The Human Condition (Stellaris-Inspired)

[X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[X] Inward Perfection
-[X] Parliamentary System

[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic

[X][Nation] The Earth Statesman's Commonwealth (Democratic, Steward)
-[X] Mining Guilds
-[X] Functional Architecture

I don't have a whole lot of opinion on what's best, I'm just voting what I think would be fun to read.

I may also be really bad at names.
This seems to create a system massively tilted in favor of the majority party, and I'm not sure I'm on board with that.
Intolerance to strange ideas fits with Xenophobe/Spiritualist though, as those strange fringe non-majority party ideas might be heresy, so the other parties had better make a very convincing argument.
Sure, it means frequent purging of incompetent rivals to the majority party and hamstrings the opposition parties, but with yearly elections, what goes around can come around fairly quickly.
[X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
-[X] Meritocracy
-[X] Shadow Council

The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
Leaders start with +1 level.
Leaders who are part of the Shadow Council gain bonuses when helping each other and can cut past bureaucratic red tape.

Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.
Players have no control over who is in the Shadow Council, and what their ultimate goal is.
[X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[X] Exalted Priesthood
-[X] Environmentalist
[X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[X] Inward Perfection
-[X] Parliamentary System

[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic

[X][Nation] The Earth Statesman's Commonwealth (Democratic, Steward)
-[X] Mining Guilds
-[X] Functional Architecture

I don't have a whole lot of opinion on what's best, I'm just voting what I think would be fun to read.

I may also be really bad at names.
Settle on one vote, please.

Also, really happy with the ongoing arguments and the variety in votes.
Oh, sorry mate, I forgot how riot voting works.

[X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[X] Inward Perfection
-[X] Parliamentary System
Thank you.

Generally, I'll preface my riot voting with a [riot] tag to let people know how it works. If it isn't clear in the future, let me know.
[X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
-[X] Meritocracy
-[X] Shadow Council
[X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[X] Exalted Priesthood
-[X] Environmentalist
Deus vult
Adhoc vote count started by Pyro Hawk on Oct 7, 2018 at 10:07 PM, finished with 45 posts and 26 votes.
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic

Guess it's time to change my vote because I'd really rather the Gains don't win... And it's not like I wasn't thinking about voting for the EAC originally, just decided to go with the other one because I preferred a democracy.

... That said, just what do you mean when you said the government vote is a riot vote QM? How does that work?
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic
I'm torn. I want Inward Perfection, but also acknowledge that for a quest it might not be that exciting, with the lack of diplomacy. It depends how quickly we can start probing the Shroud, to me. Neither of the leading options appeal to me over the other, they're about the same, so I will go with the Priesthood for now.

[X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[X] Exalted Priesthood
-[X] Environmentalist
Honestly, I'm surprised that many people are voting to take Central Bureaucracy this early in the government process, as it is something I generally leave for a later government reform when you start letting control go more towards the sectors rather than keeping it all underneath your direct control.

I'm also kind of shocked with how many are seeking to have a Parliamentary System be in place since it means that Xenophobes, Spiritualists, and Pacifists will be allowed to entrench themselves. While I've got no love for Pacifists in Stellaris since I love that military expansion and PURGE, I'm not sure if we want to grant that much power to the starter parties, especially considering that I doubt we'd find XENOS that quickly, and the Spiritualism only starts to really kick in with the Shroud, meaning that our majority parties aren't that great for early game use in my eyes. Could be wrong though.
I want Inward Perfection, but also acknowledge that for a quest it might not be that exciting, with the lack of diplomacy. It depends how quickly we can start probing the Shroud, to me.
From a certain point of view, probing the Shroud is diplomatic action too, isn't it? :p
If Inward Perfectionists don't care about physical beings that surround them, why should they care about energy beings from the other dimension?
Honestly, I'm surprised that many people are voting to take Central Bureaucracy this early in the government process, as it is something I generally leave for a later government reform when you start letting control go more towards the sectors rather than keeping it all underneath your direct control.

I'm also kind of shocked with how many are seeking to have a Parliamentary System be in place since it means that Xenophobes, Spiritualists, and Pacifists will be allowed to entrench themselves. While I've got no love for Pacifists in Stellaris since I love that military expansion and PURGE, I'm not sure if we want to grant that much power to the starter parties, especially considering that I doubt we'd find XENOS that quickly, and the Spiritualism only starts to really kick in with the Shroud, meaning that our majority parties aren't that great for early game use in my eyes. Could be wrong though.
Eh, part of why I'm voting Meritocracy to go along with the Parliamentary Democracy.

It allows for new majority parties to start rooting out members of the previous establishment if members of said previous establishment fail to be sufficiently competent.
This might go double if the new majority party has an ethic that conflicts with the ethics of the old majority party, like Materialist vs Spiritualist.
[X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
-[X] Meritocracy
-[X] Shadow Council
[X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
-[X] Shadow Council
-[X] Cutthroat Politics

Ahhh, the classic combination of a united peaceful public face and a lot of vicious backstabbing behind closed doors.
[X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
-[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
-[X] Meritocracy
[X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
-[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
-[X] Meritocracy
[x][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[x] Exalted Priesthood
-[x] Environmentalist

Fully theocracy now