We Will Never Die: A Halo Spartan Quest (AU)

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In One Life, you were a machine built to destroy the darkness of the Universe. Now you are a Spartan, a protector of Earth and all her colonies. They Say Spartans Never Die. Prove It
Character Creation


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
Character Creation:

'So your body finally fails you.' The voice spoke to you softly as you took long, uneasy breaths. Your final breaths.

'But it is okay my friend. Soon you shall pass in the night, and we shall meet.' The voice was more comforting to your ears.

You looked up to the night sky. For years you followed advice from your late father, to cling onto the life you had lived so that you can make the world a better place.

Then you saw your body, the mortal coil that carried your spirit. It was:

[]A man

[]A Woman

[]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)

But even in your long life, you felt like a failure even when you were:

[]A Diplomat: With your words, you prevented untold death and destruction, and reminding those who had the power to unleash it. With empathy and kindness, you brought a world on the brink to peace… and saved the world. (Gain Memories of A Diplomat)

[]A Soldier: In the flames of battle, you stood tall, saving as many lives as you could. War, death, and destruction were constant companions. But you persevered, and it made you stronger. And in the end, persevering when all others failed, saved the world. (Gain: Memories of a Veteran)

[]A Statesmen: Your dream was making your nation a stronger place, sacrificing the short-term pleasures and eases for long-term benefits. Benefits that you would not live to see. But you made a difference and you were at peace with that. In your actions, you saved the world.(Gain: Memories of a Statesmen)

[]A Spy: You saved the world more times than you could count, with information, intimidation, and subterfuge. The thrill and terror of the end kept you alive… and that was enough. (Gain: Memories of a Spy)

[]A Scientist: You brought wonder from the mind, unlocking human potential by using the greatest tool in humanities disposal, the human mind. And with it, you saved the world from disease, famine, and more. (Memories of a Scientist)

[]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)

Now as you floated away from your body, you looked at the spirit. "I wish I had more time." You whispered. There was so much left you needed to do.

'You will my child… but not in this life.' the voice said quietly.

Wrapped in blankets, you felt warmth and comfort, with your arms snug tight on your body were the first sensations in your new world.

"Welcome to your new life, my child." A voice spoke softly. "Honey... what was the name we chose again?"

What name was chosen for you:
[]Write in (Please do not choose any names that are already canon Spartan II's)

Meta: What is the Difficulty You wish to Play As:

[]Easy: For Those That want a more interactive Story in the Halo Universe, and as a Spartan II. (You will get roll bonuses of +50)

[]Normal: For Those that want a mix of Challenge and Story. You will be tested, but your mistakes will not haunt you. (You will get roll bonuses of +30)

[]Heroic: The True Way to Play. The Enemy will be merciless, brutal and unyielding, your choices affect every outcome, but the rewards for such a victory will leave you satisfied. (You will get roll bonuses of +10)

[]Legendary: You Will not Survive. Tremble as teeming hordes of invincible alien monsters punish the slightest error with instant death... again and again. (You will get no roll bonuses)

[]Mythic — Your enemies are cunning and ruthless, and only too willing to show you why they're winning the war. They will never give up until they are victorious...will you? (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +10)

[]Noble — The time has come to rise to the occasion. Beat the odds, and be revered as the soldier that would be spoken in the same breath as the fabled Noble Team. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +20)

[]Eclipse — Humanity is on the brink of extinction, and it's up to you to save them. Your own survival is at risk, but this will be a fitting test to see how much you're willing to lay on the line. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +30)

[]Nova — Spartans never die. Prove it. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +50)

Meta 2: For the Spartan II Program: The Spartan II Program will build humanities greatest warriors and Soldiers. In one Timeline only 75 were chosen. In this Timeline they have:

[]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.

[]150: The Theban Sacred Band was 150 man strong contingent of soldiers, who had defeated the Spartans in battle: A lucky number, it may be. But the group will become one, through time and training.

[]75: It was the number that worked in one universe. It will work in this one.

Meta 3: Though Canon will change due to your actions and the actions above, how far do you want canon to be changed.

[]Keep is Close: You want something that resembles the Halo we all know and Love. That is fine.

[]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

[]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.

AN: Hello All. And Welcome to We will Never Die. You will be a Spartan II going from Training, to the Human Covenant War (If you chose for it to happen that is) and maybe beyond.

Really I am doing this for a very simple reason.

The New Halo Novels are shit (Personal opinion), and I remember playing Halo for thousands of hours.

Seeing my favorite Sci-Fi franchise go to the dumps makes me sad.

And so, with seething anger in my heart, and a whole lot of Lore from my lore master brother to my left... I am going to do this franchise justice.

Or at least attempt to. Depends how long the booze lasts whenever I'm writing.

Plan Format Please.
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Character Sheet
Name: Cayde-007


Survivalist (Journeyman) You know how to survive on your own and with others. The woods, the desert, the ocean... location does not matter, you will survive. (You will automatically pass survival checks. +10 to combat rolls with a rifle, and traps)

Soldiering (Journeyman): You know how to act like a soldier. You are disciplined, courteous, and above all else, lethal. (+10 to combat rolls.)

Riflemanship (Journeyman): You are proficient with a rifle, and can use it well. (+20 to combat rolls with the Standard rifles of the UNSC)

Battlefield Strategy (ODST): Your grasp at Battlefield strategy is among the best of your class. You can almost predict the enemies movements. (+30 to combat rolls when you are leading a team. Have a chance to force the enemy into making a critical mistake.)

Robotics (Journeyman): The machines of the military are yours to command, build and modify. (You can now build, modify and command robots without penalties.)

Weapons Mastery: You are a machine of death, with any weapon. (+10 to combat rolls with any weapon.)

Spartan II: You are a Member of the Spartan II Program, You will be trained to be the greatest warrior in the history of the Galaxy. (+50 to all combat Rolls. If you must socialize with anyone who is not a spartan, you suffer a -20 to all rolls, unless requirements in training are met.)

Memories of a Machine: This Unit did indeed had a soul. It dedicated itself to mankind and fulfilled its purpose. But the confines of a body of flesh in unknown to you. You will need to learn to become human. (You have memories of a machine. Certain skills come easily to you, while others do not. You will need to modify your body in some way or learn proper human behavior, you will suffer from debilitating mental illness.)

Memories of a ???????: The Nightmare is over, but your spirit lingers on. The Darkness has been defeated. Yet your duty still remains. Protect Humanity, at all costs. When that task is done… only then will your spirit rest. (A Power Stirs within you. The Ones You Love will call it out.)
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Brothers in Arms
Name: Able-212

Age: 5

Survivalist (Journeyman) You know how to survive on your own and with others. The woods, the desert, the ocean... location does not matter, you will survive. (You will automatically pass survival checks. +10 to combat rolls with a rifle, and traps)

Soldiering (Journeyman): You know how to act like a soldier. You are disciplined, courteous, and above all else, lethal. (+10 to combat rolls.)

Riflemanship (Journeyman): You are proficient with a rifle, and can use it well. (+20 to combat rolls with the Standard rifles of the UNSC)

Spartan II: You are a Member of the Spartan II Program, You will be trained to be the greatest warrior in the history of the Galaxy. (+50 to all combat Rolls. If you must socialize with anyone who is not a spartan, you suffer a -20 to all rolls, unless requirements in training are met.)

Kind: You hold All life Precious, and you will not take it with an easy conscious. (-10 to combat rolls against living or nonalien enemies. +10 to social rolls)

Name: Max-109


Survivalist (Journeyman) You know how to survive on your own and with others. The woods, the desert, the ocean... location does not matter, you will survive. (You will automatically pass survival checks. +10 to combat rolls with a rifle, and traps)

Soldiering (Journeyman): You know how to act like a soldier. You are disciplined, courteous, and above all else, lethal. (+10 to combat rolls.)

Riflemanship (Journeyman): You are proficient with a rifle, and can use it well. (+20 to combat rolls with the Standard rifles of the UNSC)

Spartan II: You are a Member of the Spartan II Program, You will be trained to be the greatest warrior in the history of the Galaxy. (+50 to all combat Rolls. If you must socialize with anyone who is not a spartan, you suffer a -20 to all rolls, unless requirements in training are met.)

Iron-Willed: You will not give up on anything, even if it kills you. (Every time you fail a roll, you get a reroll with a -10 for every failure. You will continue to roll until you succeed, or you die.)

Name: Jorge-052

Age: 6

Hungarian (Mastery): You are a master of the Human language, Hungarian. (Special Actions Available on certain colonies)

Soldiering (Journeyman): You know how to act like a soldier. You are disciplined, courteous, and above all else, lethal. (+10 to combat rolls.)

Riflemanship (Journeyman): You are proficient with a rifle, and can use it well. (+20 to combat rolls with the Standard rifles of the UNSC)

Reachborn: You are a native to Planet Reach. You consider it your home, and you will fight and die for it. (On Planet Reach, You gain a +30 to all rolls)

Spartan II: You are a Member of the Spartan II Program, You will be trained to be the greatest warrior in the history of the Galaxy. (+50 to all combat Rolls. If you must socialize with anyone who is not a spartan, you suffer a -20 to all rolls, unless requirements in training are met.)

Name: Cal-141


Riflemanship (Mastery): You are a wizard with a rifle, striking target after target with practiced Ease. (+30 to all combat rolls when using Standard Issue Rifles)

Soldiering (Journeyman): You know how to act like a soldier. You are disciplined, courteous, and above all else, lethal. (+10 to combat rolls.)

Spartan II: You are a Member of the Spartan II Program, You will be trained to be the greatest warrior in the history of the Galaxy. (+50 to all combat Rolls. If you must socialize with anyone who is not a spartan, you suffer a -20 to all rolls, unless requirements in training are met.)

Conscientious of Hair: You do not like to lose your hair at all. You will fight tooth and nail to keep it to the length you desire. (-5 to combat rolls. +5 to social rolls.)
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[x] Machine soldiers to the end
-[x]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
-[x]A Soldier: In the flames of battle, you stood tall, saving as many lives as you could. War, death, and destruction were constant companions. But you persevered, and it made you stronger. And in the end, persevering when all others failed, saved the world. (Gain: Memories of a Veteran)
-[x]Write in-Marcus
-[x]Noble — The time has come to rise to the occasion. Beat the odds, and be revered as the soldier that would be spoken in the same breath as the fabled Noble Team. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +20)
-[x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
-[x]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

Edit: is this okay?
what do people think of it?
[x] To serve a cause
[x]A man
[x]Write in- Alexander
[x]A Statesmen
[x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae
[x]Allow it To Grow

Well lets give this a shot.
[x] Plan: Mystery Machine Nail
[]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
[]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)

Wrapped in blankets, you felt warmth and comfort, with your arms snug tight on your body were the first sensations in your new world.

"Welcome to your new life, my child." A voice spoke softly. "Honey... what was the name we chose again?"

What name was chosen for you:
[] Jason

Meta: What is the Difficulty You wish to Play As:
[]Normal: For Those that want a mix of Challenge and Story. You will be tested, but your mistakes will not haunt you. (You will get roll bonuses of +30)

Meta 2:
[]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.

Meta 3:

[]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

Of all the Halo fanfics/quests I found and read, I have only found ONE where all the SP2 candidates lived the augmentation. Hope the dice in this universe are actually merciful.
[x] Plan: Mystery Machine Nail
[]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
[]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)

Wrapped in blankets, you felt warmth and comfort, with your arms snug tight on your body were the first sensations in your new world.

"Welcome to your new life, my child." A voice spoke softly. "Honey... what was the name we chose again?"

What name was chosen for you:
[] Jason

Meta: What is the Difficulty You wish to Play As:
[]Normal: For Those that want a mix of Challenge and Story. You will be tested, but your mistakes will not haunt you. (You will get roll bonuses of +30)

Meta 2:
[]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.

Meta 3:

[]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

Of all the Halo fanfics/quests I found and read, I have only found ONE where all the SP2 candidates lived the augmentation. Hope the dice in this universe are actually merciful.
Well you ask for a +30 to the rolls... so here it might be possible.

Also, what fic was that?
[x] Machine soldiers to the end
-[x]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
-[x]A Soldier: In the flames of battle, you stood tall, saving as many lives as you could. War, death, and destruction were constant companions. But you persevered, and it made you stronger. And in the end, persevering when all others failed, saved the world. (Gain: Memories of a Veteran)
-[x]Write in-Marcus
-[x]Noble — The time has come to rise to the occasion. Beat the odds, and be revered as the soldier that would be spoken in the same breath as the fabled Noble Team. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +20)
-[x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
-[x]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.
[X] Plan Buck, but Better
-[X]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
-[X]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)
-[X]Noble — The time has come to rise to the occasion. Beat the odds, and be revered as the soldier that would be spoken in the same breath as the fabled Noble Team. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +20)
-[X]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
-[X]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.

(For those that don't know, Buck's VA is the same guy who plays Cayde from Destiny. I love Cayde, and I honestly don't mind Buck all that much either, so yeah.)

[]Nova — Spartans never die. Prove it. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +50)

A: this seems like a fun idea.
B: Noble is a challenge, one I'd be more willing to take if I didn't fear the +20
C: Cayde!
D: I hate you. Nova's line is so amazing and it makes me want to take it so badly....but holy crap +50
E: You do indeed have a questing problem.
F: We're finished here.

Edit: taking that challenge.
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Well you ask for a +30 to the rolls... so here it might be possible.

Also, what fic was that?

This fic here.

Expect bad grammar, OP, reincarnation with system, rush in story.
Still, the only fic I found.

[]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)
Is this from this CYOA? This fits with the Ritual of the Nine Moons.
[X] Easy Rolling
-[x]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
-[X]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)
-[X]Jeff Lebowski
-[X]Easy: For Those That want a more interactive Story in the Halo Universe, and as a Spartan II. (You will get roll bonuses of +50)
-[X]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
-[X]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.

Sometimes man, the galaxy just needs to like, relax man.
Posting a tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on May 14, 2019 at 1:38 AM, finished with 23 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Mystery Machine Nail
    [X] Plan Buck, but Better
    -[x]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
    -[X]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)
    -[x]Noble — The time has come to rise to the occasion. Beat the odds, and be revered as the soldier that would be spoken in the same breath as the fabled Noble Team. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +20)
    -[x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
    -[x]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.
    [x] Machine soldiers to the end
    -[x]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
    -[x]A Soldier: In the flames of battle, you stood tall, saving as many lives as you could. War, death, and destruction were constant companions. But you persevered, and it made you stronger. And in the end, persevering when all others failed, saved the world. (Gain: Memories of a Veteran)
    -[x]Write in-Marcus
    -[x]Noble — The time has come to rise to the occasion. Beat the odds, and be revered as the soldier that would be spoken in the same breath as the fabled Noble Team. (Enemy will get roll bonuses of +20)
    -[x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
    -[x]Allow it To Grow: Changes will happen organically throughout the cosmos, either through your actions, or the actions of others.
    [x] To serve a cause
    [x]A man
    [x]Write in- Alexander
    [x]A Statesmen
    [x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae
    [x]Allow it To Grow
    [X] Easy Rolling
    -[x]A Machine (Gain Memories of a Machine)
    -[X]???: You raged against the dying night, against the creatures of darkness that sought death and destruction against all that stood in its way. You were the last one of your kind. You charged into the darkness with a heart of light. You saved your world with your dying light. (Memories of a ???????)
    -[X]Jeff Lebowski
    -[X]Easy: For Those That want a more interactive Story in the Halo Universe, and as a Spartan II. (You will get roll bonuses of +50)
    -[x]300: After the Legendary Spartan of Thermopylae, the Three hundred warriors who stood their ground to the Last Man, whose actions brought valuable time for the Greek City states. They are an Army of Brothers and Sisters, ready to face the oncoming struggle that the future will bring.
    -[X]Fuck Canon: You want to Burn Canon to the Ground and you do not care how much changes. The World is your oyster QM… just make it make sense.