So, excerpts from theCrooked Moon Quest update! (It features slightly less infighting than
Skaven Quest, but also more tendency to jump on hilariously bad bandwagons.) Also, a certain level of omniscience, to make up for typical greenskin leadership issues. Viewpoint may change between characters at a moment's notice.
So, the winning vote was to set up the bolt throwers and a Mob of goblins to defend the main gates from incoming Shorties, get the Doom Diver artillery ready for bombardment, and make a trade with Dem Ratboys, offering a bunch of orcs you have prisoner...
The first hint you have that things are going wrong is when a fire starts and burns all the Doom Diver wings. Naturally, a riot starts among the Doom Divers, with arguments about who will be ammunition getting quite heated. Bombardment still commences, but is ineffective. And then the Shorty Rangers turn them all into pincushions, settling the arguments in a truly unfair way.
The trading is going well. The Big Fat Ratboy has a bunch of dog-size ratz in cages, and the you seem to be getting a good deal... until your head explodes. A Ratboy with a pistol just shot The Big Boss in the face, and then one of the ratboy slaves opens the cage they're carrying, letting one of the Big Ratz loose... and that's when the riot starts. Aside from a bunch of gobbos chasing the Ratboy-with-pistol, it's pretty much every gobbo for themself, although the Ratboys are early casualties. The assassin eventually gets away after doing something with acid and shadows and then disappears in the darkness.
Fortunately unaware of this chaos, the forces in the hall behind the gates are assembled, and prepared to fight, but also ready to open a path for the bolt-throwers to fire, or let a too-strong enemy charge right into the troll pit. But then something unseen riles up a troll, getting them to punch up through the planking. The trolls are almost brought back under control by means of torches, long spears, and a few gobbos sacrificed to trollish appetites, but then they start brawling amongst themselves, and it spills out of the pit. And they keep coming. Some gobbos try to flee out the gates, but are shot by Shorties. Only the ones that flee into the tunnels survive.
So, the upper levels are lost, either to leadership struggles, trolls, or Shorty crossbows.
Wat do?
> [Gobbo1]Dafuq? Did the dwarves contract a bunch of Eshin assassins or something?
> [Gobbo2]I told you that connecting the pit to the troll caves was going to backfire, but did anyone listen?
>[Gobbo3]How many critfails did we roll here? This is insane. Okay, time to hope a leader emerges soon...
And 15 more pages of backbiting, circular firing squad, and no useful suggestions.