Okay, so this is what we know about his hoard:
  1. The sword and armor of the dead fey lord who cursed by proxy
  2. A figurine of wondrous power that turns into a manticore as opposed to animals/birds
  3. A bone staff that allows sorcerers to rebuke/command undead as clerics of equivalent level at the cost of not being able to cast spells of their highest available level (it also has to be dipped in the blood of recently slain foes at the beginning of each day to work)
@DragonParadox, is the sword and armor of the fey lord similarly cursed?

Also that bone staff is kind of useless given the restrictions.
What gear did we lend him?
I think he properly earned it all with this.
We probably lent him a Valyrian Steel blade. Given his stellar performance here I'm inclined to let him keep it, though we should probably advise him to keep it hidden until conquest.
Okay, so this is what we know about his hoard:

@DragonParadox, is the sword and armor of the fey lord similarly cursed?

Also that bone staff is kind of useless given the restrictions.

We probably lent him a Valyrian Steel blade. Given his stellar performance here I'm inclined to let him keep it, though we should probably advise him to keep it hidden until conquest.

Baby PCs get Baby PC gear. :evil:
Name: Zherys
Human (Dragonblooded, Medium)
Class: Sorcerer (Blood of Siberys) 7/ Loremaster 5/ Incantifier 3
Flaws: Grudge Keeper,
Feats: Draconic Heritage(Red), Skill Focus (Knowledge History), Draconic Aura (Energy Fire), Invisible Spell, Searing Spell, Craft Wondrous Item, Fire Casting, Practical Metamagic (Searing Spell) +1 Metamagic from Incantifier
Skill Trick: Swift Concentration
Class Features: Blood of Siberys, Lore, Secret (Inner Strength, Stamina, Avoidance), Arcane Body, Spell Eater, Spell Resistance, Spell Leach, Spell Eater 2

HP: 12d4 +3d6 +15
Armor Class:
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: +0 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5(CHA) (+3 for Fire) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency:
Immunities: Aging
SR: 23

8 (-1) Strength
10 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
20 (+5) Charisma
14 (+2) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

SAVES (+1 against Sleep, Paralysis and Fire)
FORTITUDE: 4 + 1(Con) +2 (Secret) = 7
REFLEX: 4+2 (Secret) = 6
WILL: 11 + 1 (Wis) +2 (Secret) = 14

Diplomacy: 16 +5 (CHA) +2 (Syn) = 23
Concentration: 18 + 1 (CON) = 19
Knowledge (Arcana): 16 + 2 (INT) = 18
Knowledge (History): 10 +2 +3(SF) = 15
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) = 11
Spellcraft: 18 + 2(INT) +2 (Syn) = 22

Spells Known (Caster level 15):
Level 0 (9):
Level 1 (5):
Level 2 (5):
Level 3 (4): Dispel Magic, Air of Nobility, Ancestral Awakening , Battlemagic Perception
Level 4 (4): Assay Spell Resistance, Dimensional Anchor, Heart of Earth, Black Tentacles
Level 5 (3): Draconic Polymorph, Arcane Fusion, Firebrand
Level 6 (3): T Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Shadow Enchantment, Hellfire Ray
Level 7 (2): Arcane Spellsurge, Kiss of Draconic Defiance

Blood of Siberys

You possess a deep bond to Siberys, the Dragon Above, which shapes your sorcerous powers. Many believe the Dragon Above is the source of all arcane magic, and the first dragons were born from the blood that fell when Khyber slew Siberys. Your bond to the Dragon Above enhances your ability to channel magic.
Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain the normal list of class skills, nor do you gain a familiar.
Benefit: The following are your sorcerer class skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), Profession, Spellcraft.
In addition, you add +4 to your effective Charisma for purposes of determining bonus sorcerer spells and the maximum level of spell you can cast. For example, even if your natural Charisma is 14, you can still cast up to 8th-level sorcerer spells. This bonus does not affect saving throw DCs, skill rolls, or provide any of the other benefits dependant on Charisma.

Arcane Body (Ex): An incantifier's body ceases to function as most living creatures' do, coursing with unbridled magical energies. While he is not undead, elements of his existence are fundamentally warped by the arcane energies he relies upon to sustain him.
An incantifier does not heal naturally, nor can he be healed through normal magical means. Only through draining magic using his spell eater ability can an incantifier replenish his physical health.
An incantifier no longer has any need to eat, drink, or sleep and does not take penalties from neglecting these needs. In addition, an incantifier no longer takes any negative effects from aging and has no maximum age. Instead, he must replenish his body by absorbing spell levels equal to his character level every month, using his spell eater ability (see below), or he permanently loses a level. For example, an 11th-level wizard/5th-level incantifier has to consume 16 spell levels within one month's time or permanently lose a level (see Energy Drain and Negative Levels in Appendix 1: Special Abilities in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). Levels lost in this manner can not be restored by any means.

Spell Eater (Su): An incantifier depends on magic to live and must absorb arcane magic to heal. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat an incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier absorbs the magic and heals 1d4 hit points per spell level. Spells that ignore or overcome the incantifier's spell resistance affect him as normal. The incantifier decides whether or not his spell resistance affects spells he casts on himself, either benefitting from the spell or healing as he chooses.
When an incantifier uses this ability to absorb his monthly requirement of spell energy (see arcane body, above), the incantifier does not gain hit points.
When a spell is negated by the incantifier's spell resistance, he may choose to use either the spell eater or spell leech ability, but not both.

Spell Leech (Su): At 3rd level, an incantifier can channel absorbed arcane energy back into his own magic. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat the incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier regains a spell of the absorbed spell's level or lower that he has already cast that day or regains a used spell slot of the appropriate level or lower. If the incantifier has his full compliment of spells, and thus has no cast spells or used spell slots, he cannot benefit from this ability. For example, if a wizard incantifier's spell resistance negates a lightning bolt, he can restore a single 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell he had previously cast, regaining it as if he had never cast it.
When a spell is negated by the incantifier's spell resistance, he may choose to use either the spell eater or spell leech ability, but not both.

Spell Eater 2 (Su): At 3rd level, the incantifier can heal himself using arcane magic drained from single-use or charged magic items. This ability requires a full-round action and can only be used on an item the incantifier is holding. Using spell leech on a potion or scroll destroys the item but heals 1d4 hit points per spell level of the item destroyed. Using this ability on a charged magic item drains 5 charges and heals the incantifier of 1d4 hit points per spell level of the highest-level spell the item possesses. The incantifier cannot be healed more than his maximum number of hit points. This ability has no effect on multiple-use items without charges, like magic weapons, armour, or rings.

Very raw version again, but how about it?
So, first thing first : the Secrets chosen kinda suck. Remember that Zherys undoubtedly has had access to Int boosters for a while, and could therefore have grabbed the "bonus feat" Secret at Loremaster 5.

Second, here are my suggestions for low-level spells. Seriously, low-level spells matter. Don't forget them!
  • Suggested level 1 spells known : Grease, Nerveskitter, Shield, True Casting, Wall of Smoke
  • Suggested level 2 spells known : Alter Self, Elemental Darts, Mirror Image, Ray of Stupidity, Wings of Cover
Feat-wise, it's good to take +1 Flaw, and then Empower Spell and Split Ray (or Twin Spell). Then pile all that metamagic onto one spell, and voila!
I wouldn't take Searing Spell and Practical Metamagic (Searing Spell), by the way. For blasting, it's best to choose one spell that's good at blasting. I'd take Enervation and Orb of Force (as backup for when Enervation doesn't work). Then start putting a lot of metamagic onto the Enervation.
(Greater) Arcane Sight is good because it lets you check if the enemy is wearing a Soulfire item, letting you know to dispel the item or to switch from Enervation to Orb or Force.

Gear-wise, please give him the following : Cape of Resistance and deflection +3, Healing Belt (+3 Con), Belt of Many Pockets, Amulet of Protection from Chaos, Scout's Earrings, Ring of the Archmage (ring of Spell-battle, belt of battle effect, +6 Cha and Int => heirloom), Robes of Mysterious Conjuration and +4 armor bonus to AC, Ring of Detect Poison, Ankhlets of Translocation, Lesser Metamagic Rod of Silent Spell, Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell, Wing-Graft.
@Goldfish, did I forget anything basic? I'm aiming for "generic stuff a rich Volantene would have kept around", so no Raiment of the Four or Shadow Cloak.
You could also make his heirloom ring an Item Familiar, if he gets an available feat somehow. It'd be fantastic for his skill points and could provide some nice enough magical effects!
Baby PCs get Baby PC gear. :evil:
Wait, you want to do a full Goldfish equip for him?

I don't object since he's prime PC material and had a fantastic performance here, but wow. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That aside we need to decide which magic item we want to claim. I recommend the figurine, but that could change depending on what the Fey Lord's gear is.
Wait, you want to do a full Goldfish equip for him?

I don't object since he's prime PC material and had a fantastic performance here, but wow. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That aside we need to decide which magic item we want to claim. I recommend the figurine, but that could change depending on what the Fey Lord's gear is.

Yes, I want him to get the full Goldfish treatment. It is both a punishment for leaping headlong into danger and a reward.
@TalonofAnathrax, @TotallyNotEvil, I've removed Free Metamagic from the Meta Magus PRC entirely, changing it to instead provide additional uses per day of the Metamagic Sorcerer's ACF.

Meta Magus
I think that magnificent capstone is worth losing a casting level over. And even then... It's kind of a job-brained for the first nine levels. SF Spellcraft isn't that bad of a feat tax.
The outskirts of Valyria are more like the Plane of Molten Skies than the plane of fire, however a sufficiently skilled fire mage could conjure a firestorm to bring those interior conditions out.
Hm, that's less than ideal.
Oops, I misreemberd that sword as a staff fixed, however neither weapon or armor seem to themselves be cursed
Could you please tell us the base abilities now instead of taking time for statting them out and giving them background fluff? If you want us to vote for what part of the hoard we claim we need to know what we're looking at.
I think that magnificent capstone is worth losing a casting level over. And even then... It's kind of a job-brained for the first nine levels. SF Spellcraft isn't that bad of a feat tax.
I wanted to impose a "-1 spell known in each slot" limit, to keep it sane. Thoughts?
How about "-1 spell known in each slot, but only for spell levels obtained after you enter the class" ?
More seriously, best not to imply that the Dragon is us. Maybe write "belongs to another Dragon"?
[X] The Reward for a Job Well Done
-[X] "Lord Justin Massey,
-[X]"I hope this missive finds you whole in body and mind. After hearing the report from my sister of your valor in battle, I am of a mind to see you properly equipped for future encounters of a similar sort, since you appear to be so eager to launch headlong into danger, best you be best prepared as is possible for the matter. I will submit the order to my enchanters before long, though I hope the twenty thousand Imperial Marks retains its value ahead of gold and gems and serves as a balm against the mementos recovered beneath your Keep--that belongs to a dragon. Well, another dragon. And that too is a story for another time."
-[X] "Good fortune in the wars to come,"
-[X] "Viserys Targaryen"
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I wanted to impose a "-1 spell known in each slot" limit, to keep it sane. Thoughts?
How about "-1 spell known in each slot, but only for spell levels obtained after you enter the class" ?
Or just knock off a level in casting at first and tenth.

You know, I can totally see why WotC loves doing that.

IMO, Loremaster/Incantifier fits much better, besides that arcane body thing.

@DragonParadox do you mind us knocking Arcane Body off Incantifier? A sorcerer who qualifies can keep himself fed trivially, and it otherwise just gives some minor bonuses.
More seriously, best not to imply that the Dragon is us. Maybe write "belongs to another Dragon"?

The thing I like best about this statement is that it is such an utter trollish non-sequitor and yet utterly serious in nature.

Viserys is about take the whole of Westeros on a ruse-cruise when he starts ruling over it. No one is safe from the ruse. No one!
Here's my offering for Zherys, at least as he will be at 16th level, along with gear that is well within his means to purchase from extraplanar markets or his own mages in Volantis. I'm not sure of his exact age, but I've adjusted his stats as if he were Middle-Aged (-3 Str, Dex, Con, +2 Int, Wis, Cha), for which he has compensated for via enchanted stat boosters and an item of Age Resistance.

He's a powerful caster, but I didn't try to make him a super blaster or a social butterfly. Instead he's versatile and self-reliant, with a spell selection that lets him do a lot of stuff and gear to further supplement that.

Updated version found here.
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OOC: Congratulations to @TotallyNotEvil for recognizing the monster, one of the few high level monsters that can get hit by a level 6 fighter with a +2 sword, though by the same token powerful enough to kill Companions on a bad roll. That wail has no tags, it just kills you dead if you fail the saves.
Did he go up a level, and if he did was it a standard Fighter level, or did killing a powerful undead connected to his family, awaken any ancient power of his House?