"I'll go find something for you to do," You promise. After all, if there's one thing you know, it's that a bored Digimon is a dangerous thing. "Biyomon, distract them for a bit. No fire-I'm not sure how much of this place can burn." Probably all of it, but again, Haruka just replaced the curtains.
"Got it!" She chirps, before pecking at a Numemon that was about to try and jump on the stove. "No, don't do that, it's dangerous!"
You think she'll be fine.
Tapping on the door to the former guest room- it is not a lab, you refuse to call it a lab, calling it a lab does nothing but give you a feeling of overwhelming terror- and announce your presence. "Um, Haruka?"
"Sora? When did you get here?"
"A few minutes ago. The Digimon are bored, where do you keep the games?"
"Oh, uh, Kaz took most of them for his family reunion next week, but there should still be some in the pantry." Right. Because of course she doesn't keep food there.
It comes to mind that, had they somehow not set everything on fire, the Digimon would probably have found a way to entertain themselves if left to their own devices. Whether it would be before or after the destruction of the place Haruka lives remains unknown, and you think you prefer it that way. Mostly because you don't think the building would still be standing, otherwise.
True to her word, there's not many games left. There's one you that seems designed for use by little kids, a puzzle where half the pieces are probably scattered somewhere around the apartment... One where the instruction manual seems to be written in every language but Japanese...
You're starting to get a bad feeling about this.
So, it turns out you were right about this being bound to be a disaster. Not because of the games themselves- though there is currently an intense search for puzzle pieces going on, with one of them being found behind a very rusty toaster that probably hasn't been used since Haruka's parents lived here. Maybe not even then.
The main issue is that none of the Digimon know the rules to these games, and you don't fully understand them yourself, and you should probably stick around to make sure they don't murder each other over fake money.
"All right, Nanimon, pay up!" Biyomon's not exactly helping, either.
Just as the other Digimon is handing the play money over, however, DemiDevimon manages to dislodge a puzzle piece from the ceiling- covered in a white substance that is either glue or whipped cream- and it falls right into the collection of colored pieces of paper.
The bat at least has the decency to look somewhat apologetic, though he quickly ruins it by opening his mouth. "Sorry, but it's just a game, right? It's not like either of you were winning, anyway."
Wizardmon looks torn between chastising his friend and reveling in his near-certain victory, but eventually he decides on the former. "DemiDevimon!"
"What? I'm just telling it as I see it."
"Well, I'd be careful about that. Your Virus is showing."
"...Huh. Didn't notice that."
"You know that's not a good sign, right?" Nanimon checks. "If you're tapping into your Virus without meaning to, that could become a big problem!"
"See, you say that, but then there's Lord Myotismon. He-" DemiDevimon abruptly stops talking for a moment, landing on the carpet. "...Well, I'd say he was the best at using his, but the Dark Masters exist, so...."
Okay, you think you're missing a bit of context here.
[ ] Ask for an explanation.
-[ ] From the gathered Digimon. They're right here, but they might not be good at explaining it.
-[ ] Go to Haruka. Well, once she's done with... whatever she's doing.
-[ ] Ask Izzy. He might have actual room in his schedule.
[ ] ...It's probably not important. Instead you should...
-[ ] ...Join the hunt for puzzle pieces.
-[ ] ...Maybe do something about the worst of the mess. Just to be safe.
-[ ] ...Try and convince Biyomon to leave the game so you can go home.