[X] Plan Cast A Hook
-[X] "Should not all strive to be more then they are?"
-[X] "You have seen my shape and assumed to know who I am, just a greedy, preening lizard. But know that I am more then scales and flame."
-[X] Transform into your human shape.
-[X] "Though I am afraid that I do not gift all my secrets to just anyone."

She's a wizard. Poke her curiosity.
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She's a wizard. Poke her curiosity.
Why do we need to, though?
She's a possible plothook, I'll admit that much.

But I don't see any huge incentive to interact with her, her "comrades", or literlly anyone on this plane, outside mission parametres (which pointedly do not have sharing secrets or info that may lead to outside parties getting better results with divination).

Why do we need to, though?
She's a possible plothook, I'll admit that much.

But I don't see any huge incentive to interact with her, her "comrades", or literlly anyone on this plane, outside mission parametres (which pointedly do not have sharing secrets or info that may lead to outside parties getting better results with divination).

She might have nifty things in her spell-book and might be able to be a mid-level craft-monkey for us.

In the short term though, I want to see her reaction to our monkey-suit and lure some information out of her.

Let's be perfectly clear on one thing: We have zero intel on the PoF. We have no idea about the lay of the land, the details of the political situation, the current state of the war, knowledge about other actors in the PoF or anything really.

Every chance to learn something about the place should be exploited.
-[X] Transform into your human shape.
-[X] "Though I am afraid that I do not gift all my secrets to just anyone."
Aren't we giving her those secrets by showing her our human form? If we do this, we're giving her our face which recognisable as Viserys Targeryen. At this point we have the beginnings of an extra-planer reputation and while I doubt these guys would know who we are, they might reveal our face to someone who would.
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[X] das_slash

Do not, do not toss out the secrecy we worked to protect.

We have a dozen spells aagains.... We have mind blank. O.k. then I guess.
[X] das_slash

It feels incomplete.
Look at das':
Now is not the time to be promoting her to recall childhood stories told by her crazy grandpa.

I don't want to have to deal with a sudden "Valyria, the paradise of tits and wine grandpa was always talking about? Really, that's how you want to play this? I suppose you are all secretly from the Plane of Balance, too?"
Since that's a very short deflection, do you want to start with the next steps?

Going through the ship for foes, prisoners and loot, securing the hellfire guns, putting some bubble-wrap around the petrified devils so we don't loose loot and sacrifice to a random wave hitting the ship, etc.
Didn't quite seem like the appropriate place, since we need to deal with Siduri's concerns and probably convince Yrten we don't plan to eat him and his crew.
Why do we need to, though?
She's a possible plothook, I'll admit that much.

But I don't see any huge incentive to interact with her, her "comrades", or literlly anyone on this plane, outside mission parametres (which pointedly do not have sharing secrets or info that may lead to outside parties getting better results with divination).


To get contextual information regarding the PoF and furthermore, who these people's employers are.
Interlude CCXCIX: Maker's Fire
Maker's Fire

Seventh Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

In the usual run of things Lya had no trouble concentrating on her work, be it the most meticulous or repetitive study... but there was something about fire, something that did not lend itself to either of those things. It seemed to her that the subject matter at hand required that one be distracted to truly grasp the essence of that most passionate of elements, creation and destruction woven inextricably together. Of course it was all very well and good to embrace distraction as a philosophical point, but once the proverbial boat got untethered from the pier it was rather hard to steer towards inspiration rather than daydreaming... I wonder if it actually counts as dreaming. I should ask Daenerys.

The young mage shook the latest fancy out of her head ruefully. "Mayhap I'm not a very fiery person," she said softly in the silence of the laboratory.

"Nonsense! Where do you think we come from?" a small voice like hers yet not called. It was quite entertaining to see the tiny porcelain figure of Spark tapping her foot at her impatiently, Lya thought, though she would of course never say so.

"I sculpted you from clay and blood," the mage replied. "Of that was born the crimson of your hair long before you were baked in the kiln."

"And what is blood, if not iron running red through your veins?" came the next stubborn question. "When have you ever seen iron run red save in the forge?"

"Rust is red..." The words began with a smile that trailed off into understanding. That was what she was missing. Things could burn slow as well as quick. Fire in small places. "You're brilliant!" she declared.

"Well of course I am," Spark preened, though only for a moment before her natural curiosity came to the fore. "What brilliant thing did I say precisely?"

"Fire is everywhere, and everything is burning if you look closely enough..." the sage paused a moment.
"Everything alive at least. I don't have to manufacture inspiration to create or to destroy. I don't have to catch it like air, or give it shape like water. Just fan the flames and watch the magic as men have done since the first spark fell on dry tinder in a circle of stones."

The soft faint scratching of a quill on parchment distracted her for a moment. "What... Why are you doing that?" Lya corrected herself, knowing she would get a jest for an answer if she asked an inexact question.

"Oh... you see, me and Ember sell some of your mussing off to Scholarum students. You know, when you are just mumbling about the lab talking about stuff and magic." No doubt seeing her scowl the clay wright hastened to explain: "Nothing secret or too advanced and likely to get them hurt, just metaphorical constructs. You know they don't resonate equally with everyone, and you go through a great many of them working on your projects."

"Do I actually get distracted enough that I don't notice you and your sister taking notes?" It was the mage's turn to sound a little sheepish.

"All the time," Spark bobbed her diminutive porcelain head with a clink.

"Well from now on I'd like to look over your notes before you go off with them, just to be safe," Lya replied. "What have you been using the money for anyway?"

"We've been making commissions to skilled artists, mostly painters and sculptors who don't have the coin to start out proper. Lady Hermetia helped start us out," the little crafting spirit explained. "We are, after all, crafters as well as crafted. It's pleasant to be able to help out our colleagues just stepping out on the road of life, burdened by the necessities of fleshy existence as they are." She gave Lya a measuring look: "At least you seem to be getting over it since we made you that ring."

"Well..." Lya looked on wonderingly at what she had wrought. "I'm proud of you and your sister as much for this as for any treasure you have forged."

The tiny clay figure could not blush, but from the way she ducked her head it was clear she would be doing so.

OOC: Just to put you guys at ease there's no security breach, just a look into the character of both Lya and her creations (even the ones who do not get a lot of screen time).
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@Azel maybe have us start with the collection of fiends on deck if we have the room in our bags of holding (or at least our big shiny) and going into the inside (two or three groups, all with social party members each), to stop sabotage and damage by any remaining non-teleport capable fiends?

[X] Azel

...@thread, is there a daemonic equivalent to imps or quasits!? :rage:

Edit: Constructs going off in unexpected places! Awesome! I love free constructs :D

Unless it's the seeker. @DragonParadox, we still keep an eye on the seeker, yeah? Do we ever ask it for it's current priority orders, or if there have been any changes to it (graft influence over time, for example)
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Maker's Fire

Seventh Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

In the usual run of things Lya had no trouble concentrating on her work, be it the most meticulous and repetitive study... but there was something about fire, something that did not lend itself to either of those things. It seemed to her that the subject matter at hand required that one be distracted to truly grasp the essence of that most passionate of elements, creation and destruction woven inextricably together. Of course it was all very will and good to embrace distraction as a philosophical point, but once the proverbial boat got untethered from the pier it was rather hard to steer towards inspiration rather than daydreaming... I wonder if it actually counts as dreaming. I should ask Daeenerys.

The young mage shook the latest fancy out of her head ruefully. "Mayhap I'm not a very fiery person," she said softly in the silence of the laboratory.

"Nonsense. Where do you think we come from?" a small voice like hers yet not called. It was quite entertaining to see the tiny porcelain figure of Spark tapping her foot at her impatiently, Lya thought, though she would of course never say so.

"I sculpted you from clay and blood," the mage replied. "Of that was born the crimson of your hair long before you were baked in the kiln."

"And what is blood, if not iron running red though your veins?" came the next stubborn question. "When have you ever seen iron run red save in the forge."

"Rust is red..." The words began with a smile trailed off into understanding. That was what she was missing. Things could burn slow as well as quick. Fire in small places. "You're brilliant!" she declared.

"Well of course I am," Spark preened, though only for a moment before her natural curiosity came to the fore. "What brilliant thing did I say precisely?"

"Fire is everywhere and everything is burning if you look closely enough..." the sage paused a moment. "Everything alive at least. I don't have to manufacture inspiration to create or to destroy. I don't have to catch it like air, or give it shape like water. Just fan the flames and watch the magic as men have done since the first spark fell on dry tinder in a circle of stones."

The soft faint scratching of a quill on parchment distracted her for a moment. "What... Why are you doing that?" Lya corrected herself knowing she would get a jest for an answer if she asked an inexact question.

"Oh... you see me and Ember sell some of your mussing off to Scholaium students. You know when you are just mumbling about the lab talking about stuff and magic." No doubt seeing her scowl the clay wight hastened to explain: "Nothing secret or too advanced and likely to get them hurt, just metaphorical constructs. You know they don't resonate equally with everyone and you go though a great many of them working on your projects."

"Do I actually get distracted enough that I don't notice you and your sister taking notes?" It was the mage's turn to sound a little sheepish.

"All the time," Spark bobbed her diminutive porcelain head with a clink.

"Well from now on I'd like to look over your notes before you go off with them, just to be safe," Lya replied. "What have you need using the money for anyway?"

"We've been making commissions to skilled artists, mostly painters and sculptors who don't have the coin to start out proper. Lady Hermetia helped start us out," the little crafting spirit explained. "We are after all crafters as well as crafted. It's pleasant to be able to help out our colleagues starting out on the road of life, burdened by the necessities of fleshy existence as they are." She gave Lya a measuring look: "At least you seem to be getting over it since we made you that ring."

"Well..." Lya looked on wonderingly at what she had wrought. "I'm proud of you and your sister as much for this as for any treasure you have forged."

The tiny clay figure could not blush, but from the way she ducked her head it was clear she would be doing so.

OOC: Just to put you guys at ease there's no security breach, just a look into the character of both Lya and her creations (even the ones who do not get a lot of screen time).
Aww, the Dedicated Wrights are so cute. :)