[] Shared Habits. For whatever reason, lately you have developed a strange and inconsistent impulse to look proper and clean, along with a sudden rush of adrenaline when someone mentions the word 'coffee', and you don't know why...
I'm not ready for two potato-devouring characters in one story.
[X] Intrusive Thoughts. Normally, you are used to having someone talking inside your head (hi), but recently when you're near Ariela you have been getting odd thoughts in a mental voice you can only recognize as your magician's...
But what about sancticity of Starfall's mind
Actually wait. Does it mean Ariela will get a front seat for the Starfall&Parenthesis show, only today, only here, buy your tickets, good citizens!
Imagine if Ariela starts calling Parenthesis "Brackets". Oh, now I must vote for this.
[] Random Empathy Bursts. You admit that you don't have full control over your emotional state, but lately you've been even more erratic, with odd feelings and bursts of foreign emotions that you get only when you're near her...
Now that's a good, rational choice. What better way to establish rapport than boosted empathy? Unfortunately, I'm here to watch Starfall explode shit and chew potatoes, and you know what? She's all out of potatoes.
So yeah, maybe in another life.