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- Australia
[X]They can be beaten
Currently our loot modifier is offsetting our negative resources but when that expires I'll be worried that planting berries will be less effective in the mountains.
@Dark as Silver , @Kalrotix , @Random Paul
Would one of you mind changing your vote Amazonian to one of the generic aspects (Being amused by nature, Gathering berries, Making children) ?
The spear warriors increases Military by 1, but we currently do not have any enemies. The Amazonian aspect costs -1 Population, together the three votes will cost -3 Population out of our current 1 Population (other votes are raising Pop, but still).
Am I wrong about where that aspect will progress to?Remember, you are just eating berries lying around. You have no idea that they can be planted. You invented no new technologies since the beginning, all your aspects and decisions initiated social changes only.
Edit: Changed progress values, there was a mistake in there.
We're voting to upgrade aspects they aren't each actions. That would make gaining resources far too easy I suspect.@Dark as Silver , @Kalrotix , @Random Paul
Would one of you mind changing your vote Amazonian to one of the generic aspects (Being amused by nature, Gathering berries, Making children) ?
The spear warriors increases Military by 1, but we currently do not have any enemies. The Amazonian aspect costs -1 Population, together the three votes will cost -3 Population out of our current 1 Population (other votes are raising Pop, but still).
We have claimed the Mountains as our own, personally I want to aim to discover agriculture.
To gain Pre-pottery Neolithic we need (Cost: Knowledge -3, Resources -2, Population -3, Constructions -1) and currently we have Knowledge 2.5, Resources 0, Population 1, Constructions 0
We have no idea how gain 1 Constructions, I am hoping voting for Stay in place and Being amused by nature will lead us to develop buildings.
Either way, we need several people to vote for Gathering berries (Resources) and Making children (Population) before we can develop out of the Late Stone Age.
Am I wrong about where that aspect will progress to?
We're voting to upgrade aspects they aren't each actions. That would make gaining resources far too easy I suspect.
EDIT: changed due to new/updated information (see the post following this one)
We have claimed the Mountains as our own, personally I want to aim to discover agriculture.
To gain Pre-pottery Neolithic we need (Cost: Knowledge -3, Resources -2, Population -3, Constructions -1) and currently we have Knowledge 1.5, Resources 1, Population 1, Constructions 0
We have no idea how gain 1 Constructions, I am hoping voting for Stay in place and Being amused by nature will lead us to develop buildings.
Either way, we need many people to vote for Gathering berries (Resources) and Making children (Population) before we can develop out of the Late Stone Age.
We have a choice between sending a group of people to an almost certain death, or betting the fate of our entire tribe on this expedition.Edit. If you think it is suicidal to go into the mountains, then why are voting for that option ?![]()
Yo guys we need to focus on food and research about food.
A few civ quests ended early due to voters never spending more than a couple turns on food immediately upon mentions of starvation.
[X] Enjoy Nature
Good point. But i think that vote has ended. I will vote for this at the next turn.
Yes, but there is an upper limit. Too many votes without a counterbalance will mess up pacing.Our civ does better with more voters right?
Gonna get more ppl from FoD to do hitandrun riot research votes![]()