The Three Sisters

"Why exactly are you so keen on capturing a sand dragon all of a sudden?"

"I was drinking at the tavern on Lorde Street night before last
I see. It's a respectful reason, and a source of many an inspiration. I regret not going drinking last time were in town, maybe we'd have a similar project of our own. Ask not 'why', but 'why not', and all that jazz.

[x] Wave 'hi' at the creature.
You pick up your pace just enough to come up beside Professor Piper, stepping into the rocky area beside the trail in order to do so, and tap her on the shoulder.

"What?" She asks testily, raising her eyebrow when she sees the way that you are skipping from rock to rock to keep pace beside her.

You point up at the creature clinging to the wall above the head of the caravan and quietly ask, "Should we be worried about that?"

It takes the professor a few seconds to recognize what she is looking for, but when she does, her face goes pale.

"Yes, we absolutely should be worried. That's a Kaertidon. They're tough, venomous, fire resistant, and extremely territorial. The only reason it hasn't attacked is because of the size of the group. They're also set off by sound so keep quiet. You spread the word to everyone behind us. I'll go forward. And tell everyone to keep moving. If we're lucky, we can get past without a fight."

You make your way back through the line of people and animals, quietly pointing out the creature to everyone and relaying Professor Piper's instructions to stay silent and keep moving. The caravan slows to a crawl as its members carefully check their footing for every step, trying to ensure that they don't send another rock clattering down the slope, but they don't stop. You were worried for a moment when you whispered hasty instructions to the other students. One of them looked like he was about to turn and bolt back down the ravine, but he gulped mightily when you pointed out that he'd just get caught in a pile-up and responded with a nod.

The entire time, you reviewed your limited spell list in your head, cursing the fact that Shrink Creature and Sleep both required you to actually touch the creature involved. You could easily hit it with Poison, but it would be nowhere near enough to put down a creature that size. It could make it slow and clumsy though.

[ ] Keep your distance and ready yourself to cast poison if it makes a move
[ ] Position yourself underneath the creature and prepare to cast Shrink Creature if it drops
[ ] Position yourself underneath the creature and prepare to cast Sleep if it drops
[ ] Write-in
[x] Position yourself underneath the creature and prepare to cast Shrink Creature if it drops

Aren't monsters rumoured to belong to the Witch? Or is it just sand dragons?
[X] Keep your distance and ready yourself to cast poison if it makes a move

Seeing as it's an ambush predator, this should hamper it significantly, and let those with the firepower to take it down do their job. Getting in close is just gonna get us killed.
[X] Keep your distance and ready yourself to cast poison if it makes a move

Getting within touch range of a venomous thing seems like poor decision making.
[X] Keep your distance and ready yourself to cast poison if it makes a move
Nothing about what we've heard of these makes getting in melee range appealing.
[X] Keep your distance and ready yourself to cast poison if it makes a move

Yeah, I agree with everyone else. Getting close and personal is a mistake, best to slow the bastard down if it strikes.
[x] Position yourself underneath the creature and prepare to cast Shrink Creature if it drops

Aren't monsters rumoured to belong to the Witch? Or is it just sand dragons?
It was the guide who was talking about that, saying most things in the desert belong to her, but especially dragons.
Well, how true is it?

On one hand, you'd expect the guide to know about their trade. On the other, the Witch and whatever surrounds her is a topic rife with superstition and hearsay.
Well, how true is it?

On one hand, you'd expect the guide to know about their trade. On the other, the Witch and whatever surrounds her is a topic rife with superstition and hearsay.
Well now, the only person who can answer that is the witch herself...
Adhoc vote count started by CDRW on Oct 18, 2018 at 12:10 PM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Keep your distance and ready yourself to cast poison if it makes a move
    [x] Position yourself underneath the creature and prepare to cast Shrink Creature if it drops
You make your way down to the end of the caravan, quietly informing everyone of the danger above, and keeping an eye on the Kaertidon as best you can, ready to hit it with a poison spell if it made a move. The problem was, "as best you can" was not very good. The bottom of the ravine was a broken mess, filled with dirt and rocks and boulders that had fallen from above. In this location, it was nearly thirty feet wide, and the path meandered back and forth, skirting boulders the size of wagons, and seeking the spots where the ground was packed and would not shift underfoot. The trail moved side to side nearly as much as it moved forward, and ascended towards the desert above. You were able to keep the camouflaged beast within sight due to its position above the group, but the people on the path were only visible for a few yards in front and behind you. Thus, you never saw what set it off.

The sound of clattering stone came from somewhere up the trail as you were speaking to a nervous mule handler, and, out of the corner of your eye, you saw the Kaertidon push let go of the wall and fall, jaws gaping wide.

Instantly, you whirled around and called up your magic. Water mages need water in order to cast their spells, and water was precious in the desert. None was present in the environment around you, and your canteen was cappedto prevent spills, but you were not deterred. A water mage is never found without his element. Your mouth instantly goes dry as you use your magic to pull your saliva into a tiny, swirling sphere of water. With practiced ease, you manipulate the digestive enzymes present into something much more dangerous and send it flying towards the beast.

The poison you had created, with the potency and the amount you had created would struggle to reliably kill a dog, let alone this monstrous thing. Fortunately, though, you did not need to kill it. That was the job of Professor Mia-Rose and the soldiers. Your aim was true, and the small glob of poison disappeared down the gaping maw of the beast. An instant later, a hail of crossbow bolts shattered on its skin, followed by a small boulder which crashed into it, knocking it away from whatever poor soul it was about to land on and into the wall at the base of the ravine.

The boulder must have been Professor Haas's work, and you knew that he would be out of the fight now. Actually moving rocks and earth was the most difficult thing to do with earth magic, as that went against its very nature of stability and permanence. That boulder had to have weighed more than a hundred pounds. You would be surprised if he had even managed to stay conscious after a feat like that.

The beast staggered to its feet, and you got your first real look at it. It was an ugly thing, short legged and massive, with a long snout lined with conical teeth visible even when it was closed. Its feet were powerful, with short stubby fingers or toes tipped with wicked looking claws that it apparently would drive into the rock face to anchor itself. It looked like a turtle with the head of a crocodile and the legs and of a lizard.

That was when Professor Mia-Rose struck. A lance of flame tore from her staff and impacted with the beast's head, engulfing it in a fiery inferno. At first, it did not seem to hinder the beast much. However solid it appeared, the flame did not actually have the mass needed to physically push the Kaertidon aside like the boulder had, and even from this distance, you could tell that it was not being burned. However, with a level of skill and precision that you almost couldn't believe, she kept the inferno centered on its head whenever it moved.

At first, the beast didn't do anything. It seemed like it was stunned, whether by the impact or by your poison, you couldn't tell. When it took action, it was explosive. It threw its head from side to side, and clawed at its face., trying to clear away the mantle of flame. When that didn't work it ran. It was obvious that the beast couldn't see, so you weren't surprised when its shoulder impacted the wall. Its front right leg fell into a hole between two rocks and collapsed under it, pitching it over onto its shoulder and then back, carried by the slope and its own momentum, where it clawed at the air, unable to get its legs or tail into a position where it could leverage itself over. The soldiers could have jumped in at that point, but instead, they waited and watched as its movements grew weaker and weaker as the flame engulfing its head robbed it of air. Eventually it stopped moving completely, but the fire mage kept up the spell. Only several minutes later did she drop it and the soldiers moved in and drove their swords into any chinks in its rock-like scales they could find.

[ ] Check on Professor Haas
[ ] Examine the Kaertidon up close
[ ] Make sure the people under it when it leapt are alright
[ ] Write-in
[X] Check on Professor Haas

Poor lad probably put a lot of strain on himself.
Alright, this looks fun so I'm joining in.

[X] Check on Professor Haas

Professor Piper opens her mouth to deliver what was very likely an acidic retort about stupid superstitions, but the guide had already turned away and was now shouting instructions at the porters and soldiers, telling them what positions they needed to take in the caravan.

So - who else is wondering if we're going to have to use the tarp to put over Professor Piper here? Because by the looks of things the natives aren't being superstitious but are going by hard earned experience. I think I know why the precognitive wind mage thinks we need four iron statuettes. Well one reason at least.

[ ]Air: "Good for" is debatable, but it can be used for interacting with the mind, time, and other intangibles that man was not meant to understand via dreams, hypnosis, illusions, precognition, communing with eldritch abominations, ect. Backfires amazingly often. Users tend to go insane or get themselves lynched. Often both. Favored by people with large egos and small brains. Also lets you make gusts of wind.

Alright keep this in mind whenever we . are dealing with Chupon. She's in a field that deals with precognition, hypnosis, illusions and dreams. And is very good at it. Going by her feats I think she has illusions and precognition down. And given that we're dealing with witches - probably the communing with eldritch abominations.

You are more than just a little bit unsettled at what you've just learned about Chupon. She's a wind mage, and a powerful one at that. There is no way she could move fast enough to hide behind something in the eyeblink you lost sight of her, or, at least, not without using some very flashy and noticeable magic. That meant she had almost certainly used Invisibility, which was an extremely high level wind spell. Used by a ten-year-old. At least you knew why she acted so weird now. Wind magic was not conducive to a person's long-term sanity. It was illegal in most parts of the Empire, and only allowed in the city because of the influence wielded by the Mage's University. In fact, one of the professors speaking with the guide was a wind mage. You hadn't ever spoken with him, but you knew him by reputation.

Now the thing with Chupon is that I think she's perfectly sane. It's just that she's filtering information that the listener won't know and mixes it in with precognition. People sound crazy when they have to start mixing future tense with past/present tense to describe when they learned something. Which is again in the wind mage's tool kit. Our MC is from a biased perspective here, since it looks like the students and professors have bad habits of not actually listening to the locals.

Also given that illusions are also in the skills of this set - decent odds that Chupon isn't a little kid always.

"Yeah, it's a very nice street too! I'm glad I picked it. Lots of pickpockets who like to pick things." She holds out her hand to the side and lets a small purse dangle from her fingers. "You need to keep a better eye on this, by the way. You've been robbed three times already! Its lucky I was here to un-rob you, but I'm bored of trying to figure out how just how bad you are at noticing you've been robbed, so I'm not going to do it again. A word for the wisher, its the kids you have to watch the most. Don't trust street urchins."

Also I think the kid counts as a street urchin. Which she out right said not to trust.

1. Bad Things happen to people who meet the Witch. She lives in the high desert. Don't go there.
2. Always carry iron on you. The Witch avoids people with iron.
3. If you do run into the Witch (most people manage to live a full life without, so don't worry too much), DON'T MEET HER EYES.
4. Don't fuck with important rich people. Or witches.


You re-read the "Tourist Survey and Information Pamphlet" for the third time, then put your hands on your hips and glare down at the little blonde girl in a burlap sack that had been re-purposed into a dress. She is currently staring at a preying mantis sitting on a bush eating a smaller preying mantis. "Is this a joke?" You ask incredulously.

"What is a joke?" She replies, her eyes locked on the miniature spectacle of gore and violence. "Is it just something funny, or is there something else that it has to have to be a joke? I don't know, but I do know two things! It's funny, and you have to fill it out or I won't go away."

See this is a large part of why I don't think she's crazy just eccentric. She understood what was said she just wants to know what a joke is.

Something else to keep everyone worried - praying mantises do eat other praying mantises. Including hungry females during mating. On the other hand - this doesn't always happen.

"Oh, by the way," Chupon interrupts one more time. She is holding out her finger for the preying mantis to crawl on and giggles as its legs tickle her skin. "Those four things at the end aren't jokes."

She comes back to the question asked. Which says a lot about what she thinks about those four things at the end. She doesn't find them funny.

I'm going to stress that. The girl who watches praying mantisses eat each other, and promises to follow our MC around complete with setting the guard on us doesn't think what's going on with the witch is funny.

"Thank you!" You could see her cheeks crinkle up as she smiled. "It's nice to find someone who'll play with me. Nobody else does."

A gust of wind whipped your hair in front of your eyes, and when you brush it away, the kid is gone. You do manage to catch her voice calling from around the corner up the street though.

"Don't forget to buy four iron statuettes! Oh, and a tarp!"

Another thing is that if Chupon is precognitive (knowing Alex's name) - well she likes Alex because he played along. So I do think this is accurate advice.

"Wow! Handsome, follows nonsensical and potentially damaging instructions given to you by strange women without question—I notice you bought four statuettes and a tarp by the way—not a fire mage, and lucky enough to pick purple to boot! You have my blessing to date my sister. Try not to let her kill you!"

So again - she's precognitive so odds are that her sister is going to attempt to kill us.

Also of note is that her knowing that we're not a fire mage is due to that survey. We've also been in the area for awhile - and Chupon already knew our name from some method. And had the survey to figure out that we weren't a fire mage.

"Flower language, you ninny! Pink carnations represent the undying love of a mother and also remembrance for the dead. And since I'm pretty sure I'm not your mom... Pick a purple one."

You swallow. "What... what do purple carnations represent?"

You can practically hear the grin in her voice. "Capriciousness."

So Capriciousness is defined by Miriam-Webster's as:

Caprice is further defined as:
1a: a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action
policy changes that seem to be motivated by nothing more than caprice

b: a sudden usually unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes
the caprices of the weather

2: a disposition to do things impulsively
a preference for democratic endeavor over authoritarian caprice

3: CAPRICCIO sense 3

So another note of interest, I looked up carnations. Pink being remembrance for the dead isn't actually normal with carnations. So as our street urchin says she's not our mother... well the meaning is acting like a gift from her to us. Someone giving someone a flower for remembrance for the dead does sound to be a lead up to a funeral.

Notably I can't find a single meaning for the giving of a purple carnation.

These flowers indicate capriciousness, implying purple carnations usually convey condolence for the unfortunate circumstance. They can also be presented to seek apology.

Purple is the best hue of carnation to give a friend that you find unpredictable or impulsive. Thus giving out purple carnation may also mean as a friendly reminder to tone down hasty or reckless behavior. Just like yellow carnations (which means rejection), purple carnations also signify repulsion, dislike or antipathy.

Purple carnations indicate capriciousness. In France, it is a traditional funeral flower, given in condolence for the death of a loved one.

Superstitions: Many of the superstitions around carnations revolve around other colors like red, pink and white. However, purple carnations are deemed as the flowers of the dead mostly because of its color. Just like yellow carnations, purple carnations are not paired with any other colors of carnations mainly because they mean something negative.

"Come get your flowers! Right here flowers for sale! Today's special is carnations, carnations caaaaarnations! Are they pink!? AAAAAAAre they purple!? Take a chance! Roll the dice! You'll find out at sunrise! Either way you have a pretty flower to give the pretty ladies!"

That said, if we still have it - we might want to consider whether it'd be useful to give to her sister if she attacks.
The girl who watches praying mantisses eat each other, and promises to follow our MC around complete with setting the guard on us doesn't think what's going on with the witch is funny.
Not necessarily. She only said the rules weren't a joke.
She'd probably find it pretty funny if we try and break them.

Then again, we are breaking rule number one already, how much worse can it be to break another one? :V
Not necessarily. She only said the rules weren't a joke.

True, it's just that she defined a joke as something that's funny or something that's funny and X.

"What is a joke?" She replies, her eyes locked on the miniature spectacle of gore and violence. "Is it just something funny, or is there something else that it has to have to be a joke? I don't know, but I do know two things! It's funny, and you have to fill it out or I won't go away."

That's usually a good way of setting up they mean something when they use a word they defined their personal meaning from.

So how I see the the last four aren't a joke is that she doesn't see the rules as funny.

She'd probably find it pretty funny if we try and break them.

Oh I agree. Especially since the pink flower she gives the meaning of a mourning flower, and the purple carnation has the connotation of a mourning flower anyways. We had the pick between two mourning flowers.

It's only a question of how much it's going to hurt.

[ ]Earth: Good for protection, building, shaping, interacting with the tangible world, and throwing rocks at the heads of people you don't like. Is also used in summoning and contractual magic for some reason. Favored by craftsmen and lawyers. Very useful in the high desert.

So I think we now know one possible the Dragons are considered the Witch's. They might be under contract with her or summoned by her.
Hello. I want to apologize for the lack of updates. It's been caused by a combination of me getting sick and shit hitting the fan at work so I can't even stay home and recuperate. This has not been abandoned, I promise. I just need some time to get my feet back under me.