Can Droids Dream?: A Droid Jedi Quest (Star Wars)

[X] The Bunker

This feels like what the Surrender option would have been. Well, time to leave. Also, what's up with Yodi here? I can't tell if he's shocked about our existence or he doesn't like us.
[X] The Bunker

protect new friends...the CIS can go to heck for this shit.

we must find a way around the programming issues and become the super droid we can be....maybe we can find the Shard order of force using-machines?
[X] The Command Center
Master Yoda and the other Jedi are there. You feelthat you need to go to them.
Why is the Main Character so casual in conversation? Do star wars EU Droid actually talk like that?
[x] The Bunker
Its the safest place to be. Plus you feellike your equipment is there.
[X] The Command Center
Master Yoda and the other Jedi are there. You feel that you need to go to them.
Implications are what's with Yoda. If one droid is touched by the Force then are all droids living in the eyes of the Force?
All clones are unique in the Force, if this is true for droids too, or even if one in a million is, then they deserve things like mercy and redemption according to Jedi philosophy. Which is quite something to take in I imagine.

Compare it to that one episode of Doctor Who where Peter Capaldi went inside the 'good' Dalek.