The Magical Adventures in Atlas (A RWBY AU Quest)

calling the vote in 4 hours
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Jul 5, 2019 at 1:30 PM, finished with 39 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dawn & Dusk
    [X] Like No One Ever Was
    [X] Plan Emblem of Hope
    -[X] Vermilion 'Red' Tajiri
    -[X] Ceruleus 'Blue' Tajiri
    -[X]The Twin Brother
    -[X]To Heal Your Father: Your father took you to live in the city when your mother disappeared on her mission to destroy the Grimm. He was ill, so Ill that he knew he was going to die very soon, and would not leave you in the wilds of Mistral alone. You and your brother poured through text after text, trying to find out how to heal him. And when you desperately tried with what little magic you could tap into... magic that only days before you and your brother could not tap into. You thought you succeed when he breathed a perfect, peaceful breath. But you did not heal him. You murdered him. The breath he took was his last. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Magical Prodigy. Magic Experience set at Novices level.)
    -[X]Medium: You look for a challenge in all things, and you want this to be enjoyable, and fun. (For wanting an average experience)
    -[X]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.
The Bros.

Name: Phosphoros "Phos" Orinn

Age: 17

Aura status: Activated

Semblance: Unknown

Magical Experience: Novice


Diligent: You will accomplish anything you set your mind. (+10 to training rolls)

Shy: An introvert who has a hard time speaking to new people or in public. You'd prefer to just be alone, or unnoticed. (-30 to Social Rolls)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+20 to Combat Rolls)

Faunus (Dog): You are a Faunus, a humanoid with an Animal Appendage. They are looked down upon in many places within Atlas. (Certain Social Actions will suffer a debuff.)

Cursed by Magic: Your body has been forced to have magical energies within it, it's power swirling within you, creating changes that you cannot even imagine. (Learning Spells will suffer -50 until your body is comfortable with the magic within you.)

Spells Known:
Healing Hands: Your hands bring health to the sick, mend the bones of the wounded, and give life to the dying. (+10 to Healing Rolls.)

Name: Hesperos "Hesper" Orinn

Age: 17

Aura status: Activated

Semblance: Unknown

Magical Experience: Novice


Kind: This generous and gentle person is friendly to all, and will only fight or kill when it is necessary, and after all attempts at diplomacy have failed. (+10 to Social rolls)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+20 to Combat Rolls)

Faunus (Dog): You are a faunus, a humanoid with an Animal Appendage. They are looked down upon in many places. (Certain Social Actions will suffer a debuff)

Cursed by Magic: Your body has been forced to have magical energies within it, it's power swirling within you, creating changes that you cannot even imagine. (Learning Spells will suffer -30 until your body is comfortable with the magic within you.)

Spells Known:
Healing Hands: Your hands bring health to the sick, mend the bones of the wounded, and give life to the dying. (+10 to Healing Rolls.)
Beginnings: Death in the Family
Beginnings: Death in the Family

There were three things that you believed in your short life alive. The first one was that your father, whoever he was, was still alive, and would one day walk through that door and get the shit out of him by you and Hesper.

The Second was your mother being able to survive anything. Your mom always told you of her wilder, younger, days, back when she was a huntress herself before she hung up the blades and raised the two of you. How she could take down a thousand Grimm in the morning and still arrive at the town to sip tea in the afternoon, without breaking stride.

The second was the hardest thing to accept when your mother started coughing up blood. The doctors told you there was nothing they could do, that there was nothing anyone could do.

Well, that started your obsession. The third thing that you and Hesper believed in like it was a life preserver keeping you afloat in a terrible sea.

The belief in magic.

Magic existed in the distant past, it had to. The story of the maidens, and the power to control the elements, summoning controlling animals… Being able to feel nature's energy flowing into your body.

Fairy tales, legends, folk tales, even events in the recent past during the Great War… There were too many things that pointed to its existence.

And you were desperate enough to get through every lead.

Even if it killed you.
"Hey, mom." You whispered as you felt your tail wrapped around your leg. Your mother looked up at you weakly, giving a small smile. Her heart rate picked up.

"Oh Phos… You need to rest." Even as she lay dying, she was caring for you.

Hesperos came into the room, carrying a large book. "Hey, it's ready. I cracked it." He stated.

"What are you doing?" Your mother asked.

"Trying to save you." You replied.

You nodded to Hesperos, and the two of you both started to read.

"Boys. Stop." Your mother pleaded through a whisper. "I've accepted the fate I've been dealt. Don't do something stupid."

You narrowed your eyes. "Really? You think it's okay to just give up and die, mom, when you have so much to live for?"

Your mother frowned, before coughing, hacking like a person choking, only instead of choking on something, she was choking on herself. "Boys. I have done everything to help you, and I am proud of you, for the men you've become. But I beg you, please, stop. I know what you're doing and it won't work, please. Stop, before you hurt yourself."

Hesper hesitated, but you put a hand on his shoulder. "If we have to be hurt so that you can live, then that's a price we will take."

Your choice, along with your brothers were made a long time ago. "Ready?" You turned to your brother for one last look of encouragement.

"Yeah." He replied.

Both of you looked in the book with the words you had translated. Your hands began to glow as you whispered the words in your heads.

Your hands than were placed at where the disease was, your hands feeling like they were in golden water.

Then it glowed brighter, and you felt like you were burning.

"Ah!" You yelped and tried to stop. But you couldn't, you felt like you were dying.

Hesper also screamed falling to the floor, clutching his side as if he was stabbed.

Your mother had tears in her eyes, and she clutched your hand, before closing her eyes for the last time. Her heart stopped.


And you fell into the black void.

The man stopped and smelled the air. The burning sensation filled his nose, and he understood what had happened.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out his scroll. It beeped for a few seconds. "James. It happened. Make sure their aunt knows… And make sure to keep them safe."

"They will be." The General of Atlas replied. "Did you find Hazel?"

"I'm on his scent. I'll keep you posted." The man replied.

Damn kids. They should have listened to their mother.

But they were as stubborn as him… so he shouldn't be surprised.

He then hung up and called another number… a more secure number.

"Ozpin. They managed to do it. They managed to do magic without dying."
Salem smiled. "Perfect."

You awoke in a hospital room, your brother next to you, your weapons and clothes resting on a chair across from the hospital bed.

Who was in the room with you:
[]General James Ironwood: The General of Atlas was reading some kind of report. Why was he here?
[]Colonel Olivia Orinn: Auntie Olivia? Oh, gods... You're screwed.
[]No one: You were alone with your brother… Thankfully he looked like he was waking up.

AN: Enjoy.
[X] General James Ironwood: The General of Atlas was reading some kind of report. Why was he here?

Sure, Ironwood's cool.
[X]General James Ironwood: The General of Atlas was reading some kind of report. Why was he here?
[X] General James Ironwood: The General of Atlas was reading some kind of report. Why was he here?
Beginnings: The General
Beginnings: The General

You turned to see General Ironwood sitting in one of the guest chairs, with a table between you and hi. On it, was a pile of papers, reports of some kind and a few pictures of yourself and of Hesper.

"Uh… Excuse me?" Your voice was dry, but only a little bit. Thankfully your head did not feel like it was smashed into a thousand pieces. You could feel some kind of humming in your ears, but you ignored it as your brother also woke up.

"Uh… What the hell happened?" He grunted.

"That is what I want to find out." The general replied.

You noticed that the general's hair was slicked over, and wet, as if he just cleaned it recently, his uniform freshly pressed, his red tie, barely sticking out of his fest. His pistol on his side, it's blade showing just enough to get a look at its edge. He then stood up. "I trust you both remember who I am."

You nodded, and Hesper said. "Yeah, General Ironwood… Or is it Headmaster Ironwood now?"

"Either work." The general replied as he wiped his face with his… human hand. "Lieutenant." He said rank and a man walked in. "Clean this up please, they're awake, I shouldn't be more than a few minutes."

"Yes, sir." The officer replied. The man than cleaned up the papers and folders on the table, and left, shutting the door behind him.

The general looked at you and Hesper. "Phosphoros, Hesperos. I need to know what happened." He stated.

"What do you mean?" Hesper asked.

"I need to know you both didn't accidentally kill your mother." The General replied.

"What!" You and your brother shouted in surprise.

"What the hell makes you think we would kill our mother!" Your brother spat. "How dare you!"

The General than held up his hand. "Relax. The Morgue and the police already ruled you both out as suspects. I just wanted to hear it from you. But I do need to know what the hell happened to you both that would send you into a coma for two weeks."

You tilted your head in confusion. "Two weeks? What do you mean… where are we?" You asked.

"You're in Atlas." The general replied. "In the Nicholas Schnee Memorial Hospital."

You sighed, feeling your muscles relax. You weren't far from Mantle, and home. "We don't know what happened General, so can we go?" You asked.

The general than sighed, as if he was about to say something he did not like. "Your mother's body had gone through an unseen regeneration process before her body was recovered, with her body coated in unknown energy. Do you know anything about it?" He asked.

It… so that energy you felt wasn't a figment of your imagination. You knew it wasn't your semblance… it was to… foreign.

"General." a voice spoke from outside the room, saw the General took another deep breath.

"Yes." He replied

"It's Colonel Orinn, she's requesting permission to come to the hospital to see her nephew's." The voice replied. "Also, the council will not delay the meeting any longer, they are requesting your presence now or they'll sack you from-."

"Tell her permission granted." The General replied, interrupting his man. "God's dammit, every time with these people." The general then turned to face you. "Forgive me, but our conversation can wait. I wish you boy's luck in recovering. I hope we can speak about what happened later."

And without another word, the General left.

Hesper shivered. "Did he just say Auntie Olivia is coming?"

"Yes." You whimpered.

What do you do:
[]Run Away: You are not going to face your aunt's wrath… not again.
[]Wait Here: You need to see her though… as much as you fear her.

AN: Enjoy.