To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
[X] Mention Kyubey. Be subtle about it. (1 Difficulty)

ah its time for a mostly armless sayaka to ride again.
[] Mention Kyubey. Be subtle about it. (1 Difficulty)

ah its time for a mostly armless sayaka to ride again.
Hey, I'm sure that this time we'll manage to get through at least one fight without someone being maimed and/or de-limbed.

Holy shit, holy shit, Sayakaquest is back. I am super here for this, I loved reading the first one. Really looking forward to both the art and the new Witch/Labyrinth designs.
SayakaQuest, now that is a name that I have not heard in a very long time.

Real talk, this is something I never flat out expected to see. I shall be following and voting with great interest.

EDIT: Also here's a vote if it's not too late.

[x] Mention Kyubey. Be subtle about it. (1 Difficulty)
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Does Sayaka getting her arm broken count? Because if so, you shouldn't have got up your expectations. :V
Sayaka's opening fight was against a triple-Witch Walpurgis, and considering the only other example we have of one of those is freaking Skadi I'm inclined to give her a pass on that one. :V


Anyways. Ahem.

[X] Mention Kyubey. Be subtle about it. (1 Difficulty)
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She's changed massively and no longer looks like Sayaka, in a negative way. What else would i mean? (This aint a snipe at your artistry; I've seen you draw people more true to canon before, so you're certainly capable).

Either way though glad to see more of SV Sayaka, regardless of appearance.
I don't know, when you call her "ugly" people are going to assume that, you know, you're calling her ugly (which is rude and entirely uncalled for). Not that you're saying she doesn't look like her canon self.

And to that, I say: It's twenty years later after a whole bunch of fanfic adventures. She went through all the crap that SQ covered, grew up, got married to another woman and raised a child. Nobody looks a whole lot like they did at 14. Sayaka looks about like what I expect her to after the events of SQ with two decades under her belt. She's always been a sporty bisexual, so considering her massively queer friend circle so her presenting butch is not remotely a stretch.
She's changed massively and no longer looks like Sayaka, in a negative way. What else would i mean?
Coming into my thread and going "why she ugly though" is, bluntly, rude as fuck.

What the fuck is "she no longer looks like Sayaka in a negative way" supposed to mean. I asked you to elaborate, not wave vaguely at the piece and just go "why she different, this bad because reasons".

I'm not going to read that as "She's different" I'm going to read that as insulting.

Because it's an insult.
She's changed massively and no longer looks like Sayaka, in a negative way. What else would i mean? (This aint a snipe at your artistry; I've seen you draw people more true to canon before, so you're certainly capable).

Either way though glad to see more of SV Sayaka, regardless of appearance.
I'd certainly hope someone in their 30s looks different from when they were 14...
[X] Mention Kyubey. Be subtle about it. (1 Difficulty)

You take a deep breath. Don't pry too hard. Don't go too deep. Minako isn't pissed at you yet but you know how quickly you can get on their bad side. You were a teenager once. "So didja just play Mario Kart the whole time?"

"Nah," Minako stretches their arms behind their head, "I mean we also saw a really bad movie."

You chuckle. "I used to do that."

"Used to? Saya, you took me to see 'You Are...Am I?' last week!" Kyouko cackles. "I can't believe that guy still makes movies."

"I mean he's kinda gotten a little better..." you leave out the part where the director used a swarm of drones for a whole bunch of camera shots, and wound up wildly flicking between different angles at random. It was bizarre.

"Nah. He ain't." Kyouko sighs.

Minako glances to you. "Why didn't you take me to see it? I can do violence."

"There was nudity," you cross your arms "That's a no-go."

"I can handle boobs, mom."

In the back of your mind, you are 90% sure your kid has seen porn before. You are also 200% sure you really don't want to think about that. Christ. "Maybe you can. Maybe you can't. But I'm not taking you to see an R-rated movie until I know you can handle it, and I don't think you can yet. Let alone something as inept as a Breen film."

They pause. "...Wait, Breen made a new movie? We watched Pass Thru."

"Oh." you pause to consider the fact that your kid watched Neil Breen walk dramatically through a field of corpses while triumphant music played.

"It was an experience."

Kyouko cackles. "I bet it was!" She sighs. "So it was that-"

"Oh, her mom cooked chicken parm. Kinda burned it, though. The cheese was blackened."

You grimace. "Hm. Oh, uh, unrelated," you round a corner and start walking down the stairs "but did you see a small fluffy animal outside? I thought I saw a cat outside your friend's apartment." Innocuous. Shouldn't raise any alarms.

"There was a cat?!" Minako perks up, and honestly your kid is adorable when they're near an animal. They glance around, looking for the godforsaken creature. "Awww, I thought this apartment banned pets!"

"Nah, it would've been a stray," Kyouko follows you down the stairs, "probably eats rats n' shit. This part of town tends to have a problem with strays."

"They treat me pretty well though," Minako breaths through their nose as their foot hits the brick walkway, "they'll hiss when they meet you but they tend to warm up pretty quickly."

"Hm," you lean towards Kyouko as you follow Minako down the stairway, "reminds me of someone."

"Yeah, wonder who," Kyouko rolls her eyes, but can't stop herself from grinning.

"You're cute, you know that?"

Your child retches, and Kyouko just laughs again. "Bitch, I'm adorable."

"Yes. You are," you kiss Kyouko on the cheek. "Oh! I still need to get some stuff from the market. We're running low on chicken and rice."

"Right right," Kyouko waves her hand, "I wanted to try that ramen recipe tonight."

"Ehhh..." Minako stuffs their hands into their pockets.

"Hey, don't worry, we can just go to like an arcade or something," Kyouko bares her fang.

"Better," Minako smirks. "Later, mom!"

You wave as you split off. "See you at the apartment."

The next couple of hours are uneventful, following a quick walk back and a few trips to a nearby market for food. You follow the brick road towards the apartment that you've spent the past few years living at. Minako and Kyouko split off to do some arcade prowling and maybe a bit of shopping.

You tend to keep your groceries in your left hand, and you keep your right free. Just in case.

And as though to prove your point, you see something scurry out the corner of your eye as you walk by an open alleyway. You stop and stare. And then slowly, you take a step in. You can handle a mugger. You can handle assault easily. But you don't think it's either of those.

You keep your paper bag tight to your body as you walk through the blackened alleyway, eyes glancing around for that lying little sack of shit.

You see nothing. It's hard to see in this alley; the skyscrapers barely reflect any light, and the old brick of this district of Mitakihara hardly lets any of it bleed down into the alley. You turn around, keeping a close eye on the end of the alley.

Then from the shadows, a pair of pink eyes open up. They blink once, then twice, as a furry white creature steps out, as though it were a cat.

But you know better.

'It's been 479 days, Miki Sayaka. How is your family doing?'

In a heartbeat, a falchion materializes in your free hand. The blade extends down the alleyway, fast enough to cause a puddle of water to ripple as the air rushes just over the surface. A ringing echoes through the air, as the tip of your oversized weapon hovers just in front of It's left eye.

'That well?' The creature doesn't move as it flicks its tail around. 'I simply wanted to tell you of an event which might interest you. For the sake of fairness, of cou-'

'Fuck your offers. Either you get the hell out of my sight, or I put this,'
you lightly press the center of his forehead with the tip of your blade, just hard enough to draw blood, 'between your eyes.'

'We both know you're going to do that anyway, Miki,'
the creature keeps staring, 'but I simply wanted to tell you of some happenings in Kasamino.'

'I already know about the latest witch burst there.'

'That isn't what I wanted to talk about, Miki.'
The creature flicked its tail. 'I do not care what you do with this information. I simply wished to do you a favor.'

[] Hear it out, then impale it. (Difficulty 2)

[] Just impale it. (Guaranteed)
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Coming into my thread and going "why she ugly though" is, bluntly, rude as fuck.

What the fuck is "she no longer looks like Sayaka in a negative way" supposed to mean. I asked you to elaborate, not wave vaguely at the piece and just go "why she different, this bad because reasons".

I'm not going to read that as "She's different" I'm going to read that as insulting.

Because it's an insult.

My point of view is that Sayaka's bone structure has melted and become uglier, based on her appearance in your pic. This is something that's alarming to see from a character, as it implies illness and blockage of the nasal passage.

It's all due to anatomy, and whilst i do not wish to be some sort of elitist artist douche, it's important to provide constructive criticism and make you aware of things that affect character appearance - So i felt a huge need to alert you to this situation.

Though sorry for being rude about it; I wasn't sure how to say it without appearing like a dick in my opening post, so defaulted to irreverence as i hate prettying up my intentions.

Basically my beef is that Sayaka's magically enhanced body has somehow developed improperly, which i doubt was your intention:

Based on her earlier appearance, she should've grown up without this occurring, which is why i had such a visceral reaction to this happening. After all, girls who're on their way to having the before picture always look similar to Sayaka, as is the case with males looking like the dude in the series (what was is name, kimiwaori or something?)

I hope this goes some way in explaining my position, and intend for it to not be judgemental but rather with the purpose of making you aware of this phenomenon and let you use it to your advantage.

Again, i'm not sure how to say this without either being aggressive sounding or submissive, so apologies once more with the way this misrepresents my intentions.


If this is affecting your ability to write or deemed off-topic, please let me know and i'll stop.
[X] Hear it out, then impale it. (Difficulty 2)

My point of view is that Sayaka's bone structure has melted and become uglier, based on her appearance in your pic. This is something that's alarming to see from a character, as it implies illness and blockage of the nasal passage.

Wait, how would Sayaka's nasal passage get blocked? She didn't even have a nose in canon. :V

More seriously, it's just a stylized art style? It's not supposed to look like any type of real facial structure precisely. Moids style is different from Shafts but not that different, in my opinion, and if anything she's proportioned a bit more normally now.
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[J] Impale it, then hear it out.

...wait, what do you meant that's not an option? ;p

[X] Hear it out, then impale it. (Difficulty 2)