You start by creating something small. Well, small compared to having created your entire mind and several concepts.
So you thought.
So within the entire expanse of non-existence, in order to break things up a little bit and give you something to play with, a planet has been drawn into existence.
Which, of course, took the creation of more concepts. Suddenly your mind is filled with thoughts of volume, mass, density, weight, gravity, texture, and shape. This planet is round, you now know, and both smooth and dusty. There are many types of particles that make up this thing you've called a planet, particles that you can tell are much more complex than just the concept of them turns out to be.
The particles most noticeable, to you anyways, are the ones that lay on the smooth surface. Dust. Sand. Fine particles of grit.
You take in all of these concepts, you memorize them, you add them to a growing list of things that you can learn more about and use to continue to create.
Choose up to 2.
[] Yourself
-[] Write in
[] The planet
-[] Write-in
[] Another existent compatriot
[] Another Planet
[] A realm
[] A universe
[] A Star
[] Magic
[] Those things from earlier! (the color white, blank canvas, piece of paper, bowl of rice)
[] Write-in
[] Mass
[] Volume
[] Particles
[] Density
[] Texture
[] Gravity
[] Write- in