The Magical Adventures in Atlas (A RWBY AU Quest)

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Charecter creation.

You were born in a world of bloody evolution. Humanity and Faunus kind...
Charecter creation.


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
Charecter creation.

You were born in a world of bloody evolution. Humanity and Faunus kind were always at the edge of extinction. With the monsters of Grimm being but one step away from wiping them out.

It was where you and your brother were born, and most likely, where you would die.

But from an early age, unlike the other children your age who wanted to be soldiers, craftsmen and huntsmen, you wanted to be a wizard. A sorcerer with magical powers like the stories your family raised you on.

For the longest time, you thought you could never use magic. The cynic in you bombarded you with terrible thoughts of inadequacy, of fear. Saying that all you were naive for trying to use

You were one of those naive people. You believed that magic was real, with all your heart, all your soul. And your brother believed you as well, taking up the pursuit with you as you both tore through book after book, legend after legend.

Until you tried it for real, not even knowing the power you wielded. Or the consequences that it could have on you.

Who are you:
[]Insert name here (Please follow the color Rule)

What do you look like:
[]Write in description/add a picture here

What is your Brothers name:
[]Insert name here (Please follow the color Rule)

What do you look like:
[]Write in description/add a picture here

Are you a human or a Faunus:

Which brother were you?:
[]The Older Brother
[]The Younger Brother
[]The Twin Brother

And what action drove you to preform magic?:

[]Your Mother's Death: Your mother was a strong woman, capable of raising you and your brother and maintaining the family farm as best she could. But she was not well, and as much as she tried to hide it from you, you knew she did not have much time. You didn't believe the doctor when they told you she was dead. You wanted to bring her back. And you failed. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Cursed by Magic, Magic Experience set at Novice level.)

[]To Heal Your Father: Your father took you to live in the city when your mother disappeared on her mission to destroy the Grimm. He was ill, so Ill that he knew he was going to die very soon, and would not leave you in the wilds of Mistral alone. You and your brother poured through text after text, trying to find out how to heal him. And when you desperately tried with what little magic you could tap into... magic that only days before you and your brother could not tap into. You thought you succeed when he breathed a perfect, peaceful breath. But you did not heal him. You murdered him. The breath he took was his last. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Magical Prodigy. Magic Experience set at Novices level.)

[]To Stop The Grimm: Your home was under attack, people were dead or dying all around you, and monsters as black as night with blood-red eyes were coming towards you. You remembered a flash of light, whiteness overtaking your vision and your brother standing next to you, holding your hand, channeling the same energy that was around you. When you came to, the Grimm were gone. But so was your home. (Both brothers Gain trait: Forbidden Knowledge. Magic Experience set at Apprentice level)

[]To Save Yourself And Your Brother: Mom and Dad were dead, and your studies caused anger and fear from the other villagers. They wanted you dead. You wanted to live. So you made a deal with the devil. And your souls was the price you paid. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Soulless and Touched by Darkness. Magical Experience at Journeyman level.)

Meta: What difficulty would you like it to be:

[]Easy: You laugh at the face of danger. (For those that want to have a nice easy time. More of an interactive story)

[]Medium: You look for a challenge in all things, and you want this to be enjoyable, and fun. (For wanting an average experience)

[]Hard: You want a challenge that will test your limits, so you can go beyond the impossible. (You want to be challenged, every decision counts)

[]Legendary: Wait… this is an option. Don't choose this unless you are prepared to die… repeatedly. (Prepare to die.)

Meta 2: Though Canon will change due to your actions and the actions above, how far do you want canon to be changed.

[]Keep is Close: You want something that resembles the RWBY we all know and Love. That is fine.

[]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

[]Lets Change Some Shit: You will give me free rein to take a few liberties, like change a characters background, economic status, or... living status.

[]Reversed: Want Salem to be the good guy? Team RWBY and Ozpin to be Evil? Adam to be less of an edgelord, or Winter to have Screentime? Just choose this.

[]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.

AN: The OST for RWBY Volume 6 happened. I am not apologizing for my action... although a friend has started to limit the updates for once a week on Saturday only.

If you think I'm going crazy... well I have.


Edit: Plan format please
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Name: Phosphoros "Phos" Orinn

Age: 17

Aura status: Activated

Semblance: Unknown

Magical Experience: Novice


Diligent: You will accomplish anything you set your mind. (+10 to training rolls)

Shy: An introvert who has a hard time speaking to new people or in public. You'd prefer to just be alone, or unnoticed. (-30 to Social Rolls)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+20 to Combat Rolls)

Faunus (Dog): You are a Faunus, a humanoid with an Animal Appendage. They are looked down upon in many places within Atlas. (Certain Social Actions will suffer a debuff.)

Cursed by Magic: Your body has been forced to have magical energies within it, it's power swirling within you, creating changes that you cannot even imagine. (Learning Spells will suffer -50 until your body is comfortable with the magic within you.)

Spells Known:
Healing Hands: Your hands bring health to the sick, mend the bones of the wounded, and give life to the dying. (+10 to Healing Rolls.)
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Name: Hesperos "Hesper" Orinn

Age: 17

Aura status: Activated

Semblance: Unknown

Magical Experience: Novice


Kind: This generous and gentle person is friendly to all, and will only fight or kill when it is necessary, and after all attempts at diplomacy have failed. (+10 to Social rolls)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+20 to Combat Rolls)

Faunus (Dog): You are a faunus, a humanoid with an Animal Appendage. They are looked down upon in many places. (Certain Social Actions will suffer a debuff)

Cursed by Magic: Your body has been forced to have magical energies within it, it's power swirling within you, creating changes that you cannot even imagine. (Learning Spells will suffer -30 until your body is comfortable with the magic within you.)

Spells Known:
Healing Hands: Your hands bring health to the sick, mend the bones of the wounded, and give life to the dying. (+10 to Healing Rolls.)
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[X] Plan Dawn & Dusk
Who are you:
[] Phosphoros "Phos" Orinn

What do you look like:

What is your Brothers name:
[] Hesperos "Hesper" Orinn

What does your brother look like:

Are you a human or a Faunus:
[] Faunus

Which brother were you?:
[] The Twin Brother

And what action drove you to preform magic?:
[] Your Mother's Death: Your mother was a strong woman, capable of raising you and your brother and maintaining the family farm as best she could. But she was not well, and as much as she tried to hide it from you, you knew she did not have much time. You didn't believe the doctor when they told you she was dead. You wanted to bring her back. And you failed. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Cursed by Magic, Magic Experience set at Novice level.)

Meta: What difficulty would you like it to be:
[]Medium: You look for a challenge in all things, and you want this to be enjoyable, and fun. (For wanting an average experience)

Meta 2: Though Canon will change due to your actions and the actions above, how far do you want canon to be changed.
[]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

In Greek myth, the "morning" and "evening" stars (really just Venus) are anthropomorphized as a pair of brothers named Phosphoros and Hesperos. The Latin versions of those names are, respectively, Lucifer and Vesper. Basically any color strongly associated with "dawn" and "dusk" respectively works for those names. Personally, I lean toward blue/purple for Phos and red/orange for Hesper.

"Orinn" is just my attempt at Anglicizing an Irish surname, "O'Rinn," which means "son of the star."
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[X] Like No One Ever Was
-[X] Vermilion 'Red' Tajiri
-[X] Ceruleus 'Blue' Tajiri
-[X]The Twin Brother
-[X]To Heal Your Father: Your father took you to live in the city when your mother disappeared on her mission to destroy the Grimm. He was ill, so Ill that he knew he was going to die very soon, and would not leave you in the wilds of Mistral alone. You and your brother poured through text after text, trying to find out how to heal him. And when you desperately tried with what little magic you could tap into... magic that only days before you and your brother could not tap into. You thought you succeed when he breathed a perfect, peaceful breath. But you did not heal him. You murdered him. The breath he took was his last. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Magical Prodigy. Magic Experience set at Novices level.)
-[X]Medium: You look for a challenge in all things, and you want this to be enjoyable, and fun. (For wanting an average experience)
-[X]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.

'Canon'? It's also a gun!
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It amuses me greatly, too... right now. I can already tell that it'll stop amusing me very much after the first few updates, at which point all that'll be left is mild frustration at how lazy the names feel once the joke is no longer funny.
I mean to each their own I guess, I just had a spark of memes hit me when I was planning.
Meme characters don't mean you have to play them like memes all the time, the votes for MC's actions will be independent of what we pick here, since we don't have their detailed personalities down yet.

Though I'm more interested in smashing canon in the face, so depends on what you want from the quest!
I mean to each their own I guess, I just had a spark of memes hit me when I was planning.
Meme characters don't mean you have to play them like memes all the time, the votes for MC's actions will be independent of what we pick here, since we don't have their detailed personalities down yet.

Though I'm more interested in smashing canon in the face, so depends on what you want from the quest!

Again, it's the names that are going to wear thin with me, because once the joke stops being funny (and it will, because... I mean, there just isn't much to the joke. A joke that's going to be funny for a long time generally needs to be a multi-layered joke), all you're left with is characters named "Red" and "Blue" rather than something remotely clever, meaningful or evocative.

Maybe I'm just being pretentious (I certainly won't rule that out). But I feel like having so many opportunities to go for some kind of thematic name scheme or something, it's a bit of a waste to go for memes that don't really have it in them to be funny in the long run and will just lead to our main characters feeling very uninspired to me.
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Again, it's the names that are going to wear thin with me, because once the joke stops being funny (and it will, because... I mean, there just isn't much to the joke. A joke that's going to be funny for a long time generally needs to be a multi-layered joke), all you're left with is characters named "Red" and "Blue" rather than something remotely clever, meaningful or evocative.

Maybe I'm just being pretentious (I certainly won't rule that out). But I feel like having so many opportunities to go for some kind of thematic name scheme or something, it's a bit of a waste to go for memes that don't really have it in them to be funny in the long run and will just lead to our main characters feeling very uninspired to me.
Yeah I see your point. I'll think of a bit more flourish for my two family-name-less characters. Slightly disappointed with how it turned out, myself.

To be fair, RWBY is a show made by the same people who created a show called Red vs. Blue.
@Leingod what you think? Added proper names! A bit better I hope.
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Yeah I see your point. I'll think of a bit more flourish for my two family-name-less characters. Slightly disappointed with how it turned out, myself.

To be fair, RWBY is a show made by the same people who created a show called Red vs. Blue.

True, but in that case giving the characters name that hearken to red and blue or reference characters with a red and blue color scheme and a competitive or adversarial relationship would be just as fitting and would be something that wouldn't really wear out its welcome, since there's more to it than just a meme.

Like, if the characters were twin brothers who were clear references to Dante and Vergil of Devil May Cry without just straight-up being named Dante and Vergil, by having names that called to mind the blue and red color scheme of those two and an obvious "Red Oni/Blue Oni" contrast in their fighting styles and personalities. Stuff like that works better long-term because there's more to it than just the reference to rely on to carry it, especially because it could just as easily go in its own direction or widen the reference to other stuff (like, I don't know, X and Zero from Megaman X).

Incidentally, before Jaune's color association was changed from blue (his name would have been spelled Jean and pronounced like "Gene," as in blue jeans) to yellow (his name is now spelled and pronounced as the French word for "yellow"), that would have been the joke with teams RWBY and JNPR. Rubies are red, juniper berries are blue (though the team name still works with yellow, BTW, because many common varieties of junipers have very yellowish leaves).
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[X] Plan Emblem of Hope

Who are You:
[] Robin Grimleal

What is your brother's name:
[] Coot Grimleal

Are you human or faunus:
[] Human

Which brother were you:
[] The Twin Brother

And what action drove you to perform magic?:
[]To Heal Your Father: Your father took you to live in the city when your mother disappeared on her mission to destroy the Grimm. He was ill, so Ill that he knew he was going to die very soon, and would not leave you in the wilds of Mistral alone. You and your brother poured through text after text, trying to find out how to heal him. And when you desperately tried with what little magic you could tap into... magic that only days before you and your brother could not tap into. You thought you succeed when he breathed a perfect, peaceful breath. But you did not heal him. You murdered him. The breath he took was his last. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Magical Prodigy. Magic Experience set at Novices level.)

Meta: What diffculty would it be:
[] Medium: You look for a challenge in all things, and you want this to be enjoyable, and fun. (For wanting an average experience)

[]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.
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Looks like we got ourselves a good ol' fashioned Mexican Standoff, fellas.
Adhoc vote count started by Plausitivity on Jul 4, 2019 at 5:40 AM, finished with 25 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Like No One Ever Was
    [X] Plan Dawn & Dusk
    [X] Plan Emblem of Hope
    [X] Like No One Ever Was
    -[X] Vermilion 'Red' Tajiri
    -[X] Ceruleus 'Blue' Tajiri
    -[X]The Twin Brother
    -[X]To Heal Your Father: Your father took you to live in the city when your mother disappeared on her mission to destroy the Grimm. He was ill, so Ill that he knew he was going to die very soon, and would not leave you in the wilds of Mistral alone. You and your brother poured through text after text, trying to find out how to heal him. And when you desperately tried with what little magic you could tap into... magic that only days before you and your brother could not tap into. You thought you succeed when he breathed a perfect, peaceful breath. But you did not heal him. You murdered him. The breath he took was his last. (Both brothers Gain Trait: Magical Prodigy. Magic Experience set at Novices level.)
    -[X]Medium: You look for a challenge in all things, and you want this to be enjoyable, and fun. (For wanting an average experience)
    -[X]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.