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Some things in this world are beyond human reasoning. They are unknowable... Unnamed. As it...
The Unnamed
Some things in this world are beyond human reasoning. They are unknowable... Unnamed. As it would happen, you would be the one chosen to care for one being that defy everything you ever thought you knew.. that everyone Humanity knew as true. The day you found yourself before an intricately decorated, yet dark sarcophagus started like any other, but you knew, deep down as you opened the tomb and found what was inside, you knew nothing would ever be the same again.

This was a new Genesis of the world, you knew as your gaze fell into a perfectly preserved and... alive... being laid down upon decayed dust of what must once have been bedding a millennium ago that you understood deep down that your life would never be the same. It was as the being opened impossible eyes, seven in all spaced nearly upon its forehead, that you also know that that new life would be far more thrilling and complicated that you ever could imagine.

The being laid there for a moment, a strange expression you could not name upon impossibly perfect features before it sat, as naked as any newborn as its multi hued eyes fixated upon your form. You were just a mere...


...but you knew that from this moment on, you would be much more, or perhaps even less, as you felt your destiny intertwine with the strange being before you.

After what seemed a small eternity, the being grasped the lip of its tomb and gracefully hopped out of in on one long, fluid movement. Agast, you spotted six ethereally white wings upon its back and glowing, unknown markings all upon its limbs, all eight of them. Six arms, you counted, and two strong legs. Enough muscle to snap you in two, if it wanted, and the lack of humanity in the being's... angel's?... eyes telling you it would not feel a thing about your demise should it do so.

You stood, trembling for a while before a deep instinct inside you made you...

[] Yell in wordless terror
[] Kneel before this god amongst man
[] Feel a deep need to know the unknowable
[] Make you weep from an unknown despair
[] Write in

QM's Note: This is something that I feel quite excited about, and while the two choices of this first segment of this new quest will affect quite a bit, I urge you to choose what feel interesting and what feel fun over what feel safe. Let's go on an Adventure, shall we? :)
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[X] Archaeologist
[X] Feel a deep need to know the unknowable
About this quest
I will say this now, though the initial choices are important in that they set both the mechanics and the feel of the quest, the whole story will be a Legacy quest, in that you will die a lot, but through the amazing recording skills of each poor sod who will die, each effort will be worth it, so I will encourage write ins and ridiculously bold attempts with progress from next update on.

Study the shit of the 'subject', but do feel free to abuse leap of logics and gut instincts, is what I say. Crazy boldness mixed with thorough analyzing of results will always give you a lot of progress here, so go ahead!
Votes are set, it seems. we shall go with a curious archaeologist!
Adhoc vote count started by Taureine on Feb 14, 2019 at 10:34 AM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.
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Round 1: First Contact
Yes, you were a young archaeologist whom had been on their very first study in what had first been thought as an ordinary, if remote, cavern deep in southern Africa. The cavern had looked small and mostly used by wildlife to shelter from the arid heat of the land, but it was as you and your small team of helpers ventured forth into its maw that you found that the cavern was in fact a long tunnel leading into an old, elaborate tomb. What started as a mere study of stone age cave art soon turned to much more, and it was with ever increasing curiosity and thrill that you now found yourself at the very heart of the unknown tomb. A tomb that may not be one at all, as far as you could tell, for its main inhabitant sure looked alive to you right now…

Your heart beating like a startled bird in your chest and your blood singing in excitement, you were about to approach the creature before you before something buzzed at your hips. Ah, yes, you may have found something amazing, but you were not alone in your search for mystery. Already, you could see that your two partners in research had already reached you, now aware by some insanely efficient reporting by your team of your find. Sighing, you reluctantly looked away from the sight before you to look at your cell phone.

You had two texts, as you had expected:

I want any blood or tissue sample you could find, this thing could be Mankind's ticket to immortality!

Ah, yes, Clyde was ever the closed mad scientist, but at least he was a good one.

Please forward any pictures of the writings in that tomb, I may be able to help you search from there…

As for Janice, she was ever the practical one, even if you knew she was just as excited as you to find out more about your find, as any good University Professor should.

As for you, you were left with the actual access to the winged being, and it was as you turned back to look at the source of all the excitement and dread in the small underground chamber that you saw something peculiar;

The face was just before your own now, and it looked… familiar somehow… but, what was it?

You were left with three concern right now, your own curiosity, Clyde's and Janice's. What would you do with them?

You were currently in the center of the tomb, a small room lit by torches and engraved from floor to ceiling in ancient writings you could not yet decypher. From the room, four doorways led to the four cardinal points out of the room. You came from the northern passageway, which was pretty straightforward if filled with old bodes, a stone door and a multitude of drawings in unknown mediums long ago.

The Scientist Clyde is eager to get his hand on the blood or tissue (dead or alive) of your new find. Find a way to get it for him.

The good Prof. Janice is looking for some writings to be found in the tomb, send her some pictures and she'll help you search more interesting artifacts in the tomb.

That thing has an awfully familiar look on its face… what is it?


From this point on, this will be a write in fest. Attempt each round one action per 'character interest' you have, using either your available quests or random actions that may yield more quests and discoveries. This is a Legacy Quest, and as such you will die a lot. Still, be clever in your attempts, and keep getting bolder, it will help you progress the fastest!

The most popular write in per category will be used in the next round.

Good discussion and hypotheses will be able to yield up to two hints per round, so speculate away!

Vote as follow:

[](Action for Clyde: Right now he wants something from the Unnamed, anything will please him right now, the fresher and more important the better)
[](Action for Janice: Right now she is into translating writings, either from the walls, the sarcophagus itself or.... something else if you payed attention!)
[](Action for Archaeologist: Anything that is curious of the voters can go here, but rewards and hints can also be gained from 'Personal' Quests)

The most popular votes will win, but since this is a write in similar votes will count together. Just discuss and try to get into an agreement.
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[X] Start by taking photos, recording the positions and apparent composition of everything before disturbing anything.
[X] Try to figure out what writing system the writing is most similar to.
[X] See if the creature has any shed feathers or other bits to harvest. You won't risk damaging the specimen, maybe you could have it hauled in a cage afterwards?

Noting that full write in quests tend to do poorly, FYI. Players don't tend to spend a lot of time on any given quest.
Please explain the rules more. What does it mean, one action per 'character interest'? Do quests count as 'interests'? Is it one action per interest per poster? If multiple posters vote for multiple actions related to a single interest, do all of them get chosen?
I can see that clarification are in orders. Alright, so the three votes you can have per round are as follow:

Something to please Clyde: Clyde will periodically claim interest on things or actions you could take, mainly through the generation of Quests. Right now, anything at all from the subject would interest him. Later he'll send you helper of different types, depending on your findings.

Something to please Janice: Same with Clyde for now, she wants some pictures of any writings you can think of, from writings on the walls to some other sources. She will, like Clyde, get you some more quests but she will also be the 'unlocker' or more rooms. For now you have access to the tomb and the four adjacent rooms.

Something to please you, SV: Not much for now, but this will be where you can get curious and creative, though I will also add Quests to peak your curiosity of certain things. For now, it's the peculiar behaviour of the subject.

I'll go amend the first post a bit, and I'll try to be more precise next post. Sorry about that!