Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[x] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.

Have I mentioned how much I love Hugo and his energy? Cause I do. The guy's great
[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
[X] Keep it simple. You'll go for a tag at the end of the match and Hugo will jump down, leaving you to be destroyed by the Dukes. Afterwards, Hugo'll beat you down.

I've always liked the 'leave them alone in the ring' betrayal. The fans will pop when he pulls his hand back, then pop to watch Tommy do his best at 2 v 1, all the while anticipating the post match beatdown, which can be appropriately savage without hurting our rep, since we just lost a 2 v 1 match and Hugo is still fresh.
[] There're tables set up on the outside of the ring, right? Wouldn't it be a sight for you to be up top and then Hugo to push you off into one? It'll be risky, and you've never taken a bump like that before, but goddamn it'll make an impression.
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[X] There're tables set up on the outside of the ring, right? Wouldn't it be a sight for you to be up top and then Hugo to push you off into one? It'll be risky, and you've never taken a bump like that before, but goddamn it'll make an impression.
This is a bad idea. Our hardcore is disappointing. We rolling for this match so a good chance we botch or even injure ourselves
[X] Why does the turn have to happen during the match? You'll wrestle a clean match and lose. Afterwards, Hugo will snap and you'll go down.

Seems to make more sense story-wise
[X] Why does the turn have to happen during the match? You'll wrestle a clean match and lose. Afterwards, Hugo will snap and you'll go down.

This could go well as a botched highlight reel, where Tommy keeps messing up and then having Hugo just snap. Hope we can sell it enough to make it work.
[x] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
[x] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
[X] Why does the turn have to happen during the match? You'll wrestle a clean match and lose. Afterwards, Hugo will snap and you'll go down.
[X] Keep it simple. You'll go for a tag at the end of the match and Hugo will jump down, leaving you to be destroyed by the Dukes. Afterwards, Hugo'll beat you down.

Classics are classic for a reason.
[] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.

[] Keep it simple. You'll go for a tag at the end of the match and Hugo will jump down, leaving you to be destroyed by the Dukes. Afterwards, Hugo'll beat you down.

I'm kind of torn between these two, but the second one by itself doesn't really sit that well with me.

[] Why does the turn have to happen during the match? You'll wrestle a clean match and lose. Afterwards, Hugo will snap and you'll go down.

This reminds me of nothing quite so much as it does the Y2AJ breakup back in 2016 (even though it was only a thing for a month, if that), where Chris Jericho and AJ Styles were challenging the New Day for the Tag Team Titles. Jericho got pinned by the New Day, and then beat the shit out of AJ (who had earned their team a title opportunity in the first place by beating at least one of the stable members a week or two previous) with at least a Codebreaker or two, before tearing up one of their team shirts and stuffing it in AJ's mouth. What could possibly have lead the savior of the fandom universe to betray his partner in such a way? For the pettiest of reasons of course, being that they were in the city where he made his WWE debut so long ago, and yet the crowd was chanting more for AJ than for him.

And with the rocky dynamic Corsair and Incision have had, competing against each other despite coming together as a team, I really do like the idea of using that option for Hugo's heel turn.

Having said that, I kind of want to combine it with the "left hanging on the tag" idea. ISTR Hugo and Corsair having something of an ongoing dick-measuring contest with each other, so I'm thinking of booking it something like this:

[]You'll go for a tag at the end of the match, only for Hugo to jump down and leave you hanging. Rather than walk away, however, he'll egg you on to see if you can beat the Dukes by yourself, acting like he's just messing with you instead of betraying you. You put up a valiant effort, but ultimately fall to the numbers game and eat a pin, prompting a boastful Hugo to come back into the ring and beat the tar out of you himself, before finally hitting you with his new heel finisher.

Thoughts, anyone?
[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
How's this for an idea? Wrestle a clean match, but as Tommy goes in for the pin after his finish, have Hugo stealth tag himself in, shove or finisher Tommy out of the way, steal the pin, THEN do the beat down, securing Hugo's place as the ultimate glory hound heel.
How's this for an idea? Wrestle a clean match, but as Tommy goes in for the pin after his finish, have Hugo stealth tag himself in, shove or finisher Tommy out of the way, steal the pin, THEN do the beat down, securing Hugo's place as the ultimate glory hound heel.

We are losing.

[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jul 12, 2019 at 7:22 PM, finished with 8743 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
    [X] Why does the turn have to happen during the match? You'll wrestle a clean match and lose. Afterwards, Hugo will snap and you'll go down.
    [X] Keep it simple. You'll go for a tag at the end of the match and Hugo will jump down, leaving you to be destroyed by the Dukes. Afterwards, Hugo'll beat you down.
How's this for an idea? Wrestle a clean match, but as Tommy goes in for the pin after his finish, have Hugo stealth tag himself in, shove or finisher Tommy out of the way, steal the pin, THEN do the beat down, securing Hugo's place as the ultimate glory hound heel.
well, they are supposed to lose though.
[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
[X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
And vote is closed. As soon as I have my schedule for next week nailed down, I'll post about ROLZ TIMES!
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jul 13, 2019 at 7:23 PM, finished with 29 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.
    [X] Why does the turn have to happen during the match? You'll wrestle a clean match and lose. Afterwards, Hugo will snap and you'll go down.
    [X] Keep it simple. You'll go for a tag at the end of the match and Hugo will jump down, leaving you to be destroyed by the Dukes. Afterwards, Hugo'll beat you down.
    [x] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
    -[x] You'll look for a decent place in Philly. You've had enough of living in a hole. (12 Expenses total)
Aw man, and I was totally going to drop in with an argument that would sell 'Table' as the winner and turn all the votes!

It looked like this:

[x] There's nothing that says 'feud' quite like getting hit by your former partner's finish. You know Hugo's been working on something that isn't quite so flippy for his heel work. You'll set up a Duke for it, and then he'll hit you with it instead. Then you'll eat the pin and take the beating.


Nevermind then, carry on.
Just binge read this over the last few days. Props @Vesvius this is good shit.

Rest of thread: obviously skipped all the discussion posts but why the hell isn't Allie our waifu and OTP. After the scene on the train after her party you all should have been all over that. Shame!