Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 386 63.8%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
To steal a line from another place, another time... "There is no rule that a fake cannot surpass the original."
But I'd argue that Big Boss isn't just a person anymore, he became an idea, an icon, during MSF (Peace Walker). You can't prove you've killed Big Boss... because Big Boss cannot be killed, people won't accept it. As long as you can reach that place... you are Big Boss.

"Big Boss can't be dead, that must be someone else."

"Hey did you hear, Big Boss just stopped an entire terrorist attack all by himself."
"SEE, Told you Big Boss wasn't dead."
Ehh, considering how John would run things I don't think it would take long for people to realize he's not the Big Boss who made the world a better place. Keep in mind that this is Vic Boss, the guy who was quite happy to let his top man be brainwashed into essentially bait and a body double. On top of using him to fake his own death. Venom's and Vic's methodologies are very discernable.
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Ehh, considering how John would run things I don't think it would take long for people to realize he's not the Big Boss who made the world a batter place. Keep in mind that this is Vic Boss, the guy who was quite happy to let his top man be brainwashed into essentially bait and a body double. On top of using him to fake his own death. Venom's and Vic's methodologies are very discernable.
Nothing says things cant change after having seen his Phantom fulfill the dreams he could not.
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*

I mostly just liked how Paz as a character was handled in the last quest, so picking her just get her up and about sooner.

Deescalating the nuclear situation isn't quite something I'd normally care all that much about, but it's multiturn and promises funnizy so I can't say no. I just hope it won't negatively impact working on the more beneficial parasites, like One That Covers and related things like Metallic archaea.
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[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*

May as well go for the feel-good Denuclearization bonus, and taking care of Paz while it's still on Easy to do so makes sense here.
This'll net you a CP. Snake seems really stiff though, like he's generally taciturn, but I don't ever see him calling Huey Dr. Emmerich.


Okay, I think we're past all the omakes. Any omakes submitted from here on will be saved for the next turn.

This'll net you a CP. Snake seems really stiff though, like he's generally taciturn, but I don't ever see him calling Huey Dr. Emmerich.


Okay, I think we're past all the omakes. Any omakes submitted from here on will be saved for the next turn.
About that 0:55

Still you'll notice that as soon as they are alone he goes right back to calling him Huey. Also part of the reason he seems stiff is becuase he knows what's about to happen. While he okayed it he isn't happy about it.
[x] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1

The Denuking dream lives.
Ultimately the denuclearisation choice is a character vote that will follow us to VC.

It sets the tone on how we treat those of valkyria blood in terms of how we use then.

I like it. It makes for a more complex story given the fact that we aren't just dealing with machines any more. But living breathing humans.
Honestly I noticed that the Denuclearization choice is Very Clearly labeled as Denuclearization 1. Wonder what 2 or perhaps 3 will involve?
Not really sure what to give here. I'll say it gets Ocelot started on a trait where he deals with Child Soldiers better.

Herm. I mean, yeah that's ok.

But if I may, well, the piece was more an exploration of Ocelot's feelings towards the kids then him "dealing" with them. If it achieves anything, trait wise, it should be about how he deals with the children at a mental level. As in, how he comes to terms with it.

However, as this is Ocelot, he doesn't need that because this is clearly a man who has long ago come to terms with that kind of crap.

If I may limit my reward, so to say, how about it just gives someone who is dealing with the child soldiers, and who Ocelot is helping, a one time small bonus? No trait development for better results later on, and no permanence.

...Altough it's also possible that I am seriously misinterpreting the worth of the rewards here. Did I, errr, get their value right?

[x] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
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Conservation Interruption by Darik29
Conservation Interruption (Or how Cookie met Bosco)

Days off on Mother Base aren't exactly rare, but every day they happen are to be treasured deeply. If only because of the time available to appreciate a hobby.

Cookie's nominal hobby was fishing off the side of the lower decks, out on the edge of the Supply platform. Not only was it a wonderful way to relax, but it was also far enough away from the Command Platform that he wouldn't risk losing his rod to the Guardian's pod.

Yep, just a nice cold drink and a quiet afternoon of fishing-

At which point, as if the universe were determined to prove him wrong, Cookie could see a Fulton device coming in for a landing.

"God dammit Boss, can't ever take a break huh?"

Shaking his head, Cookie sighed and took a minute to regret his lost day off. Then he sat up and pulled out some binoculars from his bag. Best to see what was coming in now, and decide where to put it.


Wait a minute.

Rubbing his eyes, Cookie checked again.

No, he was not mistaken. That was indeed a full grown bear dangling beneath that Fulton.

It looked mildly put out, to say the least.

"Huh. Thought Commander Miller threatened Boss with an ass whooping if he started doing that Animal Conservation thing..."

Suddenly, Cookie's rod started to spin out, and he cursed as he grabbed at it and tried to stop it from falling overboard. Tossing his binoculars back into the pack, he took a firm hold and started reeling back his catch, Hard.

A bit harder than necessary, even. With a mighty heave, a great big Yellowfin Tuna fish flew up into the air. Closer.... Closer.......

And in the middle of its trajectory, the bear caught the fish.


God damnit Boss! I know this is your fault! I can feel you looking at me from wherever you are! I'm not taking care of the damn bear! I already have to order supplies for DDog, I'm not trying to order armor for a DBear!


At least the Bear looked happy with its meal.

Hell with it. Anything that likes Yellowfin that much can't be all bad. Needs a name though, if only to stop Boss from calling it DBear...
Geez this game is addicting...finally started working on MB, have over 300 men (close to 350) and have gotten all four platforms working...soon...

Oh yeah I have a crap ton of mortars and emplacement guns waiting to be placed when the times right...

Also those challenge rewards are being nuts!

Yeah...if this is how things are in MG base building my guy took his time. But it was worth it...

I blame you guys for giving me a new way to unleash my inner magpie!!!
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*