The Ravenous Horde: A Zombie Apocalypse Quest (Dead Reign/Beyond the Supernatural)

[X] Try and draw the zombies away

If we can play "Rubber band the horde" we can both be safe. As long as he can fend off the sprinter on him.
It's a zombie quest. These have been done to death. :V More importantly, it's the prologue and people don't know what to expect yet, give it time.

[] Escape
+He's been hit by a zombie and about to be bitten. He's a goner.

Really I've never seen one before. Aw shucks and here I thought I was being original.:(

He hasn't been bitten yet. He's got it by the throat and is holding it back while it tries to claw at his face.
Adhoc vote count started by Zrayz10 on Aug 27, 2018 at 7:41 PM, finished with 81 posts and 7 votes.
Well it seems we have a tie between running away and distracting the zombies. @Erehwon would you be willing to change your vote so as to break the tie?
[X] Try and draw the zombies away
I feel we need to do something to turn our luck around. We may die ether way regardless.
And with that the vote is closed! Luring them away wins! However it's kinda late where I am. If I can i'll update tonight, otherwise expect it on Wednesday.
Wake the Dead: Part 4
When faced with a life or death situation animals, humans included, revert to one of three basic reactions. Namely flight, fight, or freeze in place. For a weighty moment the first response seems like it might win out.

Then you look in Darrow's see the determination and desperation in them and your conscience comes roaring back to the forefront.

Quickly you look around for something you can use to draw the hordes attention. A fire extinguisher on the hallway wall catches your eyes. You rip it off the wall take a deep breath and scream.


Roll: 77, success

Drawn by the sound several of the heads in the horde turn to face you and begin heading toward you.

You raise the extinguisher and press down the trigger intending to blind them with a smoke screen.

Roll: 29

Assuming you survive this mess and he hasn't been eaten by the horde you fully intend to find whoever was in charge of keeping the fire extinguisher's filled and bash his head in, for the moment you press down the trigger only a weak hissing sound greets your ears.

Blast it's empty!

Desperately you try and hurl the extinguisher at the horde to slow them down...

Roll: 25

Man...maybe your trainer was right about you missing too many days at the gym cause that toss of yours was just plain pathetic.

Roll 86 + 10 distracted horde = 96!

Fortunately your efforts were not totally in vain. For as you are seemingly staring death in the face the extra time you bought him allows the Sgt. to put his self-defense training to work. With a shove he manages to roll the zombie snapping at his face onto its back, pin it down with his knees and shove his service gun into its mouth.


Not waisting a second he instantly rises to his feet raises his gun and fires twice more, dropping the two zombies closest to you.

What happens next confirms to you your newly forming theory of these creatures relying heavily on sound to hunt for the moment the gun goes off the few surviving creature turns their attention back to Darrow.

You take this opportunity to run forward, pick up the fire extinguisher you previously threw and ram it into the head of one of the zombies knocking it back and sending it into its two fellows. As they flop about on the ground Darrow takes aim and finishes off the three remaining beasts by emptying another clip into them.

For a moment you both can only catch your breath as the adrenaline leaves your system.

"Thanks for the help" Darrow offers with a tired smile.

"Don't mention it." you mutter back

"What the hell are you even doing back here anyway? I figured you would have run for the exit like all the other sensible people."
"I was trying to find my friend Mattie, what's your excuse?"
"Easy, I got lost trying to get the hell out of here. No way was I going to stick around...not after they got Jake"

At the mention of his fellow officer's name you see a glum look come over his face. Not knowing what else to do you simply put your hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze. He looks up with you and a brief look of thanks comes over his expression.

"So your looking for your friend? Are you sure she's even alive?"
"Mattie may be a nice girl but she's also a stubborn one. I'm sure she's still alive."
"Well you got any idea where she might be?" He asks as he reloads his gun.

Roll: 10, failure

Once more you try to access that strange new gift of yours but this time you don't even get the vague sense of direction you got before.

Your not liking what that might mean...

"No." You can only weakly respond.

"Damn...listen man I suppose I owe you for saving my ass so I'm willing to back you up in whatever you wanna do. Just let me know how you want to play this."

You decide:

[] To get the hell out of here. Mattie is your friend but is she really worth dying over?

[] To head back to the hall
-[] and go down the center hall
-[] and go down the right hall.

[] Actually one of the supply rooms is nearby, it will cost you some time but it might be worth checking it out
-[] Then go back and head down the center hall
-[] Then go back and go down the right hall
-[] Then just try to get the hell out of here
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[X] To head back to the hall
-[X] and go down the center hall

Leaving our friend behind seems like a dick move so don't think we should do that, at the least we should give it one more try. With backup it seems like it would be way easier to deal with potential threats.
[X] Actually one of the supply rooms is nearby, it will cost you some time but it might be worth checking it out
-[X] Then just try to get the hell out of here

As much as defying the odds and being the hero in apocalypse is... the dice have been hateful on us. Time to grab the incredibly valuable medical stuff / first aid kits and fight to find a safe house. We can honestly apologize to Mattie later because I don't think we can reasonably help at this point.
I don't feel very inclined to vote because the way the rolls are (represented?) it feels like a blind cripple in a wheelchair would have the exact same chance of success. There's no shown difficulty or modifiers. If you don't want to use them I would much prefer go with a narrative driven story.
I don't feel very inclined to vote because the way the rolls are (represented?) it feels like a blind cripple in a wheelchair would have the exact same chance of success. There's no shown difficulty or modifiers. If you don't want to use them I would much prefer go with a narrative driven story.

This. With no modifiers or target numbers, our chances are entirely random (heh).

[X] Actually one of the supply rooms is nearby, it will cost you some time but it might be worth checking it out
-[X] Then just try to get the hell out of here
+Better play hero another day.
I don't feel very inclined to vote because the way the rolls are (represented?) it feels like a blind cripple in a wheelchair would have the exact same chance of success. There's no shown difficulty or modifiers. If you don't want to use them I would much prefer go with a narrative driven story.

If I did that at this point you'd have died already. I'm just trying to make sure you guys survive the prologue. Just imagine the difficulty roll as being 50+ for everything short of running away for the time being.
With no modifiers, a TN of 50+ means we have a chance of failing say 60% of the time, which is way too high IMO, especially when there are several rolls together and crit-fails are a thing.
With no modifiers, a TN of 50+ means we have a chance of failing say 60% of the time, which is way too high IMO, especially when there are several rolls together and crit-fails are a thing.

Ok then since I'm a nice guy and wanna be fair let's say 50+ for a good success, 35+ for a so-so success and anything below that = failure.