[X] Built for Counters
[X] Tonfa

Rin's personality, quirk, and history point me towards counters: She doesn't have the type of quirk that lets her easily take down opponents without having to defend (lacking range or speed to do so). Seeing Shoto beaten up so much by her dad would also probably discourage her from a strongly leaning heavily on offense, both because it's dad's style, and seeing what happens to shoto would drill in the importance of a defense. She's too spiteful to enjoy trying to endure opponents, she's going to want to hit back hard.

Given that, I don't think that a Naginata's a good match for a counter style: It's good for big sweeping blows, but it's not particularly easy to defend with, and it's not light enough to easily counterattack with. Also it's a recipe for collateral damage indoors. Tonfa or a pair of gauntlets would probably be a better choice for her at this point. they would give some additional weight to her amplified strength.
Considering our quirk, I think Endurance is the best way to enhance it. By having our style focused on Endurance, it should increase the (narrative) durability and increase our ice's thickness/strength.

[X] Built for Endurance

As for the weapon, we'd want something with length that allows us to fight from a distance somewhat and allows us options. A Naginata seems great, but the thing is, it's too long for the modern day world. No way we could fight in an alley or small apartment or something similar without causing collateral damage or getting it stuck/broken on something. Plus, most heroes stick away from bladed weaponry for it could send the wrong message and only villains really use knives and swords and bladed weapons in BNHA(AFAIK). A far better weapon in my mind would be a staff or a baton/tonfa or what could basically be a combo - a staff that can collapse into a baton or split into a pair of tonfas. Maybe our Support Department can add in an electrical component to make a shock baton/staff if we melt our ice and then stick the electrified baton/staff into the water or use as an impromptu taser or can make our staff split into tonfas or something. For now though, staff.

[X] Staff.
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Costume concepts by Erebeal
So anyway, as something else for people to think about in terms of style at the same time I figure I might as well share the costume design work that's been going on:

A cloak would, I feel, be very useful for a number of reasons. Not only does it look awesome, it also keeps us warm. From a utility standpoint it's very useful in that we can cover it in our ice to use as a shield to defend ourself and others. This is helpful as it doesn't look like we'll be able to conjure ice barriers any time soon. We don't have our costume yet, of course, but it's something to think about now.

Thinking about weapons, our power does potentially give some interesting options there. If we got something like ribbons or rope to use as a medium for our ice we could coat them in ice to create variable weapons. We need a club? Fold it up and cover it in ice. Unfold it a bit and let it bend in the middle for nunchucks. Unfold it more and make it a staff or a naginata. Unfurl it further and let it flex and get some kind of segmented ice whip. Lots of potentially interesting options there.

... Huh, thinking about it I realise that "naginata that turns into a segmented whip" is basically Shizuru from Mai Otome/Hime.
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Not sure about counters vs. endurance yet.


I'm gonna argue for the best weapon:

[x] our hair ribbon

So what we're going to do here is we're going to dramatically pull the ribbon out of our hair and then freeze it to make a baton or staff or something. It'll look badass, and show clever power usage, and score us tons of cool points which we'll need to become class rep.
[X] Built for Endurance
[X] Naginata

Could be tempted by hair ribbon.
If a hair ribbon would be too short, then maybe we have a scarf or something?

Or maybe we have a ribbon up our sleeve. VereorNox didn't say we *didn't* have that afterall.

Like, if we're retroactively voting that Rin knows naginatajutsu then it's hardly unreasonable to retroactively say that she wears a scarf or ribbon that she can turn into a weapon with her power.

This is giving me "Emma Frost got sent to a military academy" vibes-- not that that's bad. They all look really good to me, in fact, though I'm partial to the ones with half-capes. I know half-capes pretty much have no practical benefit for us, but they really don't get enough love.
Anyway, naginata, while cool, isn't really a great weapon for us. Not only should we not be stabbing people and cutting them up as a hero, but a spear or staff is kind of awkward to carry around. Remember that heroes do a lot of stuff that isn't hitting people and standing around looking pretty. Having to constantly carry our staff around in our hand and put it down whenever we do something would be kind of annoying.

This is why an option that we can carry around more easily and fits into our job better would be more suitable.

Ideally it should also be something that gives us a unique style and selling point in order to make ourselves stand out as a hero.

This is why the ribbon is such a great idea.
[X] Built for Counters
[X] our hair ribbon

So here's how I look at it, for as versatile as Rin's quirk is it doesn't lend itself to a direct enhancement of her physical abilities. Yet, possibly. So most of the time she's most likely going to fight people who have an advantage over her in some way be it strength, speed, range, etc. Having her combat style be based off counters would drastically mitigate this.

Building off this one of the main things that Rin should probably learn is how to form multiple weapons out of her ice and learn to wield them proficiently. That would be making the most out of the limited range of her quirk. The ribbon, as Erebeal explained, would be a multifaceted weapon that even if the environment hindered Rin's quirk she could still use minimal amounts of ice to make the ribbon into a ribbon.
The ribbon is also, if you think about it, the ideal compromise vote here, because it means that we can potentially have *all* our favorite weapons. We need a tonfa? Fold it up and freeze it. Staff? Unfold it out long and freeze it. Naginata? Make it look like there's a blade on the end.

Everyone wins!

Mmm, yeah, good points. Counters is probably a good option here - as well as potentially being a good way to actually leverage our tankiness.

[X] Built for Counters
[X] our hair ribbon
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... eh, alright, I'm sold on the ribbon. This is contingent on the ribbon being as versatile and naginata-friendly as it's being made out to be, though! :V

[X] Built for Counters
[X] Ribbon
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