their conclusion in a hopefully timely manner)! It's now time to plan for the months of October and November, 20XX!

As a refresher, here's how the monthly plan works:

Each action is worth a certain point value, listed in the action description. Some actions may be taken multiple times, and those are specified in the action description, along with the number of times the action may be taken. You must make a plan worth 58 points (doubled for the merged months), minus those that have already been subtracted for previous commitments.

Two of those points must go towards a Social or a Weird Action you have not taken within the last three months, per the trait 'These Are The Voyages'.
You have 14 expenses remaining!
Rent is 4 expenses, due at the end of the months. Your new apartment's rent will be 3 expenses per month, starting Month Thirteen.
Your move out date is at the end of this turn!
The Wrestling Times is 1 expense, due at the beginning of the month. (Should you choose to continue it)
Yoga Studio Membership is 1 expense, due at the beginning of the month. (Should you choose to continue it)
Your bookings this month are:
N.E.W: All Hallow's Eve (Pay: 1 Expense) (2 Points)
K.W.K: Smashmouth (Pay: 1 Expense) (2 Points)
100SW: Turning Coat (Pay: 1 Expense) (1 Point)
ADC: The Finals (Pay: 2 Expenses) (3 Points)
Seaborn Wrestling (Pay: 2 Expenses) (2 Points) (ADC Subordinate Show)
Tri-State Wrestling (Pay: 2 Expenses) (2 Points) (ADC Subordinate Show)
Training at Horizon (Pay: 1 Expense) (2 Points)

N.E.W: November Rain (Pay: 1 Expense) (2 Points)
K.W.K: Chasing the Horizon (Pay: 1 Expense) (2 Points)
100SW: Here Lie the Fallen (Pay: 1 Expense) (1 Point)
ADC: The Connection (Pay: 2 Expenses) (3 Points)
Punch Out Combat (Pay: 2 Expenses) (2 Points) (ADC Subordinate Show)
Tri-State Wrestling (Pay: 2 Expenses) (2 Points) (ADC Subordinate Show)
Training at Horizon (Pay: 1 Expense) (2 Points)
You have 30 points to spend on actions, after commitments. Please spend them in PLAN FORMAT.

Personal Actions

[] Explore the city- You're leaving Baltimore soon. You never really explored the city all that much, but you still have some time to change it. You're going to kinda miss this place as it is; you might as well give yourself a reason to do so. (DC50 check. If passed, Tommy finds something cool. If failed, Baltimore remains as boring as a major metropolitan city can be.) (1 point. May be taken Infinite times.)

[] Ink It Up- You're starting to see what so many of your friends see in this whole tattooing thing, and you could probably go for another. Chainz's Den has made it clear that you're welcome back anytime. You'll take Chainz up on that and go get some more art done. (Cost: Varies, depending on tattoo design. Minimum 1 Expense.) (1 Point to start the process. More may be needed for larger designs.)

[] Look for a Car- You've got the Monster, and it's a terrifying beast of a van. It's paid in full and entirely yours. But the fact is that it's kind of shit. Maybe if you looked around for a bit, you'd find another set of wheels that's better for you. (Cost: Varies. DC 50 check. On success, a car that suits Tommy's price point and needs is found, and Tommy can haggle with the guy on a price. On failure, Tommy doesn't find anything that suits him.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times)

[] Look for Furniture- You live in a shithole, and the only things you things you own that could even be remotely called furniture are your bed and your TV. This place needs some decoration. You'll hit some thrift stores and see what's available to put in your room and the apartment as a whole. (Cost: Varies. DC20 check. On success, some decent, bug free, furniture is found and you can decide whether or not to buy it. Furniture confers unique bonuses. Possible Encounters. On failure, Tommy can't find anything that's not infested with some new roommates.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times.)

[] Maintain Your Online Presence- At the end of the day, you run a small business that has exactly one employee. What do all small businesses need? Accessibility and advertising, and there's nothing better for that then the internet. You've got your twitter @HoleCard, a facebook, and a blog you've been making little entries in. Keep it up! (Cost: None. DC 60 check. On success, enough people notice Tommy's online presence that he gains a bit of notoriety. On failure, nothing happens, but Tommy maintains his footprint.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times. First Use is Free via 'Working the Marks' trait.)

[] Time to Pack- You're moving to Philly at the end of November, so you need to get ready for that. All your ducks need to be in a row. You need to find your apartment, you need to pack, you need to change bills and get everything settled. This is going to take time. Or money. Or both. (Cost: 0-6 Expenses. For every expense spent, this action takes 1 less point as Tommy spends money liberally get everything ready. No check. Upon completion, Tommy will be ready to move in a smooth and easy manner.) (0-6 points)

[] Work on the Monster- Your van is an affront to nature, the road it drives on top of, and every definition of good taste. You kinda like it. But it's still got a whole mess of problems. Between the internet and the people at the auto supply store, you should be able to figure out how to fix some of it's problems. (Cost: 1 Expense +, depending on upgrades made. DC20 Check. If passed, Tommy successfully fixes or upgrades the Monster in a way chosen later. If failed, Tommy somehow messes the Monster up worse than it already is.) (1 Point. Maybe taken Infinite Times.)

[] The Wrestling Times- The Wrestling Times is the premier source of wrestling news and gossip in the world. Coming out bimonthly, it's really the best way to keep up to date on the whole wide world of wrestling. It's not cheap, but it's worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense, monthly. Cannot be failed.) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Veg and Relax- The outside world is overrated. Every now and then you need to relax and putter around your apartment while doing absolutely nothing. You'll do a bit of cleaning, try and scrub that color off the toilet, and just take some time to yourself. (+1d100 Resilience as Tommy recovers. Apartment becomes more livable.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times.)

Social Actions
[] Dating a Yogi- You and Selina are definitely a thing now, and you should make sure to make her feel appreciated. She is pretty great after all, and you'll be seeing her a little less with your upcoming move. (Tommy and Selina go out on a date. If this action is not selected within a certain number of months, it will be removed.) (2 Points. May be taken Twice.)

[] Hang out with Allie- Allie's back from her try out, and you want to hear all the details. Time to grab her and drag her to a bar as she tells you all about those strange dakota people. (Tommy and Allie make time to go out and do something, with possible encounters and possible relationship gains.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Charley- Your coworker's an obsessed woman, dedicated to her classes in a way that you've only imagined. But she's mentioned that stuff might be clearing up for her soon, and she wouldn't mind seeing you outside of work some time. It might be nice to hang with someone not obsessed with Pro Graps- bizarre, but possibly nice. (Tommy and Charley make time to go out and do something different- for Tommy at least, with possible encounters and possible relationship gains. This Action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times)

[] Hang out with Jack- If there's one good thing to come out of you getting your head messed up, it's that Jack seems to have realized what an ass he was being. He's back in the apartment regularly now, and while things might not be one hundred percent normal yet, he's clearly trying. You should help with that. (Tommy and Jack go out and do something cool, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Kennedy- You've struck up an unexpected friendship with up and coming indie worker Kennedy Cole. Though she's a bit obnoxious sometimes, she's a blast to spend time with. And since you've got wheels, you can make it to her place in Philly without wasting the entire day. (Tommy and Kennedy do shit in Philadelphia, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (3 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Leah- Leah is your manager in the ring and increasingly in life. You spend a lot of time with her, but that's all business. You should spend some time with her that's not related to work. (Tommy meets up with Leah so the two of them can hang out, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Once.)

[] Hang out with Leah and Caleb- You've been talking with Leah an awful lot, but you don't really think about her other half a lot. At least, you don't think anything good about her other half. Maybe seeing them interact will change that. (Tommy heads over to Caleb and Leah's place and they do something together. This action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times.) Caleb doesn't seem free to hang out with you. This one's not happening.

[] Hang out with Omid- Things seem better with Omid, or at least he's a lot less distant. The man's called you every day since your injury. You should repay the favor by heading over to Annapolis and hitting up the arcade. (Tommy and Omid do shit in Annapolis, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (3 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] The Wrestling Rolodex- You've got quite a selection of contact info for various casual acquaintances in your phone, but you barely know most of them beyond random texting. You should change that. You'll call someone up and go do stuff with them. (When selecting this option, pick a character without an entry of their own in the Dramatis Personae. Tommy will attempt to hang out with that character. DC varies depending on who is selected.) (2 points for anyone in Maryland, 3 for anyone met out of state.) (May not select someone chosen in the last six months. Currently Unavailable: Hugo Incision (Month 9))

Training Actions
[] Doing it with Class- There are dozens of unconventional opportunities to improve yourself out there, from improv workshops to gymnastics classes. You'll go hunting for one of them and throw yourself into it. (Cost: Variable depending on success. DC20 check, with variable success. If passed, Tommy finds a class or an opportunity to improve himself and throws himself into it, unlocking new actions in the future. If failed, Tommy loses 1 expense, and attends something stupid that doesn't help him at all.) (2 points. May be taken Infinite times.)

[] Figure out a gimmick (Team)- You're with Jack and Allie for a reason. Not only are they your friend and cost-reducers, they're your team. But anyone can just show up and wrestle in plain tights and boots. You three are going to sit down and hash out a gimmick. (Cost: 1 Expense+ (can grow with more complex gimmicks) for proper tights and boots. A design-a-gimmick choice will come in a later update if this is chosen) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Figure out a gimmick (Solo)- Anyone can wrestle in plain white boots and plain black tights, but you want to be a goddamn pro. For that, you need a gimmick, and there's a lot more to a gimmick than throwing on your jacket and calling yourself the Wildcard. Hash that shit out. (Cost: 1 Expense+ (can grow with more complex gimmicks) for proper tights and boots. A design-a-gimmick choice will come in a later update if this is chosen) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Get back to Horizon Academy- You may be helping to train the next crop of Daybreak's trainees, but that doesn't mean you're beyond training yourself. You'll make some time to head over to Horizon and work on a few things. (+1d20 in two skills of your choice (select when voting), interaction with Daybreak and Delilah. This action cannot be failed) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Go for a Jog- There's no way around it: your conditioning needs work. And there's no better way to work on it then to lace up your shoes and go for a jog. Working on your cardio is a long, thankless, grueling task, but you have to start somewhere. (Results: +1d50 Cardio. Possible encounters.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Hit the Gym- You're a professional athlete now, and you're going to need to maintain yourself and improve your body. There's nothing better for that then heading to the gym. A membership'll cost you a little a month, but it's well worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d20 for power and cardio. Possible encounters) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Personal Training (Jack)- You need to get serious and get in shape, but there's only so much you can do on your own. Luckily, your friend and roommate has developed into a serious gym rat. Jack will take you to his gym and show you the rope- and with luck, he won't rant about his diet while he's doing it. (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d50 for power and cardio. Possible encounters. Possible relationship changes.) (2 Points. May be taken four times.)

[] Personal Training (Leah)- You need to get serious and get in shape, but there's only so much you can do on your own. Luckily, you've been striking up a friendship with Leah who works as a fully licensed personal trainer. She'll have to charge you, but the results could be well worth it. (Cost: 2 Expenses per month. Results: +1d100 for power and cardio. Possible encounters. Possible relationship changes.) (2 Points. May be taken four times.)

[] Talk to the Man in the Mirror- The actual act of wrestling only makes up a portion of what professional wrestling is. The rest of it is all words and charisma, and luckily your apartment has just acquired a shiny, full-length mirror. You'll spend some time in front of it and practice your promos. (+1d20 Microphone, +1d20 Charisma) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Tweak a Gimmick- You've got a gimmick for now, but nothing is perfect. You're going to brainstorm some new things and some new changes to you in-ring persona that will hopefully make everything pop just a little. (Cost: 0+ expenses (Depends on changes made). Tommy will tweak his gimmick in a later vote.) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Watch Some Tape- After some pleading and more than a few threats, you've finally managed to get a half-decent internet connection. You've got some of your own matches to study now up online, and the wide world of YouTube open as well. Time to watch some matches. (DC40 Check. If passed, +1d50 to two Out-Of-Ring or Gimmick skills of your choice (select when voting). If failed, Tommy was unable to find anything worth studying online.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Yoga for Beginners- You've recently discovered Selina's Natural Breathing, a yoga studio for beginners. It's a lot more fun then you had originally thought; you get to take in some incredible views and work on your flexibility training at the same time! (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d50 Athleticism. Possible encounters. Interaction with Selina.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite times.)

Work Actions
[] Design New Merchandise- Selling merchandise is a great way to get your name out there, and to actually get some money in your pocket. Maybe it would look better for you to have some more. So you'll whip up a design and place an order for some fresh gear. (Cost: 1 Expense. DC20 Check. For every 10 the check succeeds by, the design is of better quality. Enables Tommy to work the merch tables at shows.) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Horizon Wrestling- For all her reluctance to open Horizon Wrestling, Daybreak sure seems to be getting into it. From what little she's shared with you via text she's starting to get ambitious. And from what she's saying, you're going to have a part to play. Can't do that if you don't show up! (Tommy gets booked at Horizon Wrestling, working another show for Daybreak. This action cannot be failed. Pay: N/A) (1 Point. May be taken twice.) (Daybreak would take this as a personal favor if you went to both shows.)

[] Hunt for Employment (BCW) - Now that you're signed- sort of- with three promotions, you've developed a taste for receiving payment. You're going to follow some leads and see if you can get an in with another one. Your target: Big Cat Wrestling, based out of Winston-Salem. (DC60 Check. If passed, Tommy is successfully able to talk himself onto a show at BCW. If failed, there is still a possibility of getting leads and laying groundwork for another attempt.) (3 Points. May be taken twice.)

[] Hunt for Employment (Destruction)- Now that you're signed- sort of- with three promotions, you've developed a taste for receiving payment. You're going to follow some leads and see if you can get an in with another one. Your target: Destruction Wrestling, based out of Annapolis. Omid's saying that he's got you a guaranteed match. No pay, but it's a chance for you to make up for your greatest failure- if you want to. (No Check. Tommy gets his tryout with Destruction.) (3 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Hunt for Employment (EPW) - Now that you're signed- sort of- with two promotions, you've developed a taste for receiving payment. You're going to follow some leads and see if you can get an in with another one. Your target: Experience Professional Wrestling, based out of Philadelphia. (DC70 Check. If passed, Tommy is successfully able to talk himself onto a show at EPW. If failed, there is still a possibility of getting leads and laying groundwork for another attempt.) (3 Points. May be taken once.) DENIED BY AGREEMENT WITH K.W.K

[] Hunt for Employment (PCW) - Now that you're signed- sort of- with two promotions, you've developed a taste for receiving payment. You're going to follow some leads and see if you can get an in with another one. Your target: Patomic Championship Wrestling, based out of Hagerstown . (DC40 Check. If passed, Tommy is successfully able to talk himself onto a show at PCW. If failed, there is still a possibility of getting leads and laying groundwork for another attempt.) (3 Points. May be taken once.) Huh. Your leads have gone dead here. You're not exactly sure why, but this one won't be happening.

[] Hunt for Employment (SKYLINE) - Now that you're signed- sort of- with two promotions, you've developed a taste for receiving payment. You're going to follow some leads and see if you can get an in with another one. Your target: SKYLINE, based out of New York. (DC60 Check. If passed, Tommy is successfully able to talk himself onto a show at SKYLINE. If failed, there is still a possibility of getting leads and laying groundwork for another attempt.) (3 Points. May be taken twice.)

[] Hunt for Employment (Ultimatum) - Now that you're signed- sort of- with two promotions, you've developed a taste for receiving payment. You're going to follow some leads and see if you can get an in with another one. Your target: Ultimatum, based out of Allentown. (DC50 Check. If passed, Tommy is successfully able to talk himself onto a show at Ultimatum. If failed, there is still a possibility of getting leads and laying groundwork for another attempt.) (3 Points. May be taken once.) DENIED BY AGREEMENT WITH K.W.K

[] Go to Work- You're now gainfully employed as a… whatever-the-hell-you-do at UR Shipping. Archie, your boss, seems nice, and your only coworker seems like… she exists. Get over there! It's time to make that money. (No check. +5 expenses. Possible gains with Archie and Charley. If not taken, DC60 check must be passed to avoid being fired.) (4 Points. May be taken twice.) (With your move coming, you need to decide on your future with Archie. You should go hash things out.)

[] Look for Work (Normal)- You've got to face it; you've got some money saved, but in an emergency you're fucked. If you want to be able to keep supporting the rich lifestyle which you're surely about to become accustomed too, you need a regular job to pay the bills. (DC40 Check. If passed, you find and interview for a job. The higher the roll, the better your job. If failed, employment has nothing for you.) (1 Point. May be taken infinite times.)

[] Look for Work (Wrestling)- You're calling yourself a professional wrestler. In order to keep doing that, you need to, you know, wrestle. Professionally. (Tommy gets some leads and might be able to talk his way onto a local show. This action automatically succeeds.) (1 Point. May be taken Eight times.)

[] Reorder Merchandise- You've been doing well with your merchandise. So well that you're starting to run low on it. Time to refresh your inventory! (Cost: 1+ expenses. For every expense spent, Tommy gains another 100 Wild Smile T-Shirts) (0 points. May be taken once.)

[] Tag Team Turmoil- Your recent trip to SUPERIOR Professional Athletics has really inspired you to seek out employment there- they seem like they actually have a budget! But they specialize in Tag Team Wrestling. For that, you need a partner. Time to hit the rolodex and find someone who'll slap on some matching tights on a regular basis. (DC 50 check. If passed, Tommy finds a suitable partner among his friends and acquaintances who's happy to free up some of their time on a regular basis. If failed, Tommy's hunt turns up a big fat nothing.) (2 points. May be taken once.)

[] The Supreme Wrestling Federation- Your handshake agreement with Mark at the S.W.F has run it's course; his program with Jack is now over. But he's sent you an email to ask if you want to keep working for him. It's not the greatest job, but wrestling is wrestling. (Cost: N/A. Payment: N/A. Tommy will work this month's S.W.F show.) (1 Point. May be taken twice.)

[] THUNDERPUNCH- You just had the strangest call from Jake- Silent Steel, who works mostly in THUNDERPUNCH. Apparently his crew of backyarders is looking to start something a little more regular, and Jake's thrown in a good word for you. Not everyone wants you there, but enough do that you've got an offer if you want it. (Cost: N/A. Payment: N/A. Tommy will go to work one of THUNDERPUNCH's new weekly shows.) (1 Point. May be taken eight times.)

[] Wait by the Phone-You've got a little bit of a name going on now, and that means you don't have to hit the road and chase leads to find work. Sometimes, they'll come to you. But you have to be available for them. (DC 80 Check. If passed, Tommy's phone blows up with a promoter who wants to pay for the privilege of having him on their show. If failed, nothing but crickets call Tommy.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite times.)
Mechanics Changes
Skill Changes

None. Experience gained lost due to concussion.

Merchandise Changes
Wild Smile T-Shirt: 47 -> 45 (No expenses gained! 7 until next expense!)
Wildcard Playing Cards: 28 -> 13 (No expenses gained! 5 until next expense!)
Corsair Skull T-Shirt: 12 -> 0 (No expenses gained! 5 until next expense!)
Autographed 8x10s: 4 sold!(No expenses gained! 20 until next expense!)
License to Thrill T-Shirt: 81 -> 80 (1 expense gained! 20 until next expense!)
Full House T-Shirt: 90 -> 71 (1 expense gained! 13 until next expense!)

Trait Changes!
Major Trait Gained! Post Concussion Symptoms!:
Tommy's head isn't exactly in the greatest shape right now. He'll recover- with time. Until then, Tommy's success threshold for any move is one higher than it normally is. In addition, for every action taken, there will be a 1d10 roll. On a roll of 1, during that action, Tommy will experience heavy post concussion symptoms, changing his behavior and mood.

There is a 6 Hour Moratorium on this vote! Please use this time to discuss and plan!
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Man, I had forgotten how badly the rolls went and we really messed up here.

Good to see this back, but damn that injury trait is really gonna make things difficult.

Not really sure what to do, but I think Veg and Relax is a must-have action this turn.
Was the screwup ours, or someone else's?
The update is really confusing at exactly the point it happens, but what I got out of it the second time through is Tommy made his mistake of finishing his combo instead of letting Hugo jump in, and that put him directly in the way of the roundhouse Hugo was supposed to be doing to our opponent with neither of them prepared to mitigate it. I could be wrong, though.
What are our options in terms of skipping shows for health reasons? Obviously we won't get paid if we don't work, but will it also require some kind of DC check to avoid killing our long term deals as well?

A serious concussion isn't really something to fuck around with. Taking a week to work on the van, pack up, manage our online presence, and maybe do some match hyping from the sidelines seems like a good idea.
Was the screwup ours, or someone else's?
Normal Full House: Punch to the gut, uppercut palm-strike to chin, then jumping knee strike.
Combo Full House: (Tommy) Punch to the gut, palm-strike then (Hugo) roundhouse kick.

Tommy instinctively tried to finish the normal Full House because he's done it a million times that way, and got kicked in the back of the head hard because neither he nor Hugo was ready. It was Tommy's screw-up and maybe but not really at all a little bit Hugo's, but shit happens.

someone basically said the exact same thing above me but hey, never hurts to double-tap.
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Not so far away that you can't hear what she's saying. "Jack? We need you at the apartment-" She breaks off. "Yeah, I know what you were doing, and it-"

She stops and snarls. "Jack Silvia! Fucking stop whining and listen to me! Tommy's messed up, and he can't be alone! So put whatever problems you've got right now wherever you store the fucks you normally give and listen to me! Tell your girlfriend that her coworker needs help and get your ass home! Please!"
As bad as this was for us (at least we finished and didn't fuck up the rivalry thing?) I can definitely call the above part of the update an absolute win and step in the right direction.

Leah is now fully standing up for herself and calling Jack out on his shit, she fully expressed her frustration and feelings for the first time to him.

It may take a while, but if we play this right, this is the true start of the leech being pulled off
As far as who exactly screwed up there, it was a little of column A and a little of column B. Both Tommy and Hugo got negatives on their role there, but Tommy did slightly worse, so he took the hit. The match format was basically thrown out after that. It was planned to be a fairly back and forth encounter, but Hugo changed it on the fly to a big beatdown by the Dukes with Hugo occasionally making his own comeback to keep the crowd hot. When Tommy got back in, they tried to walk him through the simplest, easiest spots they could. He delivered the Straight Flush, he did the Moonsault Knee Drop because Concussed!Tommy couldn't be talked out of it, and he stood in the right place to take Hugo's finish, which he did successfully.

The match was okay, good, but it would've been better if some of the crowd hadn't figured out that Tommy was legit fucked up and were taken out of it.

And as far as skipping bookings, you can certainly try. I'll work that in to an upcoming update. But remember, Tommy just got in the door at ADC, he's just signed a new deal with NEW, he's in the middle of an angle in KWK, and he's just getting a rocket strapped to him at 100SW. Plus, dude might be a touch obsessed. Skipping a booking would be the antithesis of who he is, and so it'd have some issues and cause some trait problems.

Moratorium ends at approximately 1:00 AM tomorrow! Make sure to use this time to plan! After this month, we're going quarterly.
But remember, Tommy just got in the door at ADC, he's just signed a new deal with NEW, he's in the middle of an angle in KWK, and he's just getting a rocket strapped to him at 100SW. Plus, dude might be a touch obsessed. Skipping a booking would be the antithesis of who he is, and so it'd have some issues and cause some trait problems.

Gonna make it pretty difficult to recover and we're probably gonna need to be a little less risky on matches for a bit. Don't want Tommy crippled or dead after all because of lasting concussion injury.
Well. At least we actually did the moves. I half expected him to have flopped everything and Omir just humoring him to keeo his mind awake.
Only Tommy is enough of a wrestling nerd to pull it off even while concussed. Exactly why I want him to become the All Might of wrestling.
well, CAN we have our next wrestling identity actually be AllMight? I dont think the manga is out yet, so we cpuld preemptively steal the idea before it is actually born.
Only Tommy is enough of a wrestling nerd to pull it off even while concussed. Exactly why I want him to become the All Might of wrestling.
You want Tommy to suffer a literally crippling stomach/chest injury that fucks up if not removing one of his lungs, continuing his career for about five years or so of excruciating agony after that, and then as his body's about to break down completely accept the necessity of passing his wisdom and puroresu obsession onto a successor?

well, CAN we have our next wrestling identity actually be AllMight? I dont think the manga is out yet, so we cpuld preemptively steal the idea before it is actually born.
Hopefully, I want Tommy to eventually have Mythical in all of the stats and skills. To be a true Symbol for the wrestling world, and to lead the charge against the corruption of the system.
You want Tommy to suffer a literally crippling stomach/chest injury that fucks up if not removing one of his lungs, continuing his career for about five years or so of excruciating agony after that, and then as his body's about to break down completely accept the necessity of passing his wisdom and puroresu obsession onto a successor?


You know what I meant. All Might before the injury.
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Fucking tag matches! I swear botches rise exponentially the more people you have in the ring.

I think we should try and just power through the concussion though. People exaggerate how bad those are, we used to walk em off on the football team all the time. If we were taking things slow and safe we would never have become a pro wrestler in the first place.

As far as how the powering through goes, I'm thinking that we want to explain to our bookers that we have some limitations for a while, maybe we can get spots where we don't fly high for a bit, or do non physical angles. Most feuds have a few of those from time to time, be very convenient if we could do a promo or run in with a chair or something this week at a few of our gigs.
So I'm gonna assume that - in typical Ves fashion - the concussion trait is sticking around for an amount of time he won't say and is based on how much Tommy refuses to take it easy. But at a minimum, it'll be around long enough for Ves to feel like it did something. Awesome. This'll be fun. Tommy's been overdue for a professional setback.

Anyhow. 30 points.
Go To Work. 4 points for taking it once and quitting at the end because Tommy is busy af and moving away.
Training with Leah x4, for the Ambition. 8 more points.
Date with Selina. 2 points.
Maintain Online Presence. Wrestling Times. Design New Merch. Re-Order Corsair Skull Shirts. 0 points, but all need to be done.
Satisfy the Voyages trait. Our last 3 were Omid, Hugo via Rolodex, and Kennedy. We see Leah all the fucking time, so not her, and so I figure Charley's a good call. Nursing student, recent concussion, we're moving away and quitting the job so we won't see her much anymore, and her and Jack's relationship is fucking beautiful should get plenty of screentime. Need a second action (confirmed with Ves) because two months, and (again, confirmed with Ves), we can use Kennedy who'll just show up in month 12 when she's eligible again or Rolodex with anybody but Hugo (Copperhead, Dane, Tao, somebody completely fucking random because why not). Split here, because Kennedy is great but Tommy also needs more friends. Either way, another 3 points. Maybe both.

That leaves 11 points to play with.
For Worthwhile Wrassling Actions, we have Horizon (1 or 2 times), and a tryout at Destruction (No DC thanks to our boy Omid, 3 points). Can opt to do none of them for recovery purposes, of course. Pretty sure if we go to Destruction we will roll a 1 on that post-concussion check and it will be gorgeous. Also Daybreak will give Tommy a new injury if he tries to wrestle at her show still shaking off a concussion. So y'know.
For Worthwhile Training Actions, we have nothing major. Finding a Class would be super cool if we weren't about to move. Watch Tape and whatnot is better served by discussion xp as per usual. I guess Yoga's always an option though.
For Worthwhile Social Actions, we have every social action because fuck you they're all great except the one with Leah and Caleb but that one's unavailable anyway so whatever. Allie and Jack are both ones we should really take, though (2 pts each).
For Worthwhile Personal actions we have Veg and Relax (1 pt each) and Time to Move. Sure, we may not have taken an actual resilience hit for the injury, but Tommy got his head clocked. Take some time off. Time to Move gets some leftover points.

"Max" relaxation is Allie/Jack, then Veg and Relax and Time to Move splitting the remaining 7 points. Maybe throw Yoga in there too for light exercise. Max is in quotes because Tommy's already booked at six shows a month. Really more about being cautious and not taking a risk on our Destruction tryout.

Also, we've got 156 discussion xp to dump into Mic. Puts us at 1127 total, and 373 until completion. So on the bright side, we're making great progress there.
Anyway we can try to work out with our bookings to work around the concussion by just doing mic work/run ins/beatdowns rather than full matches. Guessing it would limit the damage done but also fufills our bookings?

In Breaking Waifu News:
If we don't get any cute Nurse!Allie interaction scenes next update imma be SO mad. :rofl:

However Leah is also slowly creeping up the waifu warsTM leaderboard. Selina can GTFO.