[ ] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
-[ ] Institute the Themata Development Office.
-[ ] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
-[ ] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
-[ ] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
-[ ] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
-[ ] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
-[ ] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy, Caddo, Hitchiti.
-[ ] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
-[ ] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
-[ ] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [5 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
-[ ] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [15 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
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Come on hunting accident. Come on hunting accident.
You did notice that there's only one mention of a child right?
Your heir might not actually have any surviving siblings. Be very careful what you wish for, lest you blunder into a succession crisis.

Internal stability is worth more than monarchial brilliance, and at the moment your heir is only mediocre.
For comparison, his grandfather Alexios VI was 2-1-3.
Alexios VI Palaiologos
By the grace of God Almighty, ordained Emperor of the Romans, servant of Christ, Augustus, Defender of the Faith.
1542 -
Age: 41

Administrative Skill: 2 (50 Administrative Points per turn.)
Diplomatic Skill: 1 (40 Diplomatic Points per turn.)
Military Skill: 3 (60 Military Points per turn.)
He ruled successfully for 23 years.
You'll be fine.
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You did notice that there's only one mention of a child right?
Your heir might not actually have any surviving siblings. Be very careful what you wish for, lest you blunder into a succession crisis.

Internal stability is worth more than monarchial brilliance, and at the moment your heir is only mediocre.
For comparison, his grandfather Alexios VI was 2-1-3.

He ruled successfully for 23 years.
You'll be fine.

You aren't wrong. I imagine that as long as we avoid diplomacy ideas we should be fine. Hmm maybe economic for the next idea group.
Should we do a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy and Hitchiti?

They're minor tribes and perhaps we should take them out before they get an alliance like the Mahicians did.
[ ] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
i like the idea, not sold on the need for us going to war at this point in time but could be talking into it!
We should do a little diplomacy as well, maybe with tribes in central america.
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ya right, very unlikely to happen anywhere close to soon.

still wouldn`t be the worst idea ever to send some diplomat out some where we have 2 or 3 right??
still have not hear a good reason to go to war right now.
personally i think we could use some peace to help build things up a bit.
[X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
-[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
-[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
-[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
-[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
-[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
-[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
-[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy, Caddo, Hitchiti.
-[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
-[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
-[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [5 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
-[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [15 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
Last edited:
[X] Plan: War with Cahokia
-[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
-[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
-[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
-[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
-[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
-[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)

-[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Ottowa, Chickasaw, and Pawnee. If deafeated swiftly enough continue on into Cahokia itself.
-[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Haudenosaunee (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
-[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Shawnee (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
-[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Potawatomi (secure their help in the coming war with Cahokia)
Note: the Diplo missions happen before we attack.

-[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
-[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
-[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [3 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
-[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [10 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.

I'd rather not invade the northern tribes because they have already converted to Christianity so I figure given enough time they'll simple be absorbed the same way we absorbed the Yamasee in Florida.

Right now Cahokia is our only rival in America and they are becoming more developed by the day so it is probably best that we take them out now rather than later.
Edit: I also believe that now that we have hit the end of the military ideas line (for now? Not an EUIV player) it is the best time to do this. Any longer and they will have caught up to us even more.

And stability sense we'll probably need it for this fight.

I'd also like to keep at the ship ratio of 1 heavy ship for every 5 light ships.
Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 19, 2019 at 2:58 PM
This vote count is in an error state, please contact support

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 19, 2019 at 2:59 PM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy, Caddo.
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan: War with Cahokia
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Ottowa, Chickasaw, and Pawnee. If deafeated swiftly enough continue on into Cahokia itself.
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 19, 2019 at 3:26 PM, finished with 25 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Passamaquoddy, Caddo.
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan: War with Cahokia
    -[X] Institute the Themata Development Office.
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] While our independent merchants have been a source of great wealth both to themselves and the treasury itself, some risky ventures are beyond even the ability of the increasingly wealthy Emporoi to fund and maintain. This is where the state should intervene, sponsoring trade expeditions and giving these new trade companies the right to exercise certain governmental powers. More sources of trade will only enrich the realm.
    -[X] [60 Administrative] As our territory expands so does the production of valuable trade goods, the lifeblood of our nation. We must ensure as a priority that the free movement of goods out of a settlement is one of the first goals for any developing town. Not only will it increase their prosperity, but it will allow us to quickly evaluate which initiatives will prove more profitable. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] The expansion of the Emporoi has resulted in fierce competition between the merchant houses, many of which are now as wealthy as the dynatoi. As a result a number of families have turned to focus their attention inland where the market is less volatile, and have in doing so exposed weaknesses in our caravans and the availability of goods. We should institute a re-organisation of our colonial logistics immediately. [Trade Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [60 Military] While our artillery is not so advanced as in Europe, especially on land, we can learn from the teething problem the continental wars have exposed. By grouping our artillery into batteries, we can best leverage their sudden surge of destructive power as well as manage them more effectively. Our troops will be confident knowing that any moment their foe could be blasted apart by the wrath of God Almighty. [Quality Ideas] [End]
    -[X] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Ottowa, Chickasaw, and Pawnee. If deafeated swiftly enough continue on into Cahokia itself.
    -[X] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.
    -[X] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [20 Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [50 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
Last edited:
[X] Plan finishing the ideas plus small gains.

It isn't good idea to arm tribes. France is across the seas as well and we can't just let power allied to Europe go unchecked.

And in the end France doesn't care, they only helped Mexico to humiliate Castile. Give them something to save face and they are good.

Why isn't it a good idea? Your whole post about France not caring about Mexico is exactly why we should arm the tribes so that they can continue to harass/poke/mess up Mexico. IRL the US rose to become the main power on the continent because it defeated the Mexicans. If it had lost, then the Mexicans would have become main power instead.

Long term, boosting our population and consolidating our power in our existing areas are vital. Perhaps some pro natalist policies are in order? Free land grants for settlers. I'm open to ideas.

We already have natalist policies i think. And we have so much land that it should be practically free. Realistically we can do two things;
  • Intensify assimilation of the native tribes. Perhaps allow citizenship after service. Rome did the same thing when it expanded but over a longer period of time.
  • Expand immigration from the Old World. Since they need to be Orthodox, then that means Russia or Ottoman Empire. It is probably impossible to get immigrants from the Ottoman Empire though unless its via indirect routes. But maybe money will talk? One silver per immigrant allowed to leave? We might also want to take the risk of accepting any immigrants from the old world including protestants and catholics but in this age, religious tensions are a huge deal..
[ ] Keep control of the imperial purse strings.
  • The power of the purse and the army is the two most important pillars of the state. Never let it go..
Last edited:
@Sayle How exactly is our sailor capacity calculated? Because we have 89 ships and three flotillas, but our sailor capacity is apparently 85/172. Is that just a mistake, or is there some weird way to calculate how much capacity different ships take up?

Also, the first copy of Plan: Administration that you'd have come across did feature the investment in Neo Londinium, and the purchase of more ships. However I do appreciate that its author should have formatted it so that the options were visible on the vote tally.

[X] Plan: Administration
[ ] [140 Administrative] The increasing size of the militia and the more established tagmata is putting increasing strain on the supply system they rely on. By separating this portion of the military entirely from the central bureaucracy, we can improve efficiency at the cost of some oversight. Unfortunately our armies need this innovation if they are to continue at their present sizes.
[ ] [120 Military] The proliferation of artillery in Europe has taught the continental powers the the old ways are no longer sufficient when it comes to protecting against cannon. In response they have adopted new techniques for construction to deflect shot and provide overlapping fields of fire as firearms became more common. We should adopt these new methods for the day when we must defend against the same, even if it requires larger and more expensive bastions.

[ ] [60 Administrative] The new world is empty. Barbaroi may live here or there, but the vast and untamed wilderness must be quelled and set to rights if it is to be of any use at all. We should encourage the establishment of new settlements on our far border to lay claim to these empty territories. [Expansion Ideas]
[ ] [60 Diplomatic] The vital arteries of trade across the world flow through notable cities and ports, all of which are hives of competition between traders and merchants. We must stablish standard presences in these ports who will be able to advise our arriving ships of the best opportunities available to them. [Trade Ideas]
[ ] [60 Military] Morale is the cornerstone of military force. While tales of past glories are certainly helpful, the ancient skill of rhetoric is a key part of inspiring the men. With this in mind we should public military manuals of past exploits and tactics, so that our commanders and orators will have a solid foundation in what works and what doesn't. Tales of valour and victory can convince men to stand and fight against even hopeless odds. [Quality Ideas]

[ ] [100 Administrative] There is always room for tax reform, especially when it comes to poll taxes. Equally there are always projects that cost only time and effort that will improve conditions for the citizens and thus their health - public baths and aqueducts the most obvious among them. It can take a great deal of work on the part of the bureaucracy to put such plans into action, but the returns are worth it. (Increases development and tax income.) [Repeatable]

[ ] [1400 Hyperpyra] [Neo Londinion] The northern theme of Neo Londinion has a commandnig position on the Elysian coast, and so the major settlements there are primarily focused on nautical activities. The fisheries of Nisi Rhodos and great lumbermills of both Neo Limini and Neo Londinion all have thriving communities that are ripe for recruitment into the navy, while the trapping communities inland around the towns of Veria and Dine provide plenty of valuable fur for trade. They have also benefited from the new Vinlandic trade nearby, and providing roads to transport those trade goods to the capital would certainly be helpful.
[ ] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [16 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
[ ] [120 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [2 Flotillas] The transport of troops is not simply a matter of cramming them onto a ship and setting sail. Supplies are needed, organisation talent, and ships designed for the purpose. To provide these necessary services, the cost of the ships required to transport one tagma of ten thousand troops has been determined.
@Sayle How exactly is our sailor capacity calculated? Because we have 89 ships and three flotillas, but our sailor capacity is apparently 85/172. Is that just a mistake, or is there some weird way to calculate how much capacity different ships take up?

Also, the first copy of Plan: Administration that you'd have come across did feature the investment in Neo Londinium, and the purchase of more ships. However I do appreciate that its author should have formatted it so that the options were visible on the vote tally.

Odd. I'm not sure what happened there then.

Sailor capacity is consumed by buildings ships, but right now it's being assessed as replacement rate - at max you literally can't find enough people to run your ships. Presently there are about 2 skilled non-imperial sailors doing their own thing for every 1 sailor taking the emperor's silver.

EDIT: Actually your heavy ships were in port - the sailor count has been corrected.
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So, it's just the [x] against each option that matters, not that it's in a spoiler?