Crown Prince Quest

[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.
The hell why is this choice being presented to the weak ass nerd.

[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.

Get yo shit kicked in and learn to stand back while the guys who don't have shitty Prowess do the work.

(he might just use princely fiat but getting beat up is funnier)
[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.

We are going to get wrecked.
[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.

This is gonna go great. I can feel it.
[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.
[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.
I shall be closing the vote in the next few hours, so ensure you gets your votes in before that happens so you can contribute to Edward's glorious and heroic charge into danger.
like one of those Ganjay freaks the Governor had brought with him on his last visit to court, to entertain with deformity and weirdness.
Fucking colonialist not!British Empire. Any way we can somehow fight this kind of shit as the future ceremonial head of the entire thing?

[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.

Prince gonna get beat up too
[X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.

Though I am curious what would happen if we opted not to get involved, given that we know we end up befriending Henry somehow anyway.
Vote is now CLOSED

Seems we have a unanimous vote to go charging into certain danger. Your barbarian warlord ancestors would be proud.


Though I am curious what would happen if we opted not to get involved, given that we know we end up befriending Henry somehow anyway.

Well, I suppose this roll could go really badly and he dies and I need to do some fast retcon work, but thankfully it seems that I won't need to use any of my other emergency plans.
Adhoc vote count started by Tylonius on Jan 9, 2019 at 11:37 PM, finished with 60 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.
    [X] Charge in - You are supposed to defend the unit, even if he did rebuff your attempt to socialize. Get in there and show them why they should stop ignoring you.
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