Well, it's safe to say that nobody else is going to show up for this one, so with that said...

-Vote Closed!-

Also, a word of warning: I've made the rolls for this update, and you're probably going to want to kill me when you see what that gets you. Please don't. I can't keep writing this if I'm dead.
The Mysterious Radar
"I want to find out what those dots are."

The dots. A mystery that you've been meaning to solve for well over a week now, since you first discovered them. Six in total, with a varying number of them occasionally appearing on your blue device's screen. Never all at once, not so far, but you know that's how many there are, because they all feel different, in a way you can't describe to anyone who may be looking over your shoulder.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Your father sounds concerned. Probably for good reason. You're friends with Tai, after all, and he can certainly be a blockhead at times.

Just recently, he threw up in your hat and didn't tell you until you put it on. You still haven't forgiven him for that.

"Well, it's like a radar," You point out. "I just have to go to one and see what it is, right? I don't even have to get too close." You're aware it could be dangerous. Just because Yokomon can only blow bubbles doesn't mean that nothing your device gets you into could be dangerous.

And even if it is, you'll have your Digimon with you. Yokomon's small enough to fit into just about any bag you have, or failing that, she's gotten pretty good at pretending to be a plush toy.

With that said, you take your device and try to figure out how to see the dots, in order to find out where they are. At least, that's what you'd say, but it comes easily enough to you, though you're not sure how to control the range just yet. Even without the knowledge, you still managed to get it out pretty far.

(Sora has gained the skill: Digivice at +2)

Five. That's how many are in range. The only one missing is the bright one that gives a sense of wisdom and familiarity, as much as you can get from a glowing white-blue dot. Three seeming powerfully radiant, and two less so, though for different reasons.

Which one will you follow?

[ ] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.

[ ] The other somewhat faint one. It feels faded, like the core part of its power has been stripped away. It carries an air of grief and loneliness.

[ ] The nearest brilliant one. It feels paradoxical, with the best words to describe it being 'calm supported by energy'. Of all the dots, it's the one that confuses you the most, though you get the strongest feeling of intelligence from this one, as well.

[ ] The one in the opposite direction to the rest of them. Just looking at it is enough to give you imagery of fire, though you also receive the feeling of absolute freedom. Something about it seems to resonate with Yokomon, as well.

[ ] The farthest one out, carrying a feeling of intense power. Despite how far away it is, you still find your eyes being drawn towards it. You aren't sure why, but it sort of reminds you of Tai.
[x] The other somewhat faint one. It feels faded, like the core part of its power has been stripped away. It carries an air of grief and loneliness.

SkullHououmon? Skull hououmon!
[X] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.
[ ] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.

[ ] The other somewhat faint one. It feels faded, like the core part of its power has been stripped away. It carries an air of grief and loneliness.

[ ] The nearest brilliant one. It feels paradoxical, with the best words to describe it being 'calm supported by energy'. Of all the dots, it's the one that confuses you the most, though you get the strongest feeling of intelligence from this one, as well.

[ ] The one in the opposite direction to the rest of them. Just looking at it is enough to give you imagery of fire, though you also receive the feeling of absolute freedom. Something about it seems to resonate with Yokomon, as well.

[ ] The farthest one out, carrying a feeling of intense power. Despite how far away it is, you still find your eyes being drawn towards it. You aren't sure why, but it sort of reminds you of Tai.
If you want a hint... look at the Digimon wiki. You'll probably figure it out... Remember, Tri exists.


Huh. Welp, I'm probably dumb since I'm looking at the wiki and I'm not quite sure what it is I'm supposed to be figuring out from that, so I'll go with my gut.

[X] The one in the opposite direction to the rest of them. Just looking at it is enough to give you imagery of fire, though you also receive the feeling of absolute freedom. Something about it seems to resonate with Yokomon, as well.
[X] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.
[X] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.
What do these options mean?

Various digidestined
[ ] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.

Takeru. Hope.

[ ] The other somewhat faint one. It feels faded, like the core part of its power has been stripped away. It carries an air of grief and loneliness.

Matt, Friendship

[ ] The nearest brilliant one. It feels paradoxical, with the best words to describe it being 'calm supported by energy'. Of all the dots, it's the one that confuses you the most, though you get the strongest feeling of intelligence from this one, as well.

Izzy, Knowled ge

[ ] The one in the opposite direction to the rest of them. Just looking at it is enough to give you imagery of fire, though you also receive the feeling of absolute freedom. Something about it seems to resonate with Yokomon, as well.

I thibk this might be Tai, Courage

[ ] The farthest one out, carrying a feeling of intense power. Despite how far away it is, you still find your eyes being drawn towards it. You aren't sure why, but it sort of reminds you of Tai.

Hikari, Light
[X] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Jul 23, 2018 at 3:31 PM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.
    [x] The other somewhat faint one. It feels faded, like the core part of its power has been stripped away. It carries an air of grief and loneliness.
    [X] The one in the opposite direction to the rest of them. Just looking at it is enough to give you imagery of fire, though you also receive the feeling of absolute freedom. Something about it seems to resonate with Yokomon, as well.
So... anybody else? No? Okay, then...

-Vote Closed!-

You all picked the boring option... which, in this case, means the one that doesn't bring you into contact with somebody whose stats measure in the hundreds range. Starting update now.
Following the Trail of Hope
Well, it's not really a question, is it? The best one to go to has to be the nearest one, because there's no reason to go trekking across town, especially when you're not sure which of the many random ranges you got on this thing. Also, it doesn't give your parents many reasons to object when the thing you're searching for is within walking distance.

...Actually, it's just a few apartment buildings down, isn't it? You probably should have checked this before, especially given how consistent it is. While the other dots appear on and off, the nearest one is always there.

Given the amount of time when you've had the dots to observe, that's not much, but it's a mystery you can solve, and that's good enough!

"There!" You grin, showing the screen to your family. "This one's really close, I could even walk there!" You're not really asking permission. They're both fairly busy, it's not like they could stop you. But it's better for them to at least know where you've gone.

"Can it wait until after breakfast, though?" Yokomon asks. As if you'd even try to get between her and her food. You aren't suicidal. Those bubbles broke your curtains.

"Ishida residence," Yokomon states, clearly. It should annoy you that your partner is better at reading than you are, especially since she's only a month old, but you can't bring yourself to. It just makes her more useful.

Not that you would have needed her to read this one for you. It's not your first time visiting, after all, even if you don't do so this often, and it's the first time since you got your Digimon. Matt's a good friend of yours, after all, and the smartest kid your age you know, even if he's a bit... prickly. The two of you plus Tai have been fairly close since you were all three, though you don't share everything with each other. Not even close.

You've all got others for that. Tai has Kari, Matt has TK, and you have Yokomon. You're pretty sure you've all got secrets you don't want the others to know, though of course there's no way to tell for sure. In a sense, today just confirmed it.

You don't have to knock on the door for very long before it opens. "Oh, Sora! Are you here to see Matt?" His mother. A nice enough woman, though you don't really pay attention to your friends' parents.

"Um... sure!" You grin, because you're still not sure what that dot is, but it's always nice to visit a friend.

When he comes in and sees the device you're holding, though, the happy feeling fades a little. He's not the most fun person- there's a reason you and Tai spend more time together than either of you with him- and today he demonstrates this more quickly than you'd expected.

"Where did you get that?" He asks. Like he knows what it is, or has at least seen one before.

"Why? Do you have one, too?" That radar could be anything, after all.

"Not me. I... come on. This way." He drags you into the apartment, to the room that he shares with his little brother, who you know nowhere near as well as you should- not even a quarter of as well as you know Kari.

No, you definitely need to get to know TK better. If only because of the blue device in his hands and the small white Digimon he's playing with.

[ ] Introduce TK's partner to Yokomon.

[ ] Ask when TK got his device.

[ ] "Matt, why did you never tell me TK had a Digimon?"

[ ] Try not to disturb them.

[ ] Bubble fight!
[x] Introduce TK's partner to Yokomon.

Well, this is interesting. I like this!
I prefer to get the the more formal questions out of the way before play time.

[x] Ask when TK got his device.
-[X] also ask how and if they have any idea why.
-[X] Introduce TK's partner to Yokomon.
—[X] "So Matt, did ever plan to tell me TK had a Digimon? And sorry for not telling about Yokomon."

Not trying to be greedy, but that is what I would expect a conversation to go unless something interrupts.
[X] Ask when TK got his device.

Always awesome to see anothe Digimon-related quest. Can't wait to see how this goes. I'm betting that the dot with the grief and loneliness was Ken, so we might want to go after him next...
Always awesome to see anothe Digimon-related quest. Can't wait to see how this goes. I'm betting that the dot with the grief and loneliness was Ken, so we might want to go after him next...
Thanks for reminding me of the option analysis I wanted to do now that this vote was made, and also? I agree.

[ ] The nearest one. Despite being white-blue, it somehow feels... yellow. From it, you get a feeling of faint optimism. It's one of the less radiant ones, carrying a faint trace of youth.
We already know that this is TK, moving along.

[ ] The other somewhat faint one. It feels faded, like the core part of its power has been stripped away. It carries an air of grief and loneliness.
I'm willing to bet money that this is Ken, because:

1, it is stated as being "the other somewhat faint one", which seems to be equivalent to being younger according to these dots. I guess.

2, "carries an air of grief"? Oh, gee, I wonder why besides the fact that Ken's brother probably died recently.

[ ] The nearest brilliant one. It feels paradoxical, with the best words to describe it being 'calm supported by energy'. Of all the dots, it's the one that confuses you the most, though you get the strongest feeling of intelligence from this one, as well.
This is Izzy. We all know it's Izzy.

[ ] The one in the opposite direction to the rest of them. Just looking at it is enough to give you imagery of fire, though you also receive the feeling of absolute freedom. Something about it seems to resonate with Yokomon, as well.
This one's kinda interesting. It's probably Tai, though.

[ ] The farthest one out, carrying a feeling of intense power. Despite how far away it is, you still find your eyes being drawn towards it. You aren't sure why, but it sort of reminds you of Tai.
Kari, I'm sure of it.

Also, let's bring this up quick:

The only one missing is the bright one that gives a sense of wisdom and familiarity, as much as you can get from a glowing white-blue dot.
I genuinely wonder who this is.