Jine the Cavalry

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Prologue: Brave Rifles

You lay the skirt over your arm and climb out through the window...
P-1: If You Wanna Catch the Devil

Prologue: Brave Rifles

You lay the skirt over your arm and climb out through the window. Your rank grants you quarters on the ground floor, but you'd gladly jump out a second floor window to avoid the preening outside your door. Skirts, blouses, bells and whistles might be the norm for women of the free world, but they're stupid as all hell for a uniform. The wind bites at this time of night, this far out in the desert, and you shiver as you hurry down onto the parade ground. The path is unlit, invisible, but you know by heart where it curves right to the Colonel's offices. You cut left onto the grass, towards the batteries.

There's always been a special place in your heart for the stubby mountain guns. The four 1840 howitzers look like a child's rendering of cannon, with over-sized wheels and a stubby barrel. Your hand glides down the short bronze tube to the bolts trapping it on the carriage. The gun crews are protective of their pieces, but your rarely used charm convinced them to give you a demonstration. It really is a technological wonder; in five minutes flat, they broke the gun apart and loaded it on a trio of unlucky beasts. The reassembly was even faster. The memories come back to you. Turn the bolts, lift the tube, and start loading the mules. You wouldn't desert, you doubt you'd last long out there, but sometimes you dream of taking one of the guns for a ride. Some real action for a change.

"Off the grass, Captainess Clemson!" You snap back to reality and jump to attention, turning towards the voice. A lantern, bobbing and floating inches from your face. It's pulled away and, as your eyes adjust, you spot a familiar (read: ugly as sin) red mustache. You allow yourself to relax slightly, still maintaining the cold manner that makes you so popular with the troopers.

You glare up at the tall Hibernian, and his commanding tone turns to a roaring belly laugh. "Captain Haggerty. There's a thousand troopers on this grass every morning, I hardly think I'll be doing much damage all on my own."

He shakes his head, still smiling like a fool, and aims the lantern down towards the dirt. "Dew's already fallen, Lee. Your boots cut a nice track. Aw, you should've seen me tryin' to stay in your prints. Even you'dve laughed. Colonel'll bring in one of the Inde scouts to find you." He sets the lantern to the side and drops onto one knee, dramatically running his finger through the soil and raising it to his nose. After a few exaggerated sniffs, he nods to the east. You glance away as he stands; you won't give him the satisfaction of seeing you smile. "And you're outta regulation, too. A disgrace to our glorious toy army."

"At least I can put my frills back on. You get to explain to Nelson why you dragged your pants through the mud, Jack." At that, he stops and swears. You're tempted to admonish him for cursing in front of a lady officer, but decide that'd be going too far. He shrugs sadly and leans down to pick up a black leather case. Huh. Must've put it down before ambushing you so rudely. "What's in the trunk?"

He smiles, shaking his head again. "Naw, you have to wait like the rest. Let's just say I'll make this ball fun, even if it kills me. Or Colonel Nelson." He chuckles at that last comment and waves an arm grandly towards the officers club. "Shall we?" You scowl, waving your skirt as a response, and he patiently turns away while you re-frill. Now you're ready, for a wedding if not war.


God, you hate this post. The Colonel wouldn't recognize soldiery if a half-dozen Taxcoco dragoons woke him up at pistol point. All he cares about is his grass, his beautiful fort and his little tin soldiers. Formations every morning, "officer's balls" ever other week. You long for a patrol, fighting Inde and sleeping under the trees, doing something to earn your pay. To serve the Federation.

Haggerty dashes to his seat while the colonel's back is turned, laying a napkin over his mud-stained trousers. It's too far down to be properly on his lap, but Haggerty's manners are so atrocious that nobody thinks to mention it. He grins, proud of his cunning disguise work, as you take a seat at the women's table.

A seat, not your seat. The seating is meant to be in order of rank, so technically you should be near the front by Lieutenant Colones Dawes. You usually sit in Ensign Harris's seat. Since she's the lowest ranking officer, you're as far from Nelson as possible and your only neighbor is Harris, who's so intimidated by your presence that you can safely avoid idle conversation. Occasionally you feel a shred of guilt for possibly mistreating the poor girl, but it's for the greater good.

At least the food's usually good, by Army standards. You glance over at the men's table. Haggerty is sitting with the junior officers again, god knows why. He's aggressively attacking his food and cracking jokes, trying to prod one of the poor lieutenants into an audible laugh. The other company commanders are politely pretending Jack was never born, and Nelson is reading over his speech, lost in his own world. Major Keane is still at Fort Wayne, down on the Califia border. You poke at your plate, listening to the conversation around you. Soon, Nelson stands and moves to the center of the room, starting his speech on the glory of the regiment, the great duty to serve the people, and so on. You listen attentively, as is your duty, and commit none of it to memory. Give the man credit; he's been giving a new speech every other week since you arrived, and probably earlier.

He's leading an unenthusiastic prayer for the brave freedom fighters in Manassas when someone starts banging on the door. You jump to your feet and reach for the lock, but Haggerty beats you to it. He glances through the peephole, before slamming the deadbolt open, shaving splinters off the door with the force of the blow. An Eastern lieutenant quietly asks who it is. He says, "Major Keane, an' he looks like hell."

The Major stumbles in, and you catch a few gasps from the less restrained officers. The man's covered in dust from head to toe, a sure sign of hard riding, and he's out of regulation, wearing a sleep shirt and uniform trousers. His cap is missing, revealing gray hair matted by sweat. He stumbles past you and leans on the table, grabbing your water glass and emptying it in one giant gulp. He wipes his mouth on his sleeve and glances at Colonel Nelson, who seems shocked into silence. His voice is dry, cracked, a tinge of anger in his Southron drawl. "We gotta talk, sir. It's about Wayne."

Your Colonel composes himself enough to gesture at the back office, and Dawes jumps to her feet to join them. The door slams shut, and the mess of officers is silent for a short eternity. Haggerty glances at you, his cheery disposition gone. He heads back towards his seat, but stops short, crouching in the corner where he hid the case at the start of the night. You raise an eyebrow as he stands. "A violin, Captain?"

He chuckles, grabbing his chair and pulling it away from the table. A few of the officers stare dumbstruck as he crashes down into his chair and starts to strum. "Close, Clemson, but I prefer fiddle. I know a couple songs from the Old Country, what'd you fellas like to hear?"


It's fascinating. In barely ten minutes, Jack's butchery of a beautiful instrument has pulled the officers out of their shells. They've started pairing up and dancing around the room, while he sings horrible songs about what the Caledons really wear under their skirts. You stay in your seat, watching the door and waiting for news. Haggerty glances at you occasionally, but decides to let you be. You know they're not stupid, they know what Keane and the Colonels are talking about behind that door. But they keep dancing, singing, like it's a high society ball. A couple of the haughtier Southron officers stay in their seats and protest the various expletives thrown at the Albian people in the songs, but even they're having fun.

The door slides open and the music dies. Dawes comes in and surveys the room, before speaking. "Fort Wayne's under siege. Major Keane estimates two regiments of Taxcoco cavalry with artillery support. We have received no official instructions, but we will not leave our men out there to die. We're moving at sunrise. Get your gear packed, tell your men, and get some sleep. Don't know how long we'll be gone." The room is dead silent. You don't wait for the toast to the Rifles, or any of the inane conversation to come. You quietly slip out the door and return to your quarters.

It doesn't take long to pack. You check your revolvers and sharpen your sabre. You're almost out the door when you remember it. The one souvenir of your life before the Regiment of Mounted Rifles.

[] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)
[] Your percussion rifle. Promoted from the ranks early for action against hostile Inde in your untamed forest home of Spencer, you still carry your rifle. You never know when you'll need to kill a man at a couple hundred yards. (+1 Daring, +1 Grit)
[] Your favorite book, Strategos. A classical Europan work on the art of warfare, it hasn't made you the perfect commander, but it helps. Given to you by your father, a wealthy planter in Marhaven. (+1 Cunning, +1 Charm)
[] Your rigging knife. Born in the northeastern trading port of Botiwulf, Plymouth, you left school early and became a sailor on merchant ships to Europa. You never particularly liked the sea, though. (+1 Cunning, +1 Grit)
[] Write-in

Wooo, cavalry quest! This is the Gaya setting, originally created for Aircraft Design Quest, and I went waaay overboard with this first post. It's like five times longer than it should be, yikes. Anyway, stuff to know below!

You're a cavalry officer in New Allegheny, which is very stable and definitely not about to fight a civil war. This first choice is about the main attributes needed in a cavalier; Cunning, Daring, Grit, and Charm. Cunning is used for strategic movement, tactics and clever plans, Daring is used for close combat and inspiring your troopers in said combat, Grit is needed to Hold The Line and also not die horribly if shot, and Charm is used to convince your superiors to stop wasting cavalry on bullshit, and avoid being removed from your command for political reasons. All of these choices will also have narrative consequences.

If you make a write-in that doesn't use a state already mentioned, I'll provide one. I have a very long list. Write-ins should also be two +1s.
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Dramatis Personae and Unit Status
Dramatis Personae

Annaleigh "Lee" Clemson

Description: A short, stern woman with dirty blonde hair and pale skin. Has quite the reputation, little of it good. Few if any friends, with the possible - but unlikely - exception of Captain John Haggerty.

Since the Taxcoco War, Clemson has gained a reputation of a "fixer" in the west. While Keane handles administrative duties, she puts down Inde revolts and bandit gangs with a handful of troopers. There's been talk in the War Department of a promotion to lieutenant colonel, a post in the southern deserts of Dorado or Lenriana.

Command: Executive Officer, Regiment of Mounted Rifles

Cunning: 13
Daring: 10
Grit: 12
Charm: 9

Current Stress: 2

John "Jack" Haggerty"

Description: Tall, redhaired and brawny, Jacky Haggerty is the epitome of a Hibernian bruiser. Not as funny as he thinks, but thinks he's really funny. Born to immigrant dockers in New Karlstad. Gained admission to the Powderhouse, the men's military academy, by walking 300 miles to get there. The most popular officer to the enlisted men, even if the officers abhor him. Barely tolerated by Captainess Clemson, which is better than most.

Following the end of the Taxcoco War, Haggerty retired and returned to the east. His career was up in the air; he'd performed well, but the massive casualties at Oak Ridge required a scapegoat. Last you'd heard, his wife Eleanora was encouraging him to go into politics.

Command: None.

Cunning: 10
Daring: 11
Grit: 12
Charm: 8

Bryant Keane

Description: A dashing Southron cavalryman, and something of a legend in the Regiment, Keane was awarded the Federal Cross for actions against the Inde as a young lieutenant. Although it has fast-tracked his career quite a bit, he's proven himself more than capable time and time again. Cut his way out of the siege of Fort Wayne to warn the Regiment.

Keane and his backers fought for a promotion to Colonel after the war. Congress even tabled a bill to promote him directly to Brigadier General. It failed, and many of his political allies were thrown out of office as the slavery debate turned red hot. Bryant Keane has turned reclusive, rarely riding on patrols, and some suspect he's turned to the bottle.

Command: Regiment of Mounted Rifles

Cunning: 11
Daring: 12
Grit: 11
Charm: 12

Almira Harris

Description: A lanky country girl who looks far too young for the cavalry. Had only been with the Regiment for five weeks when the war started. A local with some useful knowledge of the Agadaika Range. Intimidated by Keane, terrified of Clemson.

Award the Federal Cross for taking command of a decapitated marine company and storming the keep at San Cristobal, Harris was considered for a promotion. Citing her complete lack of time in rank, the board decided not to promote her. As hundreds of officers resigned after the war's end, Harris stayed on. With the shortage, she's been given command of Clemson's old company.

Command: Company E, Regiment of Mounted Rifles

Cunning: 9
Daring: 7
Grit: 9
Charm: 10

Saolham Davis

Description: A (let's be polite) "rotund" man with the perpetual scowl of a non-commissioned officer. Born somewhere vaguely in the South, but doesn't talk about his personal life much. Cursed with the kind of first name that makes you keep everyone on a last name basis.

Davis was promoted to regimental Sergeant Major not due to great heroism, or skill. By the end of the Siege of San Cristobal, half of the regiments First Sergeants were dead or severely wounded. The rest retired at the war's end. Davis has dutifully stayed on, although paperwork has threatened his sanity.

Command: Sergeant Major, Regiment of Mounted Rifles

Cunning: 7
Daring: 12
Grit: 13
Charm: 6

Artjem Kuznetsov

Description: A vaguely Eastern Europan man - perhaps Caspian or Stolrusian - with a heavy accent, a tobacco habit and some kind of insanity. Shows little respect for officers, or common decency, but you've heard his name once or twice. Not bad, for a gunner.

Commissioned a Second Lieutenant after hoisting a howitzer into a bell tower to provide fire support in San Cristobal, Kuznetsov continues to work diligently and complain about many things. Despite his lack of positive qualities, Kuznetsov managed to win a promotion to Lieutenant after four years, and has shown zero desire to advance further.

Command: Kuznetsov's Battery, Regiment of Mounted Rifles

Cunning: 12
Daring: 9
Grit: 11
Charm: 2
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[X] Your percussion rifle. Promoted from the ranks early for action against hostile Inde in your untamed forest home of Spencer, you still carry your rifle. You never know when you'll need to kill a man at a couple hundred yards. (+1 Daring, +1 Grit)

Being able to get shot and not immediately die or pass out is a plus in my books and being able to boost morale is also good.
[X] Your percussion rifle. Promoted from the ranks early for action against hostile Inde in your untamed forest home of Spencer, you still carry your rifle. You never know when you'll need to kill a man at a couple hundred yards. (+1 Daring, +1 Grit)

Sniping's a good job mate
[X] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)

I'm excited for this quest! I'll add a link in the main post of the world building thread. What year is it?
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I'm excited for this quest! I'll add a link in the main post of the world building thread. What year is it?
Currently, 1852 for the prologue. The bulk of the quest will be later. And thanks! I went a little gunporn with the mountain howitzers, and a little dialogueporn for the rest of the post, so it kinda ballooned a bit but I like it.

Also, wrote a couple little character sheets for the second post. Keane might be a bit overpowered, which is why he's stuck running messages for a political Colonel in the middle of nowhere. And Haggerty is my spirit animal.

edit: and oops got grit and daring backwards in Haggerty's, fixed that.
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[X] Your percussion rifle. Promoted from the ranks early for action against hostile Inde in your untamed forest home of Spencer, you still carry your rifle. You never know when you'll need to kill a man at a couple hundred yards. (+1 Daring, +1 Grit)

Always been a sucker for "promoted from the ranks"...
[X] Your favorite book, Strategos. A classical Europan work on the art of warfare, it hasn't made you the perfect commander, but it helps. Given to you by your father, a wealthy planter in Marhaven. (+1 Cunning, +1 Charm)
[X] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)
[X] Your rigging knife. Born in the northeastern trading port of Botiwulf, Plymouth, you left school early and became a sailor on merchant ships to Europa. You never particularly liked the sea, though. (+1 Cunning, +1 Grit)
[X] Your favorite book, Strategos. A classical Europan work on the art of warfare, it hasn't made you the perfect commander, but it helps. Given to you by your father, a wealthy planter in Marhaven. (+1 Cunning, +1 Charm)
[X] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)
[X] Your favorite book, Strategos. A classical Europan work on the art of warfare, it hasn't made you the perfect commander, but it helps. Given to you by your father, a wealthy planter in Marhaven. (+1 Cunning, +1 Charm)
I already love the little details, like the women's table for officers and stuff.

Is E-company an all female unit or somesuch, or is it mixed officers leading male troops? Or something?

I'm so curious aaaaaaah worldbuilding!
[X] Your favorite book, Strategos. A classical Europan work on the art of warfare, it hasn't made you the perfect commander, but it helps. Given to you by your father, a wealthy planter in Marhaven. (+1 Cunning, +1 Charm)
[X] Your rigging knife. Born in the northeastern trading port of Botiwulf, Plymouth, you left school early and became a sailor on merchant ships to Europa. You never particularly liked the sea, though. (+1 Cunning, +1 Grit)

Yankee trader want.
[X] Your rigging knife. Born in the northeastern trading port of Botiwulf, Plymouth, you left school early and became a sailor on merchant ships to Europa. You never particularly liked the sea, though. (+1 Cunning, +1 Grit)

Being a Yankee is good, actually.
Women in the Federal Military
Is E-company an all female unit or somesuch, or is it mixed officers leading male troops? Or something?
E Company and G Company are mixed enlisted, while K Company and L Company are all female (albeit understrength). The Mounted Rifles have the standard structure of a Federal cavalry regiment; 12 companies of a hundred. E, K and L have female commanders, while the rest are male. 5 of the 24 company-level lieutenants are female. Mixed companies have pretty much always existed in Allegheny since they seriously lacked manpower in the early days, but only recently did a gang of young progressive officers push for independent female units so women could win glory for women, instead of being hidden away. In general, the middle band of ranks is much more severe and restrained about gender. Generals don't care and enlisted don't care.

it's, uh, causing many problems on many levels. There aren't enough non-coms and officers to properly staff the women's companies, and recruiters can't bring in enough female enlisted to meet their quotas for a wide variety of societal reasons and stigmas. Some female officers are very pissed because they've been forced to move from great mixed units to pretty crappy women's units for lack of officers. The quality should eventually improve. Eventually. At this point, the Marines, Navy, and Army artillery are fully mixed, and they're kinda just chilling and laughing at the dummies.

other fun facts: Enlisted ranks don't have feminine forms because the enlisted ranks were mixed long before the "-trix" "-ess" conventions caught on, and officers under captain don't have feminine forms because junior officers are barely even people. Ensign is a special title given to the second lieutenant who volunteers to carry the regimental flag. They get a fancier uniform, a pay bump and battlefield life expectancy of minutes.

also thanks :D! I'm having a lot of fun with all this.
[X] Your rigging knife. Born in the northeastern trading port of Botiwulf, Plymouth, you left school early and became a sailor on merchant ships to Europa. You never particularly liked the sea, though. (+1 Cunning, +1 Grit)

Going to be indecisive because it would be good to end up on the right side.
George Thomas, probably the best Union general of the Civil War, was a Virginian who chose to fight against the Confederacy. I won't railroad you into fighting for whatever state you pick. You could choose to fight for the south, but it would be a choice.

That said, go Botiwulf Orange Stockings!
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Simon_Jester on Nov 25, 2018 at 8:56 PM, finished with 21 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Your rigging knife. Born in the northeastern trading port of Botiwulf, Plymouth, you left school early and became a sailor on merchant ships to Europa. You never particularly liked the sea, though. (+1 Cunning, +1 Grit)
    [X] Your percussion rifle. Promoted from the ranks early for action against hostile Inde in your untamed forest home of Spencer, you still carry your rifle. You never know when you'll need to kill a man at a couple hundred yards. (+1 Daring, +1 Grit)
    [X] Your favorite book, Strategos. A classical Europan work on the art of warfare, it hasn't made you the perfect commander, but it helps. Given to you by your father, a wealthy planter in Marhaven. (+1 Cunning, +1 Charm)
    [X] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)
    [X] Strategos
[X] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)

Is the skirt only a dress uniform in mixed units? Some troopers being in dresses and others in trousers would be a rather chaotic visual effect.

I'm guessing that the women's uniform resembles something like an OTL Vivandieres uniform?
[X] Your cadet cap. A student of the Marhaven Women's Military Academy, known informally as the Abbey. You were by no means a perfect student, but you could hold your own. (+1 Cunning, +1 Daring)

Is the skirt only a dress uniform in mixed units? Some troopers being in dresses and others in trousers would be a rather chaotic visual effect.

I'm guessing that the women's uniform resembles something like an OTL Vivandieres uniform?
Yep. Dress uniforms for all women are long skirts, but mixed units have trousers for field and parade, while they're significantly shorter in women's units for field dress. And yeah, that's it. Example stolen shamelessly from wikipedia.

Yep. Dress uniforms for all women are long skirts, but mixed units have trousers for field and parade, while they're significantly shorter in women's units for field dress. And yeah, that's it. Example stolen shamelessly from wikipedia.

What if women's units wear baggy trousers? Like Zouaves? :O