While I am fine with our son succeeding us, we still need the latter part of 'an heir and a spare'. Also... I'm fairly concerned that we no longer have anything making France smile vaguely in our general direction. It wasn't a real alliance before, but it was something.
While I am fine with our son succeeding us, we still need the latter part of 'an heir and a spare'. Also... I'm fairly concerned that we no longer have anything making France smile vaguely in our general direction. It wasn't a real alliance before, but it was something.

Wouldn't be so concerned as it really doesn't effects us much at this point in time since they are unable to field large army's across the Atlantic .
Wouldn't be so concerned as it really doesn't effects us much at this point in time since they are unable to field large army's across the Atlantic .
I'm not worried about France crossing the Atlantic to beat us like a rug. Its more that we don't have anything to make the rest of Europe nervous, the whole reason we were dealing with France in the first place. They are the 800 pound gorilla here, even more than they were in real world canon, and standing in their shadow would be enough to make people cross the street rather than walk past you.

I'm still not worried about anyone dropping a million man army onto our collective face, but things are still looking a little more problematic than they did when we thought we had an actual alliance a turn ago. We could have manufactured a really strong deal if that was what we had.

That is water under the bridge. The Basilius still needs another heir, and another political tie, by hook or by crook.
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[X] Plan: War with Cahokia

Every day those guys get stronger. Grab the end game military tech and burn em' out before they can adapt their tactics!
@Sayle Would it be possible to arrange a betrothal for our son? He is 15, and potentially could be married in a couple of years either to a Cahokian princess or the daughter of an Elysian noble family.
Every day those guys get stronger. Grab the end game military tech and burn em' out before they can adapt their tactics!
They should, by all rights, have a few issues developing the same degree of trade and development as our little swath of the cosmos. Limited access to potential ports and other trade corridors and whatnot. They can still become pretty damn powerful though, even with that little set of hobbles, so you point stands.

From the position of a member of the audience, and not the actual Basileus, I find them too damn entertaining as they are to want them gone. If things are too safe, the game might lose some of its lustre.
[X] Plan: War with Cahokia

We should hit Cahokia + allies before they learn any more from us and get any stronger. It also will make a significant advantage in pushing west across North America if we dismantle the large kingdoms in our way, since expanding north isn't an option for the moment.
[X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
small gain now. get things setup for bigger war later?
uhm not sure kinda want to attack the huron and then beat of cahokia indirect like.
Now, I support all the goals of War with Cahokia, but I think we're making a mistake in attacking Cahokia's allies without trying to split them off. We'll have to fight Cahokia eventually anyway, so why do it when they not only have an ally swarm to help them out, but said allies also block off much of the borders between us?
I have a similar problem with the other (almost identical) plan. If we're prepared to attack co-religionists who are no threat to us (the Passamaquoddy), why aren't we also attacking the Hitichi and finally securing the southern coastline? Why waste time with the Caddo?
Now, I support all the goals of War with Cahokia, but I think we're making a mistake in attacking Cahokia's allies without trying to split them off. We'll have to fight Cahokia eventually anyway, so why do it when they not only have an ally swarm to help them out, but said allies also block off much of the borders between us?
You have an idea on how to do that without having Cahokia deciding to attack us before we manage that? There is also the fact that once we start doing that Cahokia will begin preparing for the fight properly where as if we attack now they don't have the same prep time and hopefully with suprise on our side in the beginning we can knockout the little guys quickly.

Don't forget that we have a couple of allies as well in the form of the Shawnee and the Haudenosaunee and maybe just maybe the Potawatomi.

Regardless this isn't going to be an easy fight and I think we should do it now while we have the most advantages over them as we are really going to get.
For war with Cahokia, we should send a diplomat to the Haudenosaunee and get their help.
You know, actually use those alliances we have. Plus they can tie down the Huron.
For war with Cahokia, we should send a diplomat to the Haudenosaunee and get their help.
You know, actually use those alliances we have. Plus they can tie down the Huron.
We did get that Diplo option. I'll add that.

Edit: added Diplo missions to secure the help of the Haudenosaunee, Shawnee, and the Potawatomi to the Plan.
Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 19, 2019 at 4:39 PM, finished with 35 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy, Caddo.
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan: War with Cahokia
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Ottowa, Chickasaw, and Pawnee. If deafeated swiftly enough continue on into Cahokia itself.
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Haudenosaunee (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Shawnee (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Potawatomi (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
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On the map this turn, did Cocomes conquer all of Castile's colony in Honduras?

Oh, poor Castile. They just can't win.
Ulse, I'll vote for your plan if you would please amend it to add back in the development of Neo Londinion. I don't want to see us not do it again for another turn.
Ulse, I'll vote for your plan if you would please amend it to add back in the development of Neo Londinion. I don't want to see us not do it again for another turn.
Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 19, 2019 at 5:30 PM, finished with 41 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy, Caddo.
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan: War with Cahokia
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Ottowa, Chickasaw, and Pawnee. If deafeated swiftly enough continue on into Cahokia itself.
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Haudenosaunee (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Shawnee (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Potawatomi (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.