"Listen up, you sorry little maggots! You might think that just because you passed basic training, you're hot shit! That you're ready to take on the universe! That you're part of the Freeza Force! WELL YOU'RE NOT! You're still weak as the tooth picks I use to scrape crap from my boots! I could still kill all of you here with a snap of my fingers! You're-"
You tune out the Drill Sargent, a large alien with purple, scaled skin, bulging muscles and four black horns jutting from his bald head, and let him continue his rant without paying any attention. According to your databases, boot camp in various armies serves three purposes: making sure every soldier reaches a minimum level of physical fitness, instilling a sense of discipline and unity into the recruits and teaching everyone the basics of their equipment so they didn't blow themselves up. However, Freeza, and thus the Freeza Force by extension, didn't care in the slightest about the first two. Regarding physical fitness, you either were strong and succeeded, or you were weak and died. And as for unity and discipline, the constant threat of death from those above you took care of that. So really, the only thing boot camp needed to cover in the Freeza Force was the equipment grunts were expected to use. As such, the Freeza Force had one of the shortest training periods in all of history, since their basic equipment was so simple, you could train a brain-damaged monkey to use them in about three days.
Naturally, boot camp was a week long.
You'd been bored out of your CPU during that week and that was when you had regular access to the Freeza Force's computers and could add all the information you wanted to your database. Right now, you were stuck standing in formation, listening to a blowhard intimidate the morons around you. With nothing else to do, you look around at your fellows. There are a lot of you, packed into the drop ship's main hanger, with lots of variety to the alien genotypes around, but there's no one around like you. Androids are pretty rare apparently, not something the Freeza Force encounters frequently. Even when wedged shoulder to shoulder with others, you stand alone.
"-And that is why you do this! That is why you will fight and die at Lord Freeza's command! Once you've participated in the domination of a planet, you will
properly become part of the Freeza Force! Until then, you're garbage!" The Drill Sargent finishes up, before pressing a remote. A holographic screen pops up, showing off the planet you're currently orbiting.
The Drill Sargent starts shouting today. "This is the planet you'll be conquering today! Since you're still a bunch of wet-behind-the-horns weaklings, we're starting you off easy! This planet-"
[][PLANET] "Is ridiculously barbaric! They still use bows, arrows and swords of all things, can you believe it? Not only that, they're a bunch of pathetic, peace-loving pansies! You couldn't ask for a better target!"
[][PLANET] "Is a lawless wasteland! They only people around are crazy bandits using old-fashioned slug-throwers and you can crush those easily! Now go show these backwoods hillbillies who's boss!"
[][PLANET] "Is filled crawling with stupid, angry animals! One punch and they're dead! Can you believe that the locals are losing to these things! Pathetic!"
"You've got all you need to know! Now get to your pods!" The Drill Sargent dismisses you all. Falling out of formation, you do as ordered and get to your drop pod.
The Saiyan Pod baffles you. Somehow, a race of violent, selfish monkeys got what basically amounts to a big, metal ball to fly interstellar distances with barely enough room inside for the pilot, let alone an engine. They honestly makes no sense whatsoever, but because they were cheep and easy to make, the Freeza Force adopted them as they primary mode of transport for everybody that fell in between the ranks of "Basic Grunt" and "Actually Important," which happened to be the majority of the army.
Your drop pod is based on that design, but basically with the engine, stabilizers and life support systems torn out. It's called a drop pod because you are literally dropped from the drop ship (so called because it drops you) onto the planet below without any way to get back up. When the planet surrenders to Lord Freeza, the drop ship comes down to pick up the recruits that survived. If all the recruits die, then the drop ship flies off to either collect another batch of recruits to try again or to inform the higher ups that the planet has stronger defenders than initially thought and that a special force needs to be sent. It's a stupid, wasteful approach to war, but it works for Freeza.
Personally, you don't really care. As long as you survive and get your rewards, you'll go along with it. In fact, it would probably be better for you if the other recruits all bit the dust. It'd look more impressive if you conquered the planet all on your own.
Climbing into your pod, you shut the hatch and settle in, waiting for the drop. Until then, you wait, with just your reflection in the pod's single window for company.
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