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Basic Information:
1. The Setting of Coalia:
This is an ancient world, one that has seen the...
i. Basic Information & Character Creation

Orion Ultor

Everything’s Got A Price.
East Coast
Basic Information:
1. The Setting of Coalia:
This is an ancient world, one that has seen the dawn and twilight of a thousand generations of a thousand empires. It witnessed the arrival of mortalkind and gave birth to many a great wonder…and many a great terror. It was in this world, unexplored and unexploited, that the mortalkin known as man became divided into four tribes; one left to travel north into the unknown, one to the mountains of the east for glory, one to the hills of plenty and one to remain in their homeland, content with its wonders. In this way, the mortals became first divided and became easy prey to the Imagined.

From each of these tribes and over a thousand-thousand
years arose new races of men. In the unknown north, the elves and orcs warred endlessly and without mercy. In the mountains of the east, the dwarves became the undisputed rulers of gold. In the hills of plenty, the gnomes and halflings grew complacent with the abundance of wheat and barley. But in the homeland of men, the harsh realities of the land made them strong and wise…until the day came that their homeland was dwindling, growing weak. On that day, the tribe of man stepped forth into the world and became great. From these men, kingdoms and empires of untold glory and wonder grew and prospered in many ways and in many creeds.

It was in one of these kingdoms that arose a child of the homeland, long separated from his kind, returned with stolen knowledge of the other races, and built an empire whose wonders yet remain; the Artificer and his Markosæn Dynasty. It was he who united the fractious tribe of man, united them with the Faith against the Beasts and Imagined. For over three centuries it has stood against the tides of woe…

2. Starting Location: The City
This ancient city has long been unnamed since it's discovery by the human tribes, it is now the cosmopolitan center of the Makosæn Dynasty's power. You begin in the Barrows, one of the more (in)famous taverns of the fair city, your childhood friend Jarek beside you.

Character Creation:
3. Player Character:
[ ] Character Name: Write-In
-[ ] Male/Female
[ ] Class 1: Write-In
[ ] Background: Write-In
[ ] Race: Write-In
[-] Alignment: Unaligned (Until Further Action)

4. The Party: (Name Pending)
[-] Jarek Markus, Fighter 1
-[*] Human Soldier aged 24
[-] Unassigned
[-] Unassigned
[-] Unassigned
[-] Unassigned

A/N: As this is going to be my first time DMing a full campaign, any corrections and advice are greatly appreciated. And or the purposes of Character Creation, the available source is the Player's Handbook 5e. For the use of other sources, roll Persuasion.

Vote Ends 1200EST Weds, Jan. 30th.
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1. Character Sheet
Character Sheet:
Name: Thrya Viden
Class (LVL): Warlock 1 (Pact of the Old Great One)
Background: Archaeologist
Race: Human (Elven Ancestry)
Alignment: Unaligned (Further Action Required)
Abilities:   mod saving
Strength 11 +0  
Dexterity 16 +3 +3
Constitution 14 +2 +2
Intelligence 11 +0  
Wisdom 09 -1 +1
Charisma 16 +3 +5
Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 14
Acrobatics +3
Animal Handling -1
Arcana +2
Athletics +0
Deception +3
History +2
Insight -1
Intimidation +3
Investigation +2
Medicine -1
Nature +0
Perception -1
Performance +3
Persuasion +3
Religion +0
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +3
Survival +1
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2. The Party
The Party:
Name: Jarek Markus
Class (LVL): Fighter 1
Background: Soldier (Officer)
Race: Human Variant
Alignment: Lawful Good (?)
Abilities: score mod save
Strength 16 +3 +5
Dexterity 14 +2 +2
Constitution 13 +1 +3
Intelligence 13 +1 +1
Wisdom 10 +0 +0
Charisma 08 -1 -1

2. N/A

3. N/A

4. N/A

5. N/A

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[X] Plan Magical Noble
-[X] Character Name: Ailiphos Phirel
-[X] Class 1: Sorcerer
-[X] Background: Noble
-[X] Race: Human
-[X] Alignment: Unaligned (Until Further Action)
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[X] Plan Professional Liar
-[X] Character Name: Alexandros Commodus
-[X] Class 1: Bard
-[X] Background: Charlatan
-[X] Race: Human
-[X] Alignment: Unaligned (Until Further Action)

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Note: Added Links to Character Creation for ease of voting for intiates to D&D.
[X] Plan Unrestrained Curiosity
-[X] Character Name: Thyra Viden
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Class 1: Warlock
-[X] Background: Archaeologist
-[X] Race: Human
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FYI, there shouldn't be anything preventing us from voting for our character's gender right away.
I mean you could presume based on name.
I did, but realized that some readers would get confused later on down the line.
I'm pretty sure no one would name a daughter Alexandros
If they did anyway, I'm sure that she'd change her name somewhere down the line.
Thyra is pretty clearly female.
Figured and Noted.

EDIT: Note: Sorry, about the crossposting kerfuffle. A friend overstepped their bounds.
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3. Player Character:
[ ] Character Name: Yana Agdar
-[ ] Female
[ ] Class 1: Sorceror
[ ] Background: Noble
[ ] Race: Half-Elf
[-] Alignment: Unaligned (Until Further Action)

Note: I have never quested before. I don't know how this normally goes.
[X] Plan Bringer of EnLIGHTenment
[X] Character Name: Amadeus Statera
-[X] Male
[X] Class 1: Monk (Sun Soul)
[X] Background: Outlander
[X] Race: Wood Elf
[X] Alignment: Unaligned (Until Further Action)

Note: I haven't ever done anything like this before. Let me know if I make a mistake.
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ii. Character Creation (cont)
[X] Plan Unrestrained Curiosity
-[X] Character Name: Thyra Viden
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Class 1: Warlock
-[X] Background: Archaeologist
-[X] Race: Human

As Jarek leaves the table to fetch the stout, Thyra pulls out her journal to make note of the artifact [a standard enlisted officer's falchion] that he'd returned with. Surprisingly well-kept [making a personal note about his habits as a child], she made note of it for the simple fact that she wished her friend a long life, to be remembered even if it were to be a small footnote in history.

She shook her head.

"Pah," she murmured to herself,
[ ] Write-In." {OOC: How does Thyra rationalize this behavior to herself? }.

It was as she began to finish sketching the falchion, completing the entry, Jarek returned with the black stout.

"I see you're as invested as ever into your work Thyra," Jarek replied with a teasing grin, "Still the same old girl I remember, eh?"

[ ] Write-In."

Background (Archaeologist):
1. Personality Trait (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] I love a good puzzle or mystery.
[ ] I'm a pack rat who never throws anything away.
[ ] Fame is more important to me than money.
[ ] I have no qualms stealing from the dead.
[ ] I'm happier in a dusty old tomb than in the centers of civilization.
[ ] Traps don't make me nervous. Idiots who trigger traps make me nervous.
[ ] I may fail, but I don't give up.
[ ] You may think I'm a scholar, but I love a goof brawl. These fists were made for punching.

2. Ideals (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] Preservation: That artifact belongs in a museum! (Inclination- Law)
[ ] Greed: I won't risk my life for nothing. (Inclination- Evil)
[ ] Death Wish: Nothing is more exhilerating than a narrow escape from the jaws of death. (Inclination- Chaotic)
[ ] Dignity: The dead and their belongings deserve to be treated with respect. (Inclination- Good)
[ ] Immortality: All my exploring is part of a plan to find the secret of everlasting life. (Inclination- ???)
[ ] Danger: With every great discovery comes grave danger. The two walk hand in hand. (Inclination- Any)

3. Bonds (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] Ever since I was a child, I've heard stories about a lost city. I aim to find it, learn its secrets, and earn my place In the history books.
[ ] I want to find my mentor, who disappeared on an expedition some time ago.
[ ] I have a friendly rival. Only one of us can be the best, and I aim to prove it's me.
[ ] I won't sell an art object or other treasure that has historical significance or is one of a kind.
[ ] I'm secretly in love with the wealthy patron who sponsors my archaeological exploits.
[ ] I hope to bring prestige to a library, a museum, or a university.
-[ ] The Everscribed Library (Secular)
-[ ] The Tribunic Museum of Coalia (Religious)
-[ ] The Markosæn University of Higher Learning (Government)

4. Flaws (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] I have a secret fear of some common wild animal-- and in my work, I see them everywhere.
[ ] I can't leave a room without searching it for secret doors.
[ ] When I'm not exploring dungeons or ruins, I get jittery and impatient.
[ ] I have no time for friends or family. I spend every waking moment thinking about and preparing for my next expedition.
[ ] When given the choice of going left or right, I always go left.
[ ] I can't sleep except in total darkness.

5. Personal History:
[ ] Write-In:
-[X] Ever since Thyra could remember, Jarek had been beside her, the two of them as thick as thieves and twice as fast…until eight years ago, when he volunteered to fight in the Northern Border Wars of 317 [under the Dynastic Calender].

6. Allocation:
[ ] Point Buy
[ ] Dice Roll

Vote ends January 31, 1200EST, or until the votes die down.
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[X] Plan Professional Liar

Edit: ok then
Edit2: one trait/ideal/bond/flaw? are votes by plan or by line?

[x] I love a good puzzle or mystery.
[x] Greed: I won't risk my life for nothing. (Inclination- Evil)
[x] I'm secretly in love with the wealthy patron who sponsors my archaeological exploits.
[x] When I'm not exploring dungeons or ruins, I get jittery and impatient.
[x] Dice Roll
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1. Personality Trait (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X ] I love a good puzzle or mystery.

2. Ideals (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] Immortality: All my exploring is part of a plan to find the secret of everlasting life. (Inclination- ???)

3. Bonds (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] Ever since I was a child, I've heard stories about a lost city. I aim to find it, learn its secrets, and earn my place In the history books.

4. Flaws (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] When given the choice of going left or right, I always go left.

[X] Dice Roll
1. Personality Trait (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] I love a good puzzle or mystery.

2. Ideals (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] Dignity: The dead and their belongings deserve to be treated with respect. (Inclination- Good)

3. Bonds (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] I'm secretly in love with the wealthy patron who sponsors my archaeological exploits.

4. Flaws (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[X] When I'm not exploring dungeons or ruins, I get jittery and impatient.
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