Can you have Japanese/Eastern servants in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War?

  • Total voters
You are actually missing Caster, and Arc would never summon him IC, so you'll have to do with 5 Servants.

Still s potent attack force. The only one that could bring down Arc in direct combat from the Red Faction is Karna while Semiramis and Helana would need to conjure up some major magecraft to bring down Arc. Achilles would only be able to stall Arc at best.
[X] Go after the scout, they need to pay for attacking you!
[X] Nothing, maybe she'll learn to not be a bad influence on her peers.
Here's the tally, I will close it in the next 2-5 hours.

Edit: Votes are closed, expect the next chapter in 1-3 days.
Adhoc vote count started by Zhaitan on Jul 19, 2018 at 4:34 PM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Zhaitan on Jul 19, 2018 at 4:35 PM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Surprise attack the Red Faction, they won't know what hit them!
    [X] Looking at her in this state is quite pitiful, you'll give her mercy and have Gil help her or something.
    [X] Surprise attack the Red Faction, they won't know what hit them!
    [X] Looking at her in this state is quite pitiful, you'll give her mercy and have Gil help her or something.
    [X] Go after the scout, they need to pay for attacking you!
    [X] Nothing, maybe she'll learn to not be a bad influence on her peers.
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A Waxing Crescent 1.6
Going after that Noble Phantasm seemed to just be a waste of time, since you'd simply encounter them if you went after the Red Faction anyways. It honestly made making your decision simple, "Okay, everyone we're going after the whole Red Faction onto the Viimana!"

No one protested your cheerful proclamation as the six of you got onto the odd vehicle everything behind you returning to Gilgamesh's gate, telltale traces of golden dust is all that remained of the broken splendor. Gil sat at the Viimana's throne his feet barely touching the ground, the position he was in was awkward but at least he had his own space, the rest of you could barely fit onto the thing, it was pretty crowded.

Speaking of crowded, Arjuna had no personal space as he was carrying Shuten along, she seemed pretty out of it still. If you were going to fight that fake priest Kotomine you couldn't have your Servant in that state, nodding your head you come to an obvious conclusion "Gil can you give our useless Assassin anything to make her return to being sort of normal? We can't bring her around with us if she's going to be baggage."

The young Archer looked towards you in contemplation as the Viimana lifted off the ground "Hmmm, Well I do have several methods the most appropriate however…." He paused here, his pondering obvious as your ride stopped moving. "She cannot willingly allow herself to become intoxicated as long as your command remains active, so it must either be an item which will break the command's compulsion or one that can trick her senses."

You take a Glance at Shuten again, yup totally worthless right now "Just do it, We can't really have her like this forever."

Gil nods at this "You're completely right Master, while Rule Breaker could do the trick we can't afford to waste time making a new contract, Here take this." His golden portal drops an onyx and gold bangle into your waiting hands, it seemed a bit too small though.

"That item should suffice as it disrupts all mental compulsions, while it will make Assassin more problematic I can simply retrieve the Noble Phantasm when she no longer needs it." Gil explains the item as you approach Arjuna to help his charge.

"So that item will help our resident demon shape up from her pitiful state? Truly young Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm is the height of versatility…" Arjuna trails off as you struggle to find a place to put this stupid ring on your Assassin, it was too big for her finger's but also too small for her limbs. You look carefully at Shuten-Douji before noticing she has a piece of anatomy everyone else here lacks, huh that could work, you shrug as you put the small armlet on her horn, taking a look at your work the Noble Phantasm looks more like a fancy decoration than something useful, on her horn like that.

Kotomine Roll=21+15(Revelation bonus) Vs Arc Roll=9+15(Gil's Help)+20(Night Bonus)= slight victory.

Shuten spasms out of Arjuna's grip mere seconds after you put Gil's Noble Phantasm on her, she quickly reaches for her alcohol residing within the blue jug she always keeps near her. You watch as she wastes no time drinking directly from it, almost like she was dying of thirst instead of just an alcohol withdrawal. "Fuaah, I'm alive!"

Yeah, you think she has some serious issues but they're not your problem unless she makes them yours "That's nice and all Shuten but keep in mind don't pressure others into drinking or I'll make you stop drinking alright?" You have a smile on your face, finally you're teaching that vixen her place.

Assassin looks at you her rosy cheeks returning to a pale hue as she registers your words but then her expression morphs into a childish pout "fuuu Master what put you in such a sour mood? You should learn to enjoy yourself instead of being such a grump."

You look at your supposedly subtle Servant in disbelief, "What put me in a sour mood? Us almost dying that's what you stupid Oni!" You take a breath to collect yourself before continuing "In case you didn't notice we're going to attack the whole red faction because we were just attacked, you making everyone drunk almost cost them their lives!"

Shuten doesn't look the least bit repentant "Good alcohol is worth dying for though? I died for this alcohol right here." She brandishes her blue jug of sake while tilting her head. You just stare, while you yourself have never been human you can understand most of them to some degree. Your servant on the other hand is completely incomprehensible, which is even worse considering you're closer in relation to Shuten than to humans.

You shake your head, understanding the Oni isn't the point instead you just give her a glare. "Then let me put it in a way you can understand, Shuten you will never have any type of alcohol If I don't allow it."

She returns it with full force, well until her wildly blowing locks shoved themselves into her face, she spat them out before replying "Fufufu Master is that a challenge? I think you will find it wise that you change your decision." You frown, Shuten-Douji was being difficult but it wasn't unexpected for her to act this way if her booze and partying was more important than her life.

Fine then you would just have to show her the pecking order, it didn't work well on Caster but that's because he was weird, you'll still change your approach just a bit though since Assassin was just as weird. In an instant despite your crowded surroundings you snatch Assassin's alcohol jug away from her, you give her a savage smirk as she starts to give you a murderous glare.

"Master give that back, now!" Shuten doesn't waste time as she's already jumping around to retrieve her precious alcohol, but you always keep the jug away from Assassin's grasp easily. She rapidly escalates once she realizes you aren't some ordinary mortal until she starts striking towards you with nearly her full strength, you're somewhat worried since all of you are confined into a small space floating above the air; but your worry was for not as the Viimana doesn't seem fazed by Shuten's outburst, still you wouldn't like to press it.

In less than a second you slam Assassin down before placing your foot firmly upon her abdomen, Shuten struggles, trying to rip your leg apart but its too tough and heals too quickly for her attacks to do anything permanent. You take a moment to savor her expression when she realizes she never knew what you were, that you surpassed her, when she stops trying you address her "Understand now? There will be no alcohol without my strict permission, furthermore no influencing anyone to party or drink."

Shuten looks at you with a hint of anger but reluctantly nods, not good enough. Assassin didn't seem to mean it, so you would just have to drive the point in, so you crouch down and take the bangle off her horns, the same one you put on earlier while dropping her alcohol within her reach. You take your leg off of Shuten-Douji, standing away from her, she looks at you with confusion but despite this she reaches for her blue jug and lifts it to her lips only to find herself unable to drink it, the Command Seals power back in full effect.

This was a lesson and if she had to learn the hard way so be it "Shuten if you want to be able to drink at all you have to have my permission." Assassin meets your eyes with a despairing gaze, her body curled into a ball "Now if you want to drink any alcohol at all repeat after me, My kind Master Arcueid has shown me the error of my ways from now on I'll be a good little girl."

You look at Assassin with expectation, she gives you a watery gaze before repeating "M,My kind Master…" she paused here seeming to hunch into herself "Arceuid has shown me the error of my ways from now on I'll, I'll be a good little girl!" Shuten-Douji's watery eyes have fully given way to tears as she starts crying, now you're starting to feel bad but at least she understands now, right?

"Scary" you heard a low mutter, glancing back you see it was Gil, him and the rest of your Servants staring at the spectacle, you kind of forgot they were here. Uhhh, you'll just give back Shuten her nice bangle, there was nothing to see here, not a single thing.

You ignore the whimpers and sniffles of the small girl behind you, in favor of taking a more thorough inspection of your Servants. Gilgamesh seemed to be looking away now that your attention was on him, but he might be doing something important if that floating mirror in front of him in anything to go by, his older counterpart Arjuna seemed to have enjoyed the show his face sporting a sinister smirk.

That wasn't a good sign… You take a look at Siegfried who was still keeping Astolfo in line but that might not be necessary anymore considering her eyes were bugged out and her face seemed to sheen with nervous sweat, that and it was the palest by far; Well time to deflect!

"Gil so why did you indulge our Assassin here as Arjuna put it?" Ah, you messed up, you were still a bit upset over his earlier antics, but this probably wasn't the right time to bring it up, your deflection failed.

Gilgamesh gives you a quick glance giving a nervous chuckle as he does so "Hehehe, well you see Master the distraction I summoned exhausted me, I couldn't fight Assassin in that state without the intent to kill since she's no slouch when it comes to combat. The best path I saw was to appeal to her nature with my treasures, by sharing them I would also start to recover my own energy as the ambrosia we drank allowed me to recuperate."

Huh, so Gil did have a good reason to start that stupid party, you should've known better than to doubt your first Servant, he was always so capable. Still as you looked at him, he didn't seem to meet your eyes for some reason, was he still nervous or maybe he really was doing something important with that mirror?

"Gil I'm sorry I should've asked you first before I made assumptions." The young Archer gave you a relieved smile, you smile back, it seems your diversion was a success after all!

You were about to continue until Gilgamesh's mirror suddenly disperses into golden flakes and the Viimana is instantly in front of a giant floating fortress that looks vaguely similar to the one that Gil summoned earlier. Well that was fast you didn't even see the vehicle move, speed of thought indeed.

You look towards your first Servant he gives you a serious look, taking the initiative Gil starts the conversation "We have no time to waste master do you want to invade the fortress or attack it from afar?"

Frowning you consider the two options presented to you, time must really be of the essence if Gil didn't even explain why these were your two choices, but you trusted him to not steer you wrong.

"Fine but explain later, for now we'll…"

What does Arcueid do?

[] Invade the Red Faction's stronghold, that fishy priest will know your wrath firsthand!

[] Attack the Red Faction's stronghold from afar, you'll wreck that floating palace that Kotomine has!

A/N: So this took a while I've been sucked into spending my free time playing MTG Arena. Anyways tell me if anything seems out of place and I'll do my best to fix them(that includes OOC interactions and other issues you see)
Arcueid almost crit failed her roll but it was higher than Kotomine's allowing you to find him, this still badly effected your interaction with Shuten-Douji though, drove the fear of Arc right into her heart :O
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Arcueid almost crit failed her roll but it was higher than Kotomine's allowing you to find him, this still badly effected your interaction with Shuten-Douji though, drove the fear of Arc right into her heart :O
I'd be worried, but she isn't really human. Oni's have a rule of the strong thing going on if memory serves, so pinning her like we did was actually probably the single most straight-forward and thorough method we would have had for showing her we're in charge. Though the alcohol thing probably scared her really badly because Oni as well.
So, we've got two ways doing this.

#1 We board the Fortress, have direct confrontation with the Red Servants, whatever trap Semiramis & that Fake Priest has set up and some Phantasmal Beast, find Kotomine Shirou and kill him.

Usually this plan would never work because barging in head first behind enemy lines mostly ends with horrible death on our part. BUT, luckily we have Arcueid and Gilgamesh. Her physical capability easily dwarf any Servant since her power has returned and Gilgamesh could always rain down weaponry from the heavens with pin-point accuracy with Sha Nagba Imuru.

Siegfried will be the tank, Shuten the heavy hitter, Arjuna pepper the enemies with his Noble Phantasm, Astolfo... being Astolfo of course.

There's also another plan.

#2 Pepper them within Vimana by using Gil's Noble Phantasm and Arjuna's Noble Phantasm. While this seems uninteresting, let me remind you that they have Noble Phantasms that are one of the strongest out of all Servants we encountered. Gil's treasury speaks of itself and Arjuna's bow and Pashupata could destroy enemies with high Divinity from afar.

[X] Attack the Red Faction's stronghold from afar, you'll wreck that floating palace that Kotomine has!
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Speaking of which, is mordred still on her way to the ruined castle with Jeanne? And what is our plan with her?
Last time I checked, they're fighting the #10 of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestor, Nrvnqsr Chaos. So they are quite busy at the moment

They were able to drive him back. After drivonng him back, Jeane, Modred headed towards the Black Faction Castle, likely meeting up Kairi on the road. Not sure Nero follow them or not.

[X] Attack the Red Faction's stronghold from afar, you'll wreck that floating palace that Kotomine has!
[X] Attack the Red Faction's stronghold from afar, you'll wreck that floating palace that Kotomine has!

While I'm concerned about the EX-rank defenses, getting in range of Semiramis is a terrible idea. That poison NP of hers could easily wipe our team and seriously mess Arc up if Gil can't counter it in time.
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[X] Attack the Red Faction's stronghold from afar, you'll wreck that floating palace that Kotomine has!
[X] Attack the Red Faction's stronghold from afar, you'll wreck that floating palace that Kotomine has!
Here's the current tally I'll be closing the vote tomorrow.

Edit: Votes are closed.
Well the bandwagon happened again =/, anyways expect the next chapter within 1-3 days.
Adhoc vote count started by Zhaitan on Jul 22, 2018 at 6:44 PM, finished with 18 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Zhaitan on Jul 23, 2018 at 6:11 PM, finished with 18 posts and 8 votes.
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A Waxing Crescent 1.7
Your first instinct was to attack the floating fortress head on, the direct approach was always your preferred method after all. That was all ruined at the thought of there being a reason why it wasn't the only option well, that and the fact you want to see the traitorous priest's face when you wreck his shiny.

"We'll bring that palace crashing to the ground! I want to see it become rubble, everyone attack it!" You point you hand at the flying object in question with your hand making your demand impossible to mistake.

A few seconds later nothing happens…. You look back towards your Servants, Siegfried seems to be at a loss while Astolfo who was finally out of Saber's grasp just looked at the fortress blankly. They weren't the only ones seemingly deaf to your words as Assassin was still sobbing while holding her jug of alcohol like a lifeline, yikes.

Instead of paying more attention to Shuten you stare at Rider and Saber silently demanding an explanation, Rider finally comes out of her stupor looking at you while scratching her head "Ahehehe, uh I don't think I'll be able to do anything about that Master."

Truly? You take a mental examination of Astolfo's capabilities and find she does come up short, the small Rider had no abilities that allowed her to wreak devastation like your other Servants. She had quite a few abilities but the only one that seemed to be a decent rank was her Hippogryph mount, but you doubted it could destroy the huge fortress.

Well she was a lost cause you suppose, instead you take a look at Saber, inspecting his capabilities beforehand. "And what's your excuse Siegfried? I see you have that Balmung Noble Phantasm." Did he not realize he could actually do something or was he just slow?

Siegfried just gave a sigh before pointing behind you "I don't want to interfere with what those two are doing, they seem to have a plan." You turn around just to see what he was talking about.
Red Faction roll= 43+25(EX defenses)=68 VS Arc Roll=94+15(Gil's help)= 109 Major Arc Victory

You beheld your two Archers and it seems unlike the rest they don't disappoint, Gilgamesh is opening several golden portals, his face wearing an expression of intense concentration, you hope he wasn't straining himself. Arjuna on the other hand was starting to float off the Viimana which was already in the air, it just looked kind of weird to you.

While It wasn't hard to recognize what Arjuna was doing, since you've already been on the other side of that move once before. What was surprising is when a golden mist shot out of Gil's portal, it rose into the air reaching Arjuna and surrounding him with a golden halo of light. You weren't exactly sure what that was supposed to do but the Indian Archer's presence seemed to become amplified a dozen times compared to before.

Whatever was going to happen would be a feast for the eyes of that there was no question, so you looked to the sky, it was hard to keep yourself still due to the anticipation you felt. You weren't alone in this as even your useless Servants seemed to start watching the sky as if they were dedicated stargazers. This seemed to take longer than the last time, was it even going to happen?

Just like last time as if invoked by your thoughts, your doubts, a shower of rocks fall from the sky but this time they weren't just blue, no each rock was a different color. The meteor shower was a cornucopia of color and every single hue carried a slightly different feel to it, the searing lights seemed more like the most beautiful firework ever conceived than an approaching cataclysm.

What was odd was that as soon as the meteor shower was in view the extravagant fortress moved but as just as that happened, a green pattern surrounded the fortress, while a bright viridian meteor in the sky seemed to dull, what was going on?

As if reading your thoughts Gilgamesh responds without you even having to look at him. "Each of those approaching lights signifies a different Divine Spirit and each has their spheres of influence giving every one of them a unique effect. While it lacks its previous destructive potential, in its current state Pashupata bars their every attempt to escape, while this isn't a very honorable method they deserve no less…"

Gil seems torn despite his words, perhaps you can take his mind off whatever is bothering him. "Hey, Gil I thought Arjuna's Noble Phantasm was just to summon the might of that Shiva guy, why are there so many Divine Spirits now?"

Gil slowly turns his head in your direction just as a massive beam of dark purple light erupts from the ostentatious palace reaching towards the heavens "Arjuna's Noble Phantasm's core function is to call upon the power of Divine Spirits to inflict Divine Punishment, I have many items within my gate that can request aid from gods and many more that can demand and channel a god's power, in essence I connected Pashupata to as many deities as I possibly could. I'll admit I didn't think so many would answer the call."

The young Archer pauses here, looking up to the glowing sky which seems to constantly create new constellations formed from rainbow, well you couldn't blame him for being distracted, it was the most eye-catching scene you've ever seen. A frown adorns Gilgamesh's face as a red comet collides with the Palace's purple wave, the red light seeming to greedily devour its opponent growing in size as it ate. "Giving it more thought, underestimating their desire and Arjuna's Awarded Hero skill was short sighted of me, Divine Spirit's haven't been able to affect this side of the world to this degree in centuries, it would only make sense that a great deal of them would use this opportunity, while some of their intentions may be good, most of them are probably helping due to boredom, to show off and other equally vain reasons…. At least they're doing something constructive."

Wow harsh, While you've never personally met a Divine Spirit despite being alive when the last few stragglers were around, you didn't think they were that bad, but it seems Gil really dislikes them even though he's more god than well, anything else. You're kind of curious why he hates divinity, but you started this entire conversation to lighten his mood not make it worse, you'll just ask him later.

Turning your attention back towards the sky, it seemed the rainbow shower was seconds away from colliding with the floating Noble Phantasm the red comet that ate the purple attack seemingly in the lead, you can vaguely hear Rider and Saber talking to each other but you ignore them, they're inconsequential.

"I would appreciate it if you would warn me the next time you attempt to do something like this Gilgamesh." You look towards the voice in the sky, it was Arjuna looking at his younger counterpart askance, he didn't seem to approve of Gil's intervention.

Well he doesn't seem too angry, so it shouldn't be a problem, you ignore that in favor of watching the imminent annihilation of the Red Faction. Taking a closer look, you can now see various intricate patterns surrounding and even now forming around the floating palace, Gil said that they prevented escape, seeing the mindboggling amount of them, the Red Faction must've really wanted to get away huh?

The Red Faction's every attempt was useless though, as they were still stuck in the same spot despite that many attempts. Everything was coming together you can't help but let a vicious smirk on your face at the thought of your final enemy here being put to rest. Something was strange though as you saw a pale figure in the distance start floating in the air in a manner quite similar to Arjuna, was this a pattern?

Even with your superior eyesight it was hard to spot the pale man before but now only after seconds he was surrounded by a corona of fire that was expanding at an exponential rate even burning and melting the fortress below. The designs warped under the immense magical pressure that seemed to now emanate from the man and while you couldn't hear the man at the center of all this you could see his lips move as he threw his spear.

What you witnessed was destruction on a scale you've never seen before as millions of meteors were consumed by an endless raging inferno, the designs around the castle had been erased as the last of the approaching meteors vanished. That didn't seem to matter though because the once marvelous floating castle was melted and destroyed from mere proximity to that strange man's great conflagration, already you could see it crashing to the ground, whatever that attack was, you didn't want to be on the other end that was for sure.

"KAARRNAAAAAA!" you hear a shout of such volume you couldn't believe it came from one of your Servants, you at the sky and spotted Arjuna swiftly descending, going past the Viimana towards the ground. The instant he touched land he vanished in a burst of blue flames heading in the direction of the pale man, did those two know each other?

"The two seem to be brothers, although their relationship could hardly be called friendly it would be foolish to stop their confrontation. That weapon, Vasavi Shakti huh, even I don't have something like it, how unfortunate I can't claim it in its current state nor that armor…" Gil trails off again you did get some relevant information from his ramblings this time though, it seemed that pale man, Karna can't use that attack again and he lost something else too perhaps you didn't need to be worried for Arjuna in this confrontation?

Regardless You couldn't let Arjuna just head off on his own though, just as you were thinking on how to approach this issue your thoughts are interrupted by a source of green light twinkling towards you at a speed even you would be hard pressed to match. It takes a dive from it's course in the air towards the Viimana like a falling star but just as that happens you're all suddenly at the ground where the formerly splendid palace lies broken, seems the Viimana can't be matched in speed.

You're here even before Arjuna arrived, he should have just stayed with the rest of you instead of running off on his own. Still will you wait for Arjuna to arrive or will you go into the Palace to pursue the Red Faction before they have a chance to run away?

What does Arcueid do?

[] Wait for Arjuna, you want to have everyone when you go on the offensive.

[] Use a Command Seal to bring Arjuna here right now.(Will only have eight Black Seals left if you choose this option.)

[] Go ahead without Arjuna, he'll catch up eventually besides this is what he gets for going off on his own.
-[] You aren't worried but he's your Servant and he might need a boost [1 Command Seal Boost]

A/N: We're approaching the climax of the story and so soon… I guess this is what happens when people choose the strongest option available consistently.

While I am not unsatisfied with this, I can't help but notice something; Gil makes everything far too convenient, like I can't give a reason for him not to have this and that power, with this and that Noble Phantasm especially with Sha Naqba Imuru giving him insight into what he should use. What I take from this is that if I do run another Fate quest I am not going to include Gilgamesh especially this version of him as an option, even if I do roll him since he quite simply makes everything too easy.
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Write-ins are verbotten, but command sealing Arjuna to power him up would've been convenient.

He should be able to take it anyway; Karna is an energy guzzler, and in this Red faction doesn't actually has access to infinitive mana.
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